9,000 Pork Barrels In $555 Bn Bill


Senior Veteran
Apr 17, 2005
Korea, Republic Of
Eastern Orthodox
Marital Status
It seems Congress can never do anything without adding ridiculous things to their bill. That is why I have been a supporter of by line Veto:
CRAWFORD, Texas - President Bush on Wednesday signed a $555 billion bill that funds the Iraq war well into next year and keeps government agencies running through September.
Bush had deep reservations about special "earmark" spending in the bill, but signed it into law nevertheless.

Bush had complained about more than 9,000 "special interest" earmarks that he found in the bill.


All of this special interest funding destroys the integrity of government and sets up a different kind of welfare system for lobbyists -- but nobody in office does anything about it because the lobbyists are their biggest supporters and constituents in many cases; many industries contribute to campaigns just waiting to have their backs scratched.

Much of the legislation has nothing to do with justice as a source... It seems to be driven by back scratching.

I do not think that my parents would be happy with me if I created legislation aimed at giving money to industries and lobbyists who supported me; this would be called 'theft from the government' and 'fraud, waste and abuse' by most standards.

I wish we could end this.
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