Talking About The Faith Path

Choice Always see love at the source of everything that comes from God. There is love and there is hate —nothing else. Two roots: God and the devil. Man with his free will takes his choice of the fruit. Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (pp. 268-269). Pauline Books and Media. Kindle Edition. It is...
Fatigue. “When you are tired, think of My fatigue. Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (p. 44).Pauline Books and Media. Kindle Edition Most people are acquainted with fatigue. I think for most it comes and goes, and we can feel fatigued for more than one reason. I have always had some trouble with...
The True Nature of God The unfolding of My love in you is My personal happiness; I’m waiting for it. Everything that affects you touches Me personally. My friend, you are part of Me and I, your Christ, am part of you. Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (p. 7). Pauline Books and Media. Kindle...
Frustration I would say that I am the cause of my greatest frustration in living out my monastic life. It is a human struggle of course, and I am certainly not alone in dealing with life and how I react to it. I suppose most of us are a wild combination of chaos and order. I don’t have wild...
A great Temptation See Jesus as happy, overflowing with joy. Rejoice with him as with a friend who has triumphed. They killed him, the holy one, the just one, the innocent one, but he triumphed in the end. Evil does not have the last word. Nor will it have the last word in your life, for you...
Got a letter from a prisoner One of my faults in writing letters is that I tend to wait for a while before I write back. I was having a problem reaching a prisoner because they kept moving him, and so I got back three letters that were not forwarded. I kind of gave up, thinking, hopefully...
What do you believe? It is good to ask questions directed towards us. Then, seek to answer them honestly, directly, before God. It can be a hard question asking about what we truly believe. How do I live, treat others, how do I treat myself? How do I judge others, talk about them. The time...
Seasons of Our Lives Old age is a time to face up to reality. Illusions are taken away one by one, and in a way, we are forced to ponder the meaning of our lives. Death is the great leveler, we will all one day have to face up to this truth, and even if we do not, our demise will still...
Wordless Yearning Often times our relationships can bring to the fore our deep and abiding loneliness. We are often attracted to people who do not return it. As the song goes “Everyone here is thinking about someone else”. We seek a place of rest but never find it. Or if we do it is only for a...
Chapter Talk 7/2/23 Humility "The seventh degree of humility is, when, not only with his tongue he declared but also in his inmost soul believes, that he is the lowest and vilest of men, humbling himself and saying with the Prophet: 'But I am a worm and no man, the reproach of men and the...
The struggle implicit in our faith walk, and prayer life One of the prisoners that I am writing to, brought up some issues he is having with his faith in God and prayer. I do not know why he is in prison, and usually, I do not look that up unless I feel the need to. I have done it twice...
Jesus suffered deeply. I would say that one of the experiences ‘all’ humans have to go through if they survive birth and the first few years, will have to go through more than one “Gethsemane” experience. Where there is great suffering, and the sky is silent so to speak. Heaven seems empty...
The Truth Will Set You Free (AA group on retreat) What has been America's most nurturing contribution to the culture of this planet so far? Many would say jazz. I, who love jazz, will say this instead: Alcoholics Anonymous.-Kurt Vonnegut When I was a young man, I spent some time reading...
Growing in inner freedom and trust in God (189) On one occasion, the Lord said to me, Why are you fearful and why do you tremble when you are united to Me? I am displeased when a soul yields to vain terrors. Who will dare to touch you when you are with Me? Most dear to Me is the soul that...
Be Gracious July 25—“Be just as gracious toward the little ones as toward the great ones. Make an effort particularly when you are with people who seem vulgar to you. Go to everyone with the same gentleness. You are all brothers in Me. Wasn’t I everyone’s brother? Don’t take your eyes off...
Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back December 4—“When you have entered into light, you will comprehend. Until then, you will just feel your way in truth: you will be able to take love only little by little; otherwise your mortal eyes would be wounded. But when the eye of your inner vision...
So it is with us, all of us When we love, we become vulnerable to the beloved. To love is to invite a certain species of suffering into our lives. Jesus was fearless, even to the point of going through the passion without turning away. We know the outcome, it was victory, but the path to...
Dealing with the stuff of life I am starting to feel my fragility, and how precious my life is. Knowing that my sense of diminishment will grow, I have had to learn to deal with it in such a way that it deepens my faith in God, and how profoundly important the last years of our lives...
I Still Struggle with Suffering November 20—Le Fresne. Holy Hour. “Do you believe in Me? Do you really believe in Me? Are you sure that I am in you, and that I loved you even to the folly of My cross? Do you remember My kindnesses for the universe, and those chosen especially for you? Go over...

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