Talking About The Faith Path

Deeper Trust One of the hardest lessons to be learned in the Spiritual life is the letting go of our idols that we create that we think are God. So, as we age, and hopefully mature, these idols are smashed and another one arises, though hopefully closer to the heart of who and what God is. I...
So, pray for peace, grow in love of all November 25, 2023 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje Dear children! May this time be interwoven with prayer for peace and good deeds, so that the joy of the expectation of the King of Peace may be felt in your hearts, families and in the world which...
Mark Dohle
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Christian Forums Personal Blogs
Christmas Meditation He saw everything and loved We are all called to interior freedom, yet like everything in this world, there is a price to be paid. The armor of man is easier to wear than is the armor of God. To go against, to fight, to hate, and seek revenge. To devalue as less than...
The Holy Spirit and the Eucharist My Heart thirsts for the love of the saints. To those who come to Me, I will give love and holiness. And in this shall My Father be glorified. 1 And this shall come to pass through the intimate action of My Spirit. Where I am present in the Sacrament of My...
God and the Afterlife a book by Jeffery Long In the early 70’s, I went with a few community members, to a talk given by Kubler Ross on the Near-Death-Experience (NDE). Even though it was 45 years ago, I can still remember the talk clearly. In the audience was also a young man, named Raymond...
In the Eucharist rest the very Heart of Christ Jesus It is in the Eucharist that I wait for them as physician and as remedy. If they are sick in their body or in their soul, let them seek Me out, and I will heal them of the evil that afflicts them. Many priests do not have a real and practical...
This is the homily given by our Abbot Dom Augustine I don’t think that for the 21st century American the reality of King has deep significance. Perhaps something was evoked in us recently with the coronation of King Charles of England. At the same time I don’t think using the word ‘President’...
Something Do you seek Me? Do you often seek Me? How can you find Me if you don’t hunt for Me? Don’t you look for what you need most? And since without Me you can do nothing, what do you need more than God? As for Me, I love to act for you and through you.Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (p. 223)...
The Christian Path is Incarnational “Lend Me your body too, when you travel, when you toil, when you eat, and when you sleep. I did all these things when I lived among men. Make Me live again among them, and they must be aware of Me. Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (p. 206). Pauline Books and...
What Lies Beneath This piece was written in 2019. Since then, David has also died. Some of you may remember it, if you decide to read-Br.MD March 20—Holy Hour. “You are worried about the passage from this life to the next? But since it is the greatest proof of love that you can give Me, be...
Marco, a good friend of mine thinks along different lines than I do. Also, our belief system is different. Yet, he has helped me a great deal in learning to listen to others who, for the most part, think very differently than I do on Pro-Life issues. Below is a response I gave to one of the...
God’s Gaze “Don’t you feel full of Me? Don’t you see how your physical trials drew Me to you? And your heartbeats that you were able to count tonight—didn’t My own heart beat to the same rhythm? ‘It’s His heart,’ you thought. And right away your faith was enriched and your soul became like a...
Absence of hope is war. Absence of justice is life. Absence of death is suffering. and absence of love is darkness.” ― Swaraj Bhatia, Our Days :A Survival Odyssey As humans, we do have ideals. I do, but I can say that I very seldom live up to my ideals in a persistent manner. Justice for...
What I Would Wish Away I do not believe that wishes come true. They are something we long for and would wish things were different. However, reality can be harsh so as much as we would love for things to be different, well, it won’t happen. Not because it is impossible, but well, we are not...
May Our Hands Gather in Unity “Lend Me your hand to write. Lend Me your voice to teach the little ones the living truth. Lend Me your gestures to love them. And to cheer your pastor in his duties, lend Me your kindness. In this way, through you, I shall be among them, among yours. Your...
No Two Souls are Alike “I implore you, live in My love every single second. I don’t force you. I never force, even with regard to My gifts. You are free to take or leave them. How often your freedom has crucified Me! And so, I wait . . . I wait for centuries. Don’t you realize that I’ve been...
The Healing that comes with Confession of Sins "We are in a supernatural struggle" with evil, the pope said, "even though we already know the final outcome will be Christ's victory over the powers of evil. This victory truly takes place every time a penitent is absolved. Nothing drives away and...
Gordian Knot/Human Situation The myth about the Gordian Knot relates to how Alexander the Great dealt with the problem of untying it. He simply got a sword and cut it in half, and by doing so, he became, over a short period of time, the conqueror of the world. Of course, did he really deserve...
The Conversion of the World “You, at least you, child, is your soul filled with Me? Do you breathe for Me alone? Do you still put your interests before Mine, or in your earthly pilgrimage do you carry Me before you like a lantern? Have you made My anxieties yours? Have you taken your part...
Pray and Listen from the Heart I shall speak to you, I shall speak to your heart, so that you may hear My voice for the joy of your heart. You will hear My voice especially when you will come before My Face, when you will adore My Eucharistic Face and draw near to My open Heart. I will speak to...

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