Put in One's Place Within Churchianity


Double-edged Sword only
Nov 11, 2014
Oklahoma City
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There is an institutional church organization in my city that calls itself the "Maranatha Worship Center." I attended a couple of their services, and their "pastor" is no pastor of biblical stature. His sermons were about as milk-toast and wet-noodle as a freshly dug up earth worm. So, I began attending various of their home groups that they call their "Community Groups" rather than to suffer through any more of his sermons.

After having attended a number of different groups to find one that was more biblical based rather than a social club, one of the institutional leaders eventually caught up with me, pulled me to the side during the meeting at another man's house, and let me me know in a round-about way that their "community groups" are NOT for the "community" at large, but rather for "church members only."

I was not expecting that kind of sentiment from a charismatic oriented churchianity group, but it came through loud and clear. Their worthless "pastor" sent that guy to find me and root me out from among his followers after he heard that I was expounding more deeply from the scriptures among the groups than what they are normally accustomed. They are geared more along the line of emotionalism and personality appeal rather than stark reality from God's word where life meets the roadway.

The charlatan assured me that all the "group" members are under the authority of their wet noodle "pastor", and they prefer that all attendees of their groups be under the leadership of their "Sr. pastor".

Because there is no reason to make a scene about such things, I left quietly, without making any noise about it all. That clown and his worthless boss brought into stark contrast how shallow those people really are in the face of genuine depth of spiritual life. They will not countenance the absolute authority of God's word over all of life and belief for true believers in Christ Jesus.

This is yet another feather in my cap of experience with such ideologies I've encountered with churchianity groups with hireling leadership. It's pretty much the same all over.

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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
United States
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I went to about five churches in Virginia all of them strong. The one I didn’t like was the white harvest. I’ve been to a few here some like that some with various deceptions. ‘Love darkness more than light’. I like hearing the whole word, have gotten used to it. It will never lose its power.
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Regular Member
Jun 12, 2011
I have found that I get angry, frustrated, or disappointed when my expectations are shattered by reality. I have to learn that I should not have expectations that exceed reality.

When people try to make Christianity a system run by an organization, one should expect to find the same problems all organizations have.

Organizations appear on the surface to run smoothly because they inhibit much of the "rough and tumble" of human relationships. However, suppressed relationships are not a good basis for the expression of Christian life as it is meant to be lived through relationships (warts and all).

If you cannot find a group that functions outside of a system, you may wish to work within the relationships you can establish with other individual Christians.
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