Pro-Life Doctor Disputes New York AG’s Claims That Abortion-Pill Reversal Doesn’t Work


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Feb 5, 2002
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Dr. George Delgado says he has the statistics that prove otherwise.

In a lawsuit against New York pro-life pregnancy centers earlier this month, Attorney General Letitia James took aim at the abortion-pill-reversal method, claiming that there is “no credible evidence” to prove that it is either safe or effective.

But her claims don’t reflect the available data and literature on abortion-pill reversal (APR), Dr. George Delgado, who famously established the first protocol for APR, contends.

“There have been over 5,000 documented cases of successful births after successful reversal. It is fallacious to say that there’s no proof and no evidence,” Delgado, who is board certified in family medicine and hospice and palliative medicine, told the Register this month.

That 5,000 number is a statistic taken from Heartbeat International, ironically one of the pro-life organizations being sued by New York. The organization oversees a network of health-care professionals who administer APR when a woman seeks help after abortion regret.

Abortion-pill reversal is a method that uses a regimen of progesterone to compete with the first of the two abortion pills, mifepristone, in order to save the life of the unborn child. APR is only used before the second pill, misoprostol, is taken.

Some physicians and pro-life organizations, including Heartbeat International, have said that APR is a method that has saved thousands of unborn lives.

Others, like the pro-abortion group the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, have said APR is “not supported by science” and it’s misleading to claim otherwise.

Pro-abortion and pro-life organizations stand on opposite sides of the debate, so who’s right about the science?

Can a mother who regrets taking the abortion pill really save her baby with a directed regimen of progesterone?

Science Says

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