Cardinal Burke on ‘persecution’ of Latin Mass & ‘scandal’ of Communion to pro-aborts


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Feb 5, 2002
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‘Today we can’t take anything for granted because we’re dealt six or seven decades of poor catechesis, many Catholics today, not through their own fault, don’t know their own faith’​

NEW YORK (PerMariam) –– Giving forthright comments on a number of current issues in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Raymond Burke condemned the practice of giving Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians, as well as noting that the traditional Mass is in a state of “persecution.”

“This is what is referred to as scandal,” he said April 23, commenting on the practice of pro-abortion politicians receiving Holy Communion.

Cdl. Burke’s comments came at the end of an erudite speech expanding on the teaching of Christ as King, given to the New York Men’s Leadership Forum on Tuesday. After outlining the wealth of Catholic teaching on the Kingship of Christ, the cardinal fielded questions on a variety of topics, oriented heavily towards some of the more pressing matters in the Church’s internal debates.

“The fact that politicians, and I don’t need to mention any names, it’s too evident, who claim to be devout Catholics and who publicly promote an abomination like procured abortion or this transgender agenda or whatever else it may be, and they approach for Communion and are given Holy Communion – [it] scandalizes people,” he said, in a thinly-veiled reference to pro-abortion U.S President and self-proclaimed “Catholic,” Joe Biden.

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