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Acts 2:37-43
"Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.
Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles."

  1. "What shall we do?" The people had just heard Peters "Pentecostal Sermon" recorded in Acts 2:14-36. They were pricked in their heart, meaning they were pierced, had sharp pain of mind, were agitated, especially with the emotion of sorrow. That's the meaning of that big Greek word used there "katanyssomai" In other words, great conviction came up on them.
  2. Peter immediately answers, Repent and be baptized. a] Repent: No beating around the bush. No sweet words tickling itching ears. Just like John the Baptist, and Jesus in the beginning of their ministries, the word is Repent! Turn from sin and turn to God. Do a 180. Repent in both mind and body. It's a changing of your mind that results in a change of your actions, or your behaviors, even your entire lifestyle. the drunk quits getting drunk. The fornicator goes celibate or gets married, the cusser cleans up his or her language. the Rocker gets rid of their satanic music. b] Be baptized. One should be baptized as soon as possible after conversion. It's an outward confession of your inward profession, and is a death and resurrection, out with the old, in with the new.
  3. Ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will be with you and be in you (John 14:16-18), which is Jesus Christ in you, and thus ye are born again: born of the Spirit (John 3:5-7), and like the wind, you cannot see it, but you will see its effect, and you will feel its effects upon you and in you. You'll be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2)
  4. The promise is for those who heard, and their children, and for those afar off: as many as the Lord God should call.
  5. With many other words he testified and exhorted. There was a lengthy sermon here. There was a continued preaching beyond what is recorded. It was not some simple invitation to pray a prayer and "get saved" - "With many other words" indicates much more preaching was done on top of Acts 2:14-36. That sermon, again, Peters famous Pentecostal Sermon includes:
a) The prophecy of Joel regarding the pouring out of the Spirit on all flesh.
b) Jesus miracles done among the people.
c) Jesus being delivered up to be slain
d) The resurrection
e) The prophecy of David in the Psalms concerning the resurrection
f) The Apostles witness to the resurrection
g) Christ being exalted to the right hand of God
h) The Lordship of Christ
i) And on top of all this, with many other words of testimony and exhortation

6) To save yourselves from this untoward generation. That is, Perverse, wicked, the Greek word "skolios" -crooked, forward, warped.
7) They that gladly received the Word. 1 Thessalonians 1:16 says, "And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost." It implies there were some that did not gladly receive the word. Acts 13:48 says, "And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed"
8) There were added unto them about 3000 souls. the Word truly
preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit will draw those who
are chosen, or ordained to eternal life. People will come.
9) They continued stedfastly in,
a] The Apostles doctrine
b] fellowship
c] The breaking of bread
d] prayers
That is, the solid doctrine handed down by Jesus personally to the Apostles, and
the Holy Spirit bringing all things to their remembrance as He had promised in
John 14:26. They had fellowship with each other, and they broke bread, both in
feasting together, and joining in the Lords table, or communion. And they also
continued steadfastly in prayers. Stedfastly means to be constantly devoted to
something, in this case, the Apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread,
and prayers. Being steadfastly attentive to, continuing in, waiting upon.

10) Fear came upon every soul. That's the word "Phobos" used there and it
means to fear, be afraid of; that which strikes terror: for, "many wonders and
signs were done by the apostles" That would be enough to cause this
fear, but I suspect it also has to do with where it says they were
"pricked" in their heart in verse 37, with that smiting conviction, for
many of these souls had probably been there the day Jesus was
crucified, and if not, they had heard it was a very recent event that
happened 50 days prior, and Jesus had shown himself alive after
the resurrection for 40 days (Acts 1:3) Indeed there would be fear and
awe at such an event as this!

Let us get back to this kind of preaching, and the Holy Spirit bringing conviction, for He wills it so, that many be saved, and turn from their wicked ways, and turn unto life, which is in Jesus: eternal life for those who repent and believe on His name. Amen.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Hello, brother. Wanna know why the book of Acts is named "Acts"? Cos it is a call to act out on our faith, and spread the good news in an ethical manner. This is a condensed Bible study, in a table format for convenience.

April 23, 2024​
Acts 2:37-43: "Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” And with many other words he bore witness and continued to exhort them, saying, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.” So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles."​
In Acts 2:37-43, we find Peter's response to the crowd that had been convicted by his preaching of the Gospel during Pentecost. The crowd, which included both Jews and proselytes, heard Peter's message about Jesus, His resurrection, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This message led them to feel remorseful for their sins (cut to the heart) and ask, "What shall we do?"

Peter's answer was clear: Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. This call to repentance is a crucial aspect of salvation, as it involves recognizing one's sinful nature and turning away from it towards God (Acts 3:19). Baptism is the outward expression of this inner transformation, symbolizing death to sin and new life in Christ.

This passage underscores the importance of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to His command to be baptized.​
Societal Relevance
In modern society, this passage is still relevant for several reasons:

1. Preaching: We are called to proclaim the Gospel message of salvation to others (Matthew 28:19-20). Peter's boldness and conviction inspire us to share the Good News with those around us, just as he did during Pentecost.

2. Our actions in daily life: The way we live our lives is a powerful witness to the salvation we have received through faith in Jesus (Matthew 5:16). As believers, we are encouraged to devote ourselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, as well as the breaking of bread and prayers (Acts 2:42). By living a godly life, we can show the love and grace of God to those around us.

3. Showing the way of Jesus: The world needs to see the transformative power of salvation in our lives (Matthew 5:14-16). As we follow Jesus and His teachings, we can make a difference in the lives of those around us by demonstrating compassion, love, forgiveness, and obedience to God.

Overall, Acts 2:37-43 is a powerful reminder of the importance of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the call to obedience, as well as the significance of sharing the Gospel message with others. It challenges us to live out our faith in a way that inspires and encourages those around us, ultimately bringing them closer to the love and grace of God.​
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This message I had emailed to my Dad will be preached/taught in a nursing home in Alabama on Thursday May 9, so please keep that in prayer. I just got off the phone with him and he was all excited about it. There's usually 35 - 40 people in attendance.
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This message I had emailed to my Dad will be preached/taught in a nursing home in Alabama on Thursday May 9, so please keep that in prayer. I just got off the phone with him and he was all excited about it. There's usually 35 - 40 people in attendance.
I will pray for your dad, that Acts 2 works well. Which message will you be using, if I may ask?
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Jan 1, 2024
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I will pray for your dad, that Acts 2 works well. Which message will you be using, if I may ask?

The entire message in my OP. Acts 2:37-43, just as is. I won't be teaching it. I'm like 660 miles away from where he is!
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The entire message in my OP. Acts 2:37-43, just as is. I won't be teaching it. I'm like 660 miles away from where he is!
Amen to that, also, if you want to steal (well, use) the societal relevance piece from my message as well, you can. The word of God should be free for everyone.
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Jan 1, 2024
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Amen to that, also, if you want to steal (well, use) the societal relevance piece from my message as well, you can. The word of God should be free for everyone.

Done. I just emailed it off. And you're right, the Word should be free. A lot of folk have mentioned I should publish a book or books and make money. I can't do that and feel right about it. I published a couple books in the 90s and mailed some out free of charge to various places and churches. I don't even have any copies of them now!
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Aug 11, 2023
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Done. I just emailed it off. And you're right, the Word should be free. A lot of folk have mentioned I should publish a book or books and make money. I can't do that and feel right about it. I published a couple books in the 90s and mailed some out free of charge to various places and churches. I don't even have any copies of them now!
Amen to that. It feels wrong to charge money for a Christian book, unless the money is donated to helping others. Thank you for giving away your books for free, and also for utilizing my Bible analysis guide (one of almost 25 so far) for your father's sermon, as it is from God, not my words.
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