not sure a baptist


Aug 26, 2007
United States
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I am not sure if I am still a southern baptist. I come from a family of southern baptist and my parents took me to a southern baptist church, now they, and I, are not really sure if we still believe the same thing anymore. My parents and I don't go to church anymore. My Dad is fed up with the hypocrisy. He is angry with republicans who serve Donald Trump. He says they are like the pharisees who tormented Jesus. Baptist are conservative republicans. They love guns and approve of easy bring your gun anywhere laws. I don't want to go to church and be afraid of being shot. I want to go to a church that is honest and fair, not phony. Baptist preachers are so dramatic the way they yell and scream and throw their hands up in the air. Honestly, don't be such a drama king! There are liars and thieves that steal from the poor, the gullible who give their life savings to phony lying televangelists. There are lying preachers who beg for money and spend the money on themselves. Don't forget that baptists are guilty of racism and sexism also.

So considering the bad things, the evil deeds of baptists, I don't think I want to be one.
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Romans 10:6-9, Ephesians 2:8-10
Jul 7, 2022
United States
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Sounds like you're throwing every Southern Baptist into the same pot.

Not all Baptists are conservative Republicans. Not all Baptists serve at the feet of Donald Trump. Not all Baptists love guns or carry guns. Not all Baptists or Baptist churches are phony and they're not all hypocrites. Not all Baptist preachers are Bible thumpers and they're certainly not all greedy, money-grubbing, lying, stealing, cheating televangelists. They're also not all racist and sexist.

I'm a Baptist. I'm none of those things you describe. Neither is the small Baptist church I belong to.

The people you're describing could be, and most likely are, an extremely small minority of ANY Christian denomination. Unfortunately.

When lumping people and churches into that one pot, you might consider your signature line from 1 Corinthians 13. If you're not sure you're a Baptist anymore, I hope you search for a church that you'll feel comfortable in and that provides a worship experience that will give you joy.
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Aug 26, 2007
United States
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Perhaps I should not let a few bad apples ruin the whole barrel. Hypocrites are probably a minority in churches. maybe I am bitter after finding hypocrites on TV and in books and movies. I agree with most things most things baptists believe in. I am for birth control but not necessarily abortion. I think there are certain cases abortion is necessary. If a teen girl is raped, whether it is incest or a stranger, the poor girl should not be forced to give birth, she should be allowed an abortion. If a woman has a difficult pregnancy and her life is in danger, the baby is in a dangerous position and will be a water head baby and will die a few minutes outside the womb, what is the use? Some times babies have severe handicaps, they are born without arms or legs, without eyes, terrible deformed, disfigured, disabled, I could understand an abortion.

Some Christians are extremely hard headed over abortion and will not be reasonable and see common sense. They will not make a compromise, they are stubborn and hard headed, completely unreasonable. It can be extremely hard for women living in a red state, the politicians and police are like mysaganist.

The six weeks law, most women don't know they're pregnant at six weeks. I am against frivolous, selfish abortion.

OK, I believe in the Bible, but not all of it. There are some shocking, mean, unfair violent cruel bloody things in the Bible, mainly the Old Testament. I have learned to deal with this, by praying and trusting in God.. I concentrate on the good parts of the Bible. I understand why God had to punish the Israelites because of their bad behavior, they disobeyed the Lord practiced idol worship, sacrificed their own children to heathen gods, they committed sexual immorality on the high places, ritual prostitution, drink wine with a high alcohol content, herbs, spices that were like drugs.

Any way I seek to keep my body clean with no street drugs or alcohol, no sexual immorality, I am trying to loose weight and quit eating sugary sweet and highly fattening cholesterol foods, and I am trying to get more exercise and clean my body with health, beauty products. I have prescription medicine I take that helps me to stay sane and healthy.

I watch Joyce Meyers preaching in the morning. I read my Bible and pray, when I remember too. I am trying to develop a good, constant relationship with Jesus Christ. I am not perfect, and sometimes I fail. I see the virtue of forgiveness. I try to live a life style pleasing to the Lord. Perhaps I should not be so judgemental of others. That is one of my faults.

I would like to to go back to church. Either a baptist or a methodist one. Problem is, I can't drive a motor vehicle. My parents take me everywhere I need or want to go. I am 42 years old, I have a mental problem. When God shuts one door, He opens another. I am good at visual art, drawing an painting, and fiction writing, poems an stories. But I also have a mental illness. I can't drive a car. My Dad does not want to go back to church. My mom sleeps late. They are both retired.
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Romans 10:6-9, Ephesians 2:8-10
Jul 7, 2022
United States
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There are hypocrites in every church. Church people are human beings and human beings have a tendency to be hypocritical. Unfortunately we nit-pick it in others rather than seeing it in ourselves.

The OT tells the history of the Hebrews and Israel. It's not unlike the history of many nations and peoples of that time period. Take a look at the Aztec and Maya civilizations. The Aztecs were sacrificing humans in the early 1500s when Cortes arrived in Mexico. If they were doing so 1500 years AFTER Christ, we shouldn't be surprised that other cultures did such things thousands of years BEFORE Christ. History isn't perfect, much of it shouldn't be glorified, but it should teach us something, if only what to try to avoid. And sad to say, some of the shocking and unfair things you mention as happening in the OT are occurring in our world today. The OT needs to be read and studied to better help us understand what Jesus saved us from.

Sounds like you're trying to do a lot of good things in your life. My husband and I are working ton giving up the sweets, too. I recently watched a video on how sugars, especially added sugars, are at the root of many medical conditions.

We all fail, we're all judgmental in one way or another. But keeping our eyes on Christ can help us overcome those problems in our lives.

I don't know much about Joyce Meyers. If she helps you in your walk then that's the important thing.

I've always enjoyed visiting Methodist churches. My husband's family are all Methodists. They have many good teachings and are a little more structured than the Baptist Church, which is something I like. If you have a streaming service or Youtube you might check them for church services if you can't get to an actual church building.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
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The Baptist church I go to is very conservative when it comes to US politics. They are very into guns but don’t bring it into their theology or sermons. As someone who’s not into guns myself, I can recognize their appreciation of guns as a hobby / sport doesn’t influence their theology, just like I can separate my hobbies from my theology. I think painting gun lovers as violent murderers is wrong. (I in fact know many politically liberal who love their guns (hunting is very big in my state)).

Why would you be scared of getting shot at church by fellow congregants???

The other sins you abscribe to Baptists like greedy leaders, sexism, or racism are universal to humanity as a whole. People will signal out Southern Baptists for instigating all the racism, but racism was very prevalent in the big Northern cities as well, which is why you're seeing all this white guilt all across the board.

As for Trump, yeah, most of the congregation of the Baptist church I attend is politically conservative so they'll vote for him. Who cares. There's a few denominations that will vote whoever's politically liberal.

It sounds like you'd want more of a mainstream denomination. Not for me, b/c they tend to cave on issues the Bible's clear on, but sounds like that's more what you want. Mainstream denominations tend to attract both theologically liberal & conservative, as well as politically liberal & conservative, alike so if you're turned off by a denomination that leans too much one way, than those are for you.
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Jun 25, 2018
United States
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I am not sure if I am still a southern baptist. I come from a family of southern baptist and my parents took me to a southern baptist church, now they, and I, are not really sure if we still believe the same thing anymore. My parents and I don't go to church anymore. My Dad is fed up with the hypocrisy. He is angry with republicans who serve Donald Trump. He says they are like the pharisees who tormented Jesus. Baptist are conservative republicans. They love guns and approve of easy bring your gun anywhere laws. I don't want to go to church and be afraid of being shot. I want to go to a church that is honest and fair, not phony. Baptist preachers are so dramatic the way they yell and scream and throw their hands up in the air. Honestly, don't be such a drama king! There are liars and thieves that steal from the poor, the gullible who give their life savings to phony lying televangelists. There are lying preachers who beg for money and spend the money on themselves. Don't forget that baptists are guilty of racism and sexism also.

So considering the bad things, the evil deeds of baptists, I don't think I want to be one.

That's a lot like taking one person and painting all of humanity the same as them.

First off, Baptist churches are usually independent.

What is known as the SBC is simply churches getting together to support mission work and help with the education of people going into any theological field.

Right now Voddie Baucham is the president of the SBC - or at least was recently nominated to the position.

He's a black American man from the LA ghetto - so Baptists all being racist is kind of ridiculous seeing as how there are many black American Baptists, so many in fact I believe it's the largest denomination among black Americans.

Also, not every baptist even voted for Trump, let alone - what did you say? "serve" him...

What are you calling serving anyway? I mean, I voted for the man when he ran for office because I liked the policies he was proposing.

Is voting for someone"serving" them? If so - who do you "serve"?

My faith - while it can inform how I vote - is not necessarily reflected in my vote. We don't live in a theocracy and I vote for the candidate I believe can achieve the most positive policies while in office, for the betterment of all the citizens of my country.

At any rate, if your not happy at your current church, going across the street to a different church is usually in order, even a different SBC church will likely vary greatly from your current church.

Just so you know, carrying a gun into a church by itself - just having it - was long a crime in most US states unless you were law enforcement.

Some states relaxed their laws to allow some congregates to defend themselves while in church due to a rash of people walking into church and killing the unarmed people in attendance.

If your church is one of these who is concerned about being attacked by strangers who hate them; the church itself has likely arranged for someone licensed for a gun to provide armed security, though you won't know who they are, they will likely be a licensed security officer who attends the church or an off duty police officer.

That means no one is going to shoot you unless the church is attacked by an outsider - and if it is attacked by a crazed Baptist hating person - having armed security present increases the likelihood of your survival.
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Dave G.

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
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Voddie is not president of SBC FWIW. He is the Dean of a theological seminary though.

My wife and I attend an SBC evangelical church in the NE US. We don't experience anything like mentioned in the OP. We do sing a lot. The head pastor is great for saying often that "yes we sing hymns and spiritual songs here and still preach straight from the bible". I don't know of any gun slingers in the congregation, far from it. One lady we buy eggs and honey from. One young man leads online bible studies and his little fold has increased to 85 men. We have monthly dinners after service and we have a monthly event called Singspiration on Saturday night. Right now we are in a series in service on the Gospel of Jesus Christ with great or a fair focus amount on the true Gospel and recognizing what is not but rather another gospel. I'd say to the author of this thread to look around and also don't believe everything you read or is rumored to be true. Additionally some folks just don't want to go to church looking for any excuse to bail out. It's one of the signs of the times we live in unfortunately. And that's not to say there are not some whacked churches out there, there are !! Also unfortunately.
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Aug 26, 2007
United States
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I believe in the Bible and read it a lot. I am trying to put Jesus Christ's commands into action. It is hard to turn the other cheek, to get rid of my anger, I talk to family, pray, ask the holy spirit to take away my anger. I have to accept things I cannot change, yet I must try to fight injustice the way the Lord wants me to. I am making an effort to pray more. Communication with the Lord is very helpful. I believe in clean living, I am trying to get more exercise and eat healthier. I used to be into dragons, sometimes werewolves, magic fairy tales, now I still like unicorns, pegasus, as a child I really liked unicorns, and fairies. I like butterflies horses, dogs, cats, flowers, nature that god created so wonderful and beautiful, I want to study natural, life science, I like cute fluffy little animals, pets, flowers, fashion, especially historical fashion, the history of Christianity, history around the Bible, I like to draw Queen Esther in a purple robe and expensive jewelry. I am trying some Biblical illustration. I still draw some fantasy, fairy
tale art. I draw seasonal, holiday art. I like spring, am drawing spring, Easter art.
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Aug 26, 2007
United States
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I voted for Joe Biden. I do not like everything he does. He is not perfect, but I prefered him over Trump. Trump lies a lot, he is greedy and mean. I think Biden is more honest than Trump, and I felt sorry for Biden because his wife and son died; I like how he gracefully handled his grief.

I live in Florida, we have Desantis as governor. I have such confused feelings. Homosexuality is wrong, sinful and immoral, and I do not like it when Disney supports homos and has 'gay pride' day. It should be 'gay shame' day, because people should not be proud of their sins, they should be ashamed and repent of their sins. God loves gay people and Jesus Christ died on the cross to save lgbtq as well as strait people. We are all sinners, Jesus said if a man looked at a woman lustfully, he has already committed aldultry with her in his heart.
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Feb 24, 2023
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Baptist is a pretty fundamental denomination in which to be raised. (We don't have Southern Baptist so much where I'm from so I can only comment about the Church I was raised in). It tends to provide a fairly strong moral basis and a trust in the Word of God as being complete and infallible. (Our interpretations sometimes get a little messed up but God can sort that out). At some point in time, I've found, everyone gets challenge by God's Spirit into either accepting God into their life or rejecting His Spirit and living in their own way. Once we've asked Jesus to come into our life we start a completely new journey and God will guide and direct us in the way we should go. Whether that means remaining within the Church in which we grew up or going somewhere else will be within God's leading.

Some years ago (about 50) I got to the point where I was so wanting what God had for me to do, and be, within His body that it became frustrating that I kept sliding back into my own ways. About this time the Charismatic Renewal was going through all the denominational churches. Asking the Holy Spirit to take complete control within my life was what changed my direction and allowed me to be more aware of God and how he directs our ways. (It is essential to be born again before you ask God for the infilling of the Holy Spirit otherwise you will receive a counterfeit). The Holy Spirit provides the power to live for Him and, for some, a way to over come a lot of the things that limits our ability to serve Him. Without the Holy Spirit in control of our life we tend to try and serve God within our own strength. That rarely works well and puts us under a lot of pressure to 'perform'. Might even be why some ministers 'burn out' or leave the ministry.

As mentioned previously there are now, as a result of Covid, many churches that now live stream their meetings. This is possible a way to 'travel' to a fellowship for their meeting without leaving your own house. It can also be a way to 'get to know' the fellowship without actually making any commitment to it. We've had people from a remote town come to join us after first spending time on live stream and then coming to appreciate where we are coming from within the Word direction and how it is ministered. So... if you have a decent internet account, you could 'attend' Church pretty much anywhere in the world. Some place closer might be better because it is much more relational to be able to gather together in one place... if that can then be arranged.

Gathering together becomes the next issue. As people become older it becomes more of a challenge for them to travel so, at some point, it may well have been that your parents would not have been able to travel to Church even if they had not become offended over some matter. There are, of course, alternatives methods to get around. Taxis and Uber (ride sharing companies) can pick up and take you to or from places. In a loving, caring fellowship there should be those who will come by and take you to Church with them. These are ways in which people within my Church are able to fellowship with us (although I've not seen Taxis arrive for some time now as the fellowship arranges for people to pick up the ones who need a ride). If there is a Church just down the street it would probably do no harm to walk down there, on the odd occasions, to see what happens and how the 'other half' live. It'd probably be pretty weird compared to what you are use to (especially a Catholic or Pentecostal fellowship) but it might just be something you could appreciate. Perhaps avoid any that are generally recognised as cults.

I guess the questions are:
Is it important to maintain fellowship within the body of Christ?
Are you, of your own volition, able to make your own way to a place of fellowship?
Is there some way in which your parents may come to faith in God and His ability to place them within His body that will allow them to grow "... unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" (Eph 4:13)?
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Sinner in need of grace.
Nov 28, 2018
South Carolina
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The Baptist church I go to is very conservative when it comes to US politics. They are very into guns but don’t bring it into their theology or sermons. As someone who’s not into guns myself, I can recognize their appreciation of guns as a hobby / sport doesn’t influence their theology, just like I can separate my hobbies from my theology. I think painting gun lovers as violent murderers is wrong. (I in fact know many politically liberal who love their guns (hunting is very big in my state)).

Why would you be scared of getting shot at church by fellow congregants???

The other sins you abscribe to Baptists like greedy leaders, sexism, or racism are universal to humanity as a whole. People will signal out Southern Baptists for instigating all the racism, but racism was very prevalent in the big Northern cities as well, which is why you're seeing all this white guilt all across the board.

As for Trump, yeah, most of the congregation of the Baptist church I attend is politically conservative so they'll vote for him. Who cares. There's a few denominations that will vote whoever's politically liberal.

It sounds like you'd want more of a mainstream denomination. Not for me, b/c they tend to cave on issues the Bible's clear on, but sounds like that's more what you want. Mainstream denominations tend to attract both theologically liberal & conservative, as well as politically liberal & conservative, alike so if you're turned off by a denomination that leans too much one way, than those are for you.

Also, I think it should be noted that just because an individual leans prefers one party over the other doesn't necessarily mean they endorse everything their party supports.

A lot of Baptists, and evangelicals for that matter, are Republicans because of abortion, but might otherwise be moderate or apolitical when it comes to other issues.

The problem is that we have a two party system, so if you don't like the stances of one party, then you only have one real alternative.
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