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Kenneth Redden

The day I found 2 Timothy 3:15 KJV!
Site Supporter
Feb 18, 2016
Centerville TN
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My view of the days of the Creation in the King James Version Bible is new and original. It began after my near-DEath experience with, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, 4/10/1972. He offered me the KJV Bible, I accepted and today I have this:
Intelligent Design II
The Process: The heaven and the earth were created and made complete, from the beginning first days in Genesis 1:1. Washed in the waters the second day, to be made again the third day, by water only. "Reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men," and when the waters reach Planck Density, the Big Bang may occur in 2Peter 3:10.
The reason the earth, "without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep," was because of Satan's lie in Isaiah 14:13; when, "Antipas was my faithful martyr," in Revelation 2:13; according to, "murderer from the beginning," in John 8:44. The heavens were unknown.
Therefore, "Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;" Hebrews 12:2 and knew each of the estimated two-quintillion heavens from the beginning, and made them, "by water only," the third day of the Creation, in which sin existed. This would save "the seed" and nullify that heaven to super-string~M-theory, with the three times, "psaltery" and "instrument of ten strings," occur in Psalms; and the ten times, "from the beginning," occurs following Proverbs in OT KJV text. After finishing with the heavens, the Big Bang may occur, and it is today, the fourth day of Creation; not by water only, but by water and blood, and there is no sin. However, the King James Version Bible is primarily from the third day of the Creation, which came by water only and in which sin exists.
Regarding super-string~M-theory, and dividing supergravity with eleven dimensions - ten spacial, and one for Time. Using this perspective, the ten occurrences of, "from the beginning," following Proverbs in OT KJV text, may be matched with the ten spacial dimensions; leaving the three before Psalms for the Heaven of heavens, from the beginning of Time.
The logical format of the King James Version Bible may be demarcated by phrases, "in few words," in which, "from the beginning," may be used "for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years." Thus the beginning/first days occur with, "from the beginning," three times before Psalms. The second day with the two times "from the beginning," occurs in Psalms and Proverbs, and the third day with "from the beginning," ten times following Proverbs in OT KJV text. The KJV NT is third day by default.
I would think, at this point that ten strings of Documentary Hypothesis, in this configuration, may be matched with the ten occurrences of, "from the beginning," following Proverbs in OT KJV text. Looking at "from the beginning" in Isaiah 48:16, or Jeremiah 17:12, regarding "without form and void," with Adam and Eve in Jeremiah 4:23-31; I would say this may go well with Deuteronomic History and Torah. It would appear, at this point Melchizedek/Melchisedec associated with JE:, and P*:. And possibly, DH:, a third day understanding; before the Twenty-First Century.

There is much more, http://www...
"in few words:"
How the apostle Paul made known the mystery, (as he wrote afore in few words, (Whereby when ye read, ye may understand Paul's knowledge in the mystery of Christ.)
The LORD God is eternal, all powerful, and cannot be confined to the voices of, "holy men of God." He must have access to the letters of the text, even every "one jot or one tittle." This may have been accomplished by Melchizedek king of Salem and priest of the most high God, from the beginning in Genesis 14:18, the second day in Psalms 110:4 to the third day in Hebrews 7:1, and in 1611 England, 411 years before this work, Tuesday 22/02/2022.
"in due time,"
Kenneth G Redden,
Thank You, Amen.