
  1. CoreyD

    The Correct Perspective of...

    Here is the correct perspective of the first three Chapters of the book of Genesis. Genesis 1-3 Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them, but on the seventh day...
  2. JesusFollowerForever

    Behold the Power of God: Ten Verses Highlighting God's Continuous Care for Creation

    In the tapestry of creation, there is a thread woven with divine care and continuous sustenance. Throughout the Old Testament, we find verses that not only testify to God's role as Creator but also emphasize His ongoing involvement in upholding existence itself. From the majestic act of speaking...
  3. Qubit

    Genesis 1-3 Timeline Challenge: Can You Resolve the Alleged Contradictions?

    I am putting forth a challenge. See if you can make the Genesis 1 through Genesis 3 timelines agree with each other and not contradict as Wikipedia (and other sources) claim. According to Wikipedia, Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 contradict one another: “The overlapping stories of Genesis 1 and 2 are...
  4. Christsfreeservant

    Give God the Glory

    From the very beginning of creation God has put within mankind the knowledge of God. God made himself known through his created works. When we look at the sun, the moon, the stars, the heavens above us, the trees, flowers, birds of the air, the sea, and man, we can see God, not that God exists...
  5. The Hour IS AT HAND

    Do you trust God or Man when it comes to the creation?

    Brothers and Sisters, greetings. Today I am going to present evidence for why I think we should trust the Bible and it's creation account as literal, meaning that the Earth is just several thousand years old, just over 6,000 to be more precise. Firstly let me just say that I do not think this...
  6. AlexB23

    Hello fellow Christians

    Hello fellow Christians. I am Alex, a Christian guy with autism who is new to the forums. God's creation, our world and science fascinate me, as everything is interconnected and study of His creation align with God and the Bible. - Alex B.
  7. Kenneth Redden

    "in few words"

    My view of the days of the Creation in the King James Version Bible is new and original. It began after my near-DEath experience with, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, 4/10/1972. He offered me the KJV Bible, I accepted and today I have this: Intelligent Design II The Process: The heaven and the...
  8. A

    THE COSMIC CONFLICT! Who the "us" really were in Gen. 1:26 "and God said let us make man in our image"! Make sure read all.

    The Hebrew word translated "God" is Elohim (H430); which is also translated "gods" throughout the Hebrew canon (Ex.12:12,18:11), this is because Elohim is a plural noun. But always in all scripture, when Elohim is used for the God of Israel, it is used in a grammatical singular sense, because it...
  9. A

    THE COSMIC CONFLICT! Who The "us" Really Were In Gen. 1:26 "And God said let us make man in our image"! Make sure read all.

    The Hebrew word translated "God" is Elohim (H430); which is also translated "gods" throughout the Hebrew canon (Ex.12:12,18:11), this is because Elohim is a plural noun. But always in all scripture, when Elohim is used for the God of Israel, it is used in a grammatical singular sense, because it...
  10. J

    Is the creation debate over?

    The stance among Gap Theorists is that the word create (bara) means a new thing from God. (I would expand this to a new design from God) and make (asah) meaning anything God works on he has made, so making 'create' a subset of 'made' Genesis 1 uses the phrase 'it was so' 6 times and perhaps 7...
  11. J

    Is the creation debate over?

    The stance among Gap Theorists is that the word create (bara) means a new thing from God. (I would expand this to a new design from God) and make (asah) meaning anything God works on he has made, so making 'create' a subset of 'made' Genesis 1 uses the phrase 'it was so' 6 times and perhaps 7...
  12. Mark Quayle

    Space-time, Big Bang and Black Holes.

    I have given descriptions of what seems reasonable to me, similar to the below, but has been consistently rejected by better and more educated minds than mine, but I still don't understand why. I'm hoping that my earlier renditions/applications just weren't clear enough. So I thought I would...
  13. YahuahSaves

    Romans 1:20 - evidence for God

    I'm putting this in the controversial theology forum, only because the source is unorthodox. But I found it a compelling read. For whoever has eyes to see.... Romans 1:20 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly...
  14. YahuahSaves

    Did Jesus create evolution?

    Read the scriptures below and watch the video before responding. (Discussion only). Genesis 1 The Account of Creation 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.[a] 2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over...
  15. BNR32FAN

    Are We Descendants Of Incest?

    I’m noticing a lot of people having a problem with all mankind being a descendant of Adam & Eve because it would imply that their children would’ve had to engage in incest in order to populate the world and also the fact that Cain settled in the city of Nod and got married so people often ask...
  16. Job 33:6

    John Walton's Lost World of Adam and Eve

    In case anyone missed it, a lecture by John Walton on Adam and Eve. The video covers topics such as "who did Cain marry?" And "was Eve made of Adam's rib bone?".
  17. Richard.20.12

    When it says "replenish the Earth" in Genesis, what does this mean to you?

    Most people would equate that with an older Earth, that there was something there before Adam. How else do you replenish something if it isn't there before? Unless there are different opinions on the translation of this word of course.
  18. D

    Could it be gravity?

    I'm new but I want to present my theory about how creation happened. I studied physics in college, I did not graduate I was a year short. Instead I joined the military. However, I completed most the classes. Here's my take on how creation happened; I think at the quantum level Einstein was...
  19. BioHazardFan03

    How do you refute de idea that creationism/intelligent design are "pseudoscience"

    I have seen many people online saying that creation/ID are "pseudoscience". How do you refute it? I looked it up on but i did not get results that matched my question. Maybe i could ask about it? Any responses(from a christian prespective) would be welcome.
  20. BioHazardFan03

    Creation/Christian Paleoart General Thread 3D/2D.

    Since there's little to no Paleoart made from a creationist/christian prespective i created this thread so we could all share our works with each other. This tread will contain both 3D renders and 2D art. Give credit if the art is not ours. W.I.Ps are allowed as well. God Bless.