I'm struggling


Mar 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Marital Status
I'm struggling with my parents. They were young when they got married and divorced. My mum was only 20 when she had me (19 when she married) and they broke up 6 years later.

Ever since they divorced, I have felt emotionally detached from my dad. I barely know him and vice versa. And recently it's only got worse. I stopped seeing him minus when it's compulsory because I can't cope. My half siblings and stepmum always yell and argue and it's a distressing place to be. Their house is a tip. He always spends more time with my other siblings.

And then with my mum, she is narcissistic. It is harder and harder to cope in a house where she will suddenly yell at me for no reason, where she will blame me for something that went wrong in her life, when she argues with my stepdad and when she denounces all of my achievements.

For 5 years I struggled with mental health problems. I self harmed regularly, went through several periods of depression and was hospitalised after my worst suicide attempt. That was the only time I felt my parents cared about me. Now that I'm happy again, my mum is trying to make me sad and my dad is further away than ever.

I know the Bible says to respect our parents but I'm really struggling. I've tried with my dad, I've tried talking to him only for him to make fun of me to my siblings and then to continue to favour my other siblings. He knows nothing about me. My own stepdad is a better dad than him. My grandparents (real dads parents) and my step grandparents (step dads parents) know more about me than my real dad does.

I've tried everything with my mum. I've told her I love her every day, I've tried hugging her (but she hates it), I've tried buying her presents and I screwed over my own finances to try and give her a good Mother's Day. I've been doing everything she's asked of me, including planning on going to University even though I don't want to. Managed to get the top grade in IT and she still isn't proud of me.

I'm at a loss and the rejection my parents have towards me aren't getting any better and I'm struggling. My depression is coming back once again and nothing is getting better.


Mar 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Marital Status
Well, do you know that Jesus Loves you? Have you accepted Him as your Lord and savior ? Also, how old are you ?

Yes to both. And I just turned 17 in April so just made it into this group age range. I felt it was the best/most suitable place to put this
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Praying without ceasing
Mar 26, 2017
between the pages of the Bible.
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United States
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I'm struggling with my parents. They were young when they got married and divorced. My mum was only 20 when she had me (19 when she married) and they broke up 6 years later.

Ever since they divorced, I have felt emotionally detached from my dad. I barely know him and vice versa. And recently it's only got worse. I stopped seeing him minus when it's compulsory because I can't cope. My half siblings and stepmum always yell and argue and it's a distressing place to be. Their house is a tip. He always spends more time with my other siblings.

And then with my mum, she is narcissistic. It is harder and harder to cope in a house where she will suddenly yell at me for no reason, where she will blame me for something that went wrong in her life, when she argues with my stepdad and when she denounces all of my achievements.

For 5 years I struggled with mental health problems. I self harmed regularly, went through several periods of depression and was hospitalised after my worst suicide attempt. That was the only time I felt my parents cared about me. Now that I'm happy again, my mum is trying to make me sad and my dad is further away than ever.

I know the Bible says to respect our parents but I'm really struggling. I've tried with my dad, I've tried talking to him only for him to make fun of me to my siblings and then to continue to favour my other siblings. He knows nothing about me. My own stepdad is a better dad than him. My grandparents (real dads parents) and my step grandparents (step dads parents) know more about me than my real dad does.

I've tried everything with my mum. I've told her I love her every day, I've tried hugging her (but she hates it), I've tried buying her presents and I screwed over my own finances to try and give her a good Mother's Day. I've been doing everything she's asked of me, including planning on going to University even though I don't want to. Managed to get the top grade in IT and she still isn't proud of me.

I'm at a loss and the rejection my parents have towards me aren't getting any better and I'm struggling. My depression is coming back once again and nothing is getting better.
God bless you and welcome to Christian Forums.

If you are looking for someone to listen, God is the best listener and He is always there, 24x7. Seek him through Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit help you speak. God knows our thoughts and needs before even we do. He is an Awesome God. Praise Him Always.

If you are looking for someone to talk too. Pray without ceasing. Holy is His Name. Always put God first in your life. Others around you will take notice. Be a shining light for the Love of Jesus. Jesus said put away all of your earthly possessions and join the Kingdom of God. Give every praise to God. Amen.

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Dave G.

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
United States
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Ah to be 17 LOL ! Well I might have 60 years on you but if I haven't learned anything else in life, I have learned that the closer you draw near to God the closer he draws near to you. There is no peace any man or woman can bring into your life like that of Jesus Christ. What I'm hearing from your testimony is about how hard You are trying to please others. I will submit to you though, draw nearer to Jesus and let Him do the heavy lifting in your life, perhaps He will open the blinders on your parents eyes and touch their hearts. I would pray for that and also pray to understand. Time is moving on for them to get the enjoyment of this episode of your life with them, because our kids grow in stages, our lives move in episodes, and as the door of one stage or the curtain of one episode closes, that time has passed for ever. But you dear, know the Lord, let Him be the power and the light in your life. Your family situation is unstable, but the Lord is a rock, let Him be the stability in your life. Bring everything you do before Him and let Him guide your path going forward.

Lord Jesus we pray: This young lady who is trusting and believing in You Lord has desires that her parents might better understand her and form a better relationship with her in this age where really change is in the air. She will soon be blooming into full womanhood and this season will have passed for this family. We are trusting in You to do a work in their lives, that each might better understand the others position on matters, that some spirit of harmony overpowers them all. We in particular lift up Evamoree, a dear sister in You Lord, that you bring a spirit of peace over her as she struggles for a better relationship at home . That she seeks you first in all matters and that you minister mightily in her Lord. We pray that you do this while she is still at home Lord, we know this age is tender but won't last forever. In your Holy name Jesus we pray , Amen
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An Amateur Consummate Traveler
Jun 26, 2015
United States
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Sometimes It is difficult to rely on one's own parents for affection or stability. I don't blame you for the situation you're in, it can't be helped. Just know that The world is not your parents. Depression can hit hard, but there are times when most things feel ok, just try to remember those times and see if there are any hotlines that are equipped to listen to you ;)
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Nothing is impossible for my God!
Jul 9, 2018
United States
Marital Status
I'm struggling with my parents. They were young when they got married and divorced. My mum was only 20 when she had me (19 when she married) and they broke up 6 years later.

Ever since they divorced, I have felt emotionally detached from my dad. I barely know him and vice versa. And recently it's only got worse. I stopped seeing him minus when it's compulsory because I can't cope. My half siblings and stepmum always yell and argue and it's a distressing place to be. Their house is a tip. He always spends more time with my other siblings.

And then with my mum, she is narcissistic. It is harder and harder to cope in a house where she will suddenly yell at me for no reason, where she will blame me for something that went wrong in her life, when she argues with my stepdad and when she denounces all of my achievements.

For 5 years I struggled with mental health problems. I self harmed regularly, went through several periods of depression and was hospitalised after my worst suicide attempt. That was the only time I felt my parents cared about me. Now that I'm happy again, my mum is trying to make me sad and my dad is further away than ever.

I know the Bible says to respect our parents but I'm really struggling. I've tried with my dad, I've tried talking to him only for him to make fun of me to my siblings and then to continue to favour my other siblings. He knows nothing about me. My own stepdad is a better dad than him. My grandparents (real dads parents) and my step grandparents (step dads parents) know more about me than my real dad does.

I've tried everything with my mum. I've told her I love her every day, I've tried hugging her (but she hates it), I've tried buying her presents and I screwed over my own finances to try and give her a good Mother's Day. I've been doing everything she's asked of me, including planning on going to University even though I don't want to. Managed to get the top grade in IT and she still isn't proud of me.

I'm at a loss and the rejection my parents have towards me aren't getting any better and I'm struggling. My depression is coming back once again and nothing is getting better.

I think the hardest thing for us to find out as adults is that our parents are far from the perfect "superheroes" we may have seen them as when we were kids. They are our very first concepts of God. They are supposed to love us unconditionally and always be there, no matter what. But as we get older and we start to see things from the outside, it can be absolutely heart breaking.

I think it's important to cut our parents some slack, because they are just as perfect as us, which is to say, not at all. I'm sure life isn't the way they imagined it would be when they were your age, so there could be something personal going on.

Just know that no matter what, God loves you, and you always have your Christian Family to depend on!
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