I'm a false convert. What do I do now?


Goat Whisperer
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Sep 6, 2016
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One thing that we can take comfort in is that it is far better to be questioning ourselves and striving for true salvation, than to be deceived and be one of those to whom Jesus says "depart from Me" on judgment day.

Also, take heart----the fact that you are disturbed about lacking true thirst for the Word and other things is cause for hope that the Lord is working in you to not allow you to be content in sin. I have dealt with the same sins that you mentioned, and been troubled about them also. My mom has reminded me of Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled". And the things you mentioned above (Bible reading, prayer, etc) are aspects of righteousness. Also, doing them in some measure can lead to enjoyment. You can start small---read a chapter of the Bible each day, or even five verses to start. I have recently gone through a season of not wanting to read the Bible, and I found when I made myself do it I found enjoyment in it. Some things that we can take comfort in are the fact that God is willing to save, and is near to those who are broken-hearted over sin. He makes no distinction on who He will save---His only requirement is that we be those who "feel their need of Him" and do not put any trust in ourselves. "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it"(Phil.1:6). We know that God never breaks His promises, so take heart--if He has begun this work in you, to make you concerned about your spiritual condition and not be content where you are, He will continue and complete that good work in you. I saw you mentioned sexual sins above, and wanted to encourage you that none of them are too big for Him to cleanse and forgive. Sexual sin is something I have personally struggled with as well, and of a very awful kind. It is so horrible, it can almost drive to despair with memories of it. But, Jesus is bigger and stronger than sin. He is willing and able to deliver. He will begin the work of deliverance in this life, and complete it in Heaven. Don't ever give up seeking Him---my Dad said once that the duty of everyone--unbelievers, seekers, and believers - is to seek God. Seeking Him is part of obedience to Him, as He commands us to "seek ye first the Kingdom of God"(Matt.6:33). This life is a battle, but it is short, and then we have eternity. An eternity of joy and peace with God is worth all the heartache and struggles we have here.

Take courage, dear friend. I am praying for you (and I mean that!) to truly find peace with God. I hope that someday we can meet in Heaven if not sooner on this earth.

Also, you may find encouragement from some pastors who are very solid and care about seeking souls. John MacArthur, Paul Washer, Voddie Baucham and John Piper are a few of them, and they have websites, and/or sermons on a site called sermonaudio.com
Very true.

Or be one of the ones who said a little prayer and then were told by someone that they were good to go and then went on living in their old life style.

Remember fear and trembling.
That sounds serious.

Good for us to tell Jesus often
you are my Lord and Savior
please have Mercy on me a sinner.

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Desperately Seeking

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Dec 10, 2019
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Martin Luther said in essence (Bondage of the Will p 100), it is only when we come to the end of ourselves and have nothing left we can do to secure our salvation, that we arrive at the position where God saves us.

Look outside of your self to God, and trust him to save you since you realize you cannot. You are in fact closer to the kingdom than many in church these days.
What if I am at the end of myself yet I have a hard time getting out of the house, going to church, and basically feel I have been apostate. I grieve that I have grieved or sent the Spirit away. I do not want to live without God! I am asking what I should do now, as I feel I may have committed the unpardonable sin. Thanks! Blessings!
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Desperately Seeking

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Dec 10, 2019
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Hello Cerulean,
I wanted to encourage you if you are still struggling with salvation. This has been a big struggle for me as well. One thing that we can take comfort in is that it is far better to be questioning ourselves and striving for true salvation, than to be deceived and be one of those to whom Jesus says "depart from Me" on judgment day. Also, take heart----the fact that you are disturbed about lacking true thirst for the Word and other things is cause for hope that the Lord is working in you to not allow you to be content in sin. I have dealt with the same sins that you mentioned, and been troubled about them also. My mom has reminded me of Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled". And the things you mentioned above (Bible reading, prayer, etc) are aspects of righteousness. Also, doing them in some measure can lead to enjoyment. You can start small---read a chapter of the Bible each day, or even five verses to start. I have recently gone through a season of not wanting to read the Bible, and I found when I made myself do it I found enjoyment in it. Some things that we can take comfort in are the fact that God is willing to save, and is near to those who are broken-hearted over sin. He makes no distinction on who He will save---His only requirement is that we be those who "feel their need of Him" and do not put any trust in ourselves. "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it"(Phil.1:6). We know that God never breaks His promises, so take heart--if He has begun this work in you, to make you concerned about your spiritual condition and not be content where you are, He will continue and complete that good work in you. I saw you mentioned sexual sins above, and wanted to encourage you that none of them are too big for Him to cleanse and forgive. Sexual sin is something I have personally struggled with as well, and of a very awful kind. It is so horrible, it can almost drive to despair with memories of it. But, Jesus is bigger and stronger than sin. He is willing and able to deliver. He will begin the work of deliverance in this life, and complete it in Heaven. Don't ever give up seeking Him---my Dad said once that the duty of everyone--unbelievers, seekers, and believers - is to seek God. Seeking Him is part of obedience to Him, as He commands us to "seek ye first the Kingdom of God"(Matt.6:33). This life is a battle, but it is short, and then we have eternity. An eternity of joy and peace with God is worth all the heartache and struggles we have here.

Take courage, dear friend. I am praying for you (and I mean that!) to truly find peace with God. I hope that someday we can meet in Heaven if not sooner on this earth.

Also, you may find encouragement from some pastors who are very solid and care about seeking souls. John MacArthur, Paul Washer, Voddie Baucham and John Piper are a few of them, and they have websites, and/or sermons on a site called sermonaudio.com
I feel as if I have committed the unpardonable sin, by becoming apostate. I feel horrible about my life now, and I only wish to come back to Jesus. I thought I gave my life to Jesus in 1985, but I continued in sin, and do not feel I had a true conversion. I am afraid of the verses in Hebrews that describe one who tasted the heavenly gift, but did not consume it. I don't know what to do other than to go to Him. I am worried that he will say away from me as I say Lord, Lord. Any words would be helpful.
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Jul 22, 2019
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I feel as if I have committed the unpardonable sin, by becoming apostate. I feel horrible about my life now, and I only wish to come back to Jesus. I thought I gave my life to Jesus in 1985, but I continued in sin, and do not feel I had a true conversion. I am afraid of the verses in Hebrews that describe one who tasted the heavenly gift, but did not consume it. I don't know what to do other than to go to Him. I am worried that he will say away from me as I say Lord, Lord. Any words would be helpful.

I am there too. Except my fear has turned into apathy. I am not much help.
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Dave L

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Jun 28, 2018
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What if I am at the end of myself yet I have a hard time getting out of the house, going to church, and basically feel I have been apostate. I grieve that I have grieved or sent the Spirit away. I do not want to live without God! I am asking what I should do now, as I feel I may have committed the unpardonable sin. Thanks! Blessings!
If you committed the unpardonable sin you would not be concerned about it. You would have more of an atheist's outlook.

Look beyond yourself and trust that Jesus paid for your sins on the cross. Had he not, you would not be concerned. Just trust in him and repent from doubting, living a holy life.
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Jul 14, 2018
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Ive come to the conclusion that I'm not truly saved because I haven't displayed any fruits of the spirit. I don't see Christ as supremely valuable, and I only do good works to ease my guilty conscience. I don't thirst for the Word of God, and I have no desire to commune with the Lord. In fact, I really dislike prayer and Scripture reading, and I avoid it like the plague. I intellectually believe thr Gospel, but it hasn't penetrated my heart.

My question is, what do I do now? How do I get saved for real?
Hey cerulean how are you.i have the exact same problem as you
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Sep 20, 2013
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I feel as if I have committed the unpardonable sin, by becoming apostate. I feel horrible about my life now, and I only wish to come back to Jesus. I thought I gave my life to Jesus in 1985, but I continued in sin, and do not feel I had a true conversion. I am afraid of the verses in Hebrews that describe one who tasted the heavenly gift, but did not consume it. I don't know what to do other than to go to Him. I am worried that he will say away from me as I say Lord, Lord. Any words would be helpful.

Hey, I have listed links to three articles/sermons below that might help.

1. How to Come to Jesus, by Dr. John R Rice
How to Come to Jesus -- a short, simple sermon on Salvation - Sermon Index

2. What Must I do to be Saved, by Dr. John R Rice
What Must I Do to be Saved? - Sermon Index

3.The devil has entered me

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John Helpher

John 3:16
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Mar 25, 2020
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My question is, what do I do now? How do I get saved for real?

Read through the 4 gospels and make a note every time Jesus tells his followers to do this or to not do that. When you've finished, read through the list and ask yourself if you want to practice these teachings. If you do not want to practice them, then there's no point is concerning yourself with issues like salvation or whatever since there would be no point in wanting to be saved into a kingdom which values you aren't interested in.

If you do find that you want to practice these teachings, then that is your best means of demonstrating to God that you do want to be a part of his kingdom. Do your best to apply the values of the kingdom of Heaven (i.e. the teachings of Jesus) in your day-to-day life. You'll make all kinds of mistakes along the way but just keep trying.
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Sep 13, 2022
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Ive come to the conclusion that I'm not truly saved because I haven't displayed any fruits of the spirit. I don't see Christ as supremely valuable, and I only do good works to ease my guilty conscience. I don't thirst for the Word of God, and I have no desire to commune with the Lord. In fact, I really dislike prayer and Scripture reading, and I avoid it like the plague. I intellectually believe thr Gospel, but it hasn't penetrated my heart.

My question is, what do I do now? How do I get saved for real?

Hi Cerulean,
I'm sorry to revive this thread after so much time, but am going through exactly what you describe, and while I can't claim it's behind me, have found some things which help.

First and foremost, the words I suspect you so desperately want to hear - that you are regenerate, are saved, are elect, are not a false believer, are not an Esau, are not an apostate given over to destruction and (most importantly), here's the proof - I can't tell you that. No one except the indwelling Holy Spirit honestly can.

That being said, I've looked at your other posts to try to get a sense for you, and what I (again, a flawed man with a lot of the same issues) see from my human perspective is a young woman with some spiritual scarring desperately struggling to feel a connection to her heavenly father; one who is trying hard enough to enroll in a Christian college, and is concerned about the spiritual condition of her friends, and while those don't prove anything either way, there is definite hope there.

As to the numbness you feel, I felt it too, and for the same reason - sin. One of the things I see you mention in this thread and others is a history of sexual sin - homosexuality, and pornography in particular. Please understand, I'm not judging - my own past is one of fornication and pornography. I'm just speaking from experience as to the effects. The fact that you were able to leave your history of homosexuality in of itself is amazing, and while it can't prove anything, it nonetheless points to at least a taste of the Holy Spirit's power.

Your history also doesn't necessarily mean you aren't saved; Christ's power and sacrifice is sufficient to cover all our sins. That said, while coming to Christ instantly cleanses us and frees us from the eternal consequences of our sin, the temporal, earthly consequences can remain present in the sinful unredeemed flesh, even after conversion. For some, these consequences are physical - an STD or pregnancy - but for most, these consequences are mental and spiritual - patterns of sinful thought, sinful habits, and sinful hungers and appetites developed over years, sometimes decades. These spiritual scars, built up over time, in many ways function like physical scars, rendering the tissue beneath stiff, hardened, and numb. This is quite literally what hardening of the heart is, and it results in the numbness we feel, and insensitivity to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit.

But here's the hope - as long as you are alive, scars can be broken down; hearts can be softened. The kicker is, you can't do it, only God can. And there in lies the rub for people like us - how does a hardened heart repent of being hardened? The answer is by leaning on a wisdom and on faith greater than ours. Jesus says in the Bible that "With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible". All things, no qualifiers or exceptions.

When I was first going through this, and would ask pastors, elders, counselors, from a practical standpoint, what do I do to have assurance of my faith, to stop doubting, and move closer to my Lord and savior Jesus, I would eventually get the answer: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength". And while this is undoubtedly accurate, I was so frustrated, I kind of wanted to punch them all in the throat a little. It's maddeningly easy to say, but the question on the table, which people with tender hearts never seem to have to think about or ask, is how?

The truth is that with a scarred heart, you (like me) probably won't be able to feel much. Not at first. This is something that most Christians, however well intentioned, will never understand. "What do you mean? You just love Him. If you don't, you're not saved." And so on. And it really is great for them that they don't understand.

But for people who have stared down the road where consciences are a little seared, where hearts are a little hardened, it is a little more complicated. What happens when the Prodigal Son (or in your case, Daughter) wants to go home, but has been gone so long they can no longer see or remember the path back? The answer is to lean on a reliable guide.

In this case, you need to throw yourself on the promises of God. "Ask, and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you." -Matthew 7:7, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." - 1 John 1:9. Cling to these and similar verses, no matter how it feels, as you do the next steps.

Find groups - both for Bible study, and for ministry and outreach - and attend. Read your Bible, pray, and serve the Lord, even (or perhaps, even more importantly) when you don't feel like it. Study the Word, and serve the Lord even if it feels hypocritical and wrong. Remember: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" -Jeremiah 17:9. No one can trust their own heart and feelings completely, but your heart is scarred and rebellious and is especially untrustworthy right now. From the outside, this will look like Fake-It-Till-You-Make-It (which is legalistic, hypocritical, and sinful) especially because you will be doing a lot of the same outward things. The difference is the heart behind it and the intent.

Fake it till you make it is evil because it supposes that our works can save us, which is blatantly untrue. Works never save - only Christ can save us. It is also true however, that God is the most free to work in us when we are most submitted to Him. And we submit by obedience. As you do these works, remember and pray: "Lord, I know my works cannot save me, sanctify me, or change my heart, but You can. I believe in your infinite redeeming power, your hand mighty to save. Your word says these things, and therefore they are true, no matter how I feel. I am a sinner, who does not deserve your mercy, but believe your Word when it says You offer it nonetheless, freely and out of your love for me. You owe me nothing, I owe you everything, and yet your Word says your will is to draw me to you. I confess my sins, and beg you, that as I submit to you and serve you in this place, you draw me close out of your love for, and stated promise to me. Thank you for this opportunity."

It's not Fake it till you make it; it's (for lack of a better term) Fake it till He makes it. Believing in His ability, and sometimes harder, willingness, to save you is the very core of faith. God honors and delights in faithful, willing submission to Him.

You will also need to borrow the faith of others to shore up your own faith, which will be weak at first. Have a group (or groups) of strong christians (ideally mature christian women) who can study the Bible with you, pray over you, and keep you accountable, both with regard to sin and service to the Lord, because you're going to want to give up in the beginning.

Because of the spiritual scarring, you will be numb at first, and it will be very easy to get discouraged and want to throw in the towel. While our sins are wiped away with confession and conversion, the scars often take longer, and are more often than not part of the process of progressive sanctification. Note that God's power is infinite, and there are those whose scars (sinful habits, desires, and thought processes) are instantly wiped away, and this is of course something to pray for, but don't be discouraged if this isn't necessarily the case for you. For most Christians, the process is lifelong - those old desires crop up, those old thoughts come to mind - but as you "take captive every thought to make them obedient to Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5b, and practice self-denial and godliness through the power of the Spirit, those old thoughts crop up less and less and it becomes easier to deny them. As the scars soften, you will find your love for the Lord will grow, and your sense for the Spirit will improve. But again, this takes time (possibly a lot of it), and you will need strong believers around you who can help prop you up when your strength fails.

As a final warning, one of the biggest hurdles on the path back to God is ongoing sin. In one of your recent posts, you mention struggling with pornography (again, no judgement, I'm struggling too). Ongoing sin in the life of a believer is one of the most surefire ways to derail a Christian walk, reinforce old scars, habits, and patterns of sin, muffle the voice of the Spirit, and is incredibly dangerous to your soul, particularly in this arena. All sin is dangerous, but sexual sins in particular seem to damage the heart especially deeply (see 1 Corinthians 6:18). Having that group of strong Christians (ideally women for you) who can keep you accountable will help you throughout your entire walk, but especially in the beginning when you're scared, discouraged, and weak.

I'm sorry I can't authoritatively tell you what your soul wants to hear, but there's cause for optimism. The fact that you're wrestling and hurting so much is a good sign. The Bible says that until brought to life by the Spirit we are, in a very real sense, spiritually dead; literally corpses. And a couple facts about the dead - dead men (and women) don't wrestle; dead women don't hurt. As unnatural as it feels right now, stop looking inwards to judge your salvation. While the Bible commands a certain degree of introspection (2 Corinthians 13:5), it's all too easy for us to drown and despair in the darkness and sin nature we will inevitably see, and the intent of that verse was never for us to be so consumed by looking at our own inadequacy and failure that we stop looking at Jesus. Ultimately, our salvation has nothing to do with our own worthiness, merit, or rightousness - it's the imputed infinite righteousness of Christ which saves us. Satan will keep reminding you of your own inadequacy to try to keep you discouraged, but it's not about us, never was, and never will be. It's about Jesus. His Power, His Righteousness, His Perfection, His Merit, His Adequacy. No matter how it feels, keep your eyes on Christ, and don't give up honey.

Praying for you,
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Sep 13, 2022
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I feel as if I have committed the unpardonable sin, by becoming apostate. I feel horrible about my life now, and I only wish to come back to Jesus. I thought I gave my life to Jesus in 1985, but I continued in sin, and do not feel I had a true conversion. I am afraid of the verses in Hebrews that describe one who tasted the heavenly gift, but did not consume it. I don't know what to do other than to go to Him. I am worried that he will say away from me as I say Lord, Lord. Any words would be helpful.

This last post to Cerulean applies to you too brother. I've also been terrified by all those warning verses, usually in response to my stumbling or backsliding in sin. I can't comfort you, or promise you're OK any more than I could Cerulean. It is possible you're unsaved; it's also very possible you are saved and sealed by the Spirit, but are stuck in a pattern or season of sin which God is trying to call you back from. One thing I do know however is that the true, finally-hardened, apostate heart, fully given over to a reprobate mind, does not desire or seek to return to Jesus.

As long as you're still alive, you are not past hope, or Christ's power to save.
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Everything I need to be joyful is right here
May 22, 2015
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I want to be saved from Hell, but I don't enjoy praying. I guess what I'm saying is that deep down, I want to enjoy the benefits of a relationship with God, but I don't love God enough to desire the relationship itself.

I know what you mean. I would find some quiet time and really try to humble yourself and ask in your heart for the truth about God and the Holy Spirit to be revealed to you in a loving way.

I try not to limit God to a Bible shaped box, truth and love will reveal itself to you in a way you can understand and truly accept, without fear of being wrong or fear of hell. Perfect love casts out all fear.
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Feb 25, 2022
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I get exactly what the OP is saying as I have some of the same feelings. I really can't offer any advice. I don't post on here much, mostly tend to stay in the shadows and read the threads; however I can say that I appreciate and am thankful for the responses I have read on this one.
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Half-truths are lies wearing makeup
Dec 2, 2010
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Ive come to the conclusion that I'm not truly saved because I haven't displayed any fruits of the spirit. I don't see Christ as supremely valuable, and I only do good works to ease my guilty conscience. I don't thirst for the Word of God, and I have no desire to commune with the Lord. In fact, I really dislike prayer and Scripture reading, and I avoid it like the plague. I intellectually believe thr Gospel, but it hasn't penetrated my heart.

My question is, what do I do now? How do I get saved for real?
The truth makes us free. And if to be free is to enjoy a fullness of spiritual and intellectual invigoration, then truth is the ultimate spiritual and intellectual invigorator. If, then, you are not invigorated as you live the truth you've embraced, perhaps what you believe is not the truth, or contains significant elements of untruth, leaving you feeling empty when putting it into effect.
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Spreading love and cookies
Apr 6, 2023
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Ive come to the conclusion that I'm not truly saved because I haven't displayed any fruits of the spirit. I don't see Christ as supremely valuable, and I only do good works to ease my guilty conscience. I don't thirst for the Word of God, and I have no desire to commune with the Lord. In fact, I really dislike prayer and Scripture reading, and I avoid it like the plague. I intellectually believe thr Gospel, but it hasn't penetrated my heart.

My question is, what do I do now? How do I get saved for real
Don't fret. Sometimes we go through periods of spiritual lows where we don't feel anything at all, and just because you don't perceive the Holy Spirit doesn't mean He's not at work. Maybe the way you're worshipping isn't connecting with you anymore, or maybe God is calling you to talk to Him about what's going on. My messages are open for you.
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