I think I'm unregnerate, reprobate, vessel of wrath, despairing, tried all I can think of


Ιησούς Χριστός Νικά
Oct 22, 2020
British Columbia
Eastern Orthodox
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Hey guys, I read through this entire thread and only now got around to making an account. I'm in the same boat as Diana and Chris, probably worse off if that's even possible. Reading Diana's posts made me feel like I was reading about myself. I've been a narcissist my entire life with ongoing sin, I remember very distinctly a time probably before I was even a teenager that I think I stopped feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Since then I've lived in horrible sin, got on medications at one point, currently dependant on an antidepressant. I've never held a realistic view of myself and now that I've learned about all that's wrong with myself I realize I'm most likely reprobate. I know the Bible is 100% true but I don't have saving faith, I have the faith of the demons and sometimes I can trick myself into feeling false assurance but when I think about who I am and what I've done it's again replaced by a crippling fear of Hell. I had some bad experiences during childhood and my parents both have impaired/nonexistant empathy so I was able to hide my feelings from them and shut them out of my life, the things that happened to me, and the things I'd done. I'm feeling pretty hopeless and it's been this way for as long as I can remember. I basically rejected God and I don't see a way back. I want a way back, I don't want to burn in Hell, and I want to know what love is. This is a really short explanation but I've been telling people my life story trying to find help for the last month or so so I guess I'll post as things come to me. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks

Hey, man. I also just recently made an account, though I've been lurking on the forum for a fair bit of time now. Anyways, you've heard it already, but believe me: however deep you think the pit you've got yourself into is, it's never too deep for Christ.

I was what you might call "on fire for the Lord" as a young teen, entering high school; by the time I left, I was thoroughly devoid of any connection to God. Obviously, a lot happened in between these two points of time for things to have turned out the way they did, but suffice it to say, if I were to tell you all the details of my journey during these years and the years that followed, the one thing you would learn about me is this: I have done truly evil and wicked things in my life. But thanks be to God, Who is mighty to save. One day, I was brought to a point where I genuinely feared death. As an avid trail-runner living near forest-covered mountains, I had gone out for a run as I often did. But this time was different. Winter had come early in these parts, and I ended up trapped on a steep, perilously narrow mountain path, unevenly paved with ice; I was terrified of slipping and falling down the very steep slopes, with no one to hear any shouts for help, and was on my hands and knees, afraid to even stand, lest I lose my footing. And so, I came to forced understanding of two things. First, that if I were to slip and meet my end at that very moment, to actually die, I would not be going to heaven. Second, as a runner, running and running all these years, it really hit me—for the very first time—that all the running I was doing was nothing but a physical manifestation of my spiritual running away from God. Boom. It hit me like a train. And despite my resistance, that's when I broke. The façade, the false personas, the total self-deception—everything that I had done and was doing to suppress my conscience—just shattered. On that mountain trail, cold and alone, daylight waning, I fell to my knees and cried out to God for the first time in years. I made the plea I had so often heard in movies (and could scarcely believe that I was making it) and promised Him that I would change my life if He would only get me home alive. He did. And boy, what an awkward bus ride home that was. After walking through the front door of my house, with that heavy feeling in my chest just pounding away and slowly going up my throat, I could barely say hello to my mother as I rushed up the stairs to my bedroom, shut the door, and wept.

This was the very beginning of repentance for me.

Here's the point: I was not worthy of rescue, and it was only when I accepted this that I was able to be rescued. I had no right to make it back home that day. None. I fully realized at that hour, that if I were to fall to my death, that would have been what I was worthy of—and it was all my doing. I chose to run, I chose to climb that mountain, I chose to ignore the kind old man coming down at the start of my ascent who warned me of the dangerous conditions, I chose to push myself, aware of the possible risks. Everything that led up to that moment, I chose to do! In a physical and literal sense, yes, but in a spiritual sense too. It was I who turned my face away, I who, like Adam, hid myself in the garden. Yet knowing all these things, our Lord and great God, the King and our Creator, the very Maker of my very soul—He still chose to save me.

I don't know what it would take for you to, say, go to some rat-infested grocery store and select the most rotten, stinking, maggot-ridden portion of meat from the deli to take back home and prepare for your dinner. Or for you—with your own hands—to clean the filthy, feces-smeared floors and walls of the most neglected public washroom in your city. Forgive me these foul images, but that's just what the Lord did for me. Why? Because I asked. That's it. As I lay at the foot of my bed, crying heartfelt tears for the first time in my life, I understood in a way that I never had before that He not only accepted, but chose that which was infested and vile, repulsive and distasteful. And that's when I felt, from the deepest part of my being, that this God.. this God, is worth everything.

Our world likes to think itself wise and progressive when it tells us that love is "accepting" of "imperfections". In reality, it knows little of true love, and even less of true imperfection. When I began to understand that our God—the One I'd grown up learning about in Sunday school and innocently prayed to as a child before sleep; the One Who parted the mighty Red Sea and spoke stars into being; the One Whose holy Name is thrown around in our day as a cuss word, and Whose very existence is either thought of as a mere joke, or treated with contempt—that God, that very God, is the only One in this world Who truly knows me, loves me, and cares for my soul. I saw with renewed eyes that the distance between His perfection and my imperfection was infinite; but only a love so pure, so unconditional and so correspondingly infinite could see my impurity and choose it for Himself.

I've ended up writing you an essay, forgive me. But I'm trying to get something across that can't easily be done so with words. I was only able to return to God our Father and His ever-open arms as the sinner and prodigal that I am once I realized my utter disgrace, hopelessness and soul-crushing loneliness without Him in my life, in the mire of my sins, as swine with swine for company. Sin, as I learned, is anything that leads me away from only Lover of my soul. And I mean "only" in the most true, most sincere, most serious way possible. I realized that day that no single person in my life and in this world—parents and family included—can or will ever love me the way Christ loves me. As the One Who literally made me, He knows me better than I know myself, which means He sees me fully—every evil thought, word and deed from every of my life—and still He loves me!

I've trampled, sprayed and squashed many bugs in my lifetime. Mosquitoes in particular get no love from me. Though being sizably larger and able to flee, I would rather use my bodily superiority to my advantage and destroy those insects which dare to offend me. But though He is infinitely greater and incomparably more superior than I, a sinner and pestilent germ; though I dare to shamelessly offend Him time and time again; yet His heart is ever-filled with great mercy for me! How deep the love of Christ must be, that when I speak as the thief I am, to my God and my Saviour, hanging on the cross next to me—crucified by His creatures, and bloodied & bruised under the weight of my sin—in that very moment, at the point of annihilation, as I cry out to Him to remember me in His kingdom; at that very moment, my God and my King turns His holy eyes to me, and upon hearing my plea for mercy, and seeing in my eyes the entirety of my sinful life and every wicked deed as the All-Seeing One, Who knew me before the ages; His holy face to my darkened face, sharing in the same human sufferings, in the very same misery of man, wanting me to see all that He would endure for my sake—that is when He responds and says, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." At that very instant, as soon as those precious words left His holy lips—after the cry for mercy left mine—I was made clean.

To see Him make that choice, for Him to work my salvation and do what I could never do; to not only cleanse me by the sheer power of His holy will, but to grant me that which I neither earned nor deserved: the inheritance which I took for granted in my youth, and wasted away in sin and wickedness; to make me worthy of that most precious gift of eternal life, which I cast aside so long ago, in pursuit of my lusts and evil desires; to see me at my lowest point, and at that moment to make me worthy of the highest honour—that's how He showed me the depth of His love for wretched man; and deep it truly is!

Holy Scripture says, “There is none like God... who rides through the heavens to your help, through the skies in his majesty …The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Friend, this is the truth. It took me far too long to fully realize it, but there truly is none like Him. Nothing in this created world could even hope to ever compare to the One Who created it. And the comprehension of this truth, that He is truly good—when He has every right to be anything but good, yet is actually so good that He cannot be anything but good—changes absolutely everything by making us want to spiritually struggle, to actively desire it—not just for our sakes, but for His sake; out of lovethe most powerful motivation. It's the very least we can do, once it strikes the conscience and stirs the heart from its sleep, for the One Who loved us in such indescribable goodness, Who is no mere man, but the one true God and King of the Universe Himself, who deigned to take on our corruptible human flesh, not to simply tell us, but to show us His love for us—the very work of His hands—by suffering with us in our trials and temptations, and going so far as to die that same wretched death that condemns men in their sins. But glory be to God; the most holy Resurrection of our Lord Christ confirmed without doubt the destruction of that death, feared by all men since the days of Adam, and proved His power not only as Lord, but as God (cf. Jn 20:28). And all this He did not only as God, but also as man—as our Brother—so that as we struggle and constantly make the effort to live a repentant, righteous life—to immediately get back up as soon as we notice our fall, without giving in to despondency—we would be made worthy of not only calling Christ our true Brother, but of looking to His Father, to call Him our own, that, as taught, we may say, "Our Father, who art in heaven..." How marvelous the great mysteries of divine love and grace! He who destroyed death is not only able, but willing to destroy the death in us. So let's give thanks to God for His goodness to us!

Perhaps one can sum up the entirety of the purpose of life in this way: to be good, and do good. But to be good and to do good is to know God, and to love Him. For such is the only true Good in this world: our God, and none other.

Apologies again for the long spiel. Two last things that I should mention: genuine and sorrowful repentance does not make us "good" or "better" overnight, and it certainly does not make life easier for us as Christians; in fact, it's almost the opposite—the worst, most deplorable sin I've ever committed happened after my return to God. When the devil sees you on your knees, not in despair (as he would have it) but rather in humility before the Lord your God... well, go ahead and paint a target on your back while you’re at it. Also, forgiveness of sins does not negate every consequence of sin. Don't forget that although Christ forgave and purified him on the cross, the penitent thief was still left there to hang, and even had to endure the breaking of his legs before he finally died. Yes, truly, the struggle of the Christian life is real. But the important thing is to always turn to God whenever you’ve sinned—no matter how depraved your deed; the very thought of repentance in your mind is a sign and miracle from Heaven, and "the very fact that a sinner still lives is a pledge that God will accept whoever desires to return to Him."

Anyways, I do hope that you (or anyone else, for that matter) are at least encouraged by something either I or someone else has written here, and that my paltry words make some sort of sense! I'll leave you with a relevant quote which is always a helpful reminder for me, and which may prove useful to you, as well as a beautiful and relevant hymn from my Orthodox tradition, which speaks of our Lord's power and will to raise those who are dead to life:

"What David calls 'the gates of hell, the pangs' and the 'shadow of death,' he (St. Paul, II Cor. 1:8-10) expresses by saying, 'We endured peril pregnant with certain death' …And why did He (God) permit peril so great as to take away our hope and cause us to despair? 'That we should not trust in ourselves,' he says, 'but in God' …And yet God does not say that He permitted them for this, but for another reason …That His strength might be displayed the more, 'For,' he says, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness'... Whereas the Resurrection (of our souls and bodies) was a thing of the future, he shows that it happens every day: for when God raises a man again who is in despair and has been brought to the very gates of Hades, He shows no other thing than the resurrection, snatching out of the very jaws of death the one who had fallen into them. From this, in the case of those despaired of and them restored either out of grievous sickness or insupportable trials, it is a normal way of speaking to say, We have seen the resurrection of the dead in his case …"

- St. John Chrysostom, Homily II on II Corinthians

To Thee, O Lord of creation,
We kneel down in reverence profound,
For all we who are dead in sin,
In Thee, O Jesus, are made alive!


TLDR: Don't give up the good fight, brother, at any cost. The prize is far too valuable to pass from this life with an unrepentant heart. Everything in this world is a lie. Anything but the truth is but filthy rags. Don't touch or draw near to anything that causes you to forget the ineffable love our Creator has for His creatures. And never forget that Christ our God knows well our miserable condition, and can never turn away those who seek after Him with all their heart, soul, strength and mind.
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Kyle W

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Oct 2, 2020
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I've been a narcissist my entire life with ongoing sin,

These two things - narcissism and sin - go together like birds and feathers. In any case, you aren't alone in your narcissism and sin. It is because we humans are all of us sinful narcissists that we so desperately need a Saviour who can free us from ourselves and save us from the just, eternal punishment of our sin.

I remember very distinctly a time probably before I was even a teenager that I think I stopped feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Are you confusing the prick of your conscience with the conviction of the Holy Spirit? They aren't exactly the same thing. The former is common to all people, the latter only to those who are truly born-again. It is possible, regardless, to blunt the prick of one's conscience and to grow dull to the conviction of the Spirit. But God can overcome both states; with Him, all things are possible.

I've never held a realistic view of myself and now that I've learned about all that's wrong with myself I realize I'm most likely reprobate.

Every person not yet born-again is the person Paul the apostle described in Ephesians 2:1-3. It's a pretty dark picture he paints of the lost person, "dead in trespasses and sins," bound under the power of the World, the Flesh and the devil. But Paul uses this great phrase in verse 4: "but God." Out of this phrase arises a description of the awesome saving and transforming work of God upon those impotent to free themselves from the bondage in which they live. What is powerfully evident in what Paul wrote is that no one - not even you - is beyond God's power to redeem.

I know the Bible is 100% true but I don't have saving faith, I have the faith of the demons and sometimes I can trick myself into feeling false assurance but when I think about who I am and what I've done it's again replaced by a crippling fear of Hell.

So, what is "saving faith," exactly? How is it distinguished from the belief of demons?

A fear of Hell may have a place in bringing a person to the Gospel, but when the Gospel is properly understood, fear gives way to love and gratefulness. Your fear, then, is indicative of a misunderstanding of the Gospel. Read 1 John 4:16-19.

I'm feeling pretty hopeless and it's been this way for as long as I can remember. I basically rejected God and I don't see a way back. I want a way back, I don't want to burn in Hell, and I want to know what love is.

The Bible makes it clear that we are all created by God to know and serve Him. And when we live in accord with our created purpose, we find the fulfillment, and joy, and peace of being who we are meant to be. But in order to walk with God and enjoy Him fully, as we were created to do, we have to do as the Bible teaches: yield (Romans 6:13), surrender (Romans 12:1), submit (James 4:7-10), humble ourselves (1 Peter 5:6) and die (Matthew 16:24-25; Galatians 2:20). In doing these things, we find the life for which God made us, a life properly centered and anchored in Him, a life of meaning and joy. It is not possible, though, for us to bring ourselves to a place of surrender and self-denial. God must do it. And He will, as we ask Him to - and keep asking 'til He does.
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Christian Baby Boomer
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Oct 14, 2013
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When I read your post it was like looking back at myself forty years ago, and it breaks my heart for you. I was were you have been and where you are.
Sister, you need a Christian therapist, not a secular therapist. The secular therapist will consider your Christian beliefs a factor in your mental state, and that is so wrong.
Also if you have messed with sorcery you may have some demonic activity going on in your life. I once messed with a Ouija board and brought about some major problems in my life.
What really helped me was I got into meditation and focused on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, it didn't come easy, at first there was a mental war going on, but after a while the Holy Spirit began healing my mind with the help of a wonderful Christian woman that I refer to as my spiritual mom.
Don't ever think God doesn't love you, He does.
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Aug 27, 2019
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When I read your post it was like looking back at myself forty years ago, and it breaks my heart for you. I was were you have been and where you are.
Sister, you need a Christian therapist, not a secular therapist. The secular therapist will consider your Christian beliefs a factor in your mental state, and that is so wrong.
Also if you have messed with sorcery you may have some demonic activity going on in your life. I once messed with a Ouija board and brought about some major problems in my life.
What really helped me was I got into meditation and focused on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, it didn't come easy, at first there was a mental war going on, but after a while the Holy Spirit began healing my mind with the help of a wonderful Christian woman that I refer to as my spiritual mom.
Don't ever think God doesn't love you, He does.

Thank you for that. That's about where I am now - realizing I need to meditate on what Jesus has done for me. So many people have told me that so many times. Like you said, there is this mental war going on. Sometimes I find myself believing I'm forgiven. Then I so easily go back to thinking I need to be on my best behavior in order to be accepted. I know it's a process and it's a matter of renewing my mind. I just want to obey and follow Jesus because I truly understand what He did, I'm grateful for that, and I love Him for that. It's not easy. Also like you, I started talking with a lovely Christian woman who is going to walk with me through a study on biblical, foundational truths. I'm looking forward to that and to continue healing and renewing my mind!
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Sep 20, 2013
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Thank you for that. That's about where I am now - realizing I need to meditate on what Jesus has done for me. So many people have told me that so many times. Like you said, there is this mental war going on. Sometimes I find myself believing I'm forgiven. Then I so easily go back to thinking I need to be on my best behavior in order to be accepted. I know it's a process and it's a matter of renewing my mind. I just want to obey and follow Jesus because I truly understand what He did, I'm grateful for that, and I love Him for that. It's not easy. Also like you, I started talking with a lovely Christian woman who is going to walk with me through a study on biblical, foundational truths. I'm looking forward to that and to continue healing and renewing my mind!

Diana, Jesus didn't come to save those who are "on their best behavior." He came to save sinners.

Also, don't confuse "sanctification" with "justification." They are not the same.

Glad you found a Christian friend to help you.


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Oct 16, 2020
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Just the way am feeling now I God help me
Same , but Jesus says if we abide in His truth continually we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. John 8:31-32
It is hard but God will work in you , us to desire and will to obey Philippians 2:13
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Dec 27, 2018
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I relate to some parts of OP story, mainly the wish to do the "American dream" thing which I feel like I didn't get to achieve.

Growing up I heard that eternity in Heaven is to be great. But I don't seem to have the "draw" to it. I am more excited about looking forward to doing or having that cool thing which I wanted, especially if I didn't have the chance to on this earth. I'm not "drawn" naturally to the spirit, at least not by and of itself.

When I have an image of eternal Heaven, I imagine a place more or less comparable to a celestial North Korea where people are brainwashed to only want to praise dear leader and anything else is forbidden or you are brainwashed to forget about it. And unlike Kim Jong Un or any other earthly leader, God is eternal and can't change, which means you can't escape him or overthrow him, and you can never die and leave the party anyway. The only trait that really matters is your devotion to God and everything else is nihilist of unimportant, like a cosmic form of socialism in a way.
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I relate to some parts of OP story, mainly the wish to do the "American dream" thing which I feel like I didn't get to achieve.

Growing up I heard that eternity in Heaven is to be great. But I don't seem to have the "draw" to it. I am more excited about looking forward to doing or having that cool thing which I wanted, especially if I didn't have the chance to on this earth. I'm not "drawn" naturally to the spirit, at least not by and of itself.

When I have an image of eternal Heaven, I imagine a place more or less comparable to a celestial North Korea where people are brainwashed to only want to praise dear leader and anything else is forbidden or you are brainwashed to forget about it. And unlike Kim Jong Un or any other earthly leader, God is eternal and can't change, which means you can't escape him or overthrow him, and you can never die and leave the party anyway. The only trait that really matters is your devotion to God and everything else is nihilist of unimportant, like a cosmic form of socialism in a way.


I have been a christian for over 40 years and I can tell you that I do not envision heaven as a place that I would want to escape; not because of my devotion to God, but because of His devotion to me. You, see VCR, God was so devoted to me that He, Jesus, died on a cross, shed His blood there and suffered a horrible death of excruciating agonizing pain that I myself should suffer in hell. He took my sin upon Himself & paid the penalty for me so that I could be forgiven. He did that for you too.
No, VCR, I will not want to escape God, nor would I want to overthrow Him. I will spend eternity thanking Him for what He did for me. Although the bible tells us that we cannot imagine what heaven will be like, it does say that God is creating a new home for us and that we will have new glorified bodies. It also tells us that God will someday bring heaven down to earth where we will live for eternity. Now think about that, VCR. God's original creation of this earth and man was perfect until satan corrupted it, and some day God will remake His creation to be perfect again. He can do that because of the cross.
I imagine that God will remake His creation in a similar fashion & with a similar purpose in which He created the original earth.
I imagine that instead of playing a harp while floating around on a cloud, which is what I have heard some skeptics say about the matter, that we will have some kind of task or job to do that is related to the gifts & abilities God gave each one of us while we were here on earth and also in relation to our level of service to Him now. I believe that if we could look into heaven now and see that it is so much more than anyone could ever imagine that we would want to skip out of this life and be there now.
Finally, if you are not sure about God, then ask Him to show you whatever it is that you need so that you would change your mind about Him. I did that a long time ago, not knowing what He would show me but willing to accept it if I was convinced it was the truth, and He did show me exactly the things I needed and He convinced me it was truth. I found my answer in the Gospel of John.


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I have been a christian for over 40 years and I can tell you that I do not envision heaven as a place that I would want to escape; not because of my devotion to God, but because of His devotion to me. You, see VCR, God was so devoted to me that He, Jesus, died on a cross, shed His blood there and suffered a horrible death of excruciating agonizing pain that I myself should suffer in hell. He took my sin upon Himself & paid the penalty for me so that I could be forgiven. He did that for you too.
No, VCR, I will not want to escape God, nor would I want to overthrow Him. I will spend eternity thanking Him for what He did for me. Although the bible tells us that we cannot imagine what heaven will be like, it does say that God is creating a new home for us and that we will have new glorified bodies. It also tells us that God will someday bring heaven down to earth where we will live for eternity. Now think about that, VCR. God's original creation of this earth and man was perfect until satan corrupted it, and some day God will remake His creation to be perfect again. He can do that because of the cross.
I imagine that God will remake His creation in a similar fashion & with a similar purpose in which He created the original earth.
I imagine that instead of playing a harp while floating around on a cloud, which is what I have heard some skeptics say about the matter, that we will have some kind of task or job to do that is related to the gifts & abilities God gave each one of us while we were here on earth and also in relation to our level of service to Him now. I believe that if we could look into heaven now and see that it is so much more than anyone could ever imagine that we would want to skip out of this life and be there now.
Finally, if you are not sure about God, then ask Him to show you whatever it is that you need so that you would change your mind about Him. I did that a long time ago, not knowing what He would show me but willing to accept it if I was convinced it was the truth, and He did show me exactly the things I needed and He convinced me it was truth. I found my answer in the Gospel of John.


That makes me feel at least a little more hopeful, but there are a lot of other ideas of belief, I don't know how to balance or what I "need" to believe anymore.
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Just me
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I grew up in the Lutheran church going to Sunday School, church on Sundays, confirmation. When I was about 5, I did something I felt guilty about. I was upset by it, was crying, and despite my mom telling me God loves me and forgives me, I said He didn't and He hates me, my mom hates me, everyone hates me, even the animals hate me. I continued in church, Sunday School, confirmation but was never into it. I just did it to go through the motions - it's something I had to do. I have always been very introspective and self absorbed, not genuinely caring about anyone else. I also never felt like I was my own self. I always wanted to be like someone else, look like someone else, do what other people were doing. I very much observed others and wanted to be like them rather than just being who I was. I've been a perfectionist and always wanted things neat and orderly. I liked to be in control. I always liked being in my comfort zone too. I liked staying at home and watching tv. I only liked doing what I liked to do. I always talked about myself. I really never asked questions of others. My life has been all about me, me, me - I think I'm a narcissistic, psycho/sociopath. I've always felt bad about myself, like i was never good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, anything enough. I've always been timid, insecure, unsure of myself, afraid to speak up. I've always been self conscious and concerned about what others thought of me.

I had questions growing up...where did I come from? where did everything come from? if God made everything, who made God? when did He begin? I also was very worldly and had doubts and other questions. What happens when we die? Are we reincarnated? Will I come back as a cow? What if we we're nothing? What about all these other religions? Which one is right? How do I know the Bible is real? How do I know it's not a fairytale? What about aliens? What about dinosaurs?

I never had a sense of God or an inner drawing to Him. I just knew from the outside about Him. After I got confirmed, I thought I was good. I "graduated." I was a Christian. I went on to live like the world. Go to college, get my job, get my house, live the American dream. I thought that's what I was supposed to do. Other things I did like the world that I was unaware of that were bad (I knew they weren't good but thought it was okay since society did it)...I've watched scary movies, listened to hardcore rap/hard rock/other secular music, did yoga, have seen porn on tv/in magazines and books, read horoscopes, gone to a group psychic party, lots of drinking/going out to the bars, partying, pre marital sex. After some time, I did something I regretted and started going back to church. I then got heavily into sermons, books, blogs, articles, all sorts of things to make myself feel better. In 2016, I started going to a different church and got really involved there. I did mission trips, small groups, church on Sundays, served in Youth. I also was working with a life coach. I started to question why I was doing what I was doing - was I being a Pharisee? I had read much of the New Testament and knew a lot of the Bible but read it as a book and it never really "spoke" to me. When I prayed, I had no sense that God was with me. I had to work hard to imagine He was there. All the things I've learned about God have been from the outside, nothing from the inside. I fear I've "cleaned" myself up but without the Holy Spirit so a bunch more bad spirits have come back in.

Fall 2018, I came across some articles about false teachers and that scared me. I didn't know anything about that. Then I was lead to the website gotquestions. I wanted to know what a Christian was supposed to do so I looked up tons and tons of questions. I learned and learned and learned. I "confirmed" the truth of the Bible based on answers on gotquestions and other articles. I said, "Ah, that makes sense." I always tried to make sense of things. I came across some videos about the end times and got scared. That's when I decided I needed to go to a Bible based church and get into the Bible for myself. I started reading the Bible and working with a Biblical counselor. I learned tons and tons. All about what I should be doing. But I don't think I ever had a relationship with God. I never really thought I had to read the Bible either. I thought it was optional and I could live however I wanted and be forgiven. My beliefs were a mental assent.

The last 10 months or so have been awful. Living in fear and confusion. I've learned The Holy Spirit leads into all truth - that He testifies to the truth of the Bible. That didn't happen for me. I've been living by a spirit of fear and confusion. Jesus says His sheep hear his voice. I do not. I've been listening to lies all my life and not the truth. I've read when someone is saved, they're a new creation with a new heart and new desires. That's not me. I always viewed God as being angry with me- that I always had to perform for Him. I've been an obsessive, overthinking, overanalyzing, worrying, doubtful, proud, selfish, controlling perfectionist. I never sensed Him as being a loving Father. I always thought He was mad at me.

I've heard the Gospel tons and tons, know the Bible, know so much but still can't believe. I know God chooses some but not all. I think I'm a goat, tare, vessel of wrath. I live in constant fear and terror. After learning all I've learned, I'm trying to be something I'm not. I know all the things a Christian should do but it's not genuine. I feel like a fake. I don't even feel like me anymore. I have all this knowledge in my head and nothing in my heart. I don't really feel like I have genuine feelings anymore. I don't really care about anyone or anything. I don't feel compassion for others, love, care, sympathy. I can't really cry anymore, have no joy, peace, happiness- The enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy. I just feel like an empty, void shell of a person. I feel like I have no soul or spirit or my own personality. I have no desires. The only things I really feel are fear, confusion, terror, dread.

I feel like I want God to go to heaven and not hell. I don't think I genuinely want Him. (no one seeks after God. people may seek after the benefits or comforts but not God Himself. I think that's me.) I don't think I've been drawn by the Holy Spirit but by myself. I've had so many opportunities to respond to God growing up but didn't. I didn't think I needed. I didn't want Him. I would blow Him off. I think I've blasphemed Him. I think my heart is hardened to Him. I think I just regret my choices and don't have Godly sorrow and true faith and repentance. I don't even know all the things I need to repent of. I think I have to repent of every little thing about me. I overthink everything and think I need to repent of all the ways I do every little thing - like I need an entirely different personality. I'm so confused what I need to repent of ( I think everything) I think I'm so doomed. I can't escape my mind and all the things I know. Jesus says to come with childlike faith. I don't have childlike faith. I've read that it's tragic for someone to make faith. We should have God give us faith and let Him grow it. I ran ahead of God and tried to make faith. (I doubted Him, His existence, the resurrection, always doubted). So to eliminate the doubts, I learned so much. So now, I don't doubt anymore. I know too much. I don't think I'm genuine or sincere. I know too much for my own good. (More knowledge, more sorrow). I fear God has given me over to my lusts and desires of wanting to know more and more and figure things out before I trusted Him. And now I think it's too late for me. I can't unlearn things. I can't go back. I fear I'm reaping what I've sown. I don't think I was ever supposed to know all this. I don't know if God wanted me to go and learn all this. I should have just left things alone. I feel like Adam and Eve. Not trusting Gob but wanting to know things. Self-sufficient, self reliant, independent.

I think I'm just a wannabe, trying to be something I'm not. I can act like a Christian and do the things, but it doesn't mean I'm different on the inside. I can't fool God. I think I'm just deceiving myself. I've tried to believe. People say you can't make yourself believe. If you try to make yourself believe, you won't. I've tried so much. I've talked to so many pastors, counselors, other Christians, read so many books, blogs, articles. Someone said that people can read the Bible...true believers will find God, unbelievers will not. I think I'm an unbeliever.

Right now, I know so much. I'm scared. I'm responsible for so much. I'm constantly thinking about what I'm thinking, saying, doing. I think everything I do is sin. I look at others and think they have no idea what's going on. But they're doing the best they can. I know so much and am not doing the best I can. I think I'm all in the flesh and without the Holy Spirit. (Many are called, few are chosen). I've been called on the outside tons, but don't think I'm chosen. I've never heard of anyone in such a situation as me. I feel like the only person who's been here. I feel so alone, hopeless, despairing, like no one understands. Thoughts of suicide are on my mind just about every day. But the I'm afraid to die and suffer. So then I want to stay here for the comfort. But I'm miserable. Do I kill myself now? Later? Wait for God to take me out? Live however I want? What do I do? I'm paralyzed in fear. Everything is in my head and nothing is in my heart. I just feel like this fearful robot full of knowledge. God doesn't want that. He wants my heart and I don't have one to give Him. I feel like a fake, phony, wannabe. I know so much and don't know how to humble myself. I have such a bad, wicked heart. So many things annoy and irritate me. I like things my way and get annoyed when things go a different way. There's nothing good about me. I'm critical and judgmental of others. I don't love God and others but i love myself. I don't think I'm God's. I think I belong to the devil. I've wanted heaven but never, ever had a sense that I was going there or that I belong there. There is nothing inside me that gives me peace, love, joy. Just fear, hate, bitterness all my life. The more I learn, the worse I get. The more I learn about God, the worse I am. I feel like I'm getting farther and farther from Him. It's hard to believe that He loves me, forgives me, wants me. I'm so overwhelmed by my mind and all the things I know and think I should do. I feel defeated and that I should just kill myself now. There is so much to work through. I don't know if I'm meant for this.

I think I could go on and on and on about all the crazy thoughts that run through my mind. It's constant. I just want to curl up in a ball and wither away. What's the point of my life? God doesn't need me. (I think that's pride). I'm so, so bad. Don't know if there's any hope for me. This has been consuming all that I am. It's all I think about. It's been this way for months. And I know so much. I've heard so much. I'm not impressed or moved by anything. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I should kill myself (I don't deserve to be here, I don't deserve anything good) - even that's bad to say because I think I'm just looking for comfort and sympathy. But then I'm scared to kill myself. I feel like I'm just waiting to go to hell.

Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of such a situation as this and that it turned out for the good. I feel all alone and that no one understands. Do I kill myself? Is there any hope? I fear it's too late for me. Does anyone else know they're going to hell? What do you do? I don't know why I'm posting this since I'm pretty sure what the answers are. I'm just desperate. I wish I had a whole new mind and heart.

The verse that comes to mind is:

1Jn 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

It is not our love for God that makes us a Christian, it is God's care for us. You don't have to "feel" a deep love for God to be saved. This will come to you with time when you realize the greatness of God's care for you.
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Feb 5, 2023
United States
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There is always hope. Don't give up. Our salvation journies take years. Please don't kill yourself. You are precious to God. He does not hate you.
I grew up in the Lutheran church going to Sunday School, church on Sundays, confirmation. When I was about 5, I did something I felt guilty about. I was upset by it, was crying, and despite my mom telling me God loves me and forgives me, I said He didn't and He hates me, my mom hates me, everyone hates me, even the animals hate me. I continued in church, Sunday School, confirmation but was never into it. I just did it to go through the motions - it's something I had to do. I have always been very introspective and self absorbed, not genuinely caring about anyone else. I also never felt like I was my own self. I always wanted to be like someone else, look like someone else, do what other people were doing. I very much observed others and wanted to be like them rather than just being who I was. I've been a perfectionist and always wanted things neat and orderly. I liked to be in control. I always liked being in my comfort zone too. I liked staying at home and watching tv. I only liked doing what I liked to do. I always talked about myself. I really never asked questions of others. My life has been all about me, me, me - I think I'm a narcissistic, psycho/sociopath. I've always felt bad about myself, like i was never good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, anything enough. I've always been timid, insecure, unsure of myself, afraid to speak up. I've always been self conscious and concerned about what others thought of me.

I had questions growing up...where did I come from? where did everything come from? if God made everything, who made God? when did He begin? I also was very worldly and had doubts and other questions. What happens when we die? Are we reincarnated? Will I come back as a cow? What if we we're nothing? What about all these other religions? Which one is right? How do I know the Bible is real? How do I know it's not a fairytale? What about aliens? What about dinosaurs?

I never had a sense of God or an inner drawing to Him. I just knew from the outside about Him. After I got confirmed, I thought I was good. I "graduated." I was a Christian. I went on to live like the world. Go to college, get my job, get my house, live the American dream. I thought that's what I was supposed to do. Other things I did like the world that I was unaware of that were bad (I knew they weren't good but thought it was okay since society did it)...I've watched scary movies, listened to hardcore rap/hard rock/other secular music, did yoga, have seen inappropriate content on tv/in magazines and books, read horoscopes, gone to a group psychic party, lots of drinking/going out to the bars, partying, pre marital sex. After some time, I did something I regretted and started going back to church. I then got heavily into sermons, books, blogs, articles, all sorts of things to make myself feel better. In 2016, I started going to a different church and got really involved there. I did mission trips, small groups, church on Sundays, served in Youth. I also was working with a life coach. I started to question why I was doing what I was doing - was I being a Pharisee? I had read much of the New Testament and knew a lot of the Bible but read it as a book and it never really "spoke" to me. When I prayed, I had no sense that God was with me. I had to work hard to imagine He was there. All the things I've learned about God have been from the outside, nothing from the inside. I fear I've "cleaned" myself up but without the Holy Spirit so a bunch more bad spirits have come back in.

Fall 2018, I came across some articles about false teachers and that scared me. I didn't know anything about that. Then I was lead to the website gotquestions. I wanted to know what a Christian was supposed to do so I looked up tons and tons of questions. I learned and learned and learned. I "confirmed" the truth of the Bible based on answers on gotquestions and other articles. I said, "Ah, that makes sense." I always tried to make sense of things. I came across some videos about the end times and got scared. That's when I decided I needed to go to a Bible based church and get into the Bible for myself. I started reading the Bible and working with a Biblical counselor. I learned tons and tons. All about what I should be doing. But I don't think I ever had a relationship with God. I never really thought I had to read the Bible either. I thought it was optional and I could live however I wanted and be forgiven. My beliefs were a mental assent.

The last 10 months or so have been awful. Living in fear and confusion. I've learned The Holy Spirit leads into all truth - that He testifies to the truth of the Bible. That didn't happen for me. I've been living by a spirit of fear and confusion. Jesus says His sheep hear his voice. I do not. I've been listening to lies all my life and not the truth. I've read when someone is saved, they're a new creation with a new heart and new desires. That's not me. I always viewed God as being angry with me- that I always had to perform for Him. I've been an obsessive, overthinking, overanalyzing, worrying, doubtful, proud, selfish, controlling perfectionist. I never sensed Him as being a loving Father. I always thought He was mad at me.

I've heard the Gospel tons and tons, know the Bible, know so much but still can't believe. I know God chooses some but not all. I think I'm a goat, tare, vessel of wrath. I live in constant fear and terror. After learning all I've learned, I'm trying to be something I'm not. I know all the things a Christian should do but it's not genuine. I feel like a fake. I don't even feel like me anymore. I have all this knowledge in my head and nothing in my heart. I don't really feel like I have genuine feelings anymore. I don't really care about anyone or anything. I don't feel compassion for others, love, care, sympathy. I can't really cry anymore, have no joy, peace, happiness- The enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy. I just feel like an empty, void shell of a person. I feel like I have no soul or spirit or my own personality. I have no desires. The only things I really feel are fear, confusion, terror, dread.

I feel like I want God to go to heaven and not hell. I don't think I genuinely want Him. (no one seeks after God. people may seek after the benefits or comforts but not God Himself. I think that's me.) I don't think I've been drawn by the Holy Spirit but by myself. I've had so many opportunities to respond to God growing up but didn't. I didn't think I needed. I didn't want Him. I would blow Him off. I think I've blasphemed Him. I think my heart is hardened to Him. I think I just regret my choices and don't have Godly sorrow and true faith and repentance. I don't even know all the things I need to repent of. I think I have to repent of every little thing about me. I overthink everything and think I need to repent of all the ways I do every little thing - like I need an entirely different personality. I'm so confused what I need to repent of ( I think everything) I think I'm so doomed. I can't escape my mind and all the things I know. Jesus says to come with childlike faith. I don't have childlike faith. I've read that it's tragic for someone to make faith. We should have God give us faith and let Him grow it. I ran ahead of God and tried to make faith. (I doubted Him, His existence, the resurrection, always doubted). So to eliminate the doubts, I learned so much. So now, I don't doubt anymore. I know too much. I don't think I'm genuine or sincere. I know too much for my own good. (More knowledge, more sorrow). I fear God has given me over to my lusts and desires of wanting to know more and more and figure things out before I trusted Him. And now I think it's too late for me. I can't unlearn things. I can't go back. I fear I'm reaping what I've sown. I don't think I was ever supposed to know all this. I don't know if God wanted me to go and learn all this. I should have just left things alone. I feel like Adam and Eve. Not trusting Gob but wanting to know things. Self-sufficient, self reliant, independent.

I think I'm just a wannabe, trying to be something I'm not. I can act like a Christian and do the things, but it doesn't mean I'm different on the inside. I can't fool God. I think I'm just deceiving myself. I've tried to believe. People say you can't make yourself believe. If you try to make yourself believe, you won't. I've tried so much. I've talked to so many pastors, counselors, other Christians, read so many books, blogs, articles. Someone said that people can read the Bible...true believers will find God, unbelievers will not. I think I'm an unbeliever.

Right now, I know so much. I'm scared. I'm responsible for so much. I'm constantly thinking about what I'm thinking, saying, doing. I think everything I do is sin. I look at others and think they have no idea what's going on. But they're doing the best they can. I know so much and am not doing the best I can. I think I'm all in the flesh and without the Holy Spirit. (Many are called, few are chosen). I've been called on the outside tons, but don't think I'm chosen. I've never heard of anyone in such a situation as me. I feel like the only person who's been here. I feel so alone, hopeless, despairing, like no one understands. Thoughts of suicide are on my mind just about every day. But the I'm afraid to die and suffer. So then I want to stay here for the comfort. But I'm miserable. Do I kill myself now? Later? Wait for God to take me out? Live however I want? What do I do? I'm paralyzed in fear. Everything is in my head and nothing is in my heart. I just feel like this fearful robot full of knowledge. God doesn't want that. He wants my heart and I don't have one to give Him. I feel like a fake, phony, wannabe. I know so much and don't know how to humble myself. I have such a bad, wicked heart. So many things annoy and irritate me. I like things my way and get annoyed when things go a different way. There's nothing good about me. I'm critical and judgmental of others. I don't love God and others but i love myself. I don't think I'm God's. I think I belong to the devil. I've wanted heaven but never, ever had a sense that I was going there or that I belong there. There is nothing inside me that gives me peace, love, joy. Just fear, hate, bitterness all my life. The more I learn, the worse I get. The more I learn about God, the worse I am. I feel like I'm getting farther and farther from Him. It's hard to believe that He loves me, forgives me, wants me. I'm so overwhelmed by my mind and all the things I know and think I should do. I feel defeated and that I should just kill myself now. There is so much to work through. I don't know if I'm meant for this.

I think I could go on and on and on about all the crazy thoughts that run through my mind. It's constant. I just want to curl up in a ball and wither away. What's the point of my life? God doesn't need me. (I think that's pride). I'm so, so bad. Don't know if there's any hope for me. This has been consuming all that I am. It's all I think about. It's been this way for months. And I know so much. I've heard so much. I'm not impressed or moved by anything. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I should kill myself (I don't deserve to be here, I don't deserve anything good) - even that's bad to say because I think I'm just looking for comfort and sympathy. But then I'm scared to kill myself. I feel like I'm just waiting to go to hell.

Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of such a situation as this and that it turned out for the good. I feel all alone and that no one understands. Do I kill myself? Is there any hope? I fear it's too late for me. Does anyone else know they're going to hell? What do you do? I don't know why I'm posting this since I'm pretty sure what the answers are. I'm just desperate. I wish I had a whole new mind and heart.
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I grew up in the Lutheran church going to Sunday School, church on Sundays, confirmation. When I was about 5, I did something I felt guilty about. I was upset by it, was crying, and despite my mom telling me God loves me and forgives me, I said He didn't and He hates me, my mom hates me, everyone hates me, even the animals hate me. I continued in church, Sunday School, confirmation but was never into it. I just did it to go through the motions - it's something I had to do. I have always been very introspective and self absorbed, not genuinely caring about anyone else. I also never felt like I was my own self. I always wanted to be like someone else, look like someone else, do what other people were doing. I very much observed others and wanted to be like them rather than just being who I was. I've been a perfectionist and always wanted things neat and orderly. I liked to be in control. I always liked being in my comfort zone too. I liked staying at home and watching tv. I only liked doing what I liked to do. I always talked about myself. I really never asked questions of others. My life has been all about me, me, me - I think I'm a narcissistic, psycho/sociopath. I've always felt bad about myself, like i was never good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, anything enough. I've always been timid, insecure, unsure of myself, afraid to speak up. I've always been self conscious and concerned about what others thought of me.

I had questions growing up...where did I come from? where did everything come from? if God made everything, who made God? when did He begin? I also was very worldly and had doubts and other questions. What happens when we die? Are we reincarnated? Will I come back as a cow? What if we we're nothing? What about all these other religions? Which one is right? How do I know the Bible is real? How do I know it's not a fairytale? What about aliens? What about dinosaurs?

I never had a sense of God or an inner drawing to Him. I just knew from the outside about Him. After I got confirmed, I thought I was good. I "graduated." I was a Christian. I went on to live like the world. Go to college, get my job, get my house, live the American dream. I thought that's what I was supposed to do. Other things I did like the world that I was unaware of that were bad (I knew they weren't good but thought it was okay since society did it)...I've watched scary movies, listened to hardcore rap/hard rock/other secular music, did yoga, have seen inappropriate content on tv/in magazines and books, read horoscopes, gone to a group psychic party, lots of drinking/going out to the bars, partying, pre marital sex. After some time, I did something I regretted and started going back to church. I then got heavily into sermons, books, blogs, articles, all sorts of things to make myself feel better. In 2016, I started going to a different church and got really involved there. I did mission trips, small groups, church on Sundays, served in Youth. I also was working with a life coach. I started to question why I was doing what I was doing - was I being a Pharisee? I had read much of the New Testament and knew a lot of the Bible but read it as a book and it never really "spoke" to me. When I prayed, I had no sense that God was with me. I had to work hard to imagine He was there. All the things I've learned about God have been from the outside, nothing from the inside. I fear I've "cleaned" myself up but without the Holy Spirit so a bunch more bad spirits have come back in.

Fall 2018, I came across some articles about false teachers and that scared me. I didn't know anything about that. Then I was lead to the website gotquestions. I wanted to know what a Christian was supposed to do so I looked up tons and tons of questions. I learned and learned and learned. I "confirmed" the truth of the Bible based on answers on gotquestions and other articles. I said, "Ah, that makes sense." I always tried to make sense of things. I came across some videos about the end times and got scared. That's when I decided I needed to go to a Bible based church and get into the Bible for myself. I started reading the Bible and working with a Biblical counselor. I learned tons and tons. All about what I should be doing. But I don't think I ever had a relationship with God. I never really thought I had to read the Bible either. I thought it was optional and I could live however I wanted and be forgiven. My beliefs were a mental assent.

The last 10 months or so have been awful. Living in fear and confusion. I've learned The Holy Spirit leads into all truth - that He testifies to the truth of the Bible. That didn't happen for me. I've been living by a spirit of fear and confusion. Jesus says His sheep hear his voice. I do not. I've been listening to lies all my life and not the truth. I've read when someone is saved, they're a new creation with a new heart and new desires. That's not me. I always viewed God as being angry with me- that I always had to perform for Him. I've been an obsessive, overthinking, overanalyzing, worrying, doubtful, proud, selfish, controlling perfectionist. I never sensed Him as being a loving Father. I always thought He was mad at me.

I've heard the Gospel tons and tons, know the Bible, know so much but still can't believe. I know God chooses some but not all. I think I'm a goat, tare, vessel of wrath. I live in constant fear and terror. After learning all I've learned, I'm trying to be something I'm not. I know all the things a Christian should do but it's not genuine. I feel like a fake. I don't even feel like me anymore. I have all this knowledge in my head and nothing in my heart. I don't really feel like I have genuine feelings anymore. I don't really care about anyone or anything. I don't feel compassion for others, love, care, sympathy. I can't really cry anymore, have no joy, peace, happiness- The enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy. I just feel like an empty, void shell of a person. I feel like I have no soul or spirit or my own personality. I have no desires. The only things I really feel are fear, confusion, terror, dread.

I feel like I want God to go to heaven and not hell. I don't think I genuinely want Him. (no one seeks after God. people may seek after the benefits or comforts but not God Himself. I think that's me.) I don't think I've been drawn by the Holy Spirit but by myself. I've had so many opportunities to respond to God growing up but didn't. I didn't think I needed. I didn't want Him. I would blow Him off. I think I've blasphemed Him. I think my heart is hardened to Him. I think I just regret my choices and don't have Godly sorrow and true faith and repentance. I don't even know all the things I need to repent of. I think I have to repent of every little thing about me. I overthink everything and think I need to repent of all the ways I do every little thing - like I need an entirely different personality. I'm so confused what I need to repent of ( I think everything) I think I'm so doomed. I can't escape my mind and all the things I know. Jesus says to come with childlike faith. I don't have childlike faith. I've read that it's tragic for someone to make faith. We should have God give us faith and let Him grow it. I ran ahead of God and tried to make faith. (I doubted Him, His existence, the resurrection, always doubted). So to eliminate the doubts, I learned so much. So now, I don't doubt anymore. I know too much. I don't think I'm genuine or sincere. I know too much for my own good. (More knowledge, more sorrow). I fear God has given me over to my lusts and desires of wanting to know more and more and figure things out before I trusted Him. And now I think it's too late for me. I can't unlearn things. I can't go back. I fear I'm reaping what I've sown. I don't think I was ever supposed to know all this. I don't know if God wanted me to go and learn all this. I should have just left things alone. I feel like Adam and Eve. Not trusting Gob but wanting to know things. Self-sufficient, self reliant, independent.

I think I'm just a wannabe, trying to be something I'm not. I can act like a Christian and do the things, but it doesn't mean I'm different on the inside. I can't fool God. I think I'm just deceiving myself. I've tried to believe. People say you can't make yourself believe. If you try to make yourself believe, you won't. I've tried so much. I've talked to so many pastors, counselors, other Christians, read so many books, blogs, articles. Someone said that people can read the Bible...true believers will find God, unbelievers will not. I think I'm an unbeliever.

Right now, I know so much. I'm scared. I'm responsible for so much. I'm constantly thinking about what I'm thinking, saying, doing. I think everything I do is sin. I look at others and think they have no idea what's going on. But they're doing the best they can. I know so much and am not doing the best I can. I think I'm all in the flesh and without the Holy Spirit. (Many are called, few are chosen). I've been called on the outside tons, but don't think I'm chosen. I've never heard of anyone in such a situation as me. I feel like the only person who's been here. I feel so alone, hopeless, despairing, like no one understands. Thoughts of suicide are on my mind just about every day. But the I'm afraid to die and suffer. So then I want to stay here for the comfort. But I'm miserable. Do I kill myself now? Later? Wait for God to take me out? Live however I want? What do I do? I'm paralyzed in fear. Everything is in my head and nothing is in my heart. I just feel like this fearful robot full of knowledge. God doesn't want that. He wants my heart and I don't have one to give Him. I feel like a fake, phony, wannabe. I know so much and don't know how to humble myself. I have such a bad, wicked heart. So many things annoy and irritate me. I like things my way and get annoyed when things go a different way. There's nothing good about me. I'm critical and judgmental of others. I don't love God and others but i love myself. I don't think I'm God's. I think I belong to the devil. I've wanted heaven but never, ever had a sense that I was going there or that I belong there. There is nothing inside me that gives me peace, love, joy. Just fear, hate, bitterness all my life. The more I learn, the worse I get. The more I learn about God, the worse I am. I feel like I'm getting farther and farther from Him. It's hard to believe that He loves me, forgives me, wants me. I'm so overwhelmed by my mind and all the things I know and think I should do. I feel defeated and that I should just kill myself now. There is so much to work through. I don't know if I'm meant for this.

I think I could go on and on and on about all the crazy thoughts that run through my mind. It's constant. I just want to curl up in a ball and wither away. What's the point of my life? God doesn't need me. (I think that's pride). I'm so, so bad. Don't know if there's any hope for me. This has been consuming all that I am. It's all I think about. It's been this way for months. And I know so much. I've heard so much. I'm not impressed or moved by anything. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I should kill myself (I don't deserve to be here, I don't deserve anything good) - even that's bad to say because I think I'm just looking for comfort and sympathy. But then I'm scared to kill myself. I feel like I'm just waiting to go to hell.

Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of such a situation as this and that it turned out for the good. I feel all alone and that no one understands. Do I kill myself? Is there any hope? I fear it's too late for me. Does anyone else know they're going to hell? What do you do? I don't know why I'm posting this since I'm pretty sure what the answers are. I'm just desperate. I wish I had a whole new mind and heart.
Good! You have realised that you are a sinner without hope and deserving of hell. Accepting that you are not a good person, and one who has broken most of the Commandments, is the first most important step to salvation. Now that you have realised and accepted the bad news about yourself, you are ready to hear the good news about Christ.

Jesus came to die on the Cross and pay the penalty for sin that you deserve. Because of your sin, you are subject to the eternal wrath of God. But Jesus took the wrath of God upon Himself. When He said, "It is finished", He meant that the debt of sin has been paid. He paid it on your behalf. It is like you coming to court charged with a traffic offence that results in a very large fine and possibly a prison sentence. But even though you are guilty, you are set free, because someone else has paid the fine for you and has accepted the prison sentence instead of you. This is what Jesus has done for you. There is nothing that you can do to help pay God for setting you free from the penalty of sin. All you have to do is to believe on Jesus and put your full trust in Him alone. The Scripture says, "By grace are we saved through faith [in Christ], not of ourselves; it is the gift of God. Not of works so that no one can boast." This means that you are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ alone. This also means, as Paul said, "The spirit of life in Christ has set me free from the law of sin and death." The moment you put your faith in Christ you receive the Holy Spirit, and works in you to make you into the person God wants you to be.

You need to get your mind and eyes off yourself and your problems and on to Christ so you can realise that you have been set completely free, and those who have been set free by Christ are free indeed. In that state with God, no person can touch you, and no demon can get near you. Your life is hid with Christ in God. You are a new creature, old things have passed away and all things have become new. All you have to do is to believe it and start living according to that faith.
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Just me
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Aug 30, 2008
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I grew up in the Lutheran church going to Sunday School, church on Sundays, confirmation. When I was about 5, I did something I felt guilty about. I was upset by it, was crying, and despite my mom telling me God loves me and forgives me, I said He didn't and He hates me, my mom hates me, everyone hates me, even the animals hate me. I continued in church, Sunday School, confirmation but was never into it. I just did it to go through the motions - it's something I had to do. I have always been very introspective and self absorbed, not genuinely caring about anyone else. I also never felt like I was my own self. I always wanted to be like someone else, look like someone else, do what other people were doing. I very much observed others and wanted to be like them rather than just being who I was. I've been a perfectionist and always wanted things neat and orderly. I liked to be in control. I always liked being in my comfort zone too. I liked staying at home and watching tv. I only liked doing what I liked to do. I always talked about myself. I really never asked questions of others. My life has been all about me, me, me - I think I'm a narcissistic, psycho/sociopath. I've always felt bad about myself, like i was never good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, anything enough. I've always been timid, insecure, unsure of myself, afraid to speak up. I've always been self conscious and concerned about what others thought of me.

I had questions growing up...where did I come from? where did everything come from? if God made everything, who made God? when did He begin? I also was very worldly and had doubts and other questions. What happens when we die? Are we reincarnated? Will I come back as a cow? What if we we're nothing? What about all these other religions? Which one is right? How do I know the Bible is real? How do I know it's not a fairytale? What about aliens? What about dinosaurs?

I never had a sense of God or an inner drawing to Him. I just knew from the outside about Him. After I got confirmed, I thought I was good. I "graduated." I was a Christian. I went on to live like the world. Go to college, get my job, get my house, live the American dream. I thought that's what I was supposed to do. Other things I did like the world that I was unaware of that were bad (I knew they weren't good but thought it was okay since society did it)...I've watched scary movies, listened to hardcore rap/hard rock/other secular music, did yoga, have seen inappropriate content on tv/in magazines and books, read horoscopes, gone to a group psychic party, lots of drinking/going out to the bars, partying, pre marital sex. After some time, I did something I regretted and started going back to church. I then got heavily into sermons, books, blogs, articles, all sorts of things to make myself feel better. In 2016, I started going to a different church and got really involved there. I did mission trips, small groups, church on Sundays, served in Youth. I also was working with a life coach. I started to question why I was doing what I was doing - was I being a Pharisee? I had read much of the New Testament and knew a lot of the Bible but read it as a book and it never really "spoke" to me. When I prayed, I had no sense that God was with me. I had to work hard to imagine He was there. All the things I've learned about God have been from the outside, nothing from the inside. I fear I've "cleaned" myself up but without the Holy Spirit so a bunch more bad spirits have come back in.

Fall 2018, I came across some articles about false teachers and that scared me. I didn't know anything about that. Then I was lead to the website gotquestions. I wanted to know what a Christian was supposed to do so I looked up tons and tons of questions. I learned and learned and learned. I "confirmed" the truth of the Bible based on answers on gotquestions and other articles. I said, "Ah, that makes sense." I always tried to make sense of things. I came across some videos about the end times and got scared. That's when I decided I needed to go to a Bible based church and get into the Bible for myself. I started reading the Bible and working with a Biblical counselor. I learned tons and tons. All about what I should be doing. But I don't think I ever had a relationship with God. I never really thought I had to read the Bible either. I thought it was optional and I could live however I wanted and be forgiven. My beliefs were a mental assent.

The last 10 months or so have been awful. Living in fear and confusion. I've learned The Holy Spirit leads into all truth - that He testifies to the truth of the Bible. That didn't happen for me. I've been living by a spirit of fear and confusion. Jesus says His sheep hear his voice. I do not. I've been listening to lies all my life and not the truth. I've read when someone is saved, they're a new creation with a new heart and new desires. That's not me. I always viewed God as being angry with me- that I always had to perform for Him. I've been an obsessive, overthinking, overanalyzing, worrying, doubtful, proud, selfish, controlling perfectionist. I never sensed Him as being a loving Father. I always thought He was mad at me.

I've heard the Gospel tons and tons, know the Bible, know so much but still can't believe. I know God chooses some but not all. I think I'm a goat, tare, vessel of wrath. I live in constant fear and terror. After learning all I've learned, I'm trying to be something I'm not. I know all the things a Christian should do but it's not genuine. I feel like a fake. I don't even feel like me anymore. I have all this knowledge in my head and nothing in my heart. I don't really feel like I have genuine feelings anymore. I don't really care about anyone or anything. I don't feel compassion for others, love, care, sympathy. I can't really cry anymore, have no joy, peace, happiness- The enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy. I just feel like an empty, void shell of a person. I feel like I have no soul or spirit or my own personality. I have no desires. The only things I really feel are fear, confusion, terror, dread.

I feel like I want God to go to heaven and not hell. I don't think I genuinely want Him. (no one seeks after God. people may seek after the benefits or comforts but not God Himself. I think that's me.) I don't think I've been drawn by the Holy Spirit but by myself. I've had so many opportunities to respond to God growing up but didn't. I didn't think I needed. I didn't want Him. I would blow Him off. I think I've blasphemed Him. I think my heart is hardened to Him. I think I just regret my choices and don't have Godly sorrow and true faith and repentance. I don't even know all the things I need to repent of. I think I have to repent of every little thing about me. I overthink everything and think I need to repent of all the ways I do every little thing - like I need an entirely different personality. I'm so confused what I need to repent of ( I think everything) I think I'm so doomed. I can't escape my mind and all the things I know. Jesus says to come with childlike faith. I don't have childlike faith. I've read that it's tragic for someone to make faith. We should have God give us faith and let Him grow it. I ran ahead of God and tried to make faith. (I doubted Him, His existence, the resurrection, always doubted). So to eliminate the doubts, I learned so much. So now, I don't doubt anymore. I know too much. I don't think I'm genuine or sincere. I know too much for my own good. (More knowledge, more sorrow). I fear God has given me over to my lusts and desires of wanting to know more and more and figure things out before I trusted Him. And now I think it's too late for me. I can't unlearn things. I can't go back. I fear I'm reaping what I've sown. I don't think I was ever supposed to know all this. I don't know if God wanted me to go and learn all this. I should have just left things alone. I feel like Adam and Eve. Not trusting Gob but wanting to know things. Self-sufficient, self reliant, independent.

I think I'm just a wannabe, trying to be something I'm not. I can act like a Christian and do the things, but it doesn't mean I'm different on the inside. I can't fool God. I think I'm just deceiving myself. I've tried to believe. People say you can't make yourself believe. If you try to make yourself believe, you won't. I've tried so much. I've talked to so many pastors, counselors, other Christians, read so many books, blogs, articles. Someone said that people can read the Bible...true believers will find God, unbelievers will not. I think I'm an unbeliever.

Right now, I know so much. I'm scared. I'm responsible for so much. I'm constantly thinking about what I'm thinking, saying, doing. I think everything I do is sin. I look at others and think they have no idea what's going on. But they're doing the best they can. I know so much and am not doing the best I can. I think I'm all in the flesh and without the Holy Spirit. (Many are called, few are chosen). I've been called on the outside tons, but don't think I'm chosen. I've never heard of anyone in such a situation as me. I feel like the only person who's been here. I feel so alone, hopeless, despairing, like no one understands. Thoughts of suicide are on my mind just about every day. But the I'm afraid to die and suffer. So then I want to stay here for the comfort. But I'm miserable. Do I kill myself now? Later? Wait for God to take me out? Live however I want? What do I do? I'm paralyzed in fear. Everything is in my head and nothing is in my heart. I just feel like this fearful robot full of knowledge. God doesn't want that. He wants my heart and I don't have one to give Him. I feel like a fake, phony, wannabe. I know so much and don't know how to humble myself. I have such a bad, wicked heart. So many things annoy and irritate me. I like things my way and get annoyed when things go a different way. There's nothing good about me. I'm critical and judgmental of others. I don't love God and others but i love myself. I don't think I'm God's. I think I belong to the devil. I've wanted heaven but never, ever had a sense that I was going there or that I belong there. There is nothing inside me that gives me peace, love, joy. Just fear, hate, bitterness all my life. The more I learn, the worse I get. The more I learn about God, the worse I am. I feel like I'm getting farther and farther from Him. It's hard to believe that He loves me, forgives me, wants me. I'm so overwhelmed by my mind and all the things I know and think I should do. I feel defeated and that I should just kill myself now. There is so much to work through. I don't know if I'm meant for this.

I think I could go on and on and on about all the crazy thoughts that run through my mind. It's constant. I just want to curl up in a ball and wither away. What's the point of my life? God doesn't need me. (I think that's pride). I'm so, so bad. Don't know if there's any hope for me. This has been consuming all that I am. It's all I think about. It's been this way for months. And I know so much. I've heard so much. I'm not impressed or moved by anything. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I should kill myself (I don't deserve to be here, I don't deserve anything good) - even that's bad to say because I think I'm just looking for comfort and sympathy. But then I'm scared to kill myself. I feel like I'm just waiting to go to hell.

Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of such a situation as this and that it turned out for the good. I feel all alone and that no one understands. Do I kill myself? Is there any hope? I fear it's too late for me. Does anyone else know they're going to hell? What do you do? I don't know why I'm posting this since I'm pretty sure what the answers are. I'm just desperate. I wish I had a whole new mind and heart.
The Bible tells us the cross is given for our whole lifetime of sins, and failures.

Heb 9:27-28 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many.

The cross is given to all people:

1Ti 4:10 For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.

1Jn 2:2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.

I can see a little bit of the problem you are experiencing is because you feel you are not of God. But that kind of thinking is not correct the cross is given to all people, and it covers a whole lifetime of sins. I know you come from a Lutheran background which teaches election, or predestination, but if you look at what the early church thought on the topic you will see they did not believe in election, but rather God gives His good will to all people, it is man who suppresses that goodwill.

You can be assured by Hebrews 9:27-28 that the cross is available to you.

If you would like to investigate what the early church thought on the topic of predestination, I have put a link here A comprehensive look at Predestination vs free will it may help free you from the idea that you can not be God's.
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Only God can have the final word, so never write yourself off.
Perhaps reading the whole Bible and seeing Christ on every page may assist a person who thinks that way. If all else fails, read what the Bible says about us.
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Aug 13, 2023
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I grew up in the Lutheran church going to Sunday School, church on Sundays, confirmation. When I was about 5, I did something I felt guilty about. I was upset by it, was crying, and despite my mom telling me God loves me and forgives me, I said He didn't and He hates me, my mom hates me, everyone hates me, even the animals hate me. I continued in church, Sunday School, confirmation but was never into it. I just did it to go through the motions - it's something I had to do. I have always been very introspective and self absorbed, not genuinely caring about anyone else. I also never felt like I was my own self. I always wanted to be like someone else, look like someone else, do what other people were doing. I very much observed others and wanted to be like them rather than just being who I was. I've been a perfectionist and always wanted things neat and orderly. I liked to be in control. I always liked being in my comfort zone too. I liked staying at home and watching tv. I only liked doing what I liked to do. I always talked about myself. I really never asked questions of others. My life has been all about me, me, me - I think I'm a narcissistic, psycho/sociopath. I've always felt bad about myself, like i was never good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, anything enough. I've always been timid, insecure, unsure of myself, afraid to speak up. I've always been self conscious and concerned about what others thought of me.

I had questions growing up...where did I come from? where did everything come from? if God made everything, who made God? when did He begin? I also was very worldly and had doubts and other questions. What happens when we die? Are we reincarnated? Will I come back as a cow? What if we we're nothing? What about all these other religions? Which one is right? How do I know the Bible is real? How do I know it's not a fairytale? What about aliens? What about dinosaurs?

I never had a sense of God or an inner drawing to Him. I just knew from the outside about Him. After I got confirmed, I thought I was good. I "graduated." I was a Christian. I went on to live like the world. Go to college, get my job, get my house, live the American dream. I thought that's what I was supposed to do. Other things I did like the world that I was unaware of that were bad (I knew they weren't good but thought it was okay since society did it)...I've watched scary movies, listened to hardcore rap/hard rock/other secular music, did yoga, have seen inappropriate content on tv/in magazines and books, read horoscopes, gone to a group psychic party, lots of drinking/going out to the bars, partying, pre marital sex. After some time, I did something I regretted and started going back to church. I then got heavily into sermons, books, blogs, articles, all sorts of things to make myself feel better. In 2016, I started going to a different church and got really involved there. I did mission trips, small groups, church on Sundays, served in Youth. I also was working with a life coach. I started to question why I was doing what I was doing - was I being a Pharisee? I had read much of the New Testament and knew a lot of the Bible but read it as a book and it never really "spoke" to me. When I prayed, I had no sense that God was with me. I had to work hard to imagine He was there. All the things I've learned about God have been from the outside, nothing from the inside. I fear I've "cleaned" myself up but without the Holy Spirit so a bunch more bad spirits have come back in.

Fall 2018, I came across some articles about false teachers and that scared me. I didn't know anything about that. Then I was lead to the website gotquestions. I wanted to know what a Christian was supposed to do so I looked up tons and tons of questions. I learned and learned and learned. I "confirmed" the truth of the Bible based on answers on gotquestions and other articles. I said, "Ah, that makes sense." I always tried to make sense of things. I came across some videos about the end times and got scared. That's when I decided I needed to go to a Bible based church and get into the Bible for myself. I started reading the Bible and working with a Biblical counselor. I learned tons and tons. All about what I should be doing. But I don't think I ever had a relationship with God. I never really thought I had to read the Bible either. I thought it was optional and I could live however I wanted and be forgiven. My beliefs were a mental assent.

The last 10 months or so have been awful. Living in fear and confusion. I've learned The Holy Spirit leads into all truth - that He testifies to the truth of the Bible. That didn't happen for me. I've been living by a spirit of fear and confusion. Jesus says His sheep hear his voice. I do not. I've been listening to lies all my life and not the truth. I've read when someone is saved, they're a new creation with a new heart and new desires. That's not me. I always viewed God as being angry with me- that I always had to perform for Him. I've been an obsessive, overthinking, overanalyzing, worrying, doubtful, proud, selfish, controlling perfectionist. I never sensed Him as being a loving Father. I always thought He was mad at me.

I've heard the Gospel tons and tons, know the Bible, know so much but still can't believe. I know God chooses some but not all. I think I'm a goat, tare, vessel of wrath. I live in constant fear and terror. After learning all I've learned, I'm trying to be something I'm not. I know all the things a Christian should do but it's not genuine. I feel like a fake. I don't even feel like me anymore. I have all this knowledge in my head and nothing in my heart. I don't really feel like I have genuine feelings anymore. I don't really care about anyone or anything. I don't feel compassion for others, love, care, sympathy. I can't really cry anymore, have no joy, peace, happiness- The enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy. I just feel like an empty, void shell of a person. I feel like I have no soul or spirit or my own personality. I have no desires. The only things I really feel are fear, confusion, terror, dread.

I feel like I want God to go to heaven and not hell. I don't think I genuinely want Him. (no one seeks after God. people may seek after the benefits or comforts but not God Himself. I think that's me.) I don't think I've been drawn by the Holy Spirit but by myself. I've had so many opportunities to respond to God growing up but didn't. I didn't think I needed. I didn't want Him. I would blow Him off. I think I've blasphemed Him. I think my heart is hardened to Him. I think I just regret my choices and don't have Godly sorrow and true faith and repentance. I don't even know all the things I need to repent of. I think I have to repent of every little thing about me. I overthink everything and think I need to repent of all the ways I do every little thing - like I need an entirely different personality. I'm so confused what I need to repent of ( I think everything) I think I'm so doomed. I can't escape my mind and all the things I know. Jesus says to come with childlike faith. I don't have childlike faith. I've read that it's tragic for someone to make faith. We should have God give us faith and let Him grow it. I ran ahead of God and tried to make faith. (I doubted Him, His existence, the resurrection, always doubted). So to eliminate the doubts, I learned so much. So now, I don't doubt anymore. I know too much. I don't think I'm genuine or sincere. I know too much for my own good. (More knowledge, more sorrow). I fear God has given me over to my lusts and desires of wanting to know more and more and figure things out before I trusted Him. And now I think it's too late for me. I can't unlearn things. I can't go back. I fear I'm reaping what I've sown. I don't think I was ever supposed to know all this. I don't know if God wanted me to go and learn all this. I should have just left things alone. I feel like Adam and Eve. Not trusting Gob but wanting to know things. Self-sufficient, self reliant, independent.

I think I'm just a wannabe, trying to be something I'm not. I can act like a Christian and do the things, but it doesn't mean I'm different on the inside. I can't fool God. I think I'm just deceiving myself. I've tried to believe. People say you can't make yourself believe. If you try to make yourself believe, you won't. I've tried so much. I've talked to so many pastors, counselors, other Christians, read so many books, blogs, articles. Someone said that people can read the Bible...true believers will find God, unbelievers will not. I think I'm an unbeliever.

Right now, I know so much. I'm scared. I'm responsible for so much. I'm constantly thinking about what I'm thinking, saying, doing. I think everything I do is sin. I look at others and think they have no idea what's going on. But they're doing the best they can. I know so much and am not doing the best I can. I think I'm all in the flesh and without the Holy Spirit. (Many are called, few are chosen). I've been called on the outside tons, but don't think I'm chosen. I've never heard of anyone in such a situation as me. I feel like the only person who's been here. I feel so alone, hopeless, despairing, like no one understands. Thoughts of suicide are on my mind just about every day. But the I'm afraid to die and suffer. So then I want to stay here for the comfort. But I'm miserable. Do I kill myself now? Later? Wait for God to take me out? Live however I want? What do I do? I'm paralyzed in fear. Everything is in my head and nothing is in my heart. I just feel like this fearful robot full of knowledge. God doesn't want that. He wants my heart and I don't have one to give Him. I feel like a fake, phony, wannabe. I know so much and don't know how to humble myself. I have such a bad, wicked heart. So many things annoy and irritate me. I like things my way and get annoyed when things go a different way. There's nothing good about me. I'm critical and judgmental of others. I don't love God and others but i love myself. I don't think I'm God's. I think I belong to the devil. I've wanted heaven but never, ever had a sense that I was going there or that I belong there. There is nothing inside me that gives me peace, love, joy. Just fear, hate, bitterness all my life. The more I learn, the worse I get. The more I learn about God, the worse I am. I feel like I'm getting farther and farther from Him. It's hard to believe that He loves me, forgives me, wants me. I'm so overwhelmed by my mind and all the things I know and think I should do. I feel defeated and that I should just kill myself now. There is so much to work through. I don't know if I'm meant for this.

I think I could go on and on and on about all the crazy thoughts that run through my mind. It's constant. I just want to curl up in a ball and wither away. What's the point of my life? God doesn't need me. (I think that's pride). I'm so, so bad. Don't know if there's any hope for me. This has been consuming all that I am. It's all I think about. It's been this way for months. And I know so much. I've heard so much. I'm not impressed or moved by anything. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I should kill myself (I don't deserve to be here, I don't deserve anything good) - even that's bad to say because I think I'm just looking for comfort and sympathy. But then I'm scared to kill myself. I feel like I'm just waiting to go to hell.

Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of such a situation as this and that it turned out for the good. I feel all alone and that no one understands. Do I kill myself? Is there any hope? I fear it's too late for me. Does anyone else know they're going to hell? What do you do? I don't know why I'm posting this since I'm pretty sure what the answers are. I'm just desperate. I wish I had a whole new mind and heart.
i read everything you have written and I am exactly in the same situation how are you now
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