I don’t think I want to be a Christian anymore?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2018
Marital Status
well truth is I do like I really do but I feel so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’ll explain

P.s I’m putting my personal issues out there it’s long and I hope you read it why we’ll you’ll probably say I shouldn’t but im never going to see you and your never going to see me and I’m not going to talk about my issues to anyone in person I just want advice my life has been pretty rocky so I did leave out a few parts just to keep it as short as possible also if your going to judge me or clam I’m fake or whatever just f@#k off please.

I started my walk with Christ 3 years ago when I was 15 the past 3yrs of my 18 years of life have sucked I’m been depressed and my anxiety has been of the charts I think about dying almost every day and no one knows about it because it’s not very noticeable.

I have been working on a business for the past 1 year now (started back in 2017) and it’s almost ready for launch but I’ve gotten to the point were I’m so desperate to make money (to have a better life) that I’ve became very impatient. I feel like I’m being tempted by the devil well I know I am I can 100% Guarantee it.

“the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

I just want to leave my faith and live by the ways of the world because it’s much easier. Well to be honest I don’t I would feel so much shame but I’m at that point were I feel so emotionally weak I know unless some miracle happens I don’t have the strength and energy to even get out of bed let alone to continue my relationship with Christ.

Why not pray,why not confess your problems ? I have done that I’ve done what all of those preachers say to do I’ve asked god to change my heart and my motives and it has worked and so I continue to pray and thank him but after a few days I’m not back to square one I’m two steps back from square one.

And even when I do feel even 70% happy maybe 1 day out of the week I hate it because it feels like I’m in a foreign country. It feels weird to be happy anyway

I’m not proud to admit it but I was hearing about celebrities selling there souls to the devil for wealth as I used to listen to secular music so I tried it in the beginning of the year I rejected Christ in the most horrible way possible why? Because I felt like I was drowning think of it as like being at the beach your under water your drowning you feel like your about to pass out no ones coming to save you you feel like your about to die but out of nowhere a lifeguard comes along in his boat to save you.

That lifeguard is the devil what do you do. You’ve prayed and you’ve prayed but no ones coming for you your about to pass out and probably die so out of desperation you take the devils hand he pulls you up out of the water and you can finally breathe that’s why I did it. Well did I get what I asked for? Some things I did receive but I was very impatient and in those 6 or 7 days I felt nothing no love no hate no envy just cold blank nothingness so I prayed and asked for forgiveness.

so fast forward through the year I’ve just been going there the motions of pain trying to get closer to god ect up untill a few days ago. I sought out help I have major doubts in myself in every way possible I went to a tarot card reader the ones online why did I do it? (I know it was a sin I knew I shouldn’t have done it but I was desperate for answers like heck I’m already neck deep in mud anyway) she said to me.

Mind you this women only knew my name and what month I was born in I asked if my business would prosper and she said yes as long as your patient if won’t happen straight away but it will happen. So I asked her if my family would get jealous of me if I prospered she said not really and later said that my negative thoughts are holding me back which is true.

She later said in the reading she noticed that I had serious depression and anxiety issues which also happens to be true (only I knew about that) any way long story short after my reading I felt a scared I felt ashamed that I had purposely gone against gods word and honestly I’m just lost with life right now I want the pain to stop because I’m weak I’m exhausted I’m tired I’m sick of doubting myself I’m sick of the devil messing up my relationship with god I’m sick of being jealous and envying others and honestly i want to die well I’m not suicideal I just want the pain to stop and I have no clue how to get out of the mess I’m in I want to reject Christ and live by the world not because I want to out of selfish desires but because I just want to feel happy again.

I hate to feel like this because I have a roof over my head I have food to eat I’m not ugly and I workout almost every day like I’m pretty lucky and I feel ashamed like I can’t feel this way because of all the things I have.

I know some of you’ll say I’m depressed i need to pray I need therapy I need to take a break but if I do take a break from working on my business I feel like the devil will swoop in for the 100th time and will probably get me. But to be honest I feel dead like a blop of nothing like I signed up to CF the other day and that was hard enough due to my exhausted state.

any advice would be appreciated.

maintenance man

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Sep 29, 2018
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I have been working on a business for the past 1 year now (started back in 2017) and it’s almost ready for launch but I’ve gotten to the point were I’m so desperate to make money (to have a better life) that I’ve became very impatient.

What kind of business are you working on?

I hate to feel like this because I have a roof over my head I have food to eat I’m not ugly and I workout almost every day like I’m pretty lucky and I feel ashamed like I can’t feel this way because of all the things I have.

You seem to have a clear perspective. It sounds like you are better off than most people in this world.

I want to reject Christ and live by the world not because I want to out of selfish desires but because I just want to feel happy again.

Living by the world isn't going to make you feel happy. It sounds to me like you need to achieve something with your life. You need to focus on something through which you can be successful. That's doesn't necessarily mean making money - although it could.

The Bible tells us we reap what we sow - if you want to be happy - make others happy - and your happiness will grow. It's that simple.
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The walking accident
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Feb 11, 2018
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well truth is I do like I really do but I feel so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’ll explain

P.s I’m putting my personal issues out there it’s long and I hope you read it why we’ll you’ll probably say I shouldn’t but im never going to see you and your never going to see me and I’m not going to talk about my issues to anyone in person I just want advice my life has been pretty rocky so I did leave out a few parts just to keep it as short as possible also if your going to judge me or clam I’m fake or whatever just f@#k off please.

I started my walk with Christ 3 years ago when I was 15 the past 3yrs of my 18 years of life have sucked I’m been depressed and my anxiety has been of the charts I think about dying almost every day and no one knows about it because it’s not very noticeable.

I have been working on a business for the past 1 year now (started back in 2017) and it’s almost ready for launch but I’ve gotten to the point were I’m so desperate to make money (to have a better life) that I’ve became very impatient. I feel like I’m being tempted by the devil well I know I am I can 100% Guarantee it.

“the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

I just want to leave my faith and live by the ways of the world because it’s much easier. Well to be honest I don’t I would feel so much shame but I’m at that point were I feel so emotionally weak I know unless some miracle happens I don’t have the strength and energy to even get out of bed let alone to continue my relationship with Christ.

Why not pray,why not confess your problems ? I have done that I’ve done what all of those preachers say to do I’ve asked god to change my heart and my motives and it has worked and so I continue to pray and thank him but after a few days I’m not back to square one I’m two steps back from square one.

And even when I do feel even 70% happy maybe 1 day out of the week I hate it because it feels like I’m in a foreign country. It feels weird to be happy anyway

I’m not proud to admit it but I was hearing about celebrities selling there souls to the devil for wealth as I used to listen to secular music so I tried it in the beginning of the year I rejected Christ in the most horrible way possible why? Because I felt like I was drowning think of it as like being at the beach your under water your drowning you feel like your about to pass out no ones coming to save you you feel like your about to die but out of nowhere a lifeguard comes along in his boat to save you.

That lifeguard is the devil what do you do. You’ve prayed and you’ve prayed but no ones coming for you your about to pass out and probably die so out of desperation you take the devils hand he pulls you up out of the water and you can finally breathe that’s why I did it. Well did I get what I asked for? Some things I did receive but I was very impatient and in those 6 or 7 days I felt nothing no love no hate no envy just cold blank nothingness so I prayed and asked for forgiveness.

so fast forward through the year I’ve just been going there the motions of pain trying to get closer to god ect up untill a few days ago. I sought out help I have major doubts in myself in every way possible I went to a tarot card reader the ones online why did I do it? (I know it was a sin I knew I shouldn’t have done it but I was desperate for answers like heck I’m already neck deep in mud anyway) she said to me.

Mind you this women only knew my name and what month I was born in I asked if my business would prosper and she said yes as long as your patient if won’t happen straight away but it will happen. So I asked her if my family would get jealous of me if I prospered she said not really and later said that my negative thoughts are holding me back which is true.

She later said in the reading she noticed that I had serious depression and anxiety issues which also happens to be true (only I knew about that) any way long story short after my reading I felt a scared I felt ashamed that I had purposely gone against gods word and honestly I’m just lost with life right now I want the pain to stop because I’m weak I’m exhausted I’m tired I’m sick of doubting myself I’m sick of the devil messing up my relationship with god I’m sick of being jealous and envying others and honestly i want to die well I’m not suicideal I just want the pain to stop and I have no clue how to get out of the mess I’m in I want to reject Christ and live by the world not because I want to out of selfish desires but because I just want to feel happy again.

I hate to feel like this because I have a roof over my head I have food to eat I’m not ugly and I workout almost every day like I’m pretty lucky and I feel ashamed like I can’t feel this way because of all the things I have.

I know some of you’ll say I’m depressed i need to pray I need therapy I need to take a break but if I do take a break from working on my business I feel like the devil will swoop in for the 100th time and will probably get me. But to be honest I feel dead like a blop of nothing like I signed up to CF the other day and that was hard enough due to my exhausted state.

any advice would be appreciated.

Well, first don't curse. G-d tends to not be all that helpful to people who curse a lot. So when you say "just f@#k off please", not helpful in improving your relationship with G-d.

So other than that, I seem to be in the same boat. But for some reason I'm not as bothered by it.

I don't have my own business so much, but I have had nothing but failure in my career, and even now I'm in a job I hate.

But... that's just life. You said you have food to eat, and roof and bed to sleep on, and you work out every day. Sounds like G-d has taken care of you thus far.

What is the problem? I'm confused as to exactly what the issue is.

You say you are exhausted constantly. Is that simply because you are trying to do too much?

I know a guy right now that simply was working himself to death, and he just had to make a choice to simply limit what he did. Just had to say "Yes I have 3 hours I could do something... but I'm not". He could go work out, but didn't. He could go work on his business, but didn't.

And once he forced himself to have this non-productive down-time in his life... he started to feel better.

Is that the problem? I feel like there is an issue of some sort, but I can't see it in anything you posted.

You want your business to succeed, but it isn't succeeding yet? Because that honestly is how life works. Nothing happens when you want it to. At least it hasn't for me. I've just come to accept that.

I can't imagine that just because you are not having wild success, is the reason you are going to tarot card readers, is it?

Because that is counter productive. G-d isn't going to bless your business, when you are running to people other than him. Just not a good idea.

If you don't want to be a Christian, then don't. Just skip all this. But be honest about it. Don't do this running off to tarot card readers, and then saying you feel guilty about it.

Make a choice. You either follow the Lord G-d of Heaven, and dump all that tarot card crap, and let him decide when your business is successful or not..... or forget G-d, go to your tarot card readers, and skip all this guilty christian nonsense.

But one or the other. Don't be that cat in the doorway with the tail inside, and head sticking outside, and meowing at nothing.

Maybe that is why you are depressed. You haven't fully and completely, 100% committed to either the Lord G-d or go your own way.

Pick one, and go for it. But if you pick the Lord, you need to give up on "I want it now". Having G-d be Lord of your life, means you wait on him. He doesn't wait on you. He's G-d, and you are the servant. And when he deems it is time for your business to be successful, that is when it will be successful. Not a moment before.
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God is good

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
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well truth is I do like I really do but I feel so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’ll explain

P.s I’m putting my personal issues out there it’s long and I hope you read it why we’ll you’ll probably say I shouldn’t but im never going to see you and your never going to see me and I’m not going to talk about my issues to anyone in person I just want advice my life has been pretty rocky so I did leave out a few parts just to keep it as short as possible also if your going to judge me or clam I’m fake or whatever just f@#k off please.

I started my walk with Christ 3 years ago when I was 15 the past 3yrs of my 18 years of life have sucked I’m been depressed and my anxiety has been of the charts I think about dying almost every day and no one knows about it because it’s not very noticeable.

I have been working on a business for the past 1 year now (started back in 2017) and it’s almost ready for launch but I’ve gotten to the point were I’m so desperate to make money (to have a better life) that I’ve became very impatient. I feel like I’m being tempted by the devil well I know I am I can 100% Guarantee it.

“the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

I just want to leave my faith and live by the ways of the world because it’s much easier. Well to be honest I don’t I would feel so much shame but I’m at that point were I feel so emotionally weak I know unless some miracle happens I don’t have the strength and energy to even get out of bed let alone to continue my relationship with Christ.

Why not pray,why not confess your problems ? I have done that I’ve done what all of those preachers say to do I’ve asked god to change my heart and my motives and it has worked and so I continue to pray and thank him but after a few days I’m not back to square one I’m two steps back from square one.

And even when I do feel even 70% happy maybe 1 day out of the week I hate it because it feels like I’m in a foreign country. It feels weird to be happy anyway

I’m not proud to admit it but I was hearing about celebrities selling there souls to the devil for wealth as I used to listen to secular music so I tried it in the beginning of the year I rejected Christ in the most horrible way possible why? Because I felt like I was drowning think of it as like being at the beach your under water your drowning you feel like your about to pass out no ones coming to save you you feel like your about to die but out of nowhere a lifeguard comes along in his boat to save you.

That lifeguard is the devil what do you do. You’ve prayed and you’ve prayed but no ones coming for you your about to pass out and probably die so out of desperation you take the devils hand he pulls you up out of the water and you can finally breathe that’s why I did it. Well did I get what I asked for? Some things I did receive but I was very impatient and in those 6 or 7 days I felt nothing no love no hate no envy just cold blank nothingness so I prayed and asked for forgiveness.

so fast forward through the year I’ve just been going there the motions of pain trying to get closer to god ect up untill a few days ago. I sought out help I have major doubts in myself in every way possible I went to a tarot card reader the ones online why did I do it? (I know it was a sin I knew I shouldn’t have done it but I was desperate for answers like heck I’m already neck deep in mud anyway) she said to me.

Mind you this women only knew my name and what month I was born in I asked if my business would prosper and she said yes as long as your patient if won’t happen straight away but it will happen. So I asked her if my family would get jealous of me if I prospered she said not really and later said that my negative thoughts are holding me back which is true.

She later said in the reading she noticed that I had serious depression and anxiety issues which also happens to be true (only I knew about that) any way long story short after my reading I felt a scared I felt ashamed that I had purposely gone against gods word and honestly I’m just lost with life right now I want the pain to stop because I’m weak I’m exhausted I’m tired I’m sick of doubting myself I’m sick of the devil messing up my relationship with god I’m sick of being jealous and envying others and honestly i want to die well I’m not suicideal I just want the pain to stop and I have no clue how to get out of the mess I’m in I want to reject Christ and live by the world not because I want to out of selfish desires but because I just want to feel happy again.

I hate to feel like this because I have a roof over my head I have food to eat I’m not ugly and I workout almost every day like I’m pretty lucky and I feel ashamed like I can’t feel this way because of all the things I have.

I know some of you’ll say I’m depressed i need to pray I need therapy I need to take a break but if I do take a break from working on my business I feel like the devil will swoop in for the 100th time and will probably get me. But to be honest I feel dead like a blop of nothing like I signed up to CF the other day and that was hard enough due to my exhausted state.

any advice would be appreciated.
Just please know that God loves you very much and that He is always with you and He can forgive all of our sins because of Jesus dying for all of us as our Lord and Saviour. God bless you and Jesus is Lord.
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Dec 22, 2018
United States
Marital Status
well truth is I do like I really do but I feel so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’ll explain

P.s I’m putting my personal issues out there it’s long and I hope you read it why we’ll you’ll probably say I shouldn’t but im never going to see you and your never going to see me and I’m not going to talk about my issues to anyone in person I just want advice my life has been pretty rocky so I did leave out a few parts just to keep it as short as possible also if your going to judge me or clam I’m fake or whatever just f@#k off please.

I started my walk with Christ 3 years ago when I was 15 the past 3yrs of my 18 years of life have sucked I’m been depressed and my anxiety has been of the charts I think about dying almost every day and no one knows about it because it’s not very noticeable.

I have been working on a business for the past 1 year now (started back in 2017) and it’s almost ready for launch but I’ve gotten to the point were I’m so desperate to make money (to have a better life) that I’ve became very impatient. I feel like I’m being tempted by the devil well I know I am I can 100% Guarantee it.

“the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

I just want to leave my faith and live by the ways of the world because it’s much easier. Well to be honest I don’t I would feel so much shame but I’m at that point were I feel so emotionally weak I know unless some miracle happens I don’t have the strength and energy to even get out of bed let alone to continue my relationship with Christ.

Why not pray,why not confess your problems ? I have done that I’ve done what all of those preachers say to do I’ve asked god to change my heart and my motives and it has worked and so I continue to pray and thank him but after a few days I’m not back to square one I’m two steps back from square one.

And even when I do feel even 70% happy maybe 1 day out of the week I hate it because it feels like I’m in a foreign country. It feels weird to be happy anyway

I’m not proud to admit it but I was hearing about celebrities selling there souls to the devil for wealth as I used to listen to secular music so I tried it in the beginning of the year I rejected Christ in the most horrible way possible why? Because I felt like I was drowning think of it as like being at the beach your under water your drowning you feel like your about to pass out no ones coming to save you you feel like your about to die but out of nowhere a lifeguard comes along in his boat to save you.

That lifeguard is the devil what do you do. You’ve prayed and you’ve prayed but no ones coming for you your about to pass out and probably die so out of desperation you take the devils hand he pulls you up out of the water and you can finally breathe that’s why I did it. Well did I get what I asked for? Some things I did receive but I was very impatient and in those 6 or 7 days I felt nothing no love no hate no envy just cold blank nothingness so I prayed and asked for forgiveness.

so fast forward through the year I’ve just been going there the motions of pain trying to get closer to god ect up untill a few days ago. I sought out help I have major doubts in myself in every way possible I went to a tarot card reader the ones online why did I do it? (I know it was a sin I knew I shouldn’t have done it but I was desperate for answers like heck I’m already neck deep in mud anyway) she said to me.

Mind you this women only knew my name and what month I was born in I asked if my business would prosper and she said yes as long as your patient if won’t happen straight away but it will happen. So I asked her if my family would get jealous of me if I prospered she said not really and later said that my negative thoughts are holding me back which is true.

She later said in the reading she noticed that I had serious depression and anxiety issues which also happens to be true (only I knew about that) any way long story short after my reading I felt a scared I felt ashamed that I had purposely gone against gods word and honestly I’m just lost with life right now I want the pain to stop because I’m weak I’m exhausted I’m tired I’m sick of doubting myself I’m sick of the devil messing up my relationship with god I’m sick of being jealous and envying others and honestly i want to die well I’m not suicideal I just want the pain to stop and I have no clue how to get out of the mess I’m in I want to reject Christ and live by the world not because I want to out of selfish desires but because I just want to feel happy again.

I hate to feel like this because I have a roof over my head I have food to eat I’m not ugly and I workout almost every day like I’m pretty lucky and I feel ashamed like I can’t feel this way because of all the things I have.

I know some of you’ll say I’m depressed i need to pray I need therapy I need to take a break but if I do take a break from working on my business I feel like the devil will swoop in for the 100th time and will probably get me. But to be honest I feel dead like a blop of nothing like I signed up to CF the other day and that was hard enough due to my exhausted state.

any advice would be appreciated.
You don’t have the baptism of the Holy Spirit which is believing in Jesus and speaking in tongues. God told the apostles to tarry in Jerusalem until they were empowered by God. They spoke in tongues when they received the Holy Spirit. Acts 2. Tongues is a language nobody understands but God. 1 Corinthians 14. God wants you to go to a church where they speak in tongues. Have the leaders pray for you to do that. Seek the Holy Spirit out until you are empowered by God to live the life he wants you to live. Seek to do what God tells you to do in his Holy New Testament. Matthew 7
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Active Member
Nov 10, 2017
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Thank you for sharing such personal and intimate details of your personal life, I admire you for being so candid and honest about your relationship and how much you have struggled in your faith and walk with Jesus.

All I can say is you are living proof of what Christianity is all about the trials tribulations and wilderness and experience we go through makes you wonder about our sanity and common sense etc. lol.

Not that it's a laughing matter but I understand where you are coming from and the difficulties that accompany the straight and narrow path, it is not an easy path and broad wide and spacious is the path that leads to destruction

but the destructive path seems to offer better incentives rewards and meets all the needs desires and cravings of the flesh, so for a while we think we are better off and enjoying ourselves but the reality is both paths require more commitment and sacrifice

So what will a man give in exchange for his soul? the seduction temptation and deception of wealth riches and the cravings of the flesh is rewarded with eternal pain suffering and torment, but these consequences are sometimes not enough to deter the believer

The word of God is the truth and it is only the truth that can set you free, Christianity is a relationship, covenant, and partnership, you have to apply all those blessings principals and promises in your father's word so you can transform grow and be fruitful

Christianity is 1 minute 1 hour & 1 day at a time, everyone is at different stages in their relationship with God, it doesn't matter how many times you fall over only that you get back up and try again that's the good news brother

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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
Marital Status
I started my walk with Christ 3 years ago when I was 15 the past 3yrs of my 18 years of life have sucked I’m been depressed and my anxiety has been of the charts I think about dying almost every day and no one knows about it because it’s not very noticeable.
Christ-follower or not, depression and anxiety at that age is very common.

I have been working on a business for the past 1 year now (started back in 2017) and it’s almost ready for launch but I’ve gotten to the point were I’m so desperate to make money (to have a better life) that I’ve became very impatient. I feel like I’m being tempted by the devil well I know I am I can 100% Guarantee it.

“the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
Then say "no." If you have to sin in order to launch your business, it's not a business that will deserve to succeed. Treating your customers, partners, and investors right, according to how Christianity teaches, that should be the foundation of your business. Christ's lesson is as good for business as it is for life:

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” - Matthew 7:24-27

Why not pray,why not confess your problems ? I have done that I’ve done what all of those preachers say to do I’ve asked god to change my heart and my motives and it has worked and so I continue to pray and thank him but after a few days I’m not back to square one I’m two steps back from square one.

And even when I do feel even 70% happy maybe 1 day out of the week I hate it because it feels like I’m in a foreign country. It feels weird to be happy anyway
Prayer is only part of the solution. Are you doing what you know is right even though you're not feeling like it? And are you doing so more often than you were?

so fast forward through the year I’ve just been going there the motions of pain trying to get closer to god ect up untill a few days ago. I sought out help I have major doubts in myself in every way possible I went to a tarot card reader the ones online why did I do it? (I know it was a sin I knew I shouldn’t have done it but I was desperate for answers like heck I’m already neck deep in mud anyway) she said to me.

Mind you this women only knew my name and what month I was born in I asked if my business would prosper and she said yes as long as your patient if won’t happen straight away but it will happen. So I asked her if my family would get jealous of me if I prospered she said not really and later said that my negative thoughts are holding me back which is true.

She later said in the reading she noticed that I had serious depression and anxiety issues which also happens to be true (only I knew about that)
It's possible you're giving off that vibe too, with how you walk, talk, and act. She was probably looking at that and playing the odds with what she said. It is possible that she had some power too, but if she did, it's from an untrustworthy source.

I just want the pain to stop and I have no clue how to get out of the mess I’m in I want to reject Christ and live by the world not because I want to out of selfish desires but because I just want to feel happy again.
Rejecting Christ isn't a solution to this. Doing so may well make it worse. And since there is honor and meaning in following Jesus, no wonder. Jesus knew we would have trouble while we are in this world. We need to follow him anyway.
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Mario David

In GOD I trust
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Dec 13, 2018
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God loves you.

-You sell your soul to the devil and will get nothing in return

- Money comes and goes, you're barely an adult now, have a whole life of ups and down experience ahead of you

- I don't have a successful business or any business at all. I have a wife and a step- daughter, I live on a low income housing on my spare time I do a lot of volunteer work in order to make a small difference in the world. Poor in money but rich in life.

- In this life you have to learn how to handle stress and solve your issues, not point fingers or try to find an easy path.

- God give me health and let me take care of the rest

Love god, be happy, and enjoy life. The rest it won't matter
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Serving Zion

Seek First His Kingdom & Righteousness
May 7, 2016
Revelation 21:2
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What is the point of "being Christian", as you put it? .. I don't agree that being Christian is the root of your problems.

I can see that you have discontentment. You are not enjoying life, you are hoping for a better life some day, and you are disillusioned about the chances of having a fulfilling life. It all points to a lack of faith.

A healthy faith has you to understand that God is with you, and you can be grateful for all that you have, and enjoy what you do. You also would be seeing evidence of His miracles, big or small, that helps you to trust that it is not impossible to have a good marriage. But without that faith you have anxiety that is rooted in fear, and without the peace that comes from faith, you can't really enjoy each day and be grateful for it .. because your mind is always looking at a hope, for the future and turning that into a resentment of the present.

Stay away from occultists (I know, you know that already), but why? .. it is because they do actively reject The Gospel when they ought to know better, so therefore they are of a spirit that opposes Jesus Christ and that spirit should always be in fear of the spirit that is within you .. because why? .. He is The Spirit of Truth.

That's why we are assaulted in all manner of way, to flick us out of the mind that empowers Him to speak through us. You are young, meaning you have advantages of righteousness and disadvantages of knowledge, and those things are continuously changing.

Wisdom would advise to keep your righteousness as intact as possible (don't do new sins, illegal activities, lies, sex, bad business etc), while also growing in knowledge - find out why does that demonic attack want to turn you away from Christ? .. what might they be expecting to lose if you were to grow in faith instead? (Brings the first question back: what is the purpose of a Christian?)
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May 9, 2018
United States
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The temptation to rule the world was for Jesus it’s not really applicable to most other people. God knows everything even before it happens.

The devil can’t really do anything unless God gives the devil permission first as you can see in the book of Job. It’s really a bad idea to toy around with selling your soul to the devil and the occult. I’ve been watching documentaries about hauntings and it’s interesting but often awful for the people experiencing them. Many of them turn to psychics in their time of despair and while sometimes it helps more often than not it just stirs up the hauntings and makes them worse. By toying around with this stuff you are inviting demons into your life and the devil only wants to kill and destroy. God actually cares about you and loves you but the devil is only intent on destruction. John 10:10 and 1 Peter 5:6-10.

I have had depression and anxiety most of my life. It only went away for a short period of time when I thought that I was guaranteed to go to heaven but then when I came out of it the depression and anxiety returned. I was reading proverbs and psalms the other day and one of the verses basically said that depression comes from not trusting in God, and I admit that that is something I struggle with it too. Isaiah 26:3 also says that those who trust God are at peace which I assume means they are not anxious or depressed.
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