Statement of Purpose Generation Z

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Jul 2, 2003
United States
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Gen Z Forum Statement of Purpose:

This forum is for those born born between 1/1/1997 -12/31/2012 ( ages 7 -22 in 2019). Remember that one must be 16 to post on CF. The purpose of the Gen Z forum is for discussions that are both light and playful such as humorous or game threads, and more serious threads such as searching and threads seeking support for what is being gone through. We want to see everyone treated well here with all posts having a foundation of love and unity in Christ.

All site wide rules at Christian Forums applies (found here). Here are additional guidelines and links that apply to this forum as well:
  • Please avoid sweeping generalizations about groups of people such as "men are like this", and "women are like that". Instead, use "some women/men______."
  • If a post isn't clear, ask for clarity before making assumptions.
  • When someone shares a personal experience, it's their experience, and not open for being right or wrong. It is what it is. Please be respectful of what their experience was, even if yours was different.
  • Please post in a manner that is respectful of both Christ and other members.
  • Remember, make sure any graphics and links that you post do not violate the CF rules, as you are responsible for what you post. Double check for vulgarity and profanity that other sites may not care about.
Resources to deal with depression, abuse, suicide, and other issues can be found in this thread (click here) in the Depression Forum. The Recovery sections of CF offers supportive forums for more sensitive issues if more support is needed.

How to deal with addiction to pornography, masturbation, and other sexual issues are limited to the Struggles with Sexuality forum, or the Men's Pornography Addiction forum. You can find controversial topics of health as related to human sexuality in the Men's Health forum and Women's Health forum. Married members may address intimate topics in the mens/women's personal topics forums. Topics of sex or premarital sex are off topic and will not be discussed or promoted in the GenZ forum. This is a PG-13 forum, which means that you should not make sexual innuendos or post sexually explicit images or comments.

Submission discussions are restricted to married forums.
References to or insinuations of the promotion of alternative lifestyles is also considered off topic in the singles forum. Please remember that homosexuality can only be discussed, without promotion, in Christian Communities and Faith Groups. Homosexuality may also be discussed in the Recovery and Ask a Chaplain forums.

Enjoy your time in fellowship with each other here in the Gen Z forum.
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