Gabriel Vanashuk

Big Al545

Jul 16, 2007
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Marital Status
Name: Gabriel Vanashuk
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Human

-Appearance: Gabriel is around 6'4". He has a muscular build, and weighs about 187 lbs. His hair is a blackish brown and he keeps it short so it won't affect him in a fight. He generally has it in a crew cut. His eyes are a light blue and are always looking around for a possible threat.

-Personality: Gabriel has been through many fights, many tough battles, and even a war, these past events have hardened him into a tough, military man. But after being with him for a few days, he opens up and can be a great asset on the battlefield. To an enemy, Gabriel is probably the most dangerous man alive at that point in time. When Gabriel is in battle, and most importantly, he is protecting somebody, he will do anything to stop them. Even if death is his part, he will do what it takes to stick to his job.

-Special Talents: In a run down tavern, Gabriel encountered a bunch of teens looking for a fight. In this certain fight, Gabriel had discovered that he has unmatchable accuracy with his flintlock, a generally inaccurate weapon. After discovering this, he trained himself to be able to call upon this talent whenever necessary, whether it be with his flintlock, or even his swords.

-Equipment: Gabriel has gathered and traded many pieces of unique weaponry, and also some armor. His primary weapon is his claymore, which he slings over his back. On his boot, he has a large hunting knife concealed within the boot. He has a longsword on his right hip that he uses primarily for defense, but will use it for the offensive when the situation asks for it. His last weapon is his flintlock pistol. He uses this in accordance with his special accuracy power.

-Current Job: Mercenary for Hire.
-Past Jobs: Gabriel used to be a soldier for various armies, he rose through the ranks quickly, but left as quick as he came due to being unable to stand seeing his soldiers die around him.