Does the Holy Spirit really affect you?


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Oct 24, 2007
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i was a Christian for many years, or tried to be. i know we are not meant to try. we are meant to surrender to Christ and he will live through us. This never happened with me. i never actually felt that it was Christ, not me. i was never able to get victory over sin by surrendering my will to his. Do any of you really achieve it? Are you really conscious of times when the holy spirit takes over from your sinful nature? Do you honestly feel joy in God, or do you just try to? i got sick of just trying and nothing happening.
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Hi Pippa,

What you're describing is not uncommon. A couple thoughts come to mind. First, I had 'prayed the prayer' many times growing up, asking God to forgive me my sins, to come into my life and to be my Lord, but in retrospect I see that I wasn't really willing to turn completely to him, and so nothing ever 'happened'. I can't judge your heart, but this was my experience. Second, having entered that relationship, God honors even the simplest of prayers if it is prayed sincerely. 'Lord, please help me.' 'Lord, I need you.' 'Lord, please help me to know you better.'

To answer your question, though, yes, I have experienced God's Spirit in mighty ways. When I finally did come to a place where I was willing to give everything to him, he came in a dramatic and obvious way (though not everyone's experience is so dramatic).

Blessings to you as you seek him!
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Sep 23, 2004
Overland Park, KS.
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i was a Christian for many years, or tried to be. i know we are not meant to try. we are meant to surrender to Christ and he will live through us. This never happened with me. i never actually felt that it was Christ, not me. i was never able to get victory over sin by surrendering my will to his. Do any of you really achieve it? Are you really conscious of times when the holy spirit takes over from your sinful nature? Do you honestly feel joy in God, or do you just try to? i got sick of just trying and nothing happening.

For those who have truly been born again (Jn.3:8) there are many victories that have and are being, won. Our natural negative individual tendencies are minimized if not removed altogether. The toughest is the unconscious negative trait that stems from a root of bitterness (Heb.12:15) from our past. This negative response from us is triggered when something (whether conscience or unconsciously) is brought to our attention. The negative response from us has been such a long pattern that it is very hard to tame.
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National Guard
Jun 19, 2008
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This is a life change, When you repent you dont need to focus on NOT sinning instead when something comes your way you should ask yourself why is this a sin? does it benefit me? Following Christ is more about sacrifice and living a life of common sense. Most say the words to dedicate their life to Christ, but dont make the sacrifice. You have to die to self, leave the house and go out and fellowship with other believers, volunteer and help others. When your really sacrificing yourself for Christ and living in the fruits of the kindness you'll really feel the presence of the holy spirit.
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May 30, 2008
Just outside Yosemite Park
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I’m just a laymen, and a struggling Christian. However I have fought the same battle you are facing. Prayers seemed like they don’t go past the ceiling, frustrated with some of my actions and attitudes at times. Then my pastor hit me with something, “Who ever told you that you were going to live a perfectly righteous life?” Why do you think Christ died for us, because of our inherit sin nature. 1 Corinthians 10:13 lets us know that we will be temped to sin, however God will always give us a way of overcoming that temptation, the issue is if we take the way out. God gave us a free will, and He doesn’t seem to use His power make us conform to His perfect will. To me a life surrender to Christ only means that we have made a conscious decision to follow in his footsteps. When we are confronted with temptation it is the Holy Spirit that is whispering in our ear what the right choice is, He will not force us to conform to His will. This is just the opinion of a old guy that loves the Lord but certainly has a tremendous amount to learn.
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Feb 16, 2007
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i was a Christian for many years, or tried to be. i know we are not meant to try. we are meant to surrender to Christ and he will live through us. This never happened with me.

Which never happened to you? You never surrendered to Christ? Or he never lived through you?

There seems to be one of two conclusions you can come to here:

1. If Christ truly does live his life through you when you surrender your life to him, and you have not experienced Christ doing so in your life, then you have not truly surrendered to him.

2. The teaching that Christ will live his life through you when you surrender your life to him is bogus.

Its been my personal experience that total surrender to God is something God does in us. We are too selfish, too corrupt, to actually fully surrender to Him. It is for this reason God has put the Old Man, Self, to death. God doesn't rehabilitate Self; He doesn't give Self a face lift, or the capacity to do better. No, Self is degenerate and wholly wicked, which is why it was put to death 2000 years ago on the cross of Christ. If God doesn't change you, no real, genuine, godly change will occur. Sometimes it takes complete failure to convince us of this fact.

i never actually felt that it was Christ, not me. i was never able to get victory over sin by surrendering my will to his.

Surrendering your will to Christ is only a single, beginning step. Believing what God says about you is also vital to becoming who He says you are. For instance, the Bible says you are "dead to sin, but alive unto God." (Ro. 6) This became true of you the moment you were saved. Do I always feel this is true? No. But God never asks me to walk with Him on the basis of how I feel. Instead, He asks me to believe Him, to trust His Word rather than what I may feel or even experience. This is, in part, what the Bible means when it says, "The just (or righteous) shall live by faith." (Ro. 1:17; Ga. 3:11; He. 10:38)

God has made us to be conformed to our focus. Change in us also comes by way of this principle. It is for this reason that Paul the apostle writes,

"But we all, with open face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Cor. 3:18)

Allowing yourself to be preoccupied with Christ, spending time steeping your mind in the person of Jesus, has a positive altering effect.

Do any of you really achieve it? Are you really conscious of times when the holy spirit takes over from your sinful nature? Do you honestly feel joy in God, or do you just try to? i got sick of just trying and nothing happening.

Yes, God has been as good as His Word to me. I believe what He says, trusting and waiting on Him to make those things He has said are true of me real in my experience. And my trust has never been betrayed.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2004
United Kingdom
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i was a Christian for many years, or tried to be. i know we are not meant to try. we are meant to surrender to Christ and he will live through us. This never happened with me. i never actually felt that it was Christ, not me. i was never able to get victory over sin by surrendering my will to his. Do any of you really achieve it? Are you really conscious of times when the holy spirit takes over from your sinful nature? Do you honestly feel joy in God, or do you just try to? i got sick of just trying and nothing happening.

The Holy Spirit manifests himself in different ways at different times with different people. There is no right or wrong way, because this is up to God himself.

If we are a Christian, we are because it is who we are, not because of what it feels like. Think of your nationality; is is who you are, regardless of whether you are burning with patriotism or whether you are pretty indifferent to politics etc. It is not about feelings, but about identity and relationship.

There may come a time when you feel the Spirit in more dramatic ways, or there may not. But any time you show love towards a fellow human being, he is there, right with you. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control. If any Christian has never manifested any of these fruit, at any time, in his life as a Christian, then he or she can well doubt their salvation. But I think most of us have at least some of this fruit in our lives. :)
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
I had an identity crisis with God. Took the whole problem to God and had it out with Him. I studied the BIble with an concordance and prayer with a scribbler by my side to write as the thoughts poured out. I made a deal with God, that He would guide me through scripture, teach me what it takes to meet Him, and then lead me and prepare me to meet with Him. I was taking Rev 3:20 personally. I wanted the one on one meeting... which is what I hear you wanting too.

I studied with God for six months, and He directed my thoughts on subject matter, and understanding. If I had conflicts His Word would confirm or deny and I accepted even if it conflicted with preconceived notions or was not as I was taught in church. I was going all the way with God. Then one day the Lord said it was time. I followed His instructions. He answered my prayers. Rev 3:20 is a promise He did keep.

May you experience the Rev 3:20 promise.
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Sep 17, 2004
Central Ohio
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When I breastfed my children, I thought it would happen. Just happen.
The book I was given to read was called "the art of breastfeeding".
I had to accept that I had to LEARN it.
It took time, I made mistakes, I benefited and learned when I did something right.
I felt joyous, I felt broken.
I eventually got really good at it. I succeeded and every day brought joys of breastfeeding.
My children benefited, I could teach others, My children will live their entire lives with a healthier imune system. They might even want their children breastfed because they hear the stories and they view the life I chose of breastfeeding.

If we use this kind of logic - doesn't it seem logical that there isn't a transformation flip that takes place that changes all things for you. Maybe you will fail and succeed. Maybe you will take a long time.

But at the core of salvation it seems to me you would have felt something.
Maybe you aren't recognizing the Holy Spirit, expecting something specific.
Remember, Christ speaks in that quiet voice we can only hear when we can

When you pray, don't forget to be quiet for a time and listen too.
Keep a spiritual journal. You can reflect and compare through a journal.
Read - read about other people's experiences, don't expect the same, but
listen to others.
Mostly, Pray to God for what it is you are worried about. Ask for guidance then
pay attention to what happens. Life lessons aren't quick I'm afraid.
I once asked for patience because I thought I would loose my mind - and it seemed like I was given 5 times the responsibilities I had already.... ahhhhhh, I either had to practice patience or loose it.

I personally experience physcial experiences sometimes, I call them 'blessings' that are a joyous overcoming as it were... I also have over time learned to listen to that small voice telling me to do or not do something... and then I can listen to it even if I don't know why - through experience I've learned that sometimes I don't need to know why I need to do something for somebody, and other times I must in faith do what I am compelled, or impelled to do, then wait and let God's plans work out. I can't say that every time I follow my directions I see obvious results, but I feel there are times that I'm being put in place just in case situations fall into place and someone is needed.

Sounds corney maybe - but time and time again I am blessed with experiencing something of God and how wonderfully blissful it is. Sharing does help growth. Relationships with others are so important, I think it's what Christ is about - Christianity is about - relationships.

So, don't do this alone - keep talking to God. Pay attention to your feelings. If you are having trouble recognizing your feelings, consider talking to a therapist or counselor or pastor about repressed feelings, or read a self help book or two about it. Perhaps you are a person that doesn't recognize feelings, and you might need to work on that before you can start experiencing some of the things associated with the Holy Spirit.

Also, not all things holy are going have an awareness attached to them. Perhaps your role or gift or life is meant to be used in a different way. Remember we are all the body of Christ - you may be a different part of The Body than you wanted to be.

Bless you, bless you. Dear Lord thank you for the gift of the Spirit of God. We are amazed by your awesome presence. We pray on behalf of this person who wants to know about the Holy Spirit. We pray that this person will have the answers unfold to them in your time and for your purpose. Please hold this person safe from discouragement and confusion. And please send others to assist this person. amen
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Senior Veteran
Feb 15, 2004
Salvation Army
Dear pippa. You had much good and valid advice given you. Since we are all different, our walk with the Lord will not always be the same. This has helped quite a few. God is Love, and God is perfect. Jesus told us to become perfect as God is perfect. Jesus also gave us 2 Commandments. 1) Love God with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds. This becomes quite natural, if we remember that God made us in His image. God wants us to live eternity with Him, in His Kingdom, the House with many mansions. God is our Heavenly Father, and we are His adopted sons and daughters. 2) Love each other, as we love ourselves. This is not easy, and only possible with the help and Guidance of our Saviour, Jesus Christus. We learn to say and do to all others, as we would like others say and do to us. Believe me, pippa, that becomes easier day by following day, once we have started to live like this quite seriously. Jesus will give us His Love, His Joy, and His Peace. We will fail many times, but we ask God daily, " forgive us our sins, as we forgive others," a prayer which Jesus taught us. The Holy Spirit is God inside us, how can we fail with God on our side? This is simple enough to do, pippa, and soon you will feel a different person. I say this humbly and with love. Greetings from Emmy, your sister in Christ.
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Trusting in the Lord :)
Jun 5, 2008
United Kingdom
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pippa said:
i was never able to get victory over sin by surrendering my will to his. Do any of you really achieve it?
Yes. I often resist the temptation to sin through surrendering my will to Christ's - it's really the only way (as far as I'm concerned, anyway). Otherwise, I'm just left with my own sinful desires. Confession of these desires helps immensely, I think of it as unclouding my heart so that the light of Jesus shines freely upon it - and then I have no desire to sin whatsoever!
pippa said:
Are you really conscious of times when the holy spirit takes over from your sinful nature?
Definitely. The Holy Spirit guides me constantly, when I keep my heart listening to it - and I believe this is very important. Although we have been born again and our sinful natures have been squandered, we still have our free will and it is bound to be influenced by powers other than God from time to time (i.e. Satan!) while we're still here on Earth. God's gift is always there, but we must conciously accept it. It's a two-way deal.
pippa said:
Do you honestly feel joy in God, or do you just try to?
I do. At times, I do 'try to' as well, and I can tell the difference between feeling joy and trying to find it when I think about my motives. If my motives are selfish and sinful then it would be impossible for me to feel joy in God; for God is not about greed and sin. But when I truly do not care about anything except loving and following God, yes, there is incredible joy to be had in it!
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