• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Confused and in grief.


Sep 2, 2020
United States
Marital Status
Hello, Im 18 and I am a believer. Im struggling with pornography. Its almost like I cannot control myself. And the pleasure that comes with it, isn't worth it. I get hard on my self and keep thinking how stupid I am for falling for the same trap over, and over again. Its like a never ending cycle. I commit the sin, confess, say im not going to do it again, next week im tempted and fall for the trap again, then in grief for a couple days. I just dont know what to do. I tried everything. I truly believe I am a slave for pixels on the screen. I dont know what to do. Do I even confess? Because theirs a good chance next week its going to happen again, because I know I dont have good self control. My flesh is stronger then my spirit right now. And I hate it.

Scott Husted

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Virginia Beach
United States
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Hello, Im 18 and I am a believer. Im struggling with pornography. Its almost like I cannot control myself. And the pleasure that comes with it, isn't worth it. I get hard on my self and keep thinking how stupid I am for falling for the same trap over, and over again. Its like a never ending cycle. I commit the sin, confess, say im not going to do it again, next week im tempted and fall for the trap again, then in grief for a couple days. I just dont know what to do. I tried everything. I truly believe I am a slave for pixels on the screen. I dont know what to do. Do I even confess? Because theirs a good chance next week its going to happen again, because I know I dont have good self control. My flesh is stronger then my spirit right now. And I hate it.
Paul had the same migviens ... just remember this race is not a sprint, the seed needs time to grow.
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Well-Known Member
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Jun 26, 2018
United Kingdom
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Hello, Im 18 and I am a believer. Im struggling with pornography. Its almost like I cannot control myself. And the pleasure that comes with it, isn't worth it. I get hard on my self and keep thinking how stupid I am for falling for the same trap over, and over again. Its like a never ending cycle. I commit the sin, confess, say im not going to do it again, next week im tempted and fall for the trap again, then in grief for a couple days. I just dont know what to do. I tried everything. I truly believe I am a slave for pixels on the screen. I dont know what to do. Do I even confess? Because theirs a good chance next week its going to happen again, because I know I dont have good self control. My flesh is stronger then my spirit right now. And I hate it.
It's difficult. Have you tried some of the different methods? Willpower might not be enough with this. Some tactics and knowledge will help.

I thought this was a pretty good starter: How to Quit Porn For Good | The Art of Manliness

I also saw a 21 day programme about this issue but I think it's geared towards Catholics. Unfortunately my PC is blocking the link. It must think it's actual pornography. The creator however also has a book:

The Porn Myth

Keep fighting and praying.
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Well-Known Member
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Jun 26, 2018
United Kingdom
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It's difficult. Have you tried some of the different methods? Willpower might not be enough with this. Some tactics and knowledge will help.

I thought this was a pretty good starter: How to Quit Porn For Good | The Art of Manliness

I also saw a 21 day programme about this issue but I think it's geared towards Catholics. Unfortunately my PC is blocking the link. It must think it's actual pornography. The creator however also has a book:

The Porn Myth

Keep fighting and praying.
The 21 day programme is on this page: https://pintswithaquinas.com/about-matt-fradd/ if you are interested.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2020
Marital Status
Hello, Im 18 and I am a believer. Im struggling with pornography. Its almost like I cannot control myself. And the pleasure that comes with it, isn't worth it. I get hard on my self and keep thinking how stupid I am for falling for the same trap over, and over again. Its like a never ending cycle. I commit the sin, confess, say im not going to do it again, next week im tempted and fall for the trap again, then in grief for a couple days. I just dont know what to do. I tried everything. I truly believe I am a slave for pixels on the screen. I dont know what to do. Do I even confess? Because theirs a good chance next week its going to happen again, because I know I dont have good self control. My flesh is stronger then my spirit right now. And I hate it.

Hi JacobVY,
It is better that you start with prayer asking the Lord to forgive your sins. Pray daily. Pray a short prayer :
Lord Jesus, I confess my offense that I have sinful passions and desires.
I submit myself to You, Lord. I resist all sinful passions, and desires in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Pray this short prayer again and again when you are tempted in thoughts.

Then find time and time to meditate God’s words, that is, to speak softly until you cancel all distractions and let your mind be filled with God’s words. Do this as much as you can in a day. If lewd or lustful thoughts come to you, just speak again and again what you meditate .
Next, sing to the Lord and identify yourself with what you praise Him. Do it again and again when you are tempted. Do it again when you are not tempted.

Because you identify yourself continuously with the Son in prayers, in your minds, and praising and worshiping Him. The Lord will give you the strength to resist and be set free.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2016
undisclosed Bunker
United States
Eastern Orthodox
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Hello, Im 18 and I am a believer.

You may be able to check out www.sa.org or similar 12-step organizations, there are a few related sister fellowships which slight differences; SA adheres to the most solid Christian standard of sobriety definition. Many SA meetings are conducted via zoom or phone dial in for support, and members reach out to each other in moments they are struggling. Like most addictions, porn gets worse over time, and pleasure diminishes. You are still young, I did not enter until I was in my 40's, divorced and unfaithful having lived a lust oriented life in my mind. The people are good, but the stories that got them there are very bad, just like the story of a lifetime of alcoholism that took someone to AA would be bad. God still uses them to useful purpose though, the ones that follow and succeed in recovery help others that want to through sponsorship - it's the same model as the early Church, disciples begetting disciples and passing on what was freely given to them by grace.

The literature of the program is very good - see if you can get a copy of "the White Book" of SA (it's an all white book, no title on cover, spine or back. Here's an excerpt; you are very young, I did not follow it all the way down to the bottom myself (and you don't need to either). I doubt you need Recovery, but it might be worthwhile to take a look at the literature to see where it heads if unchecked and pursued and to know that there is help available if needed. For you, just having an accountability partner and a little extra knowledge might turn the tide

Summary of the Addictive Process (pg 37)

It begins with an overpowering desire for a high, relief, pleasure or escape
It provides satisfaction
It is sought repeatedly and compulsively
It then takes on a life of it's own
It becomes excessive
Satisfaction diminishes
Distress is produced
Emotional control decreases
Ability to relate deteriorates
Ability for daily living is disrupted
Denial becomes necessary
It takes priority over everything else
It becomes the main coping mechanism
The coping mechanism stops working
The party is over
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
United States
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Hello, Im 18 and I am a believer. Im struggling with pornography. Its almost like I cannot control myself. And the pleasure that comes with it, isn't worth it. I get hard on my self and keep thinking how stupid I am for falling for the same trap over, and over again. Its like a never ending cycle. I commit the sin, confess, say im not going to do it again, next week im tempted and fall for the trap again, then in grief for a couple days. I just dont know what to do. I tried everything. I truly believe I am a slave for pixels on the screen. I dont know what to do. Do I even confess? Because theirs a good chance next week its going to happen again, because I know I dont have good self control. My flesh is stronger then my spirit right now. And I hate it.
What we can not do ourselves God can do with the power of His Holy Spirit. Pray for His power to work in your life, then let it go. The flesh is weak but the Spirit conquers. Be patient. Before you know it days and weeks will pass without an incident. But you must trust in Him completely.
Be blessed
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