Ask a 24-year-old who is still figuring out her direction in life


Nov 23, 2012
Marital Status
Do you have any moments that you feel you would want to redue? And if so, what is your biggest?

Are you intimidated about what the future holds with your direction in life?

Definitely. There are a bunch of times when I wished I could have done things differently. Like in college, I have often wasted my time surfing the net, which affected my grades. I managed to get a decent GPA, but if I had truly put in my all, I would have gotten an even higher GPA. Not to mention, I would also have gotten more satisfaction out of learning the material at a steady pace rather than cramming.

I am indeed intimidated about what the future holds, because I am still not entirely sure about my career direction. I am pursuing a Master's in financial mathematics, and am preparing for actuarial exams. But I can't help but wonder if I should pursue other fields instead. For example, I was always interested in the natural sciences, and I think I may pursue applied mathematics with a concentration in biology if the path I'm currently on is not satisfying.

I also hope to get married some day, but I know it'll be a long time before that happens. I still have a lot of spiritual growing to do. I remind myself of Jeremiah 29:11. God has a plan for me, and he wants me to have an abundant life!
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Nov 23, 2012
Marital Status
I was in the same spot as you (same age too) last year. Slowly it starts to make more sense :)

If you had a free day where money wasn't an issue, what would you do?

I would try out different makeup and get food to try a new recipe. If I had a whole week or month where money isn't an issue, I would travel to different places. I'd love to travel to Austria.
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