Dreaming of cobblestones and a sick old woman

Last night's dream:

I was at someone's house, I think the Hake's. The Hakes were fixing up the patio in back of the house. The patio was made of cobblestones. In order to fix the patio they'd spread some kind of stuff that looked and felt like concrete all over the stones, but it was not concrete. Someone was there showing me how to chip off the "concrete" to expose the stones underneath. It came off very easily and it kind of felt therapeutic to chip it away, sort of like popping bubble wrap feels satisfying and therapeutic. As we chipped away we uncovered many different sized and shaped plastic containers that held interesting stones of different kinds, crystals, polished rocks, etc. The lady said that I could take some of the stones home with me if I wanted any of them. I wasn't sure what the stones were even for. It seemed pointless to cover them up in concrete and then not even use them for anything else. I thought the stones were pretty but didn't think I had much use for them. I also wasn't sure how many to take. I wanted them but didn't want to seem too greedy. Then I spied one container with some purple amethyst beads, and thought I'd take that one because beads are at least useful for crafting.

Then I noticed a lady lying on the patio. She was on a thin mattress and she was old and fat and I could tell she was sick, and I knew she was dying. She was coughing and gagging and had a plastic bucket to vomit into. A woman was kneeling by the side of the mat, trying to help the lady I guess. I thought to myself if that woman starts vomiting I am OUT of here! Sure enough, moments later, up it comes! I was so disgusted and went in the house so I couldn't hear. I lay on a couch and plugged my ears so tight that my ears hurt. Any time I let up pressure on my fingers I could hear the woman vomiting. I woke up then. My ear was indeed hurting for real, probably because I had been lying in that position for such a long time. I woke up feeling depressed.

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