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Why is Christianity declining?


Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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That right there, a complete lack of humility and respect. If you (or the conservative Christianity you favour) ever hope to convert anyone, I'd suggest Repentance first of all, and go back to school (Judaism an imitation of Christianity? Wow.)

Rabbinic Judaism, which is the mainstream version of Judaism most people are referring to when they mention Judaism as a religion with no further qualifiers, does indeed post-date Christianity. Whether or not it qualifies as a "cheap imitation" of Christianity is I suppose a matter of how you view it, but this reflexive reaction on the part of the person who fetishizes Judaism that Judaism can't possibly be younger than Christianity (hence described as an imitation rather than a forebearer) is just ridiculous. Go back to school, indeed.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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I smiled and said, choose the woman who wants the same not the one you have to convince. He ended the relationship two days later.
I remember in my first adult relationship, my then-girlfriend said one day, "I keep working with you and you're just not changing." At that very moment, I knew it was over. I liked her for her values, personality, and spirituality. I didn't bother asking what it was I was supposed to be changing but I realized that she didn't really care for me the same way. She thought I was ok, was attracted to me but I didn't work for the material things she wanted. At that young age, I was more seeking new experiences than a mortgage and two jobs. IF the shoe fits, wear it, if not, keep shopping I say. Not to say we can't adjust and consider our loved one's needs but we shouldn't desire a fundamental change in a person. It hurts sometimes but it's just either not the right person or the right time sometimes.
When I make things hard on myself by pursuing an ill-suited path or maintaining unhealthy relationships I'm forcing myself to work harder to move and it's hindering me.
Yes, I have found that when I seek to satisfy my self-will, I make more ill-suited choices, seeking instant gratification and following impulses. When I focus on discerning what the Father wants me to do, I find peace.
There are people pursuing marriage and families in different seasons. You'll draw strength from their support and encouragement and be less apprehensive.
I don't think I would "seek" marriage but if someone came along who was in pursuit of spiritual fulfillment, and supported and encouraged me, I wouldn't pass it up either. What I have learned over the years, regardless of career choices or stay-at-home choices, is that if God is not at the center of your relationship it ends up being two people pursuing their own will which may not include the other person or God's plan. That goes back to the OP.....I think modern culture encourages people to do what they want instead of considering what God might want for them. I find the modern culture to be more self-centered than God-centered. You one can discern what God wants for them, it is far more fulfilling than seeking to satisfy the flesh. That's why some of the wealthiest people are so depressed. They have everything theywant but don't feel fulfilled. One can be just getting by but following God and they experience joy.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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Why is Christianity declining?​

Because of the hypocrisy of the religious Right.

Because of cable news
Because of commercialism
Because most people are so insecure they want to convince others of their own opinions without listening.
Because embracing a cross is a requirement to following Jesus.
Because we live in an immediate gratification culture and anything worth whole takes time.
Because many people no longer know how to think.
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Accidental Maverick
Jul 11, 2008
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Rabbinic Judaism, which is the mainstream version of Judaism most people are referring to when they mention Judaism as a religion with no further qualifiers, does indeed post-date Christianity. Whether or not it qualifies as a "cheap imitation" of Christianity is I suppose a matter of how you view it, but this reflexive reaction on the part of the person who fetishizes Judaism that Judaism can't possibly be younger than Christianity (hence described as an imitation rather than a forebearer) is just ridiculous. Go back to school, indeed.
And there again, you prove my point. Ye shall know them by their fruits. If your Christianity lacks love, it's worth nothing.
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frienden thalord

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Apr 9, 2017
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More Than “None:”

The so-called “Religious Nones” are those who are not religiously affiliated. We refer to this group interchangeably as the nonreligious or the unaffiliated, as some people find the designation “None” dismissive or pejorative (Hunt 2022; Savage 2021).

about three in ten American adults identified as nonreligious

The numbers are even higher among young people: one poll by the Associated Press and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago (AP-NORC) showed that 43% of those 18 to 29 are unaffiliated (P. Smith 2023).

the question we need to be asking ourselves is a real simple one .
I think everyone here is smart enough to know that many who identify as religious or as the nones
IT dont mean either one follows GOD . now some do .
So the question we need to all sit down and ask ourselves is this real simple one .
HOW do the religious or non religious VIEW THE BIBLE .
What do they say about that book , about Them teachings .
Do they try and set Some of them aside making claims they were for another age , another generation .
Do they try and go around some of what is written .
You see if one really wants to know if one loves GOD . Then look at how they treat HIS inspired words.
DARN simple is you ask me . Many of the religious do not follow or love GOD
many of the nones do not either . Yes some have come out from amongst the denominations of men
But not all who cliam to not be affilated with any denomination , are oF GOD either .
IN fact a big movement that is rising and affilates with no denomination
but rather with a love and etc , ITS of the darkness too .
SO lets start with one real simple question i want every man woman and child to answer .
HOW do you view the bible and then LETS start asking one another about all THINGS JESUS taught and later the apostels taught .
You gonna find something has went dead wrong and real fast you gonna see it has .
The devil dont sleep parnders , he is the one who feeds men the pleasures of thier own lustful hearts desire .
HE KNOWS how to create another image of GOD that aint GOD but it sure do honor things which GOD never did or would .
IT IS BIBLE TIME . IT really is bible time . let us learn for ourselves and love and embrace EVERY word of TRUTH .
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frienden thalord

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Apr 9, 2017
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And there again, you prove my point. Ye shall know them by their fruits. If your Christianity lacks love, it's worth nothing.
lets reword few things. IF your christianity lacks true biblical charity love , ITS WORTH nothing . not a darn thing .
Cause a crapton of christians are hollering love and yet their love SURE DONT SEEM to rejoice in TRUTH .
It sure seems to like to accuse those who correct as being judgmental and hateful
and about the only thing their love do correct is , THOSE WHO BRING BIBLICAL DOCTRINE TO CORRECT errors and sins within the church .
Most folks have sucked down the wrong version of love friends . it cometh of the world , NOT OF GOD .
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frienden thalord

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Apr 9, 2017
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This....it's not just Christianity that is declining....
True christanity shines forth as strong as ever it has .
The problem is not all of christendom is of CHRIST .
And now in the last hour a false love , a delusion has come
to gather those who have no desire for GOD , HIS TRUTH , HIS EVERY LOVELY WORD, HIS GOSPEL
to merge them as one as well as with the false religoins too under what they all believe is love and is of GOD .
ONLY its the dark one . However i kinda know what you meant my friend .
Just wanted to remind us of this very dangerous false love delusion that has now come to merge the false to be as ONE .
under what it calleth love what it calleth GOD . only it aint the LOVE OF GOD or OF GOD , it the devil himself .
Who sure can quoate scrips , WHICH MEANS HE CAN SAY GOD IS LOVE . OH but HE CAN SAY GOD IS LOVE .
but beware his senusal version of love , cause its not of GOD nor do it lead to GOD. it merges all to BE AS ONE
no longer divided but united as one , as one , as one UNDER another god who gets his worship through the lusts of the flesh .
WE GOT US A DELUSION FOLKS . A strong one too . it is BIBLE TIME .
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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HOW do you view the bible and then LETS start asking one another about all THINGS JESUS taught and later the apostels taught .
I view the Bible as a vast collection of many different literary genres inspired by God.
Of course the Gospels, as part of the Christian Bible, recount the memories of Jesus life, death and teaching.
Much of that is affirmed by the apostles.

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frienden thalord

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Apr 9, 2017
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I view the Bible as a vast collection of many different literary genres inspired by God.
Of course the Gospels, as part of the Christian Bible, recount the memories of Jesus life, death and teaching.
Much of that is affirmed by the apostles.
explain what you mean by different .
By the grace of GOD i have been reading the bible for hours every day now for over eighteen years .
NOT a word from any prophet , to any apostel , from CHRIST or any in that bible
Fact is a large part of the old test EVEN POINTS TO JESUS THE CHRIST .
THE GOD of the old testament , HE IS THE SAME of the new testament .
And yes much of it is affirmed by the letters of the apostels in said bible .
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Aug 23, 2023
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With God being removed from schools and Christians often being ridiculed and silenced, I think that Christianity is less understood than it once was. I considered myself agnostic until I began attending church and exploring the faith more deeply.

I've read that Christianity is on the decline, but at my church, our attendance seems to have actually doubled compared to a year ago.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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explain what you mean by different .
By "different" I mean "not the same".

Examples: Narratives, poetry, wisdom, prophesy, Gospels, Epistles, Law, history, fables, parables, riddles, maxims, monologues, etc
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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I think Christianity is declining because as Christians we cannot seem to accommodate each other.

Either you be a Christian like I am a Christian, believe exactly like me, worship like me, and live like me, or we argue about it.

No wonder fewer people want to be "Christian".
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2021
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I think Christianity is declining because as Christians we cannot seem to accommodate each other.

Either you be a Christian like I am a Christian, believe exactly like me, worship like me, and live like me, or we argue about it.

No wonder fewer people want to be "Christian".
I don't know if Christianity is in decline because of this but there are definite issues. Some Christians care for the lost enough to warn them while others simply think that being nice is sharing the Gospel. We should all have the same desire. To do God's will. And, what is God's will? "That none should perish." So, we should all be a part of telling the Gospel to as many people as possible. We should not stay silent.
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Rejoining Member
Oct 12, 2023
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I don't know if Christianity is in decline because of this but there are definite issues. Some Christians care for the lost enough to warn them while others simply think that being nice is sharing the Gospel. We should all have the same desire. To do God's will. And, what is God's will? "That none should perish." So, we should all be a part of telling the Gospel to as many people as possible. We should not stay silent.
You just proved the point Akita Suggagaki made in his post.
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Gregory Thompson

Change is inevitable, feel free to spare some.
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Dec 20, 2009
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Why is Christianity declining both in membership and in clergy?
There isn't really a place for new Christians to be nurtured, and people who become clergy need to win a popularity contest and get a specific degree.

When I say nurtured is, new Christians have this pure way of looking at the faith, and becoming part of a church kind of ruins that. The initial love or purity really needs to be nurtured as a base, and it is just not happening.
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Dec 2, 2021
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You just proved the point Akita Suggagaki made in his post.
Charles Spurgeon said, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!"

The question should then be asked, "Is someone a Christian, if they simply allow the lost to perish without warning them?"
If they do not care for the will of the Father, "That none should perish", then, maybe they are not true Christians. In that case, it is not a matter of "Christians accommodating each other". It is more of a matter that there are weeds amongst the wheat. We unfortunately have to accommodate them and their lukewarm beliefs. It will be Jesus who separates us.
The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all you heart, soul, mind and body. The second greatest commandment is to love your neighbour as you love yourself. So, how loving is it to leave people to die without warning them?
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Rejoining Member
Oct 12, 2023
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Charles Spurgeon said, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!"

The question should then be asked, "Is someone a Christian, if they simply allow the lost to perish without warning them?"
If they do not care for the will of the Father, "That none should perish", then, maybe they are not true Christians. In that case, it is not a matter of "Christians accommodating each other". It is more of a matter that there are weeds amongst the wheat. We unfortunately have to accommodate them and their lukewarm beliefs. It will be Jesus who separates us.
The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all you heart, soul, mind and body. The second greatest commandment is to love your neighbour as you love yourself. So, how loving is it to leave people to die without warning them?
Again, you’ve just proved his point.
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