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why do other liberals oppose death penalty?

Cracklin Rose

Junior Member
May 2, 2015
I'm very liberal but I never met another liberal who supports death penalty. Thing is I feel like death penalty is more humane then spending even one year in jail cus life isn't meant to be lived in a cage and most people end up behind bars as it is cus they can't think staight from mental illness then society locks them away for life to have their minds slowly rot away.

I'm 26 years old and traveled all around the world and learned a lot about society and people and I am a philosopher and thinker so these are very sensitive topics I feel strong about.

Basically Republicans support death penalty for all the wrong reasons, and liberals oppose death penalty for all that right reasons.

But the system isre corrupt and in the end its more humane to let a man die with dignity than to have him rot away like that. I think its a huge sin and there will be a judgment for all the police that treated their brothers and sisters like that.

Peopl say salvation by faith and not deeds but I feel some ones who really is saved his deeds and how he treats other people will reflect that. I think it would be nice cosmic justice to have the police who abused people be servants in heaven to the people they abuse.

And let's not forget even Jesus said its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, and Republicans always say liberals pick choose bible verses, but just look around the forum you can completely see them acting as If entire chunks of the bible doesn't exist like Hebrews 13:3

Gonna get off now though cus this is a tough subject for me and even though this is a safe section I'm scared a republican will come and say mean things to my. I have mental illness and am very sensitive bout things but I talked to my pastor and he sees my point of view and said I got a lot of love in my heart and hopes there things change one day.

I dont want to do death penalty cus hoping we can find a way to reform justice system but as it is now it's much more humane to do death penalty's.

Also they can do humane death penalty like the way they put a dog painlessly to sleep with anesthesia. It would be dirt cheap and way cheaper than current methods, but they won't cus corruption and Satan currently rules this world but mercy is coming and things will change one day.


stupid bleeding heart feminist liberal
May 2, 2013
Marital Status
I oppose the death penalty and I also oppose the current mentality of US prisons that focuses on punishment rather than rehabilitation.

There's a world of difference between putting a dog to sleep, and putting a non-consenting human to sleep. I think someone should be able to choose euthanasia for themselves, but that is not what the death penalty is.
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Aug 3, 2009
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I live in Texas, and oppose the death penalty because they have been numerous cases where evidence showed people on death row to be innocent. I also think this idea that it is more humane to kill someone than to sentence them to life in prison is false. If I were sent to prison I would spend every day hoping that someone wouldn't kill me, so why would I want to be put to death instead?

The other side is that many of these people who spend life in prison are adjusted to it, in some extent, and it is their form of life.

I think the prison system as a whole is corrupt, and doesn't correctly address the behavioral and psychological issues, if anything perhaps the convicted should be able to choose life vs. death.
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Cracklin Rose

Junior Member
May 2, 2015
I oppose the death penalty and I also oppose the current mentality of US prisons that focuses on punishment rather than rehabilitation.

There's a world of difference between putting a dog to sleep, and putting a non-consenting human to sleep. I think someone should be able to choose euthanasia for themselves, but that is not what the death penalty is.

Right on, hey please don't get mad at me cus I actually do agree with you and I hate getting in fights with liberal Christians cus its hard enough to find any as it is.

I agree they should be able to choose and I also think they need to focus on rehabilitation, I was just saying there are a lot of people in jail that want to die but can't and ITs very sad the ways they end up killing themselves. And I think its more humane to let someone die than force them to live in stasis like that their whole life.
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Cracklin Rose

Junior Member
May 2, 2015
I live in Texas, and oppose the death penalty because they have been numerous cases where evidence showed people on death row to be innocent. I also think this idea that it is more humane to kill someone than to sentence them to life in prison is false. If I were sent to prison I would spend every day hoping that someone wouldn't kill me, so why would I want to be put to death instead?

The other side is that many of these people who spend life in prison are adjusted to it, in some extent, and it is their form of life.

I think the prison system as a whole is corrupt, and doesn't correctly address the behavioral and psychological issues, if anything perhaps the convicted should be able to choose life vs. death.

Ya it is corrupt but I used to volunteer a lot in a prison with my old church, and most people behind bars do want to die and end up finding ways to end it in very crude and painful ways.

Even the most pro life people start to contemplate suicide when locked up because its no way to live.
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stupid bleeding heart feminist liberal
May 2, 2013
Marital Status
Right on, hey please don't get mad at me cus I actually do agree with you and I hate getting in fights with liberal Christians cus its hard enough to find any as it is.

I agree they should be able to choose and I also think they need to focus on rehabilitation, I was just saying there are a lot of people in jail that want to die but can't and ITs very sad the ways they end up killing themselves. And I think its more humane to let someone die than force them to live in stasis like that their whole life.

Oh no! I didn't mean to come out like I'm getting mad at you! I'm sorry if it came out that way :(

I do think anyone in prison (anywhere, actually) should have the right to die. It's part of having control over their lives. I agree.
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Apr 30, 2015
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
I oppose the death penalty for several reasons:

1) I don't believe that anyone has the right to take another human's life, regardless of the circumstances.

2) There is no way to remedy the occasional mistake. We all know that people have been convicted for crimes they did not commit.

3) Application of the death penalty tends to be arbitrary and capricious. For similar crimes some people are sentenced to death while others are not.

4) The death penalty gives some of the worst offenders publicity that they do not deserve.

5) The death penalty is an expression of the absolute power of the state; abolition of that penalty is a much- needed limit on government power.

6) There is often the chance for rehabilitation, which is much better than a death sentence. Look at Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan. While they were living in prison, they were helping other prisoners rehabilitate from their wrongdoings and help them understand and grow from their wrongs. When they were executed, this good work they were doing in jails ceased.
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Cracklin Rose

Junior Member
May 2, 2015
I oppose the death penalty for several reasons:

1) I don't believe that anyone has the right to take another human's life, regardless of the circumstances.

2) There is no way to remedy the occasional mistake. We all know that people have been convicted for crimes they did not commit.

3) Application of the death penalty tends to be arbitrary and capricious. For similar crimes some people are sentenced to death while others are not.

4) The death penalty gives some of the worst offenders publicity that they do not deserve.

5) The death penalty is an expression of the absolute power of the state; abolition of that penalty is a much- needed limit on government power.

6) There is often the chance for rehabilitation, which is much better than a death sentence. Look at Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan. While they were living in prison, they were helping other prisoners rehabilitate from their wrongdoings and help them understand and grow from their wrongs. When they were executed, this good work they were doing in jails ceased.

I can see why you would think that, but the main factor is that its no way to live and people should at least be given the choice to die. Also even if someone gets released in 5 years the odds of them ever having a half decent career again are almost nil unless they start a business that takes off or have a connection that can employ them.

Either way its no way to live and people are never the same after going through something like that, and if the system can lock away a life they might as well end it because everyone has a point where they make a choice between pro life and pro life worth living.

Also its really important to be careful in life because times are getting more corrupt and police can take you away for the most absurd things. A professor at my college who never been arrested in her life old lady, is now in prison cus a drunk teen ran in front of her car while she was going the speed limit, and she got involuntary man slaughter charges. But u won't hear about these things in the news cus they aren't controversial enough but its still very sad and makes you realize just how terrible this world and people are so its good to know life is short and not forever and Lotta times dying is a much better circumstance.
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Cracklin Rose

Junior Member
May 2, 2015
The death penalty in this country was removed because people were consistently executed who were later proved to be innocent.

God Bless You:)

Which country? I thought some states in the us still carry death penalties. Either way its not right to force people to live and they should be given a choice. Also that has been proven to be an invalid point and it even goes to show that many people in jail now are innocent being forced to live in hell.

I can say for certain if I was innocent and had a a sentence more than 5 years I would opt for death penalty, and the system is corrupt they send people behind bars knowing that they are innocent. Regardless of what you may been taught, cops are not your friends nor are they here to help, and any time they try to act like they empathize with you they will later twist that information to prosecute you.

There are a lot of wolf in sheeps clothing Christians and we live in a very dangerous world so everyone please live carefully and don't take any chances with illegal activities. No matter how depressed or loney you are don't call prostitutes or take any chances because there is no mercy.

Especially with my mental illness I gotta keep myself in check and I always disconnect myself from the world when I feel I'm gonna do something crazy, because I went through hell to get where I am today and I'm not gonna let that be ruined just because someone online was mean to me and the best news is that we will all die before we know it because life is short and everyday I feel bad for people in jail but its good to know they will die soon too and nothing is forever.
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Jesus Junkie
Jan 12, 2006
Mississippi Gulf Coast
United States
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I'm Liberal and I support the death penalty for the most part. I do feel like its used unfairly. A bit racist. But the concept that certain very violent people that may hurt children are put to death? I'm okay with that for the most part.
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Cracklin Rose

Junior Member
May 2, 2015
Yeah the thing is people don't realize the bitter truth, you hear about jail guards wanting to stop suicide in jails, its not becaus they care about inmates - it's because they want people to live and suffer for what they were convicted of, not because they care about them. imo most of the people rotting away in jail right now don't deserve it. death is more merciful than even 1 year of jail time becuase being in jail and taking someone away from their loved ones and the light of day is nothing short of torture.

let the republicans win this one, they are right for all the wrong reasons - they think death is the ultimate justice and only crave vengeance and hate; these are the same republicans that say abortion is wrong but once that fetus is born they are ready to discard it to the depths of hell without even thinking once that it is somebodies baby. where as we believe in mercy and rehabilitation, but since we can't get it in this world, let them die so they can find peace or at least not have to be inhumanely tortured.
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Catholic disciple of Jesus
Jul 2, 2010
The woods and lakes of the Great North
United States
Marital Status
I oppose executing criminals simply because of the Commandment to not kill, and even more, because Jesus clearly told us not to kill. Also, the Catholic Church comes extremely close to condemning capital punishment, based on the Catechism, what recent popes have stated, and the pronouncements of many national bishops' conferences. Finally, there are no "Christian" nations (at least moderately civilized nations) that have the death penalty. Well, except for the U.S.A, which remains in the company of such stellar nations as North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Viet Nam, China and Saudi Arabia in still executing their citizens. The list of countries that still do so is filled with Communist and other totalitarian regimes. None would be considered predominantly Christian.

So, I will follow the Gospel of Jesus in responding to this question.
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what ever
Mar 1, 2012
United States
Marital Status
Yeah the thing is people don't realize the bitter truth, you hear about jail guards wanting to stop suicide in jails, its not becaus they care about inmates - it's because they want people to live and suffer for what they were convicted of, not because they care about them. imo most of the people rotting away in jail right now don't deserve it. death is more merciful than even 1 year of jail time becuase being in jail and taking someone away from their loved ones and the light of day is nothing short of torture.

let the republicans win this one, they are right for all the wrong reasons - they think death is the ultimate justice and only crave vengeance and hate; these are the same republicans that say abortion is wrong but once that fetus is born they are ready to discard it to the depths of hell without even thinking once that it is somebodies baby. where as we believe in mercy and rehabilitation, but since we can't get it in this world, let them die so they can find peace or at least not have to be inhumanely tortured.
Slander is a sin.
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I'll find my way home
Jun 21, 2012
the here and now
Christian Seeker
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I'm very liberal but I never met another liberal who supports death penalty. Thing is I feel like death penalty is more humane then spending even one year in jail cus life isn't meant to be lived in a cage and most people end up behind bars as it is cus they can't think staight from mental illness then society locks them away for life to have their minds slowly rot away.

I'm 26 years old and traveled all around the world and learned a lot about society and people and I am a philosopher and thinker so these are very sensitive topics I feel strong about.

Basically Republicans support death penalty for all the wrong reasons, and liberals oppose death penalty for all that right reasons.

But the system isre corrupt and in the end its more humane to let a man die with dignity than to have him rot away like that. I think its a huge sin and there will be a judgment for all the police that treated their brothers and sisters like that.

Peopl say salvation by faith and not deeds but I feel some ones who really is saved his deeds and how he treats other people will reflect that. I think it would be nice cosmic justice to have the police who abused people be servants in heaven to the people they abuse.

And let's not forget even Jesus said its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, and Republicans always say liberals pick choose bible verses, but just look around the forum you can completely see them acting as If entire chunks of the bible doesn't exist like Hebrews 13:3

Gonna get off now though cus this is a tough subject for me and even though this is a safe section I'm scared a republican will come and say mean things to my. I have mental illness and am very sensitive bout things but I talked to my pastor and he sees my point of view and said I got a lot of love in my heart and hopes there things change one day.

I dont want to do death penalty cus hoping we can find a way to reform justice system but as it is now it's much more humane to do death penalty's.

Also they can do humane death penalty like the way they put a dog painlessly to sleep with anesthesia. It would be dirt cheap and way cheaper than current methods, but they won't cus corruption and Satan currently rules this world but mercy is coming and things will change one day.
So you think that being dead is better than spending one year in jail? Wow. I bet there isn't one person in jail right now that would agree with you. Jail should be - was intended at one point to be - for the purpose of redemption as well as punishment. You remove the miscreant from society because he or she cannot behave in an acceptable way amongst other people. While in jail, that person may possibly get some education, reflect on their behavior, and return to society a new person. Of course, the reality is that jails are overcrowded, that drugs run rife, that often an inexperienced first time offender will emerge with a lot of information on how to get away with it next time. There is no time or money for education, and nobody really cares about whether people are redeemed - they just want them punished. Preferably as harshly as possible. That is the Republican attitude, from what I can see.

You should know that there are many prison ministries and that many individuals have been brought to Christ and have been turned around. Others have turned around because they don't want to go back to jail. But you should also know that a high percentage of those who are imprisoned have a low IQ, and many have some kind of retardation (should I use a different word? I didn't know which word to use). These people should be kept separate from the rest of the population and assisted in some other way but, again, money. None of it. Lock them up, treat them as harsh as possible because that'll learn 'em. (Not)

There is nothing 'humane' about the death penalty. I have had to have 2 or 3 pets put to sleep and it broke my heart. I cried for days. But sometimes you have to do the tough stuff because an animal is pain. But there's a huge difference between doing that with an animal and with a human - or there should be. I absolutely oppose the death penalty and always will, and you'll find that it's not just "Liberals" that do so. Catholics also oppose the death penalty, as they should because they believe in the sanctity of life. Others, not so much. But I don't believe that any human life is worthless, and that there's nobody so bad that they can't be turned around. And if they don't, well, then they stay in jail, or they return to jail, or they still in jail for the rest of their lives. I'm fine with Charlie Manson staying in jail until he dies. He could have used these long years to get well - I don't know whether there is money for lifers to get an education, I haven't ever looked into it - but the man is full of hate. So, I'm content that he stays away from the rest of society for the rest of his natural life.
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Dec 29, 2013
Marital Status
Even criminals are children of God. In addition, the Christian story is about redemption, and it's hard for somebody to redeem themselves if they are dead. I also don't see revenge seeking as Christian, and that is what capitol punishment is by far and large.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
North Texas
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I live in Texas, and oppose the death penalty because they have been numerous cases where evidence showed people on death row to be innocent.
And we've killed at least one...

I actually opposed the death penalty for monetary reasons. It actually costs A LOT more to execute someone than a life sentence. You have basically two trials, jury selection takes longer, there's mandatory appeals, etc. There are actually some counties that have come out and said "we won't do it because it's too expensive."
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2013
Orlando, Florida
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There are no rich people on death row.

One of the worst cases of the use of capital punishment I can think of was the killing of Aileen Wuornos. She was obviously mentally ill, the victim of sexual exploitation, but executed anyways.
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Catholic disciple of Jesus
Jul 2, 2010
The woods and lakes of the Great North
United States
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The U.S. and Japan are unique in being the only non-totalitarian, non-Islamic or non-communist countries that continue the practice of capital punishment. We are in the top tier of countries that use the death penalty, along with such exemplary nations as Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, China, Vietnam, and North Korea. Of the 22 countries in 2014 that executed criminals, political dissidents and various other undesirables, there were none from Europe, North or South America (except the U.S.), or Oceania. Some in Africa, the majority in the Middle East and Asia.

Apparently, the U.S. is the least civilized of any mostly Christian nation, and even worse, many American Catholics simply refuse to follow the clear teaching of their own faith.
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Jul 21, 2015
Marital Status
I think that as long as the United States justice system is aimed at punishment, the death penalty will be supported. It seems to me that two of the intended founding principles for the United States were justice and equality, neither of which can be found in the country's justice system. Winning a case or putting someone in jail or on death row is sometimes more important than getting it right. Often poor people and/or people of minority groups who have had unfortunate pasts are the victims. It seems hard to reconcile supporting the death penalty with the major items that most liberal-minded people focus on.

True, jail conditions in the United States are horrible (I've never really seen it firsthand, but I've read about it), and it is no way to live, but in order to back up its claim as an exceptional, civilized, democratic world leader, the United States should improve jails and focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment. The United States can hardly accuse other countries of heinous acts while within its justice system many innocent people are put on death row.
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