I'm very liberal but I never met another liberal who supports death penalty. Thing is I feel like death penalty is more humane then spending even one year in jail cus life isn't meant to be lived in a cage and most people end up behind bars as it is cus they can't think staight from mental illness then society locks them away for life to have their minds slowly rot away.
I'm 26 years old and traveled all around the world and learned a lot about society and people and I am a philosopher and thinker so these are very sensitive topics I feel strong about.
Basically Republicans support death penalty for all the wrong reasons, and liberals oppose death penalty for all that right reasons.
But the system isre corrupt and in the end its more humane to let a man die with dignity than to have him rot away like that. I think its a huge sin and there will be a judgment for all the police that treated their brothers and sisters like that.
Peopl say salvation by faith and not deeds but I feel some ones who really is saved his deeds and how he treats other people will reflect that. I think it would be nice cosmic justice to have the police who abused people be servants in heaven to the people they abuse.
And let's not forget even Jesus said its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, and Republicans always say liberals pick choose bible verses, but just look around the forum you can completely see them acting as If entire chunks of the bible doesn't exist like Hebrews 13:3
Gonna get off now though cus this is a tough subject for me and even though this is a safe section I'm scared a republican will come and say mean things to my. I have mental illness and am very sensitive bout things but I talked to my pastor and he sees my point of view and said I got a lot of love in my heart and hopes there things change one day.
I dont want to do death penalty cus hoping we can find a way to reform justice system but as it is now it's much more humane to do death penalty's.
Also they can do humane death penalty like the way they put a dog painlessly to sleep with anesthesia. It would be dirt cheap and way cheaper than current methods, but they won't cus corruption and Satan currently rules this world but mercy is coming and things will change one day.
I'm 26 years old and traveled all around the world and learned a lot about society and people and I am a philosopher and thinker so these are very sensitive topics I feel strong about.
Basically Republicans support death penalty for all the wrong reasons, and liberals oppose death penalty for all that right reasons.
But the system isre corrupt and in the end its more humane to let a man die with dignity than to have him rot away like that. I think its a huge sin and there will be a judgment for all the police that treated their brothers and sisters like that.
Peopl say salvation by faith and not deeds but I feel some ones who really is saved his deeds and how he treats other people will reflect that. I think it would be nice cosmic justice to have the police who abused people be servants in heaven to the people they abuse.
And let's not forget even Jesus said its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, and Republicans always say liberals pick choose bible verses, but just look around the forum you can completely see them acting as If entire chunks of the bible doesn't exist like Hebrews 13:3
Gonna get off now though cus this is a tough subject for me and even though this is a safe section I'm scared a republican will come and say mean things to my. I have mental illness and am very sensitive bout things but I talked to my pastor and he sees my point of view and said I got a lot of love in my heart and hopes there things change one day.
I dont want to do death penalty cus hoping we can find a way to reform justice system but as it is now it's much more humane to do death penalty's.
Also they can do humane death penalty like the way they put a dog painlessly to sleep with anesthesia. It would be dirt cheap and way cheaper than current methods, but they won't cus corruption and Satan currently rules this world but mercy is coming and things will change one day.