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River Jordan

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I have not studied at a university, if that is what you are asking.
Ok thanks.

Did I say it's a different evolution?
Did the OP refer to evolution, or the theory of evolution?
Does the theory of evolution seek to explain evolution?
That evolution happens is a fact, how it happens is the theory. Just like how that germs cause diseases is a fact and how they do so is part of germ theory.

Well this is what I am asking, so perhaps from here we can actually get back to the OP.
UCA is a hypothesis, so to say it is an "outcome" is to suggest, or rather claim, that UCA is a fact.
No, just because evolutionary biologists say something is a possible, or even likely outcome of a process doesn't automatically make it a fact.

Why do you believe this is a fact, when scientists do not agree that UCA is the correct proposal? (References 1 2 3 4 5 )
Before I get deep into those articles I need to ask, have you read them?

It looks to me as though you are confusing the theory with the facts.
No, I'm trying to get you to understand how a process can be a fact (because we see it happen) while some of the outcomes of that process be parts of the overall theory.

Part of the theory?
I'm dealing with the theory. Not part of it.
Do you only want to deal with part of it?
If so, I wont be with you on that one.
You weren't aware that there are many components of the theory of evolution?

I have no idea why you raised that question.
Because of how some people here seem to expect others to go with their claims over the work of professional scientists.

Believe me about what exactly?
What did I say that is not written in public journals?
We'll see.

No. You misunderstood.
Prove me wrong that you made up the reason you jumped to your conclusion.
If you're not trying to speak as an authority in evolutionary biology, the point is moot.

You can ask other scientists this question.
What you posted is the same as what I've been saying. It can be difficult in some cases to identify the line(s) between species, and that's mostly because they're constantly evolving.

But that doesn't mean we can't ever identify a species. When a population physically can't breed with any other populations but can breed on its own, it's a species. If you disagree, then how are humans and bonobos different species?

Evolved new ones?
Why do you say " evolved new ones" rather than produced new ones?
Because that's how new species arise.

Okay, so Genesis to you is not an account relating history as it says repeatedly from Genesis Chapter 2, through to the Christian Greek scriptures, where the apostles as well as Jesus refer to the history, and quote these passages as actual events.

What Paul said in Acts 17 for example, is not to be taken as relating to the people truths, but reading a story book, as we do to our children?

Okay, thanks. for that answer.
It's not so black/white as you present it. If I tell you a story about a moral dilemma I faced and solved while on my way to work, the story has some historical context to it (such as that I went to work that day) but it's not the point of the story, so trying to use it to figure out whether I drove, walked, or took a bus misses that point.
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Jan 21, 2025
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So the next time Anti-christs true followers bring up how there is no such thing as talking walking snakes In GODS GARDEN , BECAUSE THEY trying to invalidate Genesis,,, Dig up a picture of the ever lying sneaky telepathic humanoid snakes who preffer to be called " Aliens " to hide their truest identities.

Remember too that God has angels with cow, eagle and lion heads... wanna bet there is and always was dog, wolf, and humanoid like angelic holy and fallen beIngs ! I have seen the wolf ones. I will bet the others are there too.

And the little humanoid snakes are way smarter and like the scripture says way more cunning and sneaky than the humans are. Matter of fact all heaven and hell are telepathic. Even the Lord ! the problem with telepathy is they all sound the same, they sound like you to you . The question becomes when or how will you learn the difference between heaven and hell, because the little liars don't want to be found out . Because the sneaky snakes got most of you fooled. Oh well Genesis is true and the lying sneaky humanoid Snakes prove it. Just like the coming angelic humanoid animal Holy hosts will prove it.

The color language Jesus uses for them is that florescent green color, having no red ( love= Father )and even very little blue ( peace = Son ) shows their true motivations. Being spiritual beings the farthest from Red as you can get. But way smarter and more cunning than us.
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I'll ask one more time, how did you come to be such an expert in paleontology?
Here is my answer.
If I tell you that I have a higher education than you, then I am making an argument from a place of authority. So, "I know more and so therefore you should listen to me". That is wrong. I would not do that. Some might, but I wouldn't.
If I tell you that I have no degree and yet I am able to debate a biologist at their own game and put major pinholes in his arguments, then he is either not a very good biologist, or his theories/beliefs are very weak.
There are still several phyla today that actually appeared in the Precambrian, not during the Cambrian explosion. So I don't see your response as being particularly meaningful.
Have the phyla changed into something else?

Even if some phyla appeared before the Cambrian, the explosion still represents a sudden surge of complex body plans with no clear evolutionary ancestors. How do you explain that?

If these phyla existed before the Cambrian and still exist today, doesn’t that suggest that they haven’t fundamentally changed? Wouldn’t evolution predict more transitions rather than stable body plans for hundreds of millions of years?

What is the fossil evidence for gradual evolution leading up to the Cambrian? If these phyla evolved step by step, where are the fossils showing that progression?
The Cambrian explosion spanned something like 40 million years, so I don't know where you get this idea that it was a sudden event.
Even if the Cambrian explosion spanned tens of millions of years, the key issue is the sudden appearance of diverse, fully-formed body plans, many of which seem to come out of nowhere in the fossil record. Evolution would predict gradual transitions leading up to this, but what we see looks more like a sudden diversification of already complex organisms
If evolution is correct, we should see more fossils from the Precambrian showing transitional forms that lead to the sudden diversity of the Cambrian period. Yet the fossil record lacks these, and what we do find seems to appear suddenly, fully formed.
Regardless of the timespan, it's still a dramatic burst in complexity. The sudden appearance of so many complex organisms with hard parts—such as exoskeletons and eyes—really stands out in the fossil record. How can we explain this dramatic surge in complexity within the time frame we see?
What mechanisms do you think would have caused such rapid and diverse changes in such a relatively short period of time? Wouldn't there need to be some external driving force for such a drastic change?
There is no difference here between microevolution and macro evolution, these are just made up imaginary terms by creationists.

There's no magical barrier between one species to another or even transitions that unfold between to genus via a species to species process.
Microevolution refers to small changes within a species, such as variation in colour or size, which we observe in nature. Macroevolution, however, refers to the evolution of new species or higher taxonomic groups. While both processes involve genetic changes, macroevolution implies significant changes that create entirely new forms of life. The distinction is important because while we see microevolution happening around us all the time, macroevolution, the kind of change that leads to new species or genera, hasn't been observed in the same way, particularly when it comes to the fossil record.
You’re saying there’s no real distinction, but if microevolution and macroevolution are the same, why don’t we observe large-scale changes happening in nature today? We see microevolution occurring all the time, but where are the examples of one species transforming into another species right in front of us? And why is it that when we look at the fossil record, we see sudden jumps in complexity, like the Cambrian explosion, rather than gradual, step-by-step transformations?
How did you figure that elephants are a kind?
You're right that there’s no specific kingdom called ‘Kind’ in modern biology. The term 'kind' comes from the Hebrew word 'min' in Genesis, referring to the categories of creatures created according to their kinds. It’s important to note that 'kind' isn’t a scientific classification like species or genus; it's a term used in a religious context. Creationists believe that the 'kinds' refer to groups of organisms that could interbreed or share a common ancestor, but it doesn’t map perfectly onto scientific categories like genus or species. In this sense, kind might refer to broader groups than what modern taxonomy identifies, such as what we might now call families or orders.
Here is my list of phyla, strictly based off of the fossil record, we see that several were present before the Cambrian explosion. So someone could say, well where did porifera of the Cambrian explosion come from? Well. The answer is they came from pre-cambrian porifera. It's really not that hard to understand.

This idea that all these animals just appeared out of nothing. Instantaneously is completely imaginary. When many of the animals we see today, were in fact around before the Cambridge explosion ever happened.

And then beyond that, this is just based on the fossil record which is continually expanding with Discovery, but if we look at genetics, the same details are affirmed, many of these groups of animals were already there.
Could you provide examples of clear transitional forms leading up to the explosion? Are there Precambrian fossils that show gradual development into the diverse, complex body plans we see in the Cambrian?"
Even if we accept that some phyla had ancestors before the Cambrian, we still don’t see clear evidence of gradual transitions. Instead, we see a sudden explosion of complexity. If life was gradually evolving, why don’t we see a clear fossil trail of intermediate forms leading up to the Cambrian animals?"
You mention genetics, but genetic dating methods assume mutation rates are consistent over millions of years. Isn’t this a circular argument? We infer these ages from the assumption of evolution, but we don’t have direct evidence of these creatures existing before the Cambrian in the fossil record. Isn’t that a problem?"
I’m not saying animals just ‘appeared out of nothing.’ The question is why the fossil record shows a rapid emergence of highly complex life forms without clear evolutionary precursors. If evolution is a slow, gradual process, why don’t we see a step-by-step buildup of complexity leading up to the Cambrian explosion?"
Have you studied those subjects, such as the evolution of hearts?
Not commenting if I have studied it. Answer the question. You should have the answer since you are a biologist. What came first, the blood, the heart or the blood vessels?
Microevolution is evolution within a species, like microorganisms evolving resistance to antibiotics. Macroevolution is evolution above that, like the evolution of new species.

Both have been directly observed. As Christians we should never deny reality.
I fully acknowledge that microevolution—small changes within a species, like antibiotic resistance or changes in beak size—has been observed. However, the real question is whether these small changes can accumulate to produce entirely new body plans, organs, or complex structures over time. Microevolution is not in dispute; what’s debated is whether it can lead to the large-scale changes required for macroevolution.
You say macroevolution has been directly observed. Could you give a specific example of one species evolving into an entirely new species with significantly different features or body structures?
Even if species adapt over time, where do we see clear, observable evidence of a species evolving into an entirely new type of organism with new structures or complex body plans? If macroevolution were as observable as microevolution, we should see more concrete examples of new, functional biological features emerging, not just minor adaptations.
All this is is just completely imaginary.

Are you aware that Michael behe, the person who created this idea of irreducible complexity, he himself acknowledges that people evolved from apes?

A lot of creationists aren't even aware of this. He just refers to it more as a intelligent design descent with modification from primitive apes as opposed to darwinian descent with modification from primitive apes but in principle it's essentially the same.

But then ultimately the whole irreducible complexity argument has always been one from incredulity, a logical fallacy.

It's this idea that I can't imagine how this would happen, therefore it couldn't. Meanwhile, 99% of other biologists have absolutely no problem with the process of evolution.

Personal incredulity is not a valid argument.
Didn't think you could answer it.
Evolution only occurs species to species, and as you've noted above
I did not say that. I said that Microevolution (small changes within a species) is observable, but macroevolution (one species to another) is assumed. So, your type of evolution cannot be proved.
That awkward moment when Michael Behe says that he believes we descended from primitive apes. That awkward detail that creationists never want to mention.
Doesn't worry me what he thinks. There are many people who think the silliest things. But one thing he did think of that makes sense is irreducible complexity.
It's all just the same old weak arguments that criminals like Kent hovind made-up decades ago.
It is starting to sound like you are running out of explanations
That evolution happens is a fact, how it happens is the theory. Just like how that germs cause diseases is a fact and how they do so is part of germ theory.
You say evolution is a fact, but what do you mean by ‘evolution’? If you mean that species change over time (microevolution), no one denies that. But if you mean that all life evolved from a single common ancestor through purely natural processes, that is not a ‘fact’—it is a theoretical interpretation of the evidence."
Your comparison to germ theory doesn’t quite work. We can directly observe germs causing disease in real-time under a microscope. But we cannot directly observe one kind of animal gradually turning into another over millions of years. Instead, evolutionists interpret fossils and genetic similarities as evidence of common ancestry. That’s an interpretation, not a directly observed fact."
Can you give me a direct, observable example of one kind of organism evolving into a completely different kind with new body structures? If macroevolution is a ‘fact’ like germ theory, we should see it happening today, right?
If you're not trying to speak as an authority in evolutionary biology, the point is moot.
If I do not have a high education (I am not saying I don't) and I am able to put holes in your understanding as a highly educated biologist, then your own opinion is moot. Stop trying to argue that other people's points do not count because you work in a bio lab. It is arrogant.
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Jan 25, 2025
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Sorry. I am not answering you. You still seem to be very angry from that last conversation we had. And once again, I struggle to see your point in what you say. Please watch the video that I linked earlier before commenting. That should solve your issues with evolution.
Well I am sorry to have to be honest with you again but the only way that you can tell if a stranger on the Internet is angry is if they display signs of it, like foul language or cursing or false accusations or irrational statements etc., but if they don’t display any signs, as I have not, then saying; “you SEEM like you are very angry” and using that as an excuse not to talk to them is a good reason you should reconsider your own condemnation in Romans 2.1

I’m sorry that I am probably going to anger you again with the truth but if you are able to be honest with yourself, you will acknowledge that the reason you are refusing to respond to me is because it is you who are angry, because I have exposed errors in your doctrine, which by the way is the duty of every believer who finds error in the body.

Furthermore, being angry in itself is not a sin Ephesians 4.26 so using that alone as an excuse to divide yourself from brothers only reveals your own fault and you will forgive me in saying that I have seen on several occasions that you are a man who is easily given to anger. Ecclesiastes 7.9 would be a good scripture for you to consider.

In fact in the short time that I have interacted with you, I can see that I have aroused your wrath several times, simply for abiding in the word of Christ and being honest with you.

The last time I wrote to you, I did so in unreserved apology, having seen that I had offended you exceedingly and kindled your great anger in revealing errors in your doctrine, but seeing your furious and sarcastic response and your demands that I change the way that I write to you, not wanting to magnify the situation, I apologised profusely, not because I believed I owed you an apology, but because love is the fulfilment of the commandment and I know a soft answer turns away wrath. Proverbs 15.1.

Here is a screenshot of the full text of the apology I gave you;


Knowing Paul described himself as a fool and knowing that I am not even a fraction of his measure, I could comfortably say that I was a fool of abundant foolishness so that was not a lie.

“Your own” at the end of paragraph 2 referred to your own conscience which you imposed upon me in demanding how I write to you, but I did not make an open point of your unreasonableness and for your judging me based upon your own conscience, because I wanted to diffuse the situation.

Although I didn’t show you any “wretched folly”, knowing a soft answer turns away wrath I asked you to forgive me for ALL of it, (i.e. none, because I hadn’t committed any) but you didn’t see the subtlety, otherwise you would not have upvoted my apology, which I issued because I could see from your responses that you were utterly boiling mad.

I thought it was rather interesting how God allowed you to commit that typo Saying;

“I do not see any need to carry on a conversion with you.”

Especially considering my previous post had been about trying to convert you from your erroneous ways.

James 5:19-20 ASV
My brethren, if any among you err from the truth, and one convert him; [20] let him know, that he who converteth a sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins.

Now if you wish to continue to insist I am angry, feel free to do so. I assure you that you will not anger me in the slightest.

On the contrary, how can I not rejoice and be exceedingly glad when I follow the commandments (Matthew 18.15) and am reviled and falsely accused for it?

Know assuredly in the last day, when God reveals the councils of the hearts, I shall be vindicated in saying that I have never been angry with you at all, and on that day your false accusations and rage against me shall be revealed for what they are, unless you turn from your ways.

It is the duty of a watchman to show the proud they are proud and the wicked that they are wicked and I pray that you are able to look in the mirror and see yourself for who you are and to know that I gave you no cause whatsoever to divide yourself from me and I pray God allow you to repent for the error of your ways, but if not, I will lose no peace, for my praise is of God.

That you think that you have the capacity to make me angry by error that you proclaim on the Internet is only another measure of your great pride and which reveals your praise is of men, for those whose praise is of God have peace that surpasses understanding, but you were enraged simply because a man told you the truth by the Word.

Although I have prayed for your conversion, please forgive me that I have not done so with a great deal of hope, seeing your great lack (1 Corinthians 13.5)
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Dec 2, 2021
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Well I am sorry to have to be honest with you again but the only way that you can tell if a stranger on the Internet is angry is if they display signs of it, like foul language or cursing or false accusations or irrational statements etc., but if they don’t display any signs, as I have not, then saying; “you SEEM like you are very angry” and using that as an excuse not to talk to them is a good reason you should reconsider your own condemnation in Romans 2.1

I’m sorry that I am probably going to anger you again with the truth but if you are able to be honest with yourself, you will acknowledge that the reason you are refusing to respond to me is because it is you who are angry, because I have exposed errors in your doctrine, which by the way is the duty of every believer who finds error in the body.

Furthermore, being angry in itself is not a sin Ephesians 4.26 so using that alone as an excuse to divide yourself from brothers only reveals your own fault and you will forgive me in saying that I have seen on several occasions that you are a man who is easily given to anger. Ecclesiastes 7.9 would be a good scripture for you to consider.

In fact in the short time that I have interacted with you, I can see that I have aroused your wrath several times, simply for abiding in the word of Christ and being honest with you.

The last time I wrote to you, I did so in unreserved apology, having seen that I had offended you exceedingly and kindled your great anger in revealing errors in your doctrine, but seeing your furious and sarcastic response and your demands that I change the way that I write to you, not wanting to magnify the situation, I apologised profusely, not because I believed I owed you an apology, but because love is the fulfilment of the commandment and I know a soft answer turns away wrath. Proverbs 15.1.

Here is a screenshot of the full text of the apology I gave you;

View attachment 361785

Knowing Paul described himself as a fool and knowing that I am not even a fraction of his measure, I could comfortably say that I was a fool of abundant foolishness so that was not a lie.

“Your own” at the end of paragraph 2 referred to your own conscience which you imposed upon me in demanding how I write to you, but I did not make an open point of your unreasonableness and for your judging me based upon your own conscience, because I wanted to diffuse the situation.

Although I didn’t show you any “wretched folly”, knowing a soft answer turns away wrath I asked you to forgive me for ALL of it, (i.e. none, because I hadn’t committed any) but you didn’t see the subtlety, otherwise you would not have upvoted my apology, which I issued because I could see from your responses that you were utterly boiling mad.

I thought it was rather interesting how God allowed you to commit that typo Saying;

“I do not see any need to carry on a conversion with you.”

Especially considering my previous post had been about trying to convert you from your erroneous ways.

James 5:19-20 ASV
My brethren, if any among you err from the truth, and one convert him; [20] let him know, that he who converteth a sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins.

Now if you wish to continue to insist I am angry, feel free to do so. I assure you that you will not anger me in the slightest.

On the contrary, how can I not rejoice and be exceedingly glad when I follow the commandments (Matthew 18.15) and am reviled and falsely accused for it?

Know assuredly in the last day, when God reveals the councils of the hearts, I shall be vindicated in saying that I have never been angry with you at all, and on that day your false accusations and rage against me shall be revealed for what they are, unless you turn from your ways.

It is the duty of a watchman to show the proud they are proud and the wicked that they are wicked and I pray that you are able to look in the mirror and see yourself for who you are and to know that I gave you no cause whatsoever to divide yourself from me and I pray God allow you to repent for the error of your ways, but if not, I will lose no peace, for my praise is of God.

That you think that you have the capacity to make me angry by error that you proclaim on the Internet is only another measure of your great pride and which reveals your praise is of men, for those whose praise is of God have peace that surpasses understanding, but you were enraged simply because a man told you the truth by the Word.

Although I have prayed for your conversion, please forgive me that I have not done so with a great deal of hope, seeing your great lack (1 Corinthians 13.5)
Admin. Please help. This person is derailing this thread. LOL.
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