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And what happens when they continue in the faith? They are partakers of the heavenly calling, Jesus, the High Priest of the faith we profess.Through FAITH IN CHRIST. What happens when someone loses that faith or places their faith in works? They fall from grace.
Warning Against Falling Away
Of whom we have much to say but you have become hard of hearing. Heb 5:9-11
Make the heart and mind of these dumb people [backsliders] dull; calloused; hardened. Shut their ears. ·Cover [Blind] their eyes. Otherwise, they would really understand, see with their eyes and hear with their ears and ·come back [return] to Me [repent] and be healed. Isaiah 6:10
Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to grant Israel remission of sins; ·and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me. [Acts 26:18] Hosea 14:4; Hosea 14:9
And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”Acts 5:31-32
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