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What Dreams Have You Had ?


A member of the less neotenous sex..
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Jul 23, 2007
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I had a dream about being in a ruined skyscraper as well. In my dream it was quite abandoned and quite old. Nothing was in it, but looking out I could tell it was not Earth. A vast dense forest with large dinosaur like creatures walking around. There were three moons in the sky. I was at least 50 to 60 stories up in the ruin. The floors and ruined stairs were hard to move around on as it was crumbling and who or what ever built the structure was taller on average than Humans. I had to use old wires, cables, and growing vines to climb down sections as I tried to get to the ground.

I believe my dream was heavily inspired by The Last Of Us videogame. Frequently I have dreams about exploring ruined skyscrapers. Often it's not horror themed though.

I have always liked the setting of a decaying civilization.
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Nov 11, 2015
Rocky Mountain Region
United States
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I believe my dream was heavily inspired by The Last Of Us videogame. Frequently I have dreams about exploring ruined skyscrapers. Often it's not horror themed though.

I have always liked the setting of a decaying civilization.

Sometimes things I am reading about, studying, or watching I dream about. Such as a dream I had of encountering wolves, and one grew to enormous size and looked deformed. Then it spoke telling I couldn't kill it. It leapt at me, and I shot it but it only hurt it and snarled I couldn't kill it. When I woke up, I realized the images had come from my recent reading on the Norse mythology creature/monster Fenrir, the giant wolf that will kill Odin at Ragnarok (battle at the end of time).

If you like the setting of a dead or decaying civilization you might like some of the stories by H. P. Lovecraft such as At the Mountains of Madness, Shadow Out of Time, The Walls of Eryx, or The Nameless City.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I've been having lots of dreams about Star Trek lately but in a role that I don't like. My preferred role in Star Trek is that of a bridge officer, not necessarily a captain nor XO but more that of helm or tactical or even science officer.

Yet the ONLY roles I'm getting is working for Starfleet Intelligence (or maybe for "Section 31") mainly as a spy, saboteur, GTS (Grand Theft Starship), classified archeological dig armed escort, and tracking down/capturing rogue changelings/founders.

The only times I'm at the bridge of the starship is when I'm stealing one. Incredibly, I have a back story in these seemingly connected dreams and it goes back to the present time like right now, in reality.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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When I woke up, I realized the images had come from my recent reading on the Norse mythology creature/monster Fenrir, the giant wolf that will kill Odin at Ragnarok (battle at the end of time).

I have the opposite experience. For example, I dreamed about the mythological creature called "Iktomi" in Native American myths. No way I could have known about it beforehand. Iktomi is very similar to Loki in abilities and personality/behavior and might even be the same entity.
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Nov 11, 2015
Rocky Mountain Region
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I have the opposite experience. For example, I dreamed about the mythological creature called "Iktomi" in Native American myths. No way I could have known about it beforehand. Iktomi is very similar to Loki in abilities and personality/behavior and might even be the same entity.

I am unfamiliar with the mythology of Native Americans. The only thing I've read about is the Wendigo from Algonquian folklore. Most of what I am familiar with is from from Algernon Blackwood's 1910 story called The Wendigo.

Trickster entities such as Loki (and apparently Iktomi) are present in a lot of folklore. Some American Southwestern First Nations, if i recall correctly, see the coyote as a trickster. I've read some about the Monkey King in Far Eastern folklore. In Finnish folklore there is some trickster nature to the Witch of Phojola, named Louhi (possible alter ego of the goddess Loviatar). Louhi has many pretty daughters that the three heroes, Vainamoinen, Ilmarinen, and Lemminkainen try to marry. Louhi sets difficult tasks for each to perform. in one Lemminkainen is killed and his mother finds his body parts, sews them together and he is eventually brought back to life. In the major confrontation Louhi steals the Sampo (a magic item that can produce anything) and gets into a long fight with Vainamoinen, Ilmarinen, and Lemminkainen.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I am unfamiliar with the mythology of Native Americans. The only thing I've read about is the Wendigo from Algonquian folklore. Most of what I am familiar with is from from Algernon Blackwood's 1910 story called The Wendigo.

Trickster entities such as Loki (and apparently Iktomi) are present in a lot of folklore. Some American Southwestern First Nations, if i recall correctly, see the coyote as a trickster. I've read some about the Monkey King in Far Eastern folklore. In Finnish folklore there is some trickster nature to the Witch of Phojola, named Louhi (possible alter ego of the goddess Loviatar). Louhi has many pretty daughters that the three heroes, Vainamoinen, Ilmarinen, and Lemminkainen try to marry. Louhi sets difficult tasks for each to perform. in one Lemminkainen is killed and his mother finds his body parts, sews them together and he is eventually brought back to life. In the major confrontation Louhi steals the Sampo (a magic item that can produce anything) and gets into a long fight with Vainamoinen, Ilmarinen, and Lemminkainen.

What fundamentally connects Iktomi and Loki together is the spider form and apparently, one of Loki's offspring is an 8-legged horse.

Interestingly, Jesus had similar qualities of a trickster as well. Non-canon scriptures mention his ability to change form (shape-shift) and the Bible implicated it. Jesus also had a philosophy common to the "Skinwalkers" of Native Americans" and likewise, the Skinwalkers can also change form and also possess other supernatural abilities. Ironically, the Bible also mentions the "men and women of faith" essentially lived similarly as Skinwalkers. Living in the wild, hiding from sight, and wearing animal skins (hence the term "skinwalker").

Non-canon scriptures also mentioned the ability of Jesus to appear in different types of human form, as a child, an old man, and in different skin color/race and one of them is "red" and possibly as a Native American.

I dreamed of it before-hand as well, seeing Jesus as a Native American in my dreams and I did a research and found out about these "unmentioned" abilities of Jesus as well as finding out about the Skinwalkers.

Native Americans regard them as evil but some some consider them as some kind of "super heroes" as when their race is threatened, Skinwalkers arise to protect them.

The vast majority of Christians are unaware of these and would likely consider this information as blasphemous, but the associations with Christianity and Christ is just too many to dismiss.
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Nov 11, 2015
Rocky Mountain Region
United States
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What fundamentally connects Iktomi and Loki together is the spider form and apparently, one of Loki's offspring is an 8-legged horse.
Sleipnir is the eight-legged horse that is the spawn of Loki. Sleipnir became Odin's warhorse. He can run faster and farther than any other horse and can even run through the sky. The horse Shadowfax in Lord of the Rings is loosely based on Sleipnir. However, Shadowfax has four legs and can't fly. Gandalf (Both The Grey and The White) are loosely based on Odin as well as Vainamoinen.

My most recent dreams have been quite details and interesting. I will post later on them.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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Sleipnir is the eight-legged horse that is the spawn of Loki. Sleipnir became Odin's warhorse. He can run faster and farther than any other horse and can even run through the sky. The horse Shadowfax in Lord of the Rings is loosely based on Sleipnir. However, Shadowfax has four legs and can't fly. Gandalf (Both The Grey and The White) are loosely based on Odin as well as Vainamoinen.

My most recent dreams have been quite details and interesting. I will post later on them.

It's been a long while since I saw Lord of the Rings. The fiction is actually based on ancient accounts of the pre-flood Earth. Might have been real. The time when people wielded "real magic", dealt with giants and other monsters, and trees reached to the clouds.

Nothing crazy in my dreams for now but otherwise pleasant. Things I couldn't do in real life like taking a road trip vacation far away from the city. It seems to be the only fun thing I'm doing these days aside from skating and other exercise.
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