Anti-Christ European Welcome to the first vial.


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Oct 9, 2022
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It was September of 2019. Banging my head rhythmically against the wall of my cell to distract myself from the stabbing agony of a wisdom tooth infection that had kept me awake for the past 4 days... the joyless gloom suddenly felt inexplicably brighter and I realized that this nightmare was God trying to get my attention. Just thinking that thought was a relief .. As if the universe breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh wow finally."

My sister fradulently draining my bank account of 20k the instant I was incarcerated so I couldnt bond out... The 3 months I'd been trapped in 23 hour lockdown after some thug threatened to stab me...

I'd followed the blueprint of sin, and the house I'd built for myself was hell. Sleep deprived and utterly exhausted from pain emotional, physical, spiritual. I prayed. Prayed to the Lord I hadn't even seriously considered since I was a child. " Lord I get it, I am nothing and have no control over my own existence, I am a sinner, lost, with nothing and no one left.. Ive made a mess of everything and I need you."

The Bible was a comic book and a tool of social control, I knew at that time, but I made a vow that I was going to read it unskeptically and I asked God to guide me as I explored it, for the first time, with the respect it deserved as his word. "Show me what you need me to see." The next day I finally got in to see a dentist. My worldly wisdom tooth was removed. :) I finally got some rest and over the next two weeks, impossibly, a great mystery was revealed.

Have you ever been struck repeatedly by lightning? If you have you'll understand having all your senses and reason utterly overridden by infathomably powerful current.. Revelation. The Holy Spirit, doing what it does.

"This book literally describes, with precision, the past present and future of our entire species. Of me. Of everyone. Wow." Every hair on my body was standing on end as I was reading, and understanding the language of the prophets for the first time. What a rush.

Then it was eventually revealed to me where we presently stood.. i could hardly believe it. Dread filled me.. "Oh my God" I exclaimed.. and looked to my celllmate. "Dude.. the first vial of God's wrath is coming in a few months."

He asked me what I meant.

I told him that beginning in 2020 an epidemic was going to afflict the planet. That the sorrows and the mark were coming. That he should refuse any treatments that governments are a bit too enthusiastic about giving to people. That a smallpox like eruption would afflict the planet, and how Satan would manifest it. That the Messiah was coming..

He was a Christian and thought I was nuts. "You're reading it wrong".

Well a few days after this experience I went before the judge all was found innocent and released.. I continued my studies enthusiastically, charged with a spiritual energy I'd never known before. I Tried to communicate the message on social media, to family.. hey everyone we're in the 3 hours of trevailing described in Revelation 18! Get ready..

In January of 2020 a global epidemic arrived. Just as it was written.. I mean I knew, but knowing the map and walking the territory aren't the same. I was mind blown. Scared. Excited.

And.. confused. Those I personally spoke with about the prophecy weren't particularly awestruck by it manifesting.. I re emphasized my warnings about the mark, told them that by the winter of 2022 the smallpoxy skin eruptions would afflict the earth.

I attempted to explain the dark sciences behind what is called witchcraft Biblically, the ancient art of pharmakaia. Tried to warn them about the mark as rationally as I could - scientifically even. Told then to seek the light of God before it was too late.

In a few weeks the fulfillment events of the first vial will devastate so many.. I've grown jaded now... I no longer expect anyone in my family or anywhere else to even acknowledge anything I communicate. An extraordinarily painful lesson... they really don't have functional eyes or ears.

... When the skinless children hooked up to iron lungs and iron hearts start filling hospital wards, according to the sacred schedule of this apocalypse... I suspect that nobody I've shared this prophecy with over the last 3 years will even remember.. and not one soul did my desperate warnings save. I suppose it was folly and pride to assume they would. The Lord alone has that capability.. I just hate to witness so much avoidable suffering.

Even so, Righteous and true are your judgements, oh Lord.
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Handmaid for Jesus

You can't steal my joy
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Dec 19, 2010
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Well, people did not believe the prophets of old either, so you are in good company. But yours has come to pass with the manifestation of Covid-19 and Monkey Pox imho. However, I don't think yours is one of the vials. But be encouraged,the gift of prophecy is a gift, but it feel like a curse when He,the Holy Spirit, gives you a revelation ,and people will not listen. That is why we just have to try to lead people to the salvation Lord Jesus Christ has brought.
Ecclesiastes 1:18
For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
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Jun 8, 2021
Pacific NW, USA
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It was September of 2019.

There are so many false prophecies out there and so many prophecies that *seem* false that it's too much to ask people to instantly believe them. I was given prophecy (through others) in advance to the effect Trump would become President and he did. But the people who said this said he would win for two terms, and some implied he was going to win that last election, which he lost.

David Wilkerson gave his famous Vision, and much of it seemed to come to pass. But then he seemed to claim he was not a prophet and began to proclaim that his *interpretations* of the books of the Prophets would come to pass almost as if they were also prophecies. I have not seen all these things come to pass, though perhaps some will.

I could go on. There are some people I view as prophets, but I reserve judgment on some of their prophecies because I just don't know. It isn't my gift.

If indeed these things are true prophecies then they are likely just for stirring the Church up to prepare for the worst. They don't have to be believed right away to be shaken up by them!

I've seen gifts of the Spirit where one would not feel it is of any value to share it with fellow Christians. But if God gave the gift, it does have a purpose, and it will bring about a positive change for God's Kingdom.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2021
Pacific NW, USA
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It was interesting. I was trying to read your "prophecy" to my wife, and she kept picking to open a COVID test kit. We've been sick for the last 5 days or so, so I stopped reading your post and helped her administer the tests to both of ourselves--yes, we came up positive.

So I went on to read your prophecy of what seems to be the coming of COVID and the Monkeypox. I couldn't help note a parallel between your story and that of my son. He went to prison after he hit his wife--she told him she had found somebody else who their kids liked.

He was found innocent of all charges except for breaking a restraining order (anti-molestation order in the UK). When he got out he committed himself to Christ, in hopes of getting his family back and also just to do the right thing in life. Following is what my step son saw in his mind, whether or not it was a vision. These are his words:

It was weird last night coming home from church I know I'm not a prophet well Im sure I'm not a prophet that I'm aware of I'm just me John but when I was walking threw the park last night while wide awake cuz it happened before we spoke last night I was praying to God and for some reason I seen the coming of Christ and his army it was awesome it was cool but kinda scarry just like the stars in the sky there are millions but not how they are if that makes any sense I seen Jesus Christ and his army coming down to earth the sky was full and surrounded by his warriors like a 360 degree circle I was in the the middle on the ground as of being in a huge concert arena the earth was the audience and the sky was the stage and the stage show was brilliant like no other stage show all in 3d effect and the music was the most heaviest music around it was a mix of heavy metal rap pop country and dance music and church praise and battle music all mixed into one but extremely heavy it was to wake people up and to warn the enemy were here to fight and kick butt and win the closer they came at me the louder and brighter than sound and lighting got every horse had armour on so did all of Christ warriors I think Jesus did too not sure he was dressed in white with a light blue sash and in a chariot and all his warriors were in chariots too the were coming at me in every side like a full circle with rows and rows and rows of warriors must of been miles or rows it was never ending must of been billions of them I remember them getting bigger and bigger as they were coming out of the clouds and louder and the stage show was bright and brilliant flashing lights lazers and colored lighting the sound system was deep pounding bass and sweet high gain tweeters/horns it was awesome and scarry at the same time I forgot to mention it to you when we spoke but just thought about it now and I noticed I was just sending it to you before we talked
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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
United States
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It was September of 2019. Banging my head rhythmically against the wall of my cell to distract myself from the stabbing agony of a wisdom tooth infection that had kept me awake for the past 4 days... the joyless gloom suddenly felt inexplicably brighter and I realized that this nightmare was God trying to get my attention. Just thinking that thought was a relief .. As if the universe breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh wow finally."

My sister fradulently draining my bank account of 20k the instant I was incarcerated so I couldnt bond out... The 3 months I'd been trapped in 23 hour lockdown after some thug threatened to stab me...

I'd followed the blueprint of sin, and the house I'd built for myself was hell. Sleep deprived and utterly exhausted from pain emotional, physical, spiritual. I prayed. Prayed to the Lord I hadn't even seriously considered since I was a child. " Lord I get it, I am nothing and have no control over my own existence, I am a sinner, lost, with nothing and no one left.. Ive made a mess of everything and I need you."

The Bible was a comic book and a tool of social control, I knew at that time, but I made a vow that I was going to read it unskeptically and I asked God to guide me as I explored it, for the first time, with the respect it deserved as his word. "Show me what you need me to see." The next day I finally got in to see a dentist. My worldly wisdom tooth was removed. :) I finally got some rest and over the next two weeks, impossibly, a great mystery was revealed.

Have you ever been struck repeatedly by lightning? If you have you'll understand having all your senses and reason utterly overridden by infathomably powerful current.. Revelation. The Holy Spirit, doing what it does.

"This book literally describes, with precision, the past present and future of our entire species. Of me. Of everyone. Wow." Every hair on my body was standing on end as I was reading, and understanding the language of the prophets for the first time. What a rush.

Then it was eventually revealed to me where we presently stood.. i could hardly believe it. Dread filled me.. "Oh my God" I exclaimed.. and looked to my celllmate. "Dude.. the first vial of God's wrath is coming in a few months."

He asked me what I meant.

I told him that beginning in 2020 an epidemic was going to afflict the planet. That the sorrows and the mark were coming. That he should refuse any treatments that governments are a bit too enthusiastic about giving to people. That a smallpox like eruption would afflict the planet, and how Satan would manifest it. That the Messiah was coming..

He was a Christian and thought I was nuts. "You're reading it wrong".

Well a few days after this experience I went before the judge all was found innocent and released.. I continued my studies enthusiastically, charged with a spiritual energy I'd never known before. I Tried to communicate the message on social media, to family.. hey everyone we're in the 3 hours of trevailing described in Revelation 18! Get ready..

In January of 2020 a global epidemic arrived. Just as it was written.. I mean I knew, but knowing the map and walking the territory aren't the same. I was mind blown. Scared. Excited.

And.. confused. Those I personally spoke with about the prophecy weren't particularly awestruck by it manifesting.. I re emphasized my warnings about the mark, told them that by the winter of 2022 the smallpoxy skin eruptions would afflict the earth.

I attempted to explain the dark sciences behind what is called witchcraft Biblically, the ancient art of pharmakaia. Tried to warn them about the mark as rationally as I could - scientifically even. Told then to seek the light of God before it was too late.

In a few weeks the fulfillment events of the first vial will devastate so many.. I've grown jaded now... I no longer expect anyone in my family or anywhere else to even acknowledge anything I communicate. An extraordinarily painful lesson... they really don't have functional eyes or ears.

... When the skinless children hooked up to iron lungs and iron hearts start filling hospital wards, according to the sacred schedule of this apocalypse... I suspect that nobody I've shared this prophecy with over the last 3 years will even remember.. and not one soul did my desperate warnings save. I suppose it was folly and pride to assume they would. The Lord alone has that capability.. I just hate to witness so much avoidable suffering.

Even so, Righteous and true are your judgements, oh Lord.

One thing your cellmate at the time was spot on about, that you are reading it wrong.

Revelation 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

The first thing to note is this, who this is affecting. It is affecting these only---the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. This obviously means, before the first vial is ever poured out, the ones affected in Revelation 16:2, they already have the mark, they are already worshiping his image.

Before there can even be this mark to have, the following has to be fulfilled first.

Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

When did any of this already happen, and what did it look like when it happened? Because, it makes zero sense that the first angel would be pouring out it's vial on people who are not even doing any of those things yet, on ppl that don't even have the mark yet. Revelation 16:2 clearly and plainly says, when the first vial is being poured out, it is being poured out on those that already have the mark, are already worshiping his image. Speaking of his image.

saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live(Revelation 13:14).

And once again, until this part is fulfilled first, there is not yet an image to worship. Therefore, you couldn't remotely be correct that the first vial was poured out a cpl of years ago.
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Oct 9, 2022
United States
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All I can do is remove the blindfold, I can't force people to open their eyes. My only desire is to share what I've been given, which for me is proof of our creator. What greater gift is there? Even in the end of the earthly things, which was always destiny.. what a treasure it's been.

It is painful to share because I know people love this world so much. We all just want to take care of our families and see our children thrive.. to pass away with a legacy on this planet. In the hearts of many this is the only real hope.. but all this is passing away... people cling to the mirage as it melts away until they are clinging to nothing.. it's time to go home.
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