We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.


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When God opens up a way for the third temple to be biult, we will be able to look back on this and the other thread and say, ok... now we are in the last hours.
Shalom Visionary:

I believe that The Heavenly Father is setting the stage for exactly this event even as we speak.

I sent off my application for the $25 million dollar Virgin Earth anti-global warming prize about three weeks ago.


I plan to get into how to set the stage for the rebuilding of the Third TEmple in the second part. Please pray for me that I am guided as I write up this proposal. Truly many lives depend on The Creator raising up modern DAniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah and Joseph's within government, industry and marketing. Here is a quotation from the section entitled "News and Press Releases:"

Dr James Hansen, Director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies: “I think we have a very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change ... no longer than a decade, at the most. This is why I am supporting the Virgin Earth Challenge as a judge – we must explore all means, both known and unknown, to help alleviate this crisis.”

Here is my entire reply with a few contact details deleted for obvious reasons:

Dennis Patrick Tate

March 15, 2007

Sir Richard Branson
Virgin Earth Challenge
120 Campden Hill Road
London W8 7AR
United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Branson:

It is my firm belief that the number one technological device to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases has already been invented. It is the tree.

What is desperately needed at this time is not necessarily a new mechanical device but instead a paradigm shift in economic theory regarding monetary policy. We require a readily understandable explanation on how leaders in business and government can direct not only millions, but actually trillions of dollars of investment into combating global warming.

One of the most effective practical methods that could be put into place in the least amount of time would be dozens of the largest possible desalinization plants all along the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Huge quantities of fresh water could be dripped onto the Sinai and Sahara deserts and voila, well chosen species of newly planted fast growing trees could soon change the color of these relatively desolate areas, significantly reduce atmospheric CO2, positively affect local weather patterns and at the same time significantly counterbalance the increases in worldwide ocean levels as the polar ice caps melt. This will buy us some extra time and thus expand the “very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change.”

So who is going to finance the construction of all these massive installations not to mention the planting of all those seedling trees?

I believe that it is possible for you to do this yourself Mr. Branson. You have already created a Virgin currency unit/coupon which has astonishing long term potential. My wife Maria Jose just returned from a two week trip to the British VIRGIN Islands. It is theoretically possible to link your Virgin coupon with the national currency of a small nation and you could soon be playing around in macro-economics. Considering the volume of business being done through your Virgin Group I would submit that you already are.

Pope Benedict XVI may be in an even stronger position than you Mr. Branson to transform the world economy virtually overnight through the introduction of a new Vatican Currency Unit that could be linked with each and every national currency where the Vatican State is free to do business.

I plan to elaborate in great detail on these two major alternatives in a later writing but I felt that you and your staff should now see the simple explanation that I wrote up for applying this theory within a micro-economy to greatly reduce unemployment. Although combating global warming would seem to be a conflicting goal to job creation, there need be no dissonance when we all have a better grasp of the big picture.

I ran as an independent for the office of MLA in the most recent Nova Scotia provincial election.

Dennis Tate primary campaign writing for June 13/06 election

My name is Dennis Tate. I lived most of my forty seven years in West Lochiel Lake, Guysborough County. I am running for MLA as an independent in the area of Pictou Centre so that I can help as many people as possible become more aware of what I am sure is the real reason why our roads are in disrepair, why hospital beds are unused, why so many of the rural schools have been shut down, why our soldiers in Afghanistan are poorly equipped and why many if not most of our young people may have to leave Nova Scotia to find jobs.

When well trained workers have high quality technology to work with then the total of all wages and benefits paid out to employees is only a fraction of the retail value of the products they produce. As a result of this fact the only way to move products out of warehouses is to extend higher and higher levels of credit. One problem with an abundance of red ink is that compound interest on all this government, business and personal debt over a period of decades will grow to astronomical levels. At this time there is approximately TEN TIMES as much debt in Canada as there is money. A simple explanation for how this happened can be seen here:

In my opinion this rather simple mathematical problem is perhaps the number one cause of inflation in the Canadian economy over the past three decades. This is also perhaps the number one reason why our costs of production are so high and Canadian products cannot compete on the world markets as well as they could under better conditions.

From 1940 to 1970 the Government of Canada put roughly half of the total money supply into the economy through loans issued through the federally owned Bank of Canada. Provincial and municipal governments could borrow the money to build roads, schools, hospitals and sewage treatment facilities at zero or one percent interest. In 1970 we changed our system and since that time a higher and higher percentage of all government debt is financed through loans issued through privately owned banks. At this time it is ninety eight percent. This policy may be great for our banking sector but it was estimated that in the one year of 1995 alone our federal government could have saved roughly SIXTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in interest payments if we had gone back to creating half the total money supply through these low interest rate loans issued through the bank that is OWNED BY ALL CANADIANS.

Considering that our deficit was approximately thirty billion dollars for that year, simply by changing back to an already proven monetary and banking system, we could theoretically have had a FEDERAL BUDGET SURPLUS OF THIRTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in 1995.

The massive cutbacks in the Canadian military, in health care, highway construction, social programs and education were profoundly affected by these accounting practices?

So what can you and I do about this problem?
1. If we will do our homework and study this question we can put pressure on our provincial level politicians to create a provincially owned bank. A true Bank of Nova Scotia owned by all Nova Scotians could be used to finance town and municipal government projects at zero or one percent interest just as The Bank of Canada used to do.

2. Town and municipal government officials in New Glasgow, Stellarton and Trenton should seriously consider creating a local currency unit such as has been done in Ithaca, New York.
This is a great way to promote local businesses and help sustain rural economies.

3. It is also possible for groups of concerned individuals to get together and organize a local barter exchange as a cooperative. Mr. Rob Assels has been instrumental in just such an initiative in the Tatamagouche and River John area so surely we can get similar organizations up and running here in New Glasgow, Pictou, Stellarton, Trenton and Westville. Here is a link into the Halifax LETS system:

Let’s discuss the various options available on the Pictou County Portal Message board. If you have trouble using this technology maybe you could hire a young person to help you get started?

I just completed the first year of the Information Technology Program at Stellarton Campus of NSCC. I am running in Pictou Centre because I know that the towns of New Glasgow, Stellarton and Trenton have the people, the industrial base and the technological capability to become powerhouses of job creation not only for this area but also for all the surrounding regions.

“The wealth that is in the city comes from the countryside.”
Creating new jobs in New Glasgow, Stellarton, and Trenton will ultimately depend on job creation in the surrounding rural areas.

Thank you immensely for taking the time to consider these points. By deciding to vote for me on June 13 you will be sending a clear message to the various political parties that you want them to take a serious look at these flaws in our monetary system and at these possible remedies. From now on if a politician tells you that they have to close down a school because of budgetary restraints, you may know far more about what is really happening than they do.

Warmest regards,

Dennis Tate

p.s. I shall be back to you shortly Sir with an explanation of how your Virgin Group could implement this theory in a form that for all intents and purposes could be patented/copyrighted.

“And the LORD said, Behold, the people [is] one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” (Genesis 11:6 KJV).

“A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all [things].” (Ecclesiastes 10: 19).
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VATICAN CITY - Europe seems to be losing faith in its future, Pope Benedict XVI said Saturday, citing the continent’s population trends, which include generally low birth rates.

“One must unfortunately note that Europe seems to be going down a road which could lead it to take its leave from history,” the pontiff told a gathering of the continent’s bishops.

I agree that it seems like Europe is losing faith in their own "raison d'etre."
On one level I believe that this perception has to do with the relative predominance of the United States in entertainment, economic development and in policing this world.

There are a number of important trends going on at this moment that I suspect will tend to reverse this perception within twenty years.

Most of us North Americans call ourselves Christian.....and many of us who dig deeply into the Xian prophecies believe that Europe and Israel will be at the center of another revival of the Roman Empire that will set the stage for the coming of Mashiach/Messiah to Jerusalem....to literally stand on the Mt. of Olives.

If Europeans wish to grab the center of the world's attention...to be rated number 1 for satisfying the appetite of us North American evangelical Xian market for movies, television, books, reality films, etc., etc....then they should begin discussing ....with Israeli officials....how to perhaps work out Xian prophetic events as a series of reality films....that is so well produced that Xian and even Jewish prophets and seers...as they beheld future events in altered states of consciousness.....actually were terrified.....but maybe these seers were witnessing the filming of epic motion pictures replete with utterly convincing costumes and props:

Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.
They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:
Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and [when] they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

Although I am 99.8% certain that I am incorrect in this assumption...I do regard it as a remote possibility that these passages could perhaps be talking about the making of a reality film....Maybe these wounded soldiers are for real trying to crush, kill, rape, pillage and destroy and maybe they have some sort of new genetically engineered drug that revives them after being wounded.....or are they involved in a massive epic series of reality films based in Europe and the Middle East....brilliantly tailored for the evangelical Xian market????!!!!

If Europe will stop sucking up to the Arab nations...and end all the ideological and actual fighting against their surviving Jews....and against the nation of Israel....and against America....they could actually get teamed up with Hollywood, New York and Toronto and conspire to glue the evangelical Xian market to their seats....which would also tend to increase the relative efficiency of European, Israeli and Arabic workers....

Successful actors/actresses tend to get paid far higher wage levels than production workers!

Yes...I admit that synthetically produced blood flowing up to the bridles of the horses ....as a movie prop....is kind of far fetched....but surely this would be better than doing all this for real during a time of total agricultural collapse????!!!!

I have given a lot of thought over the past few years as to how Jewish control of the Temple Mount area could be arranged....how the Arab nations could be convinced to agree to this happening short of their being virtually wiped out militarily....the best most promising theory on how this may be arranged is the putting forward of a forty year plan to shoot massive epic reality films centered in Jerusalem...and at the end of this forty year period Israel has complete control of the Temple Mount area....The Jerusalem Third Temple has been built.....every stone in the ancient Temple has been "thrown down" and then reassembled elsewhere as a museum/historical site.... The Dome of the Rock on the other hand should be dismantled with the utmost care and again reassembled elsewhere as a historical site..... It was originally a gift to the Jewish people from an Arab prince who had tremendous respect for Moshe and all things Jewish....it could be given back to the Arab nations quite gracefully especially if doing so paved the way for the rebuilding of the Third TEmple....

I think that one half of Jerusalem must be rented/leased for the filming of the capture of one half of Jerusalem spoken of by Zechariah....

The rental/leasing of Jerusalem among other royalties, concessions and box office sales will help finance the REbuilding of the Third Temple leaving Israel with no outstanding debt despite the magnitude of the entire project......

Considering that China will by 2010 have perhaps as many as 170,000,000 men who will have virtually no hope of ever finding a wife due to China's habit of aborting ninety percent of female babies....I believe that larger and larger troops of reality film actors posing as soldiers from many time periods and places....can be lured to the Valley of Megiddo....partly due to the efforts of female actors....who may perhaps .....actually....this is going to get rather complicated....so I will let you digest this for a while before I go on.....
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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"Hastening the coming" somehow implies that man has some sort of control over the preset plan and will of God. He will come when He has planned to come, despite any activity man creates to make it come quicker. There is a reason why groups such as the Temple Mount Faithful have failed up until now to start the rebuilding. They have all of the items ready, but have yet to start contruction. Why? Because it isn't time yet.
Will there be some sign from God on when the Jews will start or are they first waiting on their Messiah to come first then start building?
I am sure the Orthodox Jews are just as confused on the return of Christ as Muslims and Non-MJ Christians are I think. Thoughts? :wave:

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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
Who ever signs the seven year accord agreement, will find that it will be enough time [3 1/2 years] to complete the temple, before the covenant is broken? thus usher in "utopia" for those who will buy and sell in the new work system....which after three and 1/2 years of brute force will think that they have eradicated all opposition... even beheading those two witnesses... but it is all for not...only one hour of glory and then it all collapses.

So why get involved with temple building when the Lord wants you to be witnesses unto the ends of earth before the end comes?
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Sh'ma Yisrael, Adonai Echud! Al pi Adonai...
Sep 6, 2003
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The Dome of the Rock on the other hand should be dismantled with the utmost care and again reassembled elsewhere as a historical site..... It was originally a gift to the Jewish people from an Arab prince who had tremendous respect for Moshe and all things Jewish....it could be given back to the Arab nations quite gracefully especially if doing so paved the way for the rebuilding of the Third Temple....
they can have the Dome of the Rock, as long as that does not include the Rock itself ...
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Aug 31, 2007
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Will there be some sign from God on when the Jews will start or are they first waiting on their Messiah to come first then start building?
It could be either. On the Messiah's "to do" list is building the temple if it has not already been built when he arrives.

Building the temple is a positive commandment of the Torah, just like any other. "Build for me a sanctuary and I will dwell in your midst". It is incumbent upon every Jew, just as any other positive commandment such as tzitzis or tefillin.
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For those of you who haven't been following the matter. The Arabs are currently destroying a wall of the Temple itself as we speak. Dr. Gabriel Barkai (whom I studied archaeology under) and Professor Eilat Mazar are considering taking the matter to the Israeli Supreme court. They were shocked when they found that permission for the destruction was given by Ehud Olmert himself. Even Ehud Barak didn't give them permission. He simply turned a blind eye which was bad enough. But Olmert made himself the first Jew in history to give Gentiles permission to destroy part of the temple.
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1 John 1:9
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Wow, Yod, I met some fascinating people through the internet over the past few months. Prophetess Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia joined my yahoo group and I read some of her website one day. Well, I wrote to her and she phoned me about two weeks ago. Since then I have been in contact with her husband and basically he gave me the exact same message that you just did. This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!


It seemed to me that since it looks like the coming of the anti-Messiah precedes the coming of Yahshua/Jesus to rule all nations, then it follows that it would be more than worthwhile to do whatever needs to be done to wrap up world events just as quickly as possible so that Mashiach ben David/Yahshua/Jesus would be here on this earth with us, bringing peace to absolutely all nations.

Although this sounds logical I have to admit that there is a strong possibility that you are correct and perhaps I am seriously in error. I will quote the letter from Mr. Nikomia:

Wow, it is especially impressive when we receive essentially the same message two time within such a short period of time.

Incidentally, I have been seriously considering running for office at the federal level here in Nova Scotia. I ran at the local municipal level last fall and you can read my primary campaign writing here:

Flaws in the Canadian banking and taxation system.

Concerning the prophecy by elizabeth, I was told that an apostle is one who has seen Jesus Christ and that there is only 12 apostles, and none exist today.

What do you believe an apostle is. I just want to learn something new =)
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Meaning Righteous Proselyte to Judaism
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Concerning the prophecy by elizabeth, I was told that an apostle is one who has seen Jesus Christ and that there is only 12 apostles, and none exist today.

What do you believe an apostle is. I just want to learn something new =)
The word apostle means One Who is Sent. It is special designation which is not given to every believer, but specifically to those whom Christ chose to begin his Church. The 12 desciples were the originals. When Judas died, he was to be replaced. Because the Holy Spirit had not yet come, the 11 mistakenly thought to simply cast lots and "chose" Mattathias. But the Lord chose Paul as the 12th.

There is a resonation. Twelve apostles for Ekklesia, as there were twelve sons of Israel.

The apostles did ordain successors (episkopos, presbyteros). However, while these were given the teaching authority for the gospel, they were never seen as the equals of the apostles in authority or calling.
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We should pray for the rebuilding of the Third Temple simply because the World is not whole without it.

The limit of my eschatology is "be ready." I don't obsess.
I completely

Correction, this webpage was written by Mr. Carl Cantrell, not by Mr. Manthany as I had previously assumed.

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Most people from other religions don't realize that the Muslims have a prophesy from Muhammad stating that Jesus will come, not as a Son of God or diety, but as a man, to Jerusalem, seize control of the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, set up his kingdom, and give the order for all Muslims to kill off all non-Muslims. This is supposed to bring about ever lasting paradise for Islam. In other words, for the Islamic Messiah to come, the Jewish Temple must be built on the Temple Mount with no other structures.
Any and all Muslims who resist the building of the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount are saying, with their actions, that they don't really believe the prophesy of Muhammad and are calling Muhammad a liar. According to the Koran, any one who claims to be a Muslim but does not believe Muhammad is a hypocrite, is to be put to death, and will burn in Hell.
So why do all the Muslims refuse to give the Temple Mount to Israel and permit Israel to build the Temple in exact opposition to Islamic prophesy? Do they not believe Muhammad and Islam? Do they not believe their Messiah will come? Do they not want their Messiah to come?
If I were a Muslim and truly believed Islam and Muhammad, I would personally take a bulldozer on the Temple Mount, level everything on it, give the Mount to the Jews, and say, "Build your Temple so my Messiah can come." To do anything else, in Islam, is to be a hypocrite.
I love how Mr. Cantrell thinks. Oh, and for the record I am trying my best to make this topic into a political issue at least up here in Nova Scotia. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Tate4CentralNova/message/11Dennis Tate supports Jerusalem Third Temple
Dennis Tate
September 22, 2007 (Yom Kippur)

I received the writing below several years ago. I cannot
argue with Mr. Manthany that there are many valid
reasons why even a Nova Scotia politician should
support eventual Jewish control of the Jerusalem
Temple Mount and Jewish ownership of their rebuilt
Third Temple.

I use the word "eventual" in the paragraph above
because I have an actual plan in mind that will take
several decades to be worked out in such a way that
the leaders of the Islamic nations will be able to agree with.

I believe that several semi-reality film series must be
initiated that take place partly in Jerusalem,
partly here in Nova Scotia, partly in the Palestinian
territories and partly in Rome. Many scenes
will occur in the capitols of every Islamic
nation, especially Egypt where a
movement is predicted where Egyptian citizens
in significant numbers will begin to observe the
Jewish Festival of Tabernacles. See Zechariah
chapter 14:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Tate4CentralNova/message/3 Tate proposal to decrease hostility in Middle East. Re: [Tate4CentralNova] Invitation to join gop-discussion group

Basically my point is this...the rebuilding of the Third Temple
by Jews, for Jews, in Jerusalem is potentially one topic that
Jews, Moslems and Christians could potentially come to some
sort of cooperative consensus on! Film production is one
possible avenue that could help make this area of cooperation
a reality!

I elaborate on one aspect of this concept here on this
Orthodox Jewish anti-Missionary message board:
Egypt will be the third with Israel and Assyria.....
If Europeans wish to grab the center of the world's attention...to be rated number 1 for satisfying the appetite of the North American evangelical Xian market for movies, television, books, reality films, etc., etc....then they should begin discussing ....with Israeli officials....how to perhaps work out Xian prophetic events as a series of reality films....that is so well produced that Xian and even Jewish prophets and seers...as they beheld future events in altered states of consciousness.....actually were terrified.....but maybe these seers were witnessing the filming of epic motion pictures replete with utterly convincing costumes and props:

Quote: Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.
They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:
Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and [when] they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

Although I am 99.8% certain that I am incorrect in this assumption...I do regard it as a remote possibility that these passages could perhaps be talking about the making of a reality film....Maybe these wounded soldiers are for real trying to crush, kill, rape, pillage and destroy and maybe they have some sort of new genetically engineered drug that revives them after being wounded.....or are they involved in a massive epic series of reality films based in Europe and the Middle East....brilliantly tailored for the evangelical Xian market????!!!!

If Europe will stop sucking up to the Arab nations...and end all the ideological and actual fighting against their surviving Jews....and against the nation of Israel....and against America....they could actually get teamed up with Hollywood, New York and Toronto and conspire to glue the evangelical Xian market to their seats....which would also tend to increase the relative efficiency of European, Israeli and Arabic workers....

Successful actors/actresses tend to get paid far higher wage levels than production workers!

Yes...I admit that synthetically produced blood flowing up to the bridles of the horses ....as a movie prop....is kind of far fetched....but surely this would be better than doing all this for real during a time of total agricultural collapse????!!!!

I have given a lot of thought over the past few years as to how Jewish control of the Temple Mount area could be arranged....how the Arab nations could be convinced to agree to this happening short of their being virtually wiped out militarily....the best most promising theory on how this may be arranged is the putting forward of a forty year plan to shoot massive epic reality films centered in Jerusalem...and at the end of this forty year period Israel has complete control of the Temple Mount area....Your Third Temple has been built.....every stone in the ancient Temple has been "thrown down" and then reassembled elsewhere as a museum/historical site.... The Dome of the Rock on the other hand should be dismantled with the utmost care and again reassembled elsewhere as a historical site..... It was originally a gift to the Jewish people from an Arab prince who had tremendous respect for Moshe and all things Jewish....it could be given back to the Arab nations quite gracefully especially if doing so paved the way for the rebuilding of the Third TEmple....

I think that one half of Jerusalem must be rented/leased for the filming of the capture of one half of Jerusalem spoken of by Zechariah....

The rental/leasing of Jerusalem among other royalties, concessions and box office sales will help finance the REbuilding of the Third Temple leaving Israel with no outstanding debt despite the magnitude of the entire project......
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I seek sin like a moth towards flame, save me God.
Nov 27, 2003
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In a telephone conversation several days ago a friend correctly pointed out that by helping the Jews in the building of the Third Temple we would be hastening the coming of the anti-Christ person, who will oppose and exalt himself above YHWH. Yes, this is true, but should not the bride of Yahshua/Jesus have such love for her soon coming Messiah that she would be willing to go through almost anything to have Him with her and with her children, just as soon as possible?? Do we really believe the phenomenal promises given to Israel and all nations in Isaiah or not???

A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the LORD that rendereth recompence to his enemies. (Isaiah 66:6)

I could be wrong ofcourse, but I have tremendous difficulty understanding how the voice of Messiah, can be in the temple, in THE city, unless a literal temple is constructed, in THE city, I assume based on many other scriptures, Jerusalem. It is no coincidence that this is Isaiah 66:6.

Should the bride of Yahshua/Jesus so fear and dread the anti-Christ that they would delay doing their part in the construction of this Third Temple, even if they know full well that by helping the Jews build the temple, they also are hastening the coming of of the true Messiah to benefit all nations?? Should the coming of Yahshua/Jesus be postponed due to our lack of courage?? Don't all cowards and liars go to the lake of fire anyway?? Isn't excessive fear of the anti-Christ a form of lying in that it exaggerates the power of our supposed enemies above that of our King, who needs no army with Him to win our battles?? But yet, our king certainly does have an army and from the beginning, the forces of Satan were outnumbered roughly two to one, his tail drew only one third of the stars.

Isaiah 51:13 And forgettest the LORD thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where [is] the fury of the oppressor?

Surely, the ones who would aspire to be part of the Bride of Yahshua/Jesus should read about how ordinary citizens of Denmark and Norway, donned yellow armbands and called themselves Jews, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party threatened a minority of their citizens. Yet, we Christians refuse to admit that the Jews are essentially right, the construction of the Third Temple, almost certainly precedes the return of Mashiach ben David (I believe this is the technical Jewish name for Yahshua/Jesus), in glory to rule all nations. The Jews teach that there are two Messiah's, Christians of course get all uppidy over what Jews say, I say Mashiach ben David, is Yahshua/Jesus and Mashiach ben Ephrayim/Yosef is described to do many exploits similar to the last Elijah so this Jewish term should not be offensive to us.

The Lamb of Atonement has been Slain. There is no longer a need for a Temple.
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Oh...since you are interested in this thread, I will certainly appreciate receiving your comments on this other somewhat related post as well:


Seeking co-applicants for anti global warming award.

Maybe I am wrong but I regard the Virgin Earth anti-global warming challenge as comparable to how Pharaoh asked his advisors to intreptret his alarming dream. Joseph not only did this but also told Pharaoh how to prepare for the predicted time of famine.


The Virgin Earth Challenge is a prize of $25m for whoever can demonstrate to the judges' satisfaction a commercially viable design which results in the removal of anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases so as to contribute materially to the stability of Earth’s climate.
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Atonement is not complete until the great DAY of JUDGMENT aka The Yom Kippur for all time performed by Yeshua our High Priest.
I LOVE your siganture.

Visionary, what do you think of the idea that the physical creation is a form of scripture, and is itself essentially comparable with Torah??
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I LOVE your siganture.

Visionary, what do you think of the idea that the physical creation is a form of scripture, and is itself essentially comparable with Torah??
be thankful to the Most High that you have a keybord that is fully functional, when copying and pasting a's it is easy to miss and look like a guy who flunked spelling in elementary school.... (or is that elemantery????)....definitely not the best wy to strt off run for public office....

or to apply for a $25 million dollar anti-global warming award...

...but then gin..Jesus/Yhushu is the leph..the beginning...and as I paste in these a's I am thinking that if I don't honor Jesus/Yahushua with my words, thoughts and actions...I'm in a lot of trouble....
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
I LOVE your signature.

Visionary, what do you think of the idea that the physical creation is a form of scripture, and is itself essentially comparable with Torah??
Absolutely just like the names of the first generations from Adam tell the story of redemption. The stars all in their circles tell of the story of the battle of good and evil in their season.
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