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Vision of Trump


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Jul 27, 2009
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Thanks for sharing your personal experiences. God works in so many diverse ways. I am glad that you are gifted.
Thanks for sharing your personal experiences. God works in so many diverse ways. I am glad that you are gifted.
I really appreciate your kindness in that post. It can be concerning to share such experiences as some people may just think you are, well, nuts.
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Jul 27, 2009
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Sounds like the first horseman has a bow from what you are saying. You know what that bow could symbolize? The rainbow junk movement that has started. I think the Great Tribulation will begin sometime this century. What technology was in your Last Days vision? Did it look a bit more advanced than today's tech?
I just now saw this particular post. I did not want to give the impression that I had some kind of sweeping detailed view of the last days. That would not be true.

There are some few things I feel I was shown, but they are controversial and best not gotten into. Again, why should anyone believe me? But I do believe that the book of Revelation is telling us accurately what is to come.

I will share this, though. As I said, we need to be prayed up, praised up and obeyed up. But more than that, per all the prompting I have been getting

In Joshua 1 Joshua was told to not let the words of the Lord depart out of his mouth. He was told to mutter on them day and night.

He was a warrior, leading his people to many victories.
But we are warriors too in very dangerous and concerning times.

Since you seem to be curious about what I feel I have been shown about the last days, well this is what I personally think is by far the most important.

That we keep muttering the Word day and night. I have favorited bible promises and Bible based songs on YouTube, that I sing along with or speak with ongoing.

I guess that seems extreme. And it’s not easy. It seems easy but we need prayer to make us faithful.

It seems extreme, but these are extreme times and far more extreme times are coming. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to the destroying of strongholds. Casting down vain imaginations, and bringing every thought captive to Yahushuah” aka Christ.

I don’t think there is any better way to be keeping our mind stayed on Christ, than for us to be muttering his words. And by the way, we have so many more than Joshua had since we now have the New Testament, the Psalms, Proverbs and so on.

We are also told that the word of the Lord is a hammer that breaks the rock. The rocks are the things that are causing us our problems. And so many times, so many times, the Lord keeps inaudibly telling me to “hammer.”

But of course, you can reality check all of this with the Scriptures and with the Lord, for yourself as you wish.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Dec 24, 2005
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I really appreciate your kindness in that post. It can be concerning to share such experiences as some people may just think you are, well, nuts.

Not me! I do not think you are nuts! lol

Rather, what I see is a sister who was courageous in publicly sharing her dream ...
obedient in doing so ...
knowing she may catch some 'flack' from folks for doing it!

I do believe God still speaks thru dreams and visions.
That an intercessor would be used in this way, comes as absolutely no surprise to me.

I expect to see more of the supernatural move of God, as we move forward together into the end times.
(Least, I sure hope that we will!)

Thank you for sharing your dream.
Praying for Donald Trump.
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Aug 11, 2023
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I just now saw this particular post. I did not want to give the impression that I had some kind of sweeping detailed view of the last days. That would not be true.

There are some few things I feel I was shown, but they are controversial and best not gotten into. Again, why should anyone believe me? But I do believe that the book of Revelation is telling us accurately what is to come.

I will share this, though. As I said, we need to be prayed up, praised up and obeyed up. But more than that, per all the prompting I have been getting

In Joshua 1 Joshua was told to not let the words of the Lord depart out of his mouth. He was told to mutter on them day and night.

He was a warrior, leading his people to many victories.
But we are warriors too in very dangerous and concerning times.

Since you seem to be curious about what I feel I have been shown about the last days, well this is what I personally think is by far the most important.

That we keep muttering the Word day and night. I have favorited bible promises and Bible based songs on YouTube, that I sing along with or speak with ongoing.

I guess that seems extreme. And it’s not easy. It seems easy but we need prayer to make us faithful.

It seems extreme, but these are extreme times and far more extreme times are coming. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to the destroying of strongholds. Casting down vain imaginations, and bringing every thought captive to Yahushuah” aka Christ.

I don’t think there is any better way to be keeping our mind stayed on Christ, than for us to be muttering his words. And by the way, we have so many more than Joshua had since we now have the New Testament, the Psalms, Proverbs and so on.

We are also told that the word of the Lord is a hammer that breaks the rock. The rocks are the things that are causing us our problems. And so many times, so many times, the Lord keeps inaudibly telling me to “hammer.”

But of course, you can reality check all of this with the Scriptures and with the Lord, for yourself as you wish.
Amen. I do not mutter the Word every day, but I do try to tell folks about Jesus' words in Matthew, and I have started listening to Christian music more again (1970s-2000s). But yes, we must pray everyday. Revelation is going to happen soon.
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Jul 27, 2009
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Not me! I do not think you are nuts! lol

Rather, what I see is a sister who was courageous in publicly sharing her dream ...
obedient in doing so ...
knowing she may catch some 'flack' from folks for doing it!

I do believe God still speaks thru dreams and visions.
That an intercessor would be used in this way, comes as absolutely no surprise to me.

I expect to see more of the supernatural move of God, as we move forward together into the end times.
(Least, I sure hope that we will!)

Thank you for sharing your dream.
Praying for Donald Trump.
I thank you for your words of encouragement. And I do agree that as evil increases, so will the supernatural moves of our Father for his people.
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Jul 27, 2009
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Amen. I do not mutter the Word every day, but I do try to tell folks about Jesus' words in Matthew, and I have started listening to Christian music more again (1970s-2000s). But yes, we must pray everyday. Revelation is going to happen soon.
Yeal I like the older Christian music too. Even from past centuries.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Dec 24, 2005
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I thank you for your words of encouragement. And I do agree that as evil increases, so will the supernatural moves of our Father for his people.
So many have lost faith in the spiritual gifts, if they ever had it.
But the church needs them ... and especially now, the church in America ... because we're headed for persecution.
I don't see that kind of faith now, but I believe it will happen. Posts like yours, they give me hope.

God bless.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Yeal I like the older Christian music too. Even from past centuries.
Agreed. Christian music was good, even the really old stuff from the classical period, though I am less familiar with classic Christian music, though Ave Maria is beautiful.

Ave Maria (Cinematic Version):

Latin Lyrics (Schubert, 1825):
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Gratia plena Maria,
gratia plena Maria,
gratia plena Ave,
ave dominus
Dominus tecum
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Aug 11, 2023
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Though I am no longer Roman Catholic, and do not sing the lyrics to this song, I agree that the music of Ava Maria is incredibly beautiful. Maybe the most beautiful melody in the world.
It is one of the most beautiful melodies in the world. Regardless of denomination, we both trust in Jesus. :) We are all brethren in Christ.
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Jesus Saves
Jun 20, 2024
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Most folks do not get visions anymore in the New Testament era.
I think visions are a part of the imagination. We are not allowed to talk about them on here. We are not even allowed to talk about our dreams on here.

Acts 2 17
“’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Dec 24, 2005
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I think visions are a part of the imagination. We are not allowed to talk about them on here. We are not even allowed to talk about our dreams on here.
Yes, there is a place on CF where dreams and visions can be discussed, by persons who believe the sign gifts of the Spirit are still active in the church today. It is called the "Sign Gifts" forum (a subforum found under the "Spiritual Gifts" forum). Here is a link to it:

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CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
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I think visions are a part of the imagination. We are not allowed to talk about them on here. We are not even allowed to talk about our dreams on here.

Acts 2 17
“’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
I will say what @mourningdove~ said. For myself, I do not trust in visions that much, and have never gotten any. Anyways, I have to leave this thread to deal with some my Olympics thread.
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Jul 27, 2009
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I think visions are a part of the imagination. We are not allowed to talk about them on here. We are not even allowed to talk about our dreams on here.

Acts 2 17
“’In the last days, the Lord says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”
I am confused. You did include this quote from the Bible, which is what I go by:
Acts 2 17
“’In the last days, the Lord I lsays, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

At the same time you were saying that you think visions are part of the imagination.

So are you saying that what Acts 2 describes should all be considered those peoples’ imaginations?

No doubt that is true at least sometimes. But is that what Acts 2 is talking about? That is a rhetorical question as I feel I already know the answer.

In Acts 2 does it say that people should feel free to give their personal interpretations of what a vision means to them that came from someone else? Of course you’re free to do that. But it’s your opinion. And the Bible never tells us to seek such advice. Of course, we are free to seek advice if we want to, but we were never told that we must accept other people’s opinions, especially if they seem to us to conflict with the Scriptures.
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Jul 27, 2009
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Yes, there is a place on CF where dreams and visions can be discussed, by persons who believe the sign gifts of the Spirit are still active in the church today. It is called the "Sign Gifts" forum (a subforum found under the "Spiritual Gifts" forum). Here is a link to it:

Thank you for the link.
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Jesus Saves
Jun 20, 2024
United States
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At the same time you were saying that you think visions are part of the imagination.
Sorry I did not make that more clear. As Christian we have dreams and visions. But we are not allowed to tell our dreams and visions here on this forum. There are christians who will question if your dream or vision really came from God. My response is FINE, just consider it a product of the imagination if you do not think God is talking to us. Half the books in the library are fiction. Yet there is still truth in them.

Yes, thanks for pointing out that there is a difference between imagination and dreams and visions.
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Jul 27, 2009
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Sorry I did not make that more clear. As Christian we have dreams and visions. But we are not allowed to tell our dreams and visions here on this forum. There are christians who will question if your dream or vision really came from God. My response is FINE, just consider it a product of the imagination if you do not think God is talking to us. Half the books in the library are fiction. Yet there is still truth in them.

Yes, thanks for pointing out that there is a difference between imagination and dreams and visions.
That was a gracious reply indeed. I will go to that other forum as maybe I feel a need to, in the future.
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Jun 25, 2018
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There is no way for me to reality check the things I am going to present below. But one way or another I hope you will consider these issues worthy of prayer for light from the Lord.

World rulers used have cup bearers who would taste their kings’ food so that there was no chance of anyone poisoning them.

I am praying for Trump to have a cup bearer, in a modern sense.

And here is why. Again, please just pray about it to get the Lord’s guidance.

Over a week ago, I suddenly had this vision of Trump in a coffin, from the chest up. There were no visible wounds. There was no explanation. But at about the same time I kept inaudibly being brought the word “poison”. Finally, I put two and two together.

I would certainly not be the first person to be concerned that Trump‘s enemies might try to poison him. Poison can mimic illness, especially for an elderly person. It wouldn’t leave visible wounds on the outside of the body.

Funny thing, as I was pondering whether or not to leave this post, I felt told inaudibly that milk would be the greatest source of danger. So I researched to see if Trump even drinks milk. And apparently he loves raw milk.

And come to think of it, raw milk is not all nice and bottled up to prevent tampering, unlike, I assume,standard milk is.

Once again, why should you believe me? But if you feel so led, please pray for Trump not to be poisoned. (I know a lot of you are praying for his safety already, of course.)

And by the way, I’m really not a political fan of anybody. But I sure wouldn’t like to see our nation being traumatized by an assassination of a major political figure. And of course murder is breaking a major commandment

This isn't saying what you think it is.

I'll pray on it.
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