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Valdres Prophecy from 1964


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The last part of this post is a prophecy given back in around 1964. It was received by a 90 year old woman, and delivered to a Christian preacher Emanuel Minos, who was known as the Billy Graham of the North. At the time that he wrote it down he felt it too extreme to be true, so put it away in a draw. In 1993 he was cleaning out the draw and he read it again. Realizing that many of the things specified in the prophecy had come to pass he began to preach it in his meetings. This post contains a transcript from one of his meetings where he shared the prophecy. The prophecy details the Third World War, started between Russia and the West, and that it will turn Nuclear. Why is this important right now? Russia, in the Ukraine conflict, is threatening to use nuclear weapons against the West. A thing that the prophecy details. We need to seriously consider its words.

In summary the prophecy read by Minos states:

There will first be a period of long calm between the superpowers. With the relaxing of tensions there will even be disarmament in some countries. People will make long term plans. Then a war will break out between East and West. At the end of the war Nuclear (and other) weapons will be fired into the Industrialized nations, like America, Europe, Australia, Japan and others.

The prophecy states, before the war starts the following will occur:

The church will become complacent, caught up in entertainments, and no longer open to preaching about repentance. Preaching will become about prosperity and personal happiness, a kind of prosperity preaching. Prayer houses will become empty, and the churches also.

TV will show violence, and sex scenes. The violence and sex will form the attitudes of many. People will live together without being married. Adultery will be common. Homosexuality will spread through society, and even be accepted in many churches.

There will be problems with immigration into Europe, many of the people who try to immigrate will be hated in the countries where they go to.

At this point when our sins have reach a peak the war will break out, it will start small, then grow. In the end Nuclear weapons will be fired into the Industrialized nations like America, Europe, Australia, Japan and others. The air and water will become polluted, and people will no longer be able to live in those nations, and those remaining will have to flee into the poor nations, where they will not be received favourably.

Job 22:23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be built up; if you will remove iniquity far from your tents.


I had studied in Oxford, I had been in Oxford at the university for five years. In total I was in Oxford for seven years. Two years studying language and five years at the university. When I got back from my studying in Oxford, I got a calling in Norway that I had never got before. I got a calling from the Norwegian church; and I arrived to a church in a place called Valdres; a valley that is incredibly beautiful. I held Mass there, I kept to the scriptures, and it was not a prophetic message. But when the preaching was done and the meeting was over, I was standing with the elder of the church of a nearby village. My wife was also there. Then an old lady approached. She said she was 90 years old: "Do you want to write this down" she said "Cause I have had a vision of when Jesus returns; and when the Third World War breaks out." So I wrote the vision down. She said "When God reminds you of this, then you shall read this on your meetings." But when I returned to Oslo, and had read trough the vision, I said to myself, this is to radical, its too extreme, I could never read this on an open meeting. So I put it away in a drawer. This was in 1964; and it stayed there. But then in 1993, I was cleaning out this drawer, and the vision fell out. I looked at it, and much had come to pass. Much had been fulfilled. I said to myself, I will find courage, and read this on a meeting when I speak of Jesus return; and this I have done, and it has attracted a lot of attention; after this it has been published in several newspapers. Now I will tell you what she said: "It was like a map was rolled out in front of me; I saw it with my natural eyes." Cause I asked her if she saw it within herself, "no" she said, "I saw it with my natural eyes. It was like a map and I saw it with my natural eyes. On the map was all of the continents. I noticed Europe, Scandinavia and Norway. What I was allowed to see was things that should take place before the return of Jesus, and the breakout of the Third World War". The vision is split in four parts, this is the first part. "Before Jesus returns, and before the Third World War breaks out. There will be a calm period". This was in the time of the cold war; she continued "There will be a long period of peace between the great powers of the world. People will make long term plans. In our country there will be disarmament; and we will once again be unprepared, just as we were in the 9th of April 1940; when Hitler and Germany occupied Norway. The Third World War starts in a way that no one expected; and from a totally unexpected direction”. The second part: "There will be a falling away, that does not have any comparison; from true and real Christianity. Among the believers many will be lukewarm. They will no longer be open to examine their beliefs. People will not want to hear about sin and grace, the gospel, repentance. A new kind of preaching will take over the pulpit. It will be about searching for happiness, success and material gains. A kind of prosperity gospel. The churches will start to become empty. The same with the prayer houses. The believers will no longer want to follow Jesus on the narrow path. Entertainment, Art and cultural happenings will take more and more of what before was revival preaching, repentance and need". This was the second part, third part: "There will be a moral falling away, such as we have never witnessed before. People will be living like married without being married". At this time there was no concept of this kind of living arrangements, so the old lady expressed herself like this. "There will be great sin and uncleanness before the marriage; and there will be much adultery in the marriages, even in the Christian ones. Homosexual sins will also start to spread; and this sin will even be accepted in Christian followings. Television will play a great part. There will be many TV stations", in this time they didn't say channels "The television will be filled with violence, and the violence will become entertainment, this violence that people see on the television will come to form the city's and villages. They will also show intimate love scenes; The most intimate that belongs to the marriage will be shown openly on the television”. When she said this I objected and told her this is not lawful in Norway. Norway has a law against this kind of thing. And when I said this she raised her voice and shouted, "When this time comes people will no longer follow this law, no one will then care about these things". Part four: "People from poor country's will pour into the rich country's. They will come to Europe, Scandinavia and Norway, there will be many that comes, and the people will start to dislike them and threat them harshly.” When she said this she started crying. “They will threat them more and more like the Jews before the second world war. When this happens, then the measure of our sins is full, and the war will break out. At first it will be a little conflict, an insignificant dispute but it will not end instead it magnifies and spreads, Finally it escalates into a big war, at the end of this war there is terrible weapons used, among other atomic weapons. The air, water and earth is poisoned and ruined. People from the industrialized country's in America, Europa, Australia, Japan and others will have to flee, they can not stay there. They will flee to the poor country's that have escaped the worst, but there the people will not be very happy to receive us; in the same way that we were not willing to receive them"
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Maria Billingsley

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The last part of this post is a prophecy given back in around 1964. It was received by a 90 year old woman, and delivered to a Christian preacher Emanuel Minos, who was known as the Billy Graham of the North. At the time that he wrote it down he felt it too extreme to be true, so put it away in a draw. In 1993 he was cleaning out the draw and he read it again. Realizing that many of the things specified in the prophecy had come to pass he began to preach it in his meetings. This post contains a transcript from one of his meetings where he shared the prophecy. The prophecy details the Third World War, started between Russia and the West, and that it will turn Nuclear. Why is this important right now? Russia, in the Ukraine conflict, is threatening to use nuclear weapons against the West. A thing that the prophecy details. We need to seriously consider its words.

In summary the prophecy read by Minos states:

There will first be a period of long calm between the superpowers. With the relaxing of tensions there will even be disarmament in some countries. People will make long term plans. Then a war will break out between East and West. At the end of the war Nuclear (and other) weapons will be fired into the Industrialized nations, like America, Europe, Australia, Japan and others.

The prophecy states, before the war starts the following will occur:

The church will become complacent, caught up in entertainments, and no longer open to preaching about repentance. Preaching will become about prosperity and personal happiness, a kind of prosperity preaching. Prayer houses will become empty, and the churches also.

TV will show violence, and sex scenes. The violence and sex will form the attitudes of many. People will live together without being married. Adultery will be common. Homosexuality will spread through society, and even be accepted in many churches.

There will be problems with immigration into Europe, many of the people who try to immigrate will be hated in the countries where they go to.

At this point when our sins have reach a peak the war will break out, it will start small, then grow. In the end Nuclear weapons will be fired into the Industrialized nations like America, Europe, Australia, Japan and others. The air and water will become polluted, and people will no longer be able to live in those nations, and those remaining will have to flee into the poor nations, where they will not be received favourably.

Job 22:23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be built up; if you will remove iniquity far from your tents.


I had studied in Oxford, I had been in Oxford at the university for five years. In total I was in Oxford for seven years. Two years studying language and five years at the university. When I got back from my studying in Oxford, I got a calling in Norway that I had never got before. I got a calling from the Norwegian church; and I arrived to a church in a place called Valdres; a valley that is incredibly beautiful. I held Mass there, I kept to the scriptures, and it was not a prophetic message. But when the preaching was done and the meeting was over, I was standing with the elder of the church of a nearby village. My wife was also there. Then an old lady approached. She said she was 90 years old: "Do you want to write this down" she said "Cause I have had a vision of when Jesus returns; and when the Third World War breaks out." So I wrote the vision down. She said "When God reminds you of this, then you shall read this on your meetings." But when I returned to Oslo, and had read trough the vision, I said to myself, this is to radical, its too extreme, I could never read this on an open meeting. So I put it away in a drawer. This was in 1964; and it stayed there. But then in 1993, I was cleaning out this drawer, and the vision fell out. I looked at it, and much had come to pass. Much had been fulfilled. I said to myself, I will find courage, and read this on a meeting when I speak of Jesus return; and this I have done, and it has attracted a lot of attention; after this it has been published in several newspapers. Now I will tell you what she said: "It was like a map was rolled out in front of me; I saw it with my natural eyes." Cause I asked her if she saw it within herself, "no" she said, "I saw it with my natural eyes. It was like a map and I saw it with my natural eyes. On the map was all of the continents. I noticed Europe, Scandinavia and Norway. What I was allowed to see was things that should take place before the return of Jesus, and the breakout of the Third World War". The vision is split in four parts, this is the first part. "Before Jesus returns, and before the Third World War breaks out. There will be a calm period". This was in the time of the cold war; she continued "There will be a long period of peace between the great powers of the world. People will make long term plans. In our country there will be disarmament; and we will once again be unprepared, just as we were in the 9th of April 1940; when Hitler and Germany occupied Norway. The Third World War starts in a way that no one expected; and from a totally unexpected direction”. The second part: "There will be a falling away, that does not have any comparison; from true and real Christianity. Among the believers many will be lukewarm. They will no longer be open to examine their beliefs. People will not want to hear about sin and grace, the gospel, repentance. A new kind of preaching will take over the pulpit. It will be about searching for happiness, success and material gains. A kind of prosperity gospel. The churches will start to become empty. The same with the prayer houses. The believers will no longer want to follow Jesus on the narrow path. Entertainment, Art and cultural happenings will take more and more of what before was revival preaching, repentance and need". This was the second part, third part: "There will be a moral falling away, such as we have never witnessed before. People will be living like married without being married". At this time there was no concept of this kind of living arrangements, so the old lady expressed herself like this. "There will be great sin and uncleanness before the marriage; and there will be much adultery in the marriages, even in the Christian ones. Homosexual sins will also start to spread; and this sin will even be accepted in Christian followings. Television will play a great part. There will be many TV stations", in this time they didn't say channels "The television will be filled with violence, and the violence will become entertainment, this violence that people see on the television will come to form the city's and villages. They will also show intimate love scenes; The most intimate that belongs to the marriage will be shown openly on the television”. When she said this I objected and told her this is not lawful in Norway. Norway has a law against this kind of thing. And when I said this she raised her voice and shouted, "When this time comes people will no longer follow this law, no one will then care about these things". Part four: "People from poor country's will pour into the rich country's. They will come to Europe, Scandinavia and Norway, there will be many that comes, and the people will start to dislike them and threat them harshly.” When she said this she started crying. “They will threat them more and more like the Jews before the second world war. When this happens, then the measure of our sins is full, and the war will break out. At first it will be a little conflict, an insignificant dispute but it will not end instead it magnifies and spreads, Finally it escalates into a big war, at the end of this war there is terrible weapons used, among other atomic weapons. The air, water and earth is poisoned and ruined. People from the industrialized country's in America, Europa, Australia, Japan and others will have to flee, they can not stay there. They will flee to the poor country's that have escaped the worst, but there the people will not be very happy to receive us; in the same way that we were not willing to receive them"
Sounds like a good prophesy for those who oppose immigration.
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I remember maybe 20+ years ago now when I was in my late 20's, working at a church cafe. I heard what I felt was God say, "If you are asked about 'do you believe he will launch nuclear missiles', you are to say "yes", and I felt something was happening with Iran. Now having encountered the The Valdres Prophecy over the last few years, studied it, and today seeing Iran launch normal missiles against Israel, in a cryptic way, I believe the Valdres Prophecy may well come to pass (future tense). It is interesting that at approximately the same time 20 years ago, I was trying to hear God to speak to our politicians, and over and over I heard "a Nuclear Attack", which I disregarded at the time.
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Richard T

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Sounds like a valid and quite serious prophecy to me. It would helpful if someone knew how this woman's walk with God was plus her track record on other words. Seems it bears witness to what God told you and the same criteria would apply as well.

We know in part, and we prophecy in part. What do we know? We can see an escalation every week. Every conflict is widening. Some have yet to present themselves in war form but the posturing and preparing is there. We know there are unusual meetings between heads of state. We know China is storing up commodities, we know there have been lots of testing, from air balloons to incursions into territory or near territory in many nations.

It is biblical that every believer has some prophetic signs or guidance from God on all kinds of stuff. Many however cannot connect the dots. What has God told you about what is to come ahead? Now does any of that line up with a limited nuclear war? What do you prophecy?

For me the answer is possibly. I have never heard from God directly about nuclear war, but I have had leadings on some economic events that are extreme. I had a dream that suggested there could be another internment of a people group similar to WWII. I have thought too that some Americans might become refugees. I think others are seeing this possibility too. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/10/rich-americans-get-second-passports-citing-risk-of-instability.html

I too have been thinking that Mutually Assured Destruction is a poor theory. Of course there can be a limited nuclear exchange. No one knows for certain how some leaders will react. If America has a few cities hit, will the response really be to escalate or would it be tit for tat?

So the next thing to ask yourself, what are you doing in faith or in fear? Noah feared (reverence) and he built the ark. God showed me that faith is what is expected. It is not always what you hope for. No one hopes for a negative event. That is a poor translation in Heb 11. These are not things most hope for in this life, yet these people and Noah had faith in things not seen.

Hebrews 11:35-38 (KJV)
35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.

Others can only help you so far. We must personally have evidence of what is to come? What are you planning? Where is your faith? Are you contemplating the times?

Many are prepping. Many are looking at all kinds of alternatives, some are arming. For myself, I am prepared if there is war through certain investments. I also am traveling to another country. Something I had planned to do for reasons that have nothing to do with potential wars. But it is interesting that I will be gone before and after the election.

In an age where many falsely prophecy, it is not easy to discern what is going on. But we each have the Holy Spirit. But what do you know, and what part of you has guidance? I pray you can connect the dots, that you would be fully aware in God of your safety and preparedness needs.

Is it possible to hear from God? Yes, a thousand times yes! In the Oklahoma City bombing, I recall a story of a women who worked at the Federal building. God told her to not go to work that day. Praise God she listened, that she did not have an argument with her husband and missed God that day.

So thanks for sharing this woman's prophecy and your own personal experiences. I do not think that Iran can nuke Israel, but Putin's changes in nuclear doctrine sure seem to make the likelihood that there might someday be some limited nuclear attack.

may God help us all.
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Others can only help you so far. We must personally have evidence of what is to come? What are you planning? Where is your faith? Are you contemplating the times?
Some 10 years ago now I had a dream of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in the dreams, I had 3, one was full of light and God told me the End was upon us. I felt like the very end of my life was here.

I feel that we are entering the End Times, as the woman stated. As for what evidence do I have personally, not a lot, but I will seek God further. I could be wrong about the vision I had 20 years ago. But I do think the woman's prophecy is correct, be it a warning like Jonah to Ninivah, or maybe even something that will definitely happen.

As for what am I planning, I plan to seek God to see if I should move to my wife's home country China rather than stay here.

Where is my faith, it is in God, but I probably have a small marginal fear of what could happen.
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Have just been watching some prophecy by David Wilkerson he stated in the 1980's

"that America is Babylon the Great harlot of Revelation that will be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust."

If that is the case then let's see what God says:

Rev 18:3-5 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury." And I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

This would seem an extreme statement, but this would show me we are to leave these rich countries. Regardless of what people think, this is the direction I will be taking for my family. I tend to trust the prophecy of Valdres, and Wilkerson.
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When this happens, then the measure of our sins is full, and the war will break out. At first it will be a little conflict, an insignificant dispute but it will not end instead it magnifies and spreads, Finally it escalates into a big war, at the end of this war there is terrible weapons used, among other atomic weapons. The air, water and earth is poisoned and ruined. People from the industrialized country's in America, Europa, Australia, Japan and others will have to flee, they can not stay there. They will flee to the poor country's that have escaped the worst, but there the people will not be very happy to receive us; in the same way that we were not willing to receive them"

Jesus didn't put all this time into America making it a hub for Christianity to reach the world just to allow it to be decimated by nuclear weapons. It is as much His country as it is ours.
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Jesus didn't put all this time into America making it a hub for Christianity to reach the world just to allow it to be decimated by nuclear weapons. It is as much His country as it is ours.
David R. Wilkerson in the book Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth (1993[8]) said:

America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America - and the nation will be no more. It is because America has sinned against the greatest light. Other nations are just as sinful, but none other are flooded with the gospel light as ours. God is going to judge America for its violence, its crimes, its backsliding, its murdering of millions of babies, its flaunting of homosexuality and sadomasochism, its corruption, its drunkenness and drug abuse, its form of godliness without power, its lukewarmness toward Christ, its rampant divorce and adultery, its lewd pornography, its child molestations, it cheating, its robbing, its dirty movies, and its occult practices. In one hour it will all be over. To the natural mind it is insanity to come against a prosperous, powerful nation and cry out, "It's all over! Judgment is at the door! Our days are numbered!" The church is asleep, the congregations are at ease, and the shepherds slumber. - David R. Wilkerson (1993[8])
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Aug 12, 2007
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David R. Wilkerson in the book Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth (1993[8]) said:

America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America - and the nation will be no more. It is because America has sinned against the greatest light. Other nations are just as sinful, but none other are flooded with the gospel light as ours. God is going to judge America for its violence, its crimes, its backsliding, its murdering of millions of babies, its flaunting of homosexuality and sadomasochism, its corruption, its drunkenness and drug abuse, its form of godliness without power, its lukewarmness toward Christ, its rampant divorce and adultery, its lewd pornography, its child molestations, it cheating, its robbing, its dirty movies, and its occult practices. In one hour it will all be over. To the natural mind it is insanity to come against a prosperous, powerful nation and cry out, "It's all over! Judgment is at the door! Our days are numbered!" The church is asleep, the congregations are at ease, and the shepherds slumber. - David R. Wilkerson (1993[8])

I really don't care what some person has to say about it. When I have The Lord Jesus telling me that America is His country also, and He is not showing me any plans on destroying it,..... I accept His word from heaven over anyone else down here.
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I really don't care what some person has to say about it. When I have The Lord Jesus telling me that America is His country also, and He is not showing me any plans on destroying it,..... I accept His word from heaven over anyone else down here.
There may be some time before the final judgment predicted by this woman. But it pays to take it seriously, she was 100% spot on with her predictions. I would say it is better to ask the LORD, "Will these things occur?"
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