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Tucker Carlson warns a 'spiritual battle' is under way in America — then he reveals its No. 1 target: 'Very obvious now'


Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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Like I wrote, Alex, I agree that there is such a thing as evil, demons, possession, etc. I just don't think Tucker Carlson is someone to listen to about anything like that, as he is ultimately an entertainer and pundit. As to Fr. Anthony's comments, I don't know exactly what he is talking about, since I don't pay attention to Hollywood or the music industry. I can say that the monks and priests who I personally know verify that there are cases of possession and such that are dealt with in our monasteries in Egypt (NB: Muslims will often go to monasteries or call upon the services of priests to cleanse houses after someone has died, since they say that the Islamic leaders do not deal with 'lesser' spirits such as these), though not being from there, I have personally never seen this.
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Like I wrote, Alex, I agree that there is such a thing as evil, demons, possession, etc. I just don't think Tucker Carlson is someone to listen to about anything like that, as he is ultimately an entertainer and pundit. As to Fr. Anthony's comments, I don't know exactly what he is talking about, since I don't pay attention to Hollywood or the music industry. I can say that the monks and priests who I personally know verify that there are cases of possession and such that are dealt with in our monasteries in Egypt (NB: Muslims will often go to monasteries or call upon the services of priests to cleanse houses after someone has died, since they say that the Islamic leaders do not deal with 'lesser' spirits such as these), though not being from there, I have personally never seen this.
I do agree that Tucker was not the best mouthpiece for the topic of spiritual warfare, but Fr. Anthony is a good guy. Hollywood and the music industry are promoting woke ideologies such as gender affirmations, and dark music videos that are highly perverted. Around 10-20 years ago, this was way less common.

What we really need are not entertainers such as Tucker telling us about spiritual warfare, but everyday individuals, pastors and priests talking about it. Sadly, many churches are afraid to bring up this topic, cos they are afraid of alienating members of the church. Even a 24-year-old guy such as myself talked about spiritual warfare, with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 (KJV): "Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Excerpt from May 2, 2024 Devotional: "The entertainment industry often pushes the boundaries of morality and decency, with movies, TV shows, music, and video games that glorify violence, sex, and other sinful behaviors. While it's important to remember that not all entertainment is evil, it's essential to be discerning and to avoid anything that may lead us into sin or compromise our spiritual growth."

Abstaining from Evil Devotional:
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May 22, 2015
True, Any person that uses Christ for personal gain or political power is going to have a reckoning in eternity. He and ones like Michael Flynn are mocking Christ.
I agree if that's what they are doing. Chriat was never about personal power though he had it. And he had the opportunity for political power and didn't use it either.

However God recognizes government is necessary and has ordained it for a purpose. I don't believe he cares if a person seeks political power as long as it's not used wrongly. If it's actually used to help people, free people and protect people from evil then I think it's fine. Because you are fulfilling God's plan for government.

Are Biden and Trump seeking g power for power sake? Will they be using it to protect people from evil or to do evil?

God is the ultimate judge on that because we can't know their heart. We can judge their actions. And if they are wrong then they are wrong.

I'll let God be the judge of the heart. That's his purview.
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May 22, 2015
Christianity may indeed be under attack in the USA, but if that is so, then the attack is coming from inside the house.
The attack is coming from Satan. And scripture tells us there will be false teachers in the house that we have to be on the lookout for. Satan know if he can damage the church he will hinder the gospel. He has always been the true enemy of all.

Christ has always been the savior of all who believe.
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Why would a person believe that a spiritual battle would be external between people and not our own internal struggle?

Because of a bunch of people having their own internal struggles becomes an external thing.

For example: when my pain level is high I get cranky. While the struggle with pain is internal, how I react to it can be external. (Just a small example here)

A bunch of people having internal struggles of varying kinds shows outwardly.
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Tucker Carlson's a fool,

"and whosoever shall say to his brother, ‘Raca,’ shall be in danger of the council; but whosoever shall say, ‘Thou fool,’ shall be in danger of hell fire." Matthew 5:22
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The attack is coming from Satan. And scripture tells us there will be false teachers in the house that we have to be on the lookout for. Satan know if he can damage the church he will hinder the gospel. He has always been the true enemy of all.

Christ has always been the savior of all who believe.
And you are the one who is to tell us what we must believe? Got it.

But since this "attack" is apparently directed at a specific minority of Christians rather than Christianity as a whole, how do you know it isn't God who's behind it rather than Satan?
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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"and whosoever shall say to his brother, ‘Raca,’ shall be in danger of the council; but whosoever shall say, ‘Thou fool,’ shall be in danger of hell fire." Matthew 5:22

How is Tucker Carlson my brother? He's an entertainer and pundit, not some kind of Christian personality beyond knowing his audience well enough to exploit their assumed Christianity as political conservatives.

Also, I only used the specific word "fool" because in the past when I have used other words, I have been rightly chastised by fellow Christians here to use a more Biblically-appropriate word. Secularly-speaking, the guy's an idiot.
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May 22, 2015
And you are the one who is to tell us what we must believe? Got it.

But since this "attack" is apparently directed at a specific minority of Christians rather than Christianity as a whole, how do you know it isn't God who's behind it rather than Satan?
Some good questions.

As to the first I'm not telling anyone what tgey must belive. I'm just saying that all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved. Jesus said whomever believes on him will be saved. You don't have to believe if you don't want to. But if you do want to be saved then that's the way to do it.

I don't think the attack is on a certain minority of Christians. It's on the Church as a whole. The Church is made up of all of all who believe.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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I am not confused with anything that Tucker Carlson said. As a Christian, Carlson is saying that evil is, and has been, attacking Christianity and anyone who wants to do good works for the Lord.
Has he said how Christianity is being attacked?
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Some good questions.

As to the first I'm not telling anyone what tgey must belive. I'm just saying that all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved. Jesus said whomever believes on him will be saved. You don't have to believe if you don't want to. But if you do want to be saved then that's the way to do it.

I don't think the attack is on a certain minority of Christians. It's on the Church as a whole. The Church is made up of all of all who believe.
Then why aren't the rest of us being attacked?
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Like I wrote, Alex, I agree that there is such a thing as evil, demons, possession, etc. I just don't think Tucker Carlson is someone to listen to about anything like that, as he is ultimately an entertainer and pundit...

Demonisation is a phenomenon where people attribute supernatural evil influences to their enemies. And it's almost always proof that somebody doesn't know anything about what they are talking about and is engaged in peddling flim-flam.
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Then why aren't the rest of us being attacked?
I have not been attacked, though, not everyone likes when I say Bible stuff, so that is why I focus on showing people good deeds first, then I tell them about how Jesus told us to treat others with kindness. The Beatitudes are the most important part of the Bible besides the Gospel of Salvation.
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Do you believe on the Lord Jesus as your Lord a savior?
Of course, but I don't give a hoot about the rest of the doctrine--that Jesus hates gun control, thinks global warming is a hoax, wants LGBTs back in the closet, refugees behind a wall and above all else that Trump should be President whether he gets enough votes or not.
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Of course, but I don't give a hoot about the rest of the doctrine--that Jesus hates gun control, thinks global warming is a hoax, wants refugees behind a wall and above all else that Trump should be President whether he gets enough votes or not.
Amen to the first part.

God wants us to protect the environment, and protect others. :) And Trump is almost the antithesis of Christianity, and reminds me of Psalm 10:2-7 (the wicked man). Biden reminds me of the complacent Christian from 2 Timothy 4:3 who wants to tickle people's ears. A lot of far-right and far-left Christians cherry pick Bible verses to benefit themselves, and not the greater good of the world.

DateApril 18, 2024
VersePsalm 10:2-7 (NIV): In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak, who are caught in the schemes he devises. He boasts about the cravings of his heart; he blesses the greedy and reviles the Lord. In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. His ways are always prosperous; your laws are rejected by him; he sneers at all his enemies. He says to himself, “Nothing will ever shake me.” He swears, “No one will ever do me harm.” His mouth is full of lies and threats; trouble and evil are under his tongue.
ExplanationThis passage describes the arrogant and wicked behavior of an individual who disregards God and preys upon the weak. The wicked man hunts down and schemes against the vulnerable, boasts about his desires, blesses the greedy, and rejects God's laws.

In modern culture, we can find examples of individuals who embody the wicked man's behavior described in Psalm 10:2-7. These figures might be found in business, politics, or entertainment industries where power and wealth are highly valued. They often use their influence to manipulate, deceive, and harm others for their own gain.
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Zaha Torte

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Tucker Carlson believes the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is evidence of an ongoing "spiritual battle" in the United States. Speaking at a Heritage Foundation event at the Republican National Convention, Carlson shared his view that "deeper" forces, like evil, are behind attacks like the one that occurred at Trump's campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. "I think what happened on Saturday — the assassination attempt against President Trump — reminded a lot of people of this or awakened a lot of people to this," Carlson said on Monday.
"There is a spiritual battle under way," he added. "There is no logical way to understand what we're seeing now in temporal terms. You just can't. These are not political divides. There are forces — and they're very obvious now; they've decided, for whatever reason, to take off the mask — whose only goal is chaos, violence, destruction."

According to Carlson, the forces that he identified are "dedicated to the destruction of people," and he believes they have a common enemy: Christians.
Of course. Just as we all knew would happen.
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