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Trump Ally Bannon Must Surrender to Prison by July 1 to Start 4-Month Sentence

Aug 29, 2005
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Apr 8, 2020
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This is a non sequitur

A jury found Bannon guilty of two counts of contempt of Congress: one for refusing to sit for a deposition with the Jan. 6 House Committee and a second for refusing to provide documents related to his involvement in the Republican ex-president's efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss to Biden.

The media and establishment has not reported or explained what the constitution allows for with regards to elections. I have pasted some notes here


The electoral count act allows for dueling electors with the vice president having a function during the vote count

indicates the role of VP:


The Act was enacted by Congress in 1887, ten years after the disputed 1876 presidential election, in which several states submitted competing slates of electors and a divided Congress was unable to resolve the deadlock for weeks


The Act aimed to minimize congressional involvement in election disputes, instead placing the primary responsibility to resolve disputes upon the states.


Under the Twelfth Amendment, the vice president (as President of the Senate) opens the electoral certificates. The act clarified the vice president's limited role in the count. Both houses could overrule the vice president's decision to include or exclude votes


Congress changed the law in 2022 to prevent another J6, in other words they made a change to the constitution because what Trump supporters wanted Pence to do was in the constitution. The constitution doesn't require the VP to do this, it just allows it. If he didn't want to or his lawyers advised against it, that doesn't negate the fact that it was the law. People may disagree how to interpret the constitution, but to say that no such law exists or had never existed seems dishonest and clearly shows highly biased and inaccurate journalism which there are too many examples of

Congress passes election reform designed to ward off another Jan. 6


The omnibus spending bill includes a section that would reform the Electoral Count Act, a 1887 law that governs the counting of Electoral College votes in Congress.


It's also been argued that state legislatures have more authority than a governor or others to submit electors, even though they may seem to not exercise that power or be reluctant to. If a state legislature believes fraud was committed or for any similar reasons then there is a legal argument that they can submit their own electors and thus dueling electors would exist but the democrats are calling those fake electors:

It is theoretically possible for the governor and legislature, each representing a different political party, to submit two different election results, leading to so-called “dueling slates of electors.”


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Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Aug 19, 2018
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Others have ignored subpoenas with no consequences.
Others would include former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, former Attorney General William Barr, former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, former chief of staff Mark Meadows, and former deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino.

I guess you think it's OK to ignore the law when you think it doesn't apply to you.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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The general idea seems to be to uphold the constitution and specifically the bill of rights.
In the Constitution, who is tasked with settling legal controversies regarding "all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority"?

That's right, it's the judiciary. The Supreme Court has determined red flag laws in cases of domestic abuse are constitutional. That's it; that's the law of the land.

Sheriffs do not have any judicial duties, and obviously they don't outrank the Supreme Court.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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Others would include former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, former Attorney General William Barr, former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, former chief of staff Mark Meadows, and former deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino.

I guess you think it's OK to ignore the law when you think it doesn't apply to you.
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Aug 29, 2005
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The media and establishment has not reported or explained what the constitution allows for with regards to elections. I have pasted some notes here


The electoral count act allows for dueling electors with the vice president having a function during the vote count

indicates the role of VP:


The Act was enacted by Congress in 1887, ten years after the disputed 1876 presidential election, in which several states submitted competing slates of electors and a divided Congress was unable to resolve the deadlock for weeks


The Act aimed to minimize congressional involvement in election disputes, instead placing the primary responsibility to resolve disputes upon the states.


Under the Twelfth Amendment, the vice president (as President of the Senate) opens the electoral certificates. The act clarified the vice president's limited role in the count. Both houses could overrule the vice president's decision to include or exclude votes


Congress changed the law in 2022 to prevent another J6, in other words they made a change to the constitution because what Trump supporters wanted Pence to do was in the constitution. The constitution doesn't require the VP to do this, it just allows it. If he didn't want to or his lawyers advised against it, that doesn't negate the fact that it was the law. People may disagree how to interpret the constitution, but to say that no such law exists or had never existed seems dishonest and clearly shows highly biased and inaccurate journalism which there are too many examples of

Congress passes election reform designed to ward off another Jan. 6


The omnibus spending bill includes a section that would reform the Electoral Count Act, a 1887 law that governs the counting of Electoral College votes in Congress.


It's also been argued that state legislatures have more authority than a governor or others to submit electors, even though they may seem to not exercise that power or be reluctant to. If a state legislature believes fraud was committed or for any similar reasons then there is a legal argument that they can submit their own electors and thus dueling electors would exist but the democrats are calling those fake electors:

It is theoretically possible for the governor and legislature, each representing a different political party, to submit two different election results, leading to so-called “dueling slates of electors.”


What does any of this have to do with Bannon put in prison? Looks like you are in the wrong thread.
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Apr 8, 2020
Marlborough, MA
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What does any of this have to do with Bannon put in prison? Looks like you are in the wrong thread.

Bannon case is related to J6, J6 has too many problems to mention.

It’s almost like a meaningless process crime like disturbing the peace and ignoring the bigger picture like J6. It’s like not allowing a defendant to present his defense in court and threatening contempt of court otherwise. That’s why corruption and bias in the legal system has become more obvious to many
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Like Jim Jordan. I agree put him in prison. Who are some of the others you mention?

Eric Holder and Merrick Garland ignored subpoenas.

If no one is above the law then there would be no exception that people in government can ignore traffic laws as an example. Due to executive privilege some can apparently ignore subpoenas or not be prosecuted for contempt of congress. Either they are above the law or the claimed law is not as consequential as claimed or executive privilege goes deeper than the recent claims clearly
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Hans Blaster

E pluribus unum
Mar 11, 2017
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The general idea seems to be to uphold the constitution and specifically the bill of rights. Some sheriffs do swear an oath to the constitution.
That doesn't give them power to override it.
Steve Bannon here interviews sheriff Mack.
Oh great, a leader in anti-government militias is interviewed by an insurrectionist and fascist.
He mentions red flag laws where say if your x wife has a grudge against you then she just calls the police and they take away your guns and the process to get them back is probably convoluted.
Which have been upheld by the actual determinators of constitutionality -- the Supreme Court.
He mentions arresting Amish farmers because they didn’t pasturize milk and mentions abuses by federal agents.
Likely a distortion. It probably wasn't because they didn't pasturize, but because they were *selling* unpasturized milk. Milk your cows and drink without pasturization all you want, but we have food safety laws for commerce.
Also mentioned was arresting a Christian pastor for holding church service during Covid. This is because the government may have decided that liquor stores are essential but church service is non essential, a seemingly arbitrary determination would be a kind word for that.

Not arbitrary at all. Public gatherings of all kinds were prohibited in many (most?) jurisdictions. Churches could have online services, parking lot services, drive up communion, etc. As for liquor stores, they are retail stores, not gatherings. Many retail stores were open for limited service (tight occupancy limits, etc.). As for alcoholic beverages themselves, many people use them to cope with stress and anxiety (and it was a time of high stress and anxiety) not to mention those that are addicted.
Other constitutional sheriffs mention that they are elected and the process to fire a sheriff should not be overly simple by a governor but a more involved legal process in order to preserve checks and balances. A complex system of checks and balances is supposed to help preserve constitutional rights, due process, rights of the minorities views etc

THe processes for selecting and removing sheriffs are set by state laws including constitutions. They are not special. They are law enforcement officers/jailers, nothing more.
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Apr 8, 2020
Marlborough, MA
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That doesn't give them power to override it.

Oh great, a leader in anti-government militias is interviewed by an insurrectionist and fascist.

Which have been upheld by the actual determinators of constitutionality -- the Supreme Court.

Likely a distortion. It probably wasn't because they didn't pasturize, but because they were *selling* unpasturized milk. Milk your cows and drink without pasturization all you want, but we have food safety laws for commerce.

Not arbitrary at all. Public gatherings of all kinds were prohibited in many (most?) jurisdictions. Churches could have online services, parking lot services, drive up communion, etc. As for liquor stores, they are retail stores, not gatherings. Many retail stores were open for limited service (tight occupancy limits, etc.). As for alcoholic beverages themselves, many people use them to cope with stress and anxiety (and it was a time of high stress and anxiety) not to mention those that are addicted.

THe processes for selecting and removing sheriffs are set by state laws including constitutions. They are not special. They are law enforcement officers/jailers, nothing more.

Raw milk is sold in Maine, many people believe it to be healthier. Many FDA rules are completely unfounded as is people like dick durbin and his proposals

I am not sure if court decisions reflect yellow flag laws. Red flag laws can easily be abused and if so I would expect that those laws be seen as unconstitutional. All kinds of abuses and threats to freedoms happened during Covid were big businesses stayed open, small businesses had restrictions, we had to listen to government experts and be told to ignore all the other experts. Rioters were not subject to Covid restrictions etc
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May 22, 2015
I really don’t get the love the right has for this bum who tried to scam them out of millions. Good riddance. Hopefully he can finally take a much needed shower.
No one likes Bannon. But no one should be prosecuted for doing things that others have done and weren't prosecuted for. Even if we don't like him.
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Hans Blaster

E pluribus unum
Mar 11, 2017
United States
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Raw milk is sold in Maine, many people believe it to be healthier. Many FDA rules are completely unfounded as is people like dick durbin and his proposals
How many Amish are in Maine and where did the alleged arrest take place?
I am not sure if court decisions reflect yellow flag laws. Red flag laws can easily be abused and if so I would expect that those laws be seen as unconstitutional.
The court just ruled that a state law keeping guns from domestic abusers was constitutional, in the last 2 weeks.
All kinds of abuses and threats to freedoms happened during Covid were big businesses stayed open, small businesses had restrictions, we had to listen to government experts and be told to ignore all the other experts.
Things were messy and our knowledge of what worked and what didn't changed frequently. Churches weren't being singled out.
Rioters were not subject to Covid restrictions etc
What? Riots are by definition lawless mobs. All kinds of rule, regulations, and laws are broken in riots.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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We're Still Here
Sep 25, 2012
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No one likes Bannon. But no one should be prosecuted for doing things that others have done and weren't prosecuted for. Even if we don't like him.
It happens all the time. Not everyone who commits a crime faces justice. Just the reality of working with an imperfect system. By your view, if every criminal isn’t prosecuted then no criminals should be prosecuted. That’s thankfully not how things work.
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2020
Marlborough, MA
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How many Amish are in Maine and where did the alleged arrest take place?

The court just ruled that a state law keeping guns from domestic abusers was constitutional, in the last 2 weeks.

Things were messy and our knowledge of what worked and what didn't changed frequently. Churches weren't being singled out.

What? Riots are by definition lawless mobs. All kinds of rule, regulations, and laws are broken in riots.

There’s Amish in Maine in several areas. I don’t know how many there are but they sell raw milk to the public. Amish have been attacked in some other states for selling raw milk

I believe there was BLM protesters who did not follow Covid guidelines,. Police or government never tried to do anything about it. There have been government officials who did not follow their own guidelines because they said it didn’t apply to them but they wanted to force others.

I think the FDA said ivermectin should not be used for Covid treatments, Chris Cuomo from CNN who demonized people for using ivermectin is now on ivermectin himself.

NY wants to be able to forcibly quarantine people.

Given the language, it is clear that the Commissioner of Health or a local health department could quarantine individuals against their will at a location of the Commissioner or Health Department’s choosing — a gross abuse of due process and New Yorkers’ civil rights,” Borrello said.


Here is another example of overreach by the governor of New Mexico trying to implement some temporary gun ban so sheriffs and AG refused saying it was unconstitutional

Sheriff in New Mexico's most populous county rejects governor's gun ban, calling it unconstitutional


The red flag law related to the Supreme Court is just one aspect of a red flag law related to domestic abuse. Some red flag laws do not need domestic abuse and can be subjective since mental health itself has subjective aspects.

Many mass shooters are on antidepressants, something the media doesn’t report so maybe antidepressants themselves could be a problem but it is the mental health people who prescribe them and perhaps they may be overused
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Hans Blaster

E pluribus unum
Mar 11, 2017
United States
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There’s Amish in Maine in several areas. I don’t know how many there are but they sell raw milk to the public. Amish have been attacked in some other states for selling raw milk
In violation of state health regulations. It is not targeting for anything else.
I believe there was BLM protesters who did not follow Covid guidelines,. Police or government never tried to do anything about it. There have been government officials who did not follow their own guidelines because they said it didn’t apply to them but they wanted to force others.
1. Many BLM protesters *did* wear masks during protests.
2. General guidelines at the time did not require masks outdoors.
I think the FDA said ivermectin should not be used for Covid treatments, Chris Cuomo from CNN who demonized people for using ivermectin is now on ivermectin himself.
What kind of worms/parasites does Cuomo have? Is it brain worms Robert Kennedy?
NY wants to be able to forcibly quarantine people.

Given the language, it is clear that the Commissioner of Health or a local health department could quarantine individuals against their will at a location of the Commissioner or Health Department’s choosing — a gross abuse of due process and New Yorkers’ civil rights,” Borrello said.

I'm not sure what this is or has to do with anything.
Here is another example of overreach by the governor of New Mexico trying to implement some temporary gun ban so sheriffs and AG refused saying it was unconstitutional

Sheriff in New Mexico's most populous county rejects governor's gun ban, calling it unconstitutional

Same as above
The red flag law related to the Supreme Court is just one aspect of a red flag law related to domestic abuse. Some red flag laws do not need domestic abuse and can be subjective since mental health itself has subjective aspects.
I don't pay too much attention to gun laws. I don't have one.
Many mass shooters are on antidepressants, something the media doesn’t report so maybe antidepressants themselves could be a problem but it is the mental health people who prescribe them and perhaps they may be overused
Perhaps the background check for purchasing an AR-15 should ask if you are on antidepressants, but I don't know what that has to do with anything related to Steve Bannon.
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