darby8 said:
If I knew what Martyrology and Prime were...at least I'll learn a few things today!
I'll give you that much. Prime is one of the Hours of the Office, said, as the name implies, at the first hour of the day (sunrise, approximately 6 AM).
Prime is a very beautiful hour and a wonderful morning prayer. In it, we ask for God's protection from sin throughout the day and that, when we finally come to evening, we may be able to thank Him for not sinning that day.
Vatican II abolished Prime, since they wanted to restore Lauds to being the true morning prayer, and Prime was seen as redundant.
The Martyrology is one of the official liturgical books, and contains brief accounts of martyrs and other saints. In the new rite, I don't think it's ever used except at midnight Mass at Christmas.
Here's today's reading:
Quarto Kalendas Martii. Luna Decima Septima.
Perge, in Pamphylia, natális beáti Néstoris Epíscopi, qui, in persecutióne Décii, cum diu noctuque oratióni insísteret postulans ut grex Christi custodirétur, comprehénsus est, ac, nomen Dómini mira liberate et alacritate conféssus, Præsidis Polliónis jussu equuleo sævíssime est cruciatus; ac demum, cum se Christo semper adhæsurum constanter profiterétur, crucis suspendio victor in cælum migrávit.
Ibidem passio sanctórum Pápiæ, Diodóri, Conónis et Claudiáni, qui sanctum Néstorem martyrio præcessérunt.
Item sanctórum Mártyrum Fortunáti, Felícis et aliórum viginti septem.
Alexandríæ sancti Alexándri Epíscopi, gloriosi senis, qui, post beátum Petrum, ejusdem civitátis Episcopum, zelo fidei succénsus, Aríum, Presbyterum suum, hæretica impietáte depravátum et divina veritáte convictum, de Ecclésia ejecit; ac póstea inter trecentos decem et octo Patres, in Nicǽno Concílio eundem damnávit.
Bonóniæ sancti Faustiniáni Epíscopi, qui eam Ecclésiam, Diocletiáni persecutióne vexatam, verbo prædicatiónis firmávit et auxit.
Gazæ, in Palæstína, sancti Porphyrii Epíscopi, qui, témpore Arcádii Imperatóris, Marnam idolum ejusque templum evértit, ac, multa passus, quievit in Dómino.
Floréntiæ sancti Andréæ, Epíscopi et Confessóris.
In territorio Archiacénsi, in Gállia, sancti Victóris Confessóris, cujus laudes sanctus Bernárdus conscripsit.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R. Deo grátias.
The Twenty-Sixth Day of February. The Seventeenth Day of the Moon.
At Pergen in Pamphylia, during the persecution of Decius, the birthday of blessed Nestor, bishop, who praying night and day for the safety of the flock of Christ, was put under arrest. Because he confessed the Name of the Lord with great zeal and freedom, he was cruelly tortured on the rack by order of Pollio the governor. When he still courageously proclaimed that he would remain ever faithful to Christ, he was crucified, and thus triumphantly went to heaven.
In the same place, the passion of Saints Papias, Diodorus, Conon, and Claudian, who preceded St. Nestor to martyrdom.
Also, the holy martyrs Fortunatus, Felix, and twenty-seven others.
At Alexandria, Bishop St. Alexander, an aged man held in great honour, who succeeded blessed Peter as bishop of that city. He expelled Arius, one of his priests, from the Church because he was tainted with heretical ímpiety and convicted in the face of divine truth. Later on he was one of the three hundred and eighteen Fathers who condemned him in the Council of Nicaea.
At Bologna, the bishop St. Faustinian. His preaching strengthened and multiplied the faithful of that church when it was so much afflicted during the persecution of Diocletian.
At Gaza in Palestine, St. Porphyry, bishop, in the time of Emperor Arcadius. He overthrew the idol Marna and its temple, and after many sufferings, went to his rest in the Lord.
At Florence, St. Andrew, bishop and confessor.
In the province of Champagne in France, St. Victor, confessor, about whom eulogies have been written by St. Bernard.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.