I expect you've gathered by now Martin, that I am of an extremely suspicious nature.
I find it diffiocult to accept anything for it is, within reason, and constantly search for truisms behind what it is I am winessing.
Even as a young boy of under 9 years, I challenged the "star in the east" theory, as it seemed quite obvious to me at the time, that the 3 Kings would end up travelling towards China, and just a few years ago, I was able to prove that a conjunction occured between Jupter and Saturn in 6BC, which had to have been the "star in the east". I am sure you can figure out the simple reason "why" for yourself.
Lkewise so with the name of Jesus.
I never could accept the Junior teaching whereby the saviour of the world had a Latin name. "But surely," I would butt in, "wouldn't he have had an Aramaic name?", and of course, I was then told to "shut up" and "stop asking silly questions!"
One thing then led to another, and if you read my other posts, you will notice that recently I have completed the reading of another religious text.
Simply put, if one considers the fact that the Jews gave Jesus his name, they would have done so for a reason. What is clear, is that the Grecian translations would be inaccurate, as are so many in the NT. This is all the more apparent when one takes examples and cross references them with modern and ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, liturgical Aramaic and Arabic. This is not a particularly easy task, as there are few people in this world to whom the general public can have easy access, who are fully conversant in ancient languages, particularly Hebrew, and also speak English, and are prepared to have a chat about something that may be alien to their religion.
Ok, so all the above is a little bit of a waffle, but it does serve to highlight the exhaustive process that is sometimes required to illuminate the truth, particularly when that truth has been deliberately hidden in antiquity.
This is why, as you put it:
It's just i've read the bible cover to cover and don't remember coming across that, and i just figured i forgot, so i just did a word search through 5 bible translations for the phrase "teacher of God" and it isn't there. give us clue?
And of course, it won't be there, because the truth has been hidden away, eventually by the Christians, but originally by the Jews.
No, I am not going to give it to you on a plate - it took too long to find out the truth to gibve it away so lightly. What I will do, is to cause you to search for the name of the Christian God. The Tetragrammaton, for unlike many Christians who are biased by their own faith, and will tell you that is is Yahweh or the like, nothing could be further from the truth. Christians of course, could never accept that their God was one of the subordinate Gods - of course - understandable - so you have to search for the Leader of the Pantheon, then cross reference that to the OT.
Then throw in a little Ancient ( not modern ) Arabic, and "AbrahKahdabrah"!!!!!
This is how the Muslims were able to establish that Abraham built the Kaaba, but that's another story.
Anyway, notice that I did say OT, NOT NT, because if ever you want to find out the truth about Christianity's religion, then you have to look in the OT. If you want to find out about Christianity, then you look in the NT - simple eh? Well, not quite, but anyway, this is why Christians don't actually practice Christianity, and certainly the reason why the Jews refused to, and gave Jesus the name that they did.
If you have the time for another search, investigate the extra-biblical sources for the naming of Jesus, where that name is NOT used. You will turn up some very interesting substitutes.
Anyway, have fun - I shall look forward to some concrete information from you.
Oh, and just as a last morsel of extra assistance, have a look at the ancient Sumerian pantheon - you will find some substantial help here.