Whelp, I guess you get to live in a place where lying and hate speech are valued, then.
Well done?
Don't be silly, it's not valued, but it is protected. Better to have protected speech than live in a country where the government can toss you in jail for saying something THEY deem as hate speech. Like yours.
Your country is a prime example how hate speech is not unilaterally prosecuted. Only the speech they want to prosecute is.
I think I see why so many on the left support this. They know they can say whatever they want and be fine, but if the other side says anything they deem hateful they can be tossed in prison.
Hillary Clinton calls a swath of Americans deplorables, hate speech, Biden telling blacks that Republicans want to put them back in chains, hate speech. The left has shown rhe only speech they deem as hate speech is anything they deem as hate speech. We don't see anyone on the left calling for the end of hate speech when they attack Christians or white people or conservatives.
“But, you know, the NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early ’30s, late ’20s, early ’30s. Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them. So I look forward to that day.” —
Mike Malloy
Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.” — The Village Voice’s Michael Feingold, in a theater review of all places
“The rhetoric you hear from the Republican Party is shameful and disgraceful for Latinos. And you know, when you see ‘Latinos for Trump,’ to me it is like seeing ‘Jews for Hitler,’ almost, you know?”
"Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor of Germany. And he went about the business of discrediting institutions to the point that people bought into” it,” Clyburn said in an
interview with NBC. “Nobody would have believed it now. But swastikas hung in churches throughout Germany. We had better be very careful.”
“This is the same type of propaganda that we heard in the 1920s and World War I against Jews,” he added.
Police ignoring hate speech against white people - new findings
So apparently the only hate speech the left cares.about and prosecutes is anything they deem.as hate speech from the right, while any hate speech from the left is left alone.