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Thinking about becoming a Seventh Day Adventist


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Jun 12, 2020
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Hi all! I ran across a guy named Doug Batchelor on YouTube. He's a Seventh Day Adventist and I've been listening/watching him. It is becoming clear to me that I can easily agree with the beliefs. Any advice?


Pastor Doug was my personal pastor for many years until I recently moved. I received so many blessings being part of his church and I miss it very much, although I found a cute little church where I live and can still watch Pastor Doug online.

My advice would be to read the Bible for yourself and test everything with scriptures. Do not listen to the many who will try to convince you to not keep God’s Sabbath day holy. There is a spiritual war going on! God Sabbath is meant to be a blessing and a delight Isaiah 58:13

Do you have a local SDA church that you have been to?

God bless!
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My advice would be to read the Bible for yourself and test everything with scriptures. Do not listen to the many who will try to convince you to not keep God’s Sabbath day holy. There is a spiritual war going on! God Sabbath is meant to be a blessing and a delight Isaiah 58:13

Do you have a local SDA church that you have been to?

The question that had rolled around in my head for years was something my father said when I was a kid. He wanted to know where in the bible it said to worship on Sunday. From my understanding of scripture, the early Christians still kept the Sabbath and then gathered on the first day of the week to commemorate the Resurrection day. However, nowhere in the NT does it say to abandon the Sabbath. I'll admit I've been a very lazy Christian for the last couple of years...it's a long story. But, God, once HE grabs you, doesn't let go. So, I ran across Doug Batchelor and a few others on Youtube of all places, which led me to do more research online, on the SDA official website. There is a SDA church just down the road a little way from me, I'm thinking of going next week.

Is there anything you can tell me about what to expect?

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splish- splash

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Dec 2, 2019
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I also like watching Doug, Mark Finley, Dwight Nelson and many more . I love Adventist teachings because, they like to tackle the most jargony & difficult to understand books of the bible, such as revelation and whatnot. & i do like the fact that, they are not interested in the gospel of prosperity (The original Adventists that is).

At the end of the day, God is more interested in a sincere worshipper. So if you worship God, with a
genuine & pure heart where ever you're attending church, God will regard you as His own.
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I also like watching Doug, Mark Finley, Dwight Nelson and many more . I love Adventist teachings because, they like to tackle the most jargony & difficult to understand books of the bible, such as revelation and whatnot. & i do like the fact that, they are not interested in the gospel of prosperity (The original Adventists that is).

At the end of the day, God is more interested in a sincere worshipper. So if you worship God, with a
genuine & pure heart where ever you're attending church, God will regard you as His own.
Stephen Bohr is another one you might want to put on your list. He is excellent too

God bless!
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The question that had rolled around in my head for years was something my father said when I was a kid. He wanted to know where in the bible it said to worship on Sunday. From my understanding of scripture, the early Christians still kept the Sabbath and then gathered on the first day of the week to commemorate the Resurrection day. However, nowhere in the NT does it say to abandon the Sabbath. I'll admit I've been a very lazy Christian for the last couple of years...it's a long story. But, God, once HE grabs you, doesn't let go. So, I ran across Doug Batchelor and a few others on Youtube of all places, which led me to do more research online, on the SDA official website. There is a SDA church just down the road a little way from me, I'm thinking of going next week.

Is there anything you can tell me about what to expect?


Not everyone listens to the Holy Spirit and from personal experience, when I have listened instead of ignoring it, my life changed significantly for the better spiritually and personally.

I have been both to Sunday church and Sabbath churches. I find the biggest differences on the surface to be the Sunday churches tend to be more casually dressed and SDA believe we should dress our best for the Lords worship. I am not referring to tuxes or anything like that, but most men still wear suits and ladies wear dresses. There is less focus on music in the SDA church than Sunday churches from my experience. The SDA's tend to sing more traditional hymns than have bands etc. I personally appreciate the tradition hymns and feel it is more inline with the purpose of attending than some churches the the lyrics could be replaced and I would be listening to rock or todays pop music. That said the purpose of attending church on Sabbath should be for not any other reason than you want to obey God's authority and worship Him on the day He commanded us to keep holy and the only day He sanctified and blessed.

Most of the SDA churches I have attended are very friendly and welcoming.

Here's a documentary Pastor Doug made on the early church and the change from Saturday to Sunday, not on God's authority!

God bless friend and let us know how it goes next week!
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Hi all! I ran across a guy named Doug Batchelor on YouTube. He's a Seventh Day Adventist and I've been listening/watching him. It is becoming clear to me that I can easily agree with the beliefs. Any advice?


Well I for one really like those beliefs (SDA is short for Seventh-day Adventist)

There is a subforum here on CF dedicated to SDA fellowship, questions, comments etc.

I think you will really enjoy this thread that is over there -- Jan 26, 2021 #1
And this one Jul 12, 2020 #1

As with any denomination it is no "surprise" that you can always find someone not of denomination-A (A for Adventist for example) - who has their own reasons for not listening to what some denomination-A has to say or who objects to at least one thing denomination-A believes. Each one must choose for themselves.
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[Staff Edited Quote]

1. Gentiles were never supposed to "take God's name in vain" Ex 20:7
2. Gentiles are under the same "commandments of God" according to Paul in Eph 6:1-2 that have the fifth commandment as "the first commandment with a promise" in that list of commandments.
3. Gentiles specifically singled out in Is 56:6-8 for Sabbath keeping - blessings even in OT
4. Gentiles included in the term "ALL mankind" where scripture says that for all eternity after the cross "from Sabbath to Sabbath shall all mankind come before me to worship" Is 66:23
5. Even Sunday groups like "the Baptist Confession of Faith" and the "Westminster Confession of Faith" admit that the TEN apply to gentiles
6. Christ affirms the fact "the Sabbath was MADE for MANKIND" Mark 2:27
7. In the 7th day Safehouse - these positions are not up for attack


The question that had rolled around in my head for years was something my father said when I was a kid. He wanted to know where in the bible it said to worship on Sunday. From my understanding of scripture, the early Christians still kept the Sabbath and then gathered on the first day of the week to commemorate the Resurrection day. However, nowhere in the NT does it say to abandon the Sabbath. I'll admit I've been a very lazy Christian for the last couple of years...it's a long story. But, God, once HE grabs you, doesn't let go. So, I ran across Doug Batchelor and a few others on Youtube of all places, which led me to do more research online, on the SDA official website. There is a SDA church just down the road a little way from me, I'm thinking of going next week.

Is there anything you can tell me about what to expect?


Yes go there - you will be welcomed! All visitors welcomed and the format of the service is almost identical to what you would expect to find in a Southern Baptist church (in fact in most Baptist churches in general)

ChristianityToday reported in 2015 that the Adventist denomination had grown to be the 5th largest Christian denomination in the world since the 1860's. It is a good thing to check out.

There was a health study done not to long ago regarding "blue zones" and it points out that there are only 5 world wide. The seventh-day Adventist community in Loma Linda is one of them. Blue Zones are communities that live 10 years or more on average longer than the general population. Adventists have a very specific health message since the 1800's.

The Blue Zone Study and Seventh-day Adventists - Seventh-day Adventist Diet.
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Hello and welcome.

The best piece of advice I can give is to always search the scriptures for the truth and trust your heart. If you feel it to be true, verify it in the Bible and then you will know it is true. Pray for discernment and you will receive it. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Seek and you will find.

I too enjoy Pastor Doug's sermons. Stephen Bohr is one of my personal favorites. You can find so many of his available on YouTube and there are a lot of SDA churches that stream or upload their services.

I'd definitely visit your local church though, to see if it's right for you. I used to go to the SDA church in the town I grew up in, but moved away when I became an adult. That church was like my family. I knew everyone in the church and we got together, did things together.

In my adult youth I fell away from the church and didn't come back until 30 years later, but I lived in another town 30 miles from my old home town. Having lived in the area my whole life, I knew where the other SDA churches were and had visited them while in my church choir, but it had been years.

When I came back to the faith, I decided to go to my local church and was pleasantly surprised. It felt like coming home. The congregation came over and welcomed me to church before the service. The pastor invited me to stay for potluck (which is every weekend!), the study before the service was engaging and everyone participated. The service was great and the hymns were uplifting. In all it was like I had never left, even though this wasn't my home church.

It is my hope that you find this kind of experience in your local church and that you find a home and family.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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Well-Known Member
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Jun 12, 2020
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Hi all! I ran across a guy named Doug Batchelor on YouTube. He's a Seventh Day Adventist and I've been listening/watching him. It is becoming clear to me that I can easily agree with the beliefs. Any advice?

One more thought, you might want to also at some point check out Sabbath School, which is a bible study before Church service.

God bless!
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Just want to make you all aware that Amazing Facts has a radio app you can download on your phone. It's amazing! (pun intended). I'm painting my house today and listening to the app and they have sermons by different speakers, music and bible stories. You guys might want to check it out!
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Jun 26, 2021
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Did someone say chores? I have an endless supply of those, unfortunately. I should step away from the computer and do something as well. God bless!

My motivation seems to have left the room. Trying to fold/put away laundry with a nosy cat and a puppy with attachment issues (she has to be close to me at all times) is not the easiest thing. The puppy is a 10 month old 60 pound beastie. Love her to pieces but....
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Jun 26, 2021
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I didn't manage to get much done either. Oh well. My cat has been extra needy today.

I got my laundry folded/hung and put away. Puppy decided that watching me fold clothes was boring so she decided to mess with the felines. Now I'm dealing with a very needy, clingy cat.
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Dec 3, 2011
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Hi all! I ran across a guy named Doug Batchelor on YouTube. He's a Seventh Day Adventist and I've been listening/watching him. It is becoming clear to me that I can easily agree with the beliefs. Any advice?


I have no TV. I have my computer. I always have either Amazing Facts, on or 3ABN, or Hope channels on. Mostly Dough Bachelor. l I like him, he doesn't scream. I do not like pastors that scream! I know, everyone has their own style, everyone like a certain way of preaching. I just happen to like the quieter ones! To each their own. It's the message that counts. Sometimes the screamers have an excellent message also.
I was raised an SDA, left the church for over 35 years, went totally out into the world and studied every religion out there, even got into occult and Tarot reading, then came back---no other denomination is as biblical, I couldn't be anything else. I've encountered some ex-SDA, when I grilled them, they didn't know their doctrines so I know they were never actual SDA, they didn't pay attention to what was being taught. It is the bible first and foremost. And that is why I stay in it. Take the word as it is no twisting. Just keep in the word, do as God says. I've never been happier even though I've been in hospice for over 2 years!
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