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The Possible Year of the Second Coming in 2027 AD Based on the Jubilee Year Cycles and the 1290 and


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The problem with applying prophetic symbolism is in it's vast possibilities -- it can quite literally apply to many things, see here for example. However, the key to Revelation is found in the first verse "the things which must soon take place". Those reading John's Revelation would have applied his visions to the destruction of the temple in 70AD. Of course we can find all sorts of reasons to apply the apocalyptic books to ourselves -- nearly every generation has tried (see here). Unfortunately, with a defeatist-end-times view of the world, christians believe the world is spiralling into evil. On the contrary, even in the last 20 years there's less poverty, less child labour, less income spent on food, lower infant mortality rates, less teen births, lower violent crime rates and I could go on... the point is, the world is actually improving (despite the way christians like to focus on how it is getting worse). A victorious eschatology is a biblical eschatology. God is defeating the devil, not the other way around.

I mean, even the foundation of the dating method is completely false. The "day-year" principle is simply not in the bible. Show me one place in the bible where the word day actually means year. It's not there. I agree we can have a week of years meaning seven years, but we can't have a week of days to mean a week of years. The principle is a feel-good tool to make us feel important 2000 years later... we are important! But not because of a false day-year principle.

Revelation was indeed fulfilled in 70 AD, for the sixth head were the Romans. But then the heads of the beast continue on into the 8th head, who will be alive at the second coming of Christ, which is the United Sates of Europe, which is now forming. So Revelation also applies now. Read this, The Identity of the Antichrist, the Two Beasts of Revelation, and the harlot of Babylon | Wisdom of God . The day year is indeed in the bible, the 490 years prophecy of Daniel, which were 70 weeks, hello?
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Dave Watchman

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Jan 10, 2014
I think it's probably happening right now, right before our eyes.

The red lines around Virgo are the constellation boundaries drawn up by Eugène Joseph Delporte in 1930. I have to wonder if God was with him and influenced his decisions to draw the lines where he did.

This morning Mars, the red planet, enters into the virgins body from the right on the same day that Jupiter and Venus conjunct exactly on top of the constellation boundary line which Eugène drew in 1930.

This conjunction marks out the last third of three segments of time when measured from the third moon of the tetrad, until a "darkened" sun and a moon that will not give it's light.

This conjunction will also bring us right up to the 371 "days of Noah" by Christmas week this year, when measured to the "darkened' sun.


Eugène also discovered and named asteroid 1221 Amor. This year on 12/21 Mars will cross Virgo's constellation boundary line in pursuit of Jupiter.



"If he comes in the second watch,
or in the third, and finds them awake,
blessed are those servants!

"Another thing I found interesting is that this conjunction takes place at the VERY EDGE of the boundary for the constellation Virgo. In a few short days after this conjunction both planets will be out of Virgo (The Woman)... leaving only Mars in the constellation. Mars is often the planet of War... so perhaps this indicates war in Israel after the church departs? I am not saying this is the birth, but just another type of exit from the woman and potentially another piece to the puzzle. It could be something or it could be nothing, but I thought I would share.
A Fitting Finale? The Venus/Jupiter Conjunction Connection


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Apr 7, 2014
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Yes, it comes as a thief in the night. That's for those who aren't ready. The passage I post shows plainly that one can know.

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. (1 Thess. 5:1-4 KJV)

Paul had enlightened his readers so that even though the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night, it would not overtake them as a thief.
Oh My, you say Scripture contradicts itself???
We've been through all these passages and they are there to warn the Christian to be steadfast at all times and in all places...the one found doing as a Christian should, remaining steadfast, will meet the thief prepared...he binds the strong man and locks the door so he can do no harm to him. To the Christian who begins to doubt the Second Coming and begins to neglect his faith and do evil God promises death and destruction.
What do you promise us with your contrived "year prediction"??? It is impossible to predict, wrong to even pursue this endeavor and if wrong on the date...as you surely will be...you are worse off than before predicting it. No, stick with Biblical principles of remaining steadfast in Christ for it it is our faith in Christ which binds the strong man who is Satan.
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Then do yourself a favor and close out this tab and move on into the next post and let the adults talk. Bye.
I always find in necessary to try to help a wayward brother by presenting clear Scripture and warnings. I'll pray things become clear to you. You are in the flesh and running away with wild ideas which were not at all planted by Christ.
Be careful, be humble...what you presented in this post to me is not a Godly approach to someone who disagrees with you...see II Timothy 2:24-26:
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

Is this part of your heart?
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Strong in Him

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The coming of the Lord has always been soon, because a thousand years, or two thousand years is not a very long time in the grand scope of things,

I know. I'm just pointing out that people have always speculated on/hoped for the second coming.

I say 2027 is the possible year of the return of the Lord to urge people to be prepared.

Which is exactly what Jesus said; being prepared, I mean, not about 2027.

but now that we are much closer than ever, our stern warnings should come with actual prophetic timelines

1) Why?
2) I don't believe that's possible.

You said previously;

We still don't know the day nor the hour. The year, or proximity if it, we can come to know,

Now you're saying;
Whether or not the second coming is in 2027 is a mystery,

So you start a thread with a very long OP, and the conclusion is "possible year; don't know. But be ready"?

Why do you judge that some of us are not ready?
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Nov 11, 2017
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I know. I'm just pointing out that people have always speculated on/hoped for the second coming.

Which is exactly what Jesus said; being prepared, I mean, not about 2027.

1) Why?
2) I don't believe that's possible.

You said previously;

Now you're saying;

So you start a thread with a very long OP, and the conclusion is "possible year; don't know. But be ready"?

Why do you judge that some of us are not ready?

Do you not know what the word possible means? It means "probably, but we don't know for sure". Stop being so obtuse and understand that there are are important prophetic markers that converge in that year. Whether it is because its the coming of the Lord remains to be seen, but is very likely, because we are at the height of the times. Even if you observe whats happening in Europe, you can see that the United States of Europe is about to form, Europe is about to federalize.
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Nov 11, 2017
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I always find in necessary to try to help a wayward brother by presenting clear Scripture and warnings. I'll pray things become clear to you. You are in the flesh and running away with wild ideas which were not at all planted by Christ.
Be careful, be humble...what you presented in this post to me is not a Godly approach to someone who disagrees with you...see II Timothy 2:24-26:
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

Is this part of your heart?

Who is being quarrelsome, the one simply posting a study, or the one opposing it for whatever reasons? You're accusing me of being quarrelsome when it is you who is the one that's been quarrelsome all along.
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Strong in Him

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Do you not know what the word possible means?

Yes, I know what the word "possible" means. It means that something may happen.
Probable means "likely to happen." Both words describe something that has not yet happened. "Possible" means there is doubt, whereas "probable" indicates that the doubt is very much less and the likelihood is that it will happen, although we don't know for sure until it does.

POSSIBLE - online dictionary
1.that may or can be, exist, happen, be done, be used, etc.:
a disease with no possible cure.
that may be true or may be the case, as something concerning which one has no knowledge to the contrary:
It is possible that he has already gone.

POSSIBLE - Collins dictionary
1. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If it is possible to do something, it can be done.

2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A possible event is one that might happen.

Stop being so obtuse and understand that there are are important prophetic markers that converge in that year.

Yes, there might be - as there have been for a number of other years too.
Don't be rude.

Whether it is because its the coming of the Lord remains to be seen,

"Remains to be seen", "possible", "a mystery" - all your words; fact, we don't know.

but is very likely, because we are at the height of the times.

We may be; and maybe not.
I've seen teaching from other people who've said we are at the height of the times - some of it was around 50 years ago.

I've heard people say, "we've studied, looked at the charts and it is very likely it will rain tomorrow in your area", and it hasn't. Or "it is very likely that ........" and they've been wrong.
How many people said "it is very unlikely that Donald Trump would ever be elected president"?
"very likely" does not mean certain.

Even if you observe whats happening in Europe, you can see that the United States of Europe is about to form, Europe is about to federalize.

Is it?
A few years ago the EU was said to be the beast and the person who became the first president would show themselves to be the antiChrist. That didn't happen.

I am simply pointing out in this thread, that no one knows - which is exactly what Jesus said.
"Possible year", "likelihood that" etc do not mean KNOW.
I agree with you absolutely that we should live each day as if he were returning tomorrow. This is because he could do. If you were certain that nothing could happen for another 10 years, then you could live as you like, don't be ready, don't preach the Gospel - and repent, either just before you die or after 9 years and 11 3/4 months.
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Nov 11, 2017
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Yes, I know what the word "possible" means. It means that something may happen.
Probable means "likely to happen." Both words describe something that has not yet happened. "Possible" means there is doubt, whereas "probable" indicates that the doubt is very much less and the likelihood is that it will happen, although we don't know for sure until it does.

POSSIBLE - online dictionary
1.that may or can be, exist, happen, be done, be used, etc.:
a disease with no possible cure.
that may be true or may be the case, as something concerning which one has no knowledge to the contrary:
It is possible that he has already gone.

POSSIBLE - Collins dictionary
1. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If it is possible to do something, it can be done.

2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A possible event is one that might happen.

Yes, there might be - as there have been for a number of other years too.
Don't be rude.

"Remains to be seen", "possible", "a mystery" - all your words; fact, we don't know.

We may be; and maybe not.
I've seen teaching from other people who've said we are at the height of the times - some of it was around 50 years ago.

I've heard people say, "we've studied, looked at the charts and it is very likely it will rain tomorrow in your area", and it hasn't. Or "it is very likely that ........" and they've been wrong.
How many people said "it is very unlikely that Donald Trump would ever be elected president"?
"very likely" does not mean certain.

Is it?
A few years ago the EU was said to be the beast and the person who became the first president would show themselves to be the antiChrist. That didn't happen.

I am simply pointing out in this thread, that no one knows - which is exactly what Jesus said.
"Possible year", "likelihood that" etc do not mean KNOW.
I agree with you absolutely that we should live each day as if he were returning tomorrow. This is because he could do. If you were certain that nothing could happen for another 10 years, then you could live as you like, don't be ready, don't preach the Gospel - and repent, either just before you die or after 9 years and 11 3/4 months.

Well, lets dispense with the obvious, that we should all be ready as if it were tomorrow, and lets get back to the focus of the study. Based on the jubilee cycles and the timelines of Daniel, do you agree 2027 is a significant year? What say you? Yay or nay?
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Strong in Him

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Based on the jubilee cycles and the timelines of Daniel, do you agree 2027 is a significant year? What say you? Yay or nay?

I don't study the "timelines" of Daniel.
2027 is no more significant that any other year, imo.
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The coming of the Lord has always been soon.... I say 2027 is the possible year of the return of the Lord to urge people to be prepared.
^^^ So you’re making stuff up (2027), just to get people prepared? Be careful because typically this is what countless cult leaders do, and have done for millennium. They just make stuff up that isn’t supported scripturally.

...but now that we are much closer than ever, our stern warnings should come with actual prophetic timelines that are about to expire, to urge and compel people to become ready.
^^^ How do you know that we are “closer than ever”? How do you know that it won’t be another 1,000 or 2,000 years from now???? Or within the next hour for that matter? Where’s your evidence giving YOU this special enlightenment, when the BIBLE tell us that NOBODY knows when? What or whom gives YOU special authority that says that “stern warnings SHOULD come with actual prophetic timelines?” What “prophetic timelines” specifically tells you of a certain date or range of dates of the 2nd coming???

All of your “timeline” theories will all have turned out to be false, just like the countless and bogus timeline predictions that came from others before you. Those people have all been fools, trying to fool others yet failed miserably with their false date predictions. Again, NOBODY KNOWS THE DATE OF CHRIST’S 2ND COMING.”

These so called and made up “prophetic” timelines for the 2nd coming are actually “pathetic timelines” and are not based on scripture.

...You can heed the warning, or you cannot. Unlike other men that have tried predicting the second coming of the Lord based on foolish notions, I have based it on reliable sources,
^^^ Ha, if this claim you’re making wasn’t so troubling with you believing that you can now “predict” Jesus’ return, it would actually be comical. But it’s not. Yes, the warning comes from GOD within the pages of scripture, not your made up timelines that are predictably, false. “Reliable sources” you say??? What “reliable” source do you have? If you claim that the Bible is your “reliable source” for a date or date range for the second coming, then you’re effectively saying that Jesus contradicts Himself! Your claim would make Jesus’ own words in both Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 absolute contradictions! It’s also a slap in the face to our Lord because He has told us one thing, yet you as well as countless others have falsely made claim to “otherwise.” Nice job.

There’s only one “reliable source” and that’s God’s Word, NOT yours when it comes to Devine instruction, specifically the 2nd coming of Christ. We are told to “watch” (Mark 13:37) (for His return). And God tells us that “nobody” knows when this will all take place, not even YOU.

...the festivals and appointed times of the Torah, and the timelines in the book of Daniel. Whether or not the second coming is in 2027 is a mystery, but there will indeed be a convergence of timelines in that year without a doubt.
“...festivals....appointed times of the Torah?” So now you’re using Judaism and/or the OT as a means of trying to calculate or decipher a date for Jesus’ 2nd coming? You’re doing this all in vain. Evidentially the New Testament isn’t good enough for you with Jesus’ own words simply telling us that 1) He shall return (John 14:1-4) and 2) NOBODY know when this will take place. Plain and simple.

Jesus never told us that we would need to “decipher” nor need to have some sort of special cryptography skills in order to pull,out a hidden date(s) from the books of Daniel, Revelation, the “Torah” or anything else. His own simple words, that He is returning and nobody knows when is all CLEARLY pointed out and easily understood. (Evidentially some still be good to differ with Jesus on this issue).

You’re simply using and twisting the biblical text and molding it like clay to suit your own desires.

2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV) tells us:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,”

Respectfully I say, that you come into a Christian forum and openly claim that you have more or less figured out a date range, then actually give a specific year (2027) for Christ’s return, thus going against what scripture tells us; you therefore need to stand by to be corrected and rebuked.
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Nov 11, 2017
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^^^ So you’re making stuff up (2027), just to get people prepared? Be careful because typically this is what countless cult leaders do, and have done for millennium. They just make stuff up that isn’t supported scripturally.

^^^ How do you know that we are “closer than ever”? How do you know that it won’t be another 1,000 or 2,000 years from now???? Where’s your evidence giving YOU this special enlightenment, when the BIBLE tell us that NOBODY knows? What or whom gives YOU special authority that says that “stern warnings SHOULD come with actual prophetic timelines?” What “prophetic timelines” specifically tells you of a certain date or range of dates???

All of your “timeline” theories will all have turned out to be false, just like the countless others before you. Those people have all been fools because they failed to believe what the Bible says about “NOBODY KNOWING THE DATE OF OCCURRENCE.”

These so called and made up “prophetic” timelines for the 2nd coming are actually “pathetic” and are not based on scripture.

^^^ Ha, if this claim you’re making wasn’t so troubling with you believing that you can now “predict” Jesus’ return, it would actually be comical. But it’s not. Yes, the warning comes from GOD within the pages of scripture, not your made up timelines that are predictably, false. “Reliable sources” you say??? What “reliable” source do you have? If you claim that the Bible is your “reliable source” for a date or date range for the second coming, then you’re effectively saying that Jesus contradicts Himself! Your claim would make Jesus’ own words in both Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 absolute contradictions! It’s also a slap in the face to our Lord because He has told us one thing, yet you as well as countless others have falsely made claim to “otherwise.” Nice job.

There’s only one “reliable source” and that’s God’s Word, NOT yours when it comes to Devine instruction, specifically the 2nd coming of Christ. We are told to “watch” (Mark 13:37) (for His return). And God tells us that “nobody” knows when this will all take place, not even YOU.

“...festivals....appointed times of the Torah?” So now you’re using Judaism and/or the OT as a means of trying to calculate or decipher Jesus’ 2nd coming? You’re doing this all in vain. Evidentially the New Testament isn’t good enough for you with Jesus’ own words telling us that He shall return (John 14:1-4). Jesus never told us that we would need to decipher the book of Daniel, Revelation, the “Torah” or anything else but His own simple words, that He is returning. You’re simply using and twisting the biblical text and molding it like clay to suit your own desires.

2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV) tells us:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,”

...I think your theory has been rebuked.

Lets be intelligent and logical, if an event is planned to happen at a certain future date, wouldn't those who live 500 years later be closer to it than those who lived 500 years prior? So yes, we are much closer than anyone has ever been. Duh. Secondly, I'm not twisting anything, if you dont want to believe that 2027 is a possible year of the second coming, then guess what, DONTTTTTTTT BELIEVE. Bye. I'm not here to talk to people that know for certain when its NOT going to happen, I'm here to discuss the jubilee cycles and Daniel timelines with those who are interested in studying these matters. Go stick your head in the sand somewhere and let the adults discuss.
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Again... this is for flgftlc.....

2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV) tells us:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,”

Respectfully I say to you, that if you come into a Christian forum and openly claim time after time that you have more or less figured out a date range AND... actually give a specific year (2027) for Christ’s return, thus going against what scripture tells us; you therefore need NOT be surprised when you’re called out on it and then corrected and rebuked.
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Not at all. How does it help me in my faith and everyday Christian walk?

Its called knowledge. Knowledge is how we grow in Christ, that is the spiritual milk we all need to drink. But, its hard to grow in knowledge when you yourself reject knowledge by saying, "how does it help me in my faith". Imagine if everyone who thought the world was flat, and were given the knowledge that the earth was round would've said the said the same thing, "how is knowing the world is round going to help me". We wouldn't have many of the advanced equipment we have today that was built on the knowledge the earth is a sphere. Read The Word of God, Belief, Understanding, Wisdom and the Full Knowledge of God | Wisdom of God .
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Its called knowledge. Knowledge is how we grow in Christ, that is the spiritual milk we all need to drink. But, its hard to grow in knowledge when you yourself reject knowledge by saying, "how does it help me in my faith". Read The Word of God, Belief, Understanding, Wisdom and the Full Knowledge of God | Wisdom of God .
The “Word of God?”??? If you’re claiming the “BIBLE as your reference, I’ll take you up on that. However you cited other “sources” which on the outside may appear as a good idea to study, however it appears that your study material has led you down a path to believe in false dates of a second coming. So, no thank you.

Sorry, but the Bible is the final arbitrator for God’s Word, not your “sources.” Period. Second, Jesus was 100% crystal clear on His return. Why would you trust fallible men that contradict Jesus’ own spoken Word? Third, Jesus is the my faith. Why would I or you require anything else?
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The “Word of God?”??? If you’re claiming the “BIBLE as your reference, I’ll take you up on that. However you cited other “sources” which on the outside may appear as a good idea to study, however it appears that your study material has led you down a path to believe in false dates of a second coming. So, no thank you.

Sorry, but the Bible is the final arbitrator for God’s Word, not your “sources.” Period. Second, Jesus was 100% crystal clear on His return. Why would you trust fallible men that contradict Jesus’ own spoken Word? Third, Jesus is the my faith. Why would I or you require anything else?

What other sources have I cited? Do tell, this is news to me.
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Oct 17, 2016
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Many of you are not ready.

So you know who is "ready" and who is not? And you also know the people who are reading your posts well enough to know if they are ready or not?

The day year is indeed in the bible, the 490 years prophecy of Daniel, which were 70 weeks, hello?

I already addressed this, to talk of a WEEK OF YEARS is biblical. We don't use the terminology today but one week of years meant seven years back then. The translation is actually seventy sevens of years NOT DAYS. The day-year principle is not in the bible so say goodbye to your theory.

Do you not know what the word possible means? It means "probably

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What other sources have I cited? Do tell, this is news to me.
^^^ Well for starters;

-Post #1 was soooo long and convoluted with jibberish, that anyone of us here could have faked it and convinced others that the secret ingredients to Domino’s pizza sauce was also found hidden within your hodge-podge of misquoted and misinterpreted text. That’s called “scripTORTURE.”

-In post #7, you reference not only “timelines of Daniel,” but “festivals of the Torah.” The “Torah” is used in Judaism which EXCLUDES the rest of the Bible in its “completeness” and it’s entirety.

-In post #60 you said the following:

Unlike other men that have tried predicting the second coming of the Lord based on foolish notions, I have based it on reliable SOURCES (plural), the festivals and appointed times of the Torah, and the timelines in the book of Daniel.

Your own words here indicate “sources” (plural)! What “reliable sources” do you have that specifically point to your date(s), specifically 2027 as you repeatedly keep reposting? If you want to coin the phrase “foolish notions” in your speak and as cited above, well then you won’t get any argument from me. I’ll agree with you on that.

Then you continue and go on to say....

Whether or not the second coming is in 2027 is a mystery, but THERE WILL INDEED BE A CONVERGENCE OF TIMELINES IN THAT YEAR WITHOUT A DOUBT.”
(Emphasis mine to point out your spectacular claim)

Where’s your evidence of this spectacular and ground breaking claim? Again, your words from earlier are fitting here: “foolish notions.” You also contradict yourself throughout all of your posts on this subject of dating His return, whether you like it or not. Continuing (because you asked...)

-In Post #70, you said the following:

Well, lets dispense with the obvious, that we should all be ready as if it were tomorrow, and lets get back to the focus of the study. Based on the jubilee cycles and the timelines of Daniel, do you agree 2027 is a significant year? What say you? Yay or nay?

Your continuous citing of things like “jubilee cycles,” “timelines,” the Torah, the year 2027, all pertaining to Christ’s second coming etc.... is all “white noise” and jibberish.

You keep referring to the Torah as a reputable singular source in defending a second coming date or date range (2027 to be exact). Whereas the torah is merely just a small portion of the OT Bible. It’s NOT the complete bible of 66 books that Christians use in its totality. This practice and insistence on your part is highly in error of the core values and traditions of the historic Christian faith.

Why do you place so much trust in the “Torah,” when the orthodox and practicing Jews deny that Christ has even risen to begin with? They nor their beloved “Torah” believes that The Messiah has even arrived the first time, let alone that a second coming will take place next in the future.

You know, I don’t know you, but I do believe in your heart that you are a Christian who loves Jesus. I could be wrong, but I think this is a correct assessment. But Christ said people could actually worship HIM in a meaningless way. Saying in Matt 15:9 “In vain they worship ME – teaching for commandments the doctrines of men.” I think you’re very confused on the subject of Jesus’ second coming and you may mean well by what you’re trying to convey.

Just remember what James tells us as well:

James 3:1 (ESV)
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.

As Christians, we all should follow the words of John on these matters:

1 John 5:9 (NIV)
We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which He has given about His Son.

God’s FULL testimony is the Bible, not the Torah. Jesus said nobody knows the date of His triumphant return and we should leave it at that. Trust him, not yourself with foolish timelines and dates. It’s all irrelevant anyway because God is ultimately in control of when He’s ready to appear to us again.
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