Recalcitrant Procrastinating Ape
Do you believe the large print makes your thesis more convincing?Should Christians fight against fallen angels.... not each other?
Should Christians fight against fallen angels.... not each other?
Very interesting indeed!
I am of the belief that G-d..... lives in all seven billion humans who walk the earth......
including one billion or more Roman Catholics and....... I have to admit that all seven
billion of us have been given more authority and power to affect how world events turn out
than I used to imagine was possible.
Since two or three Christians being in agreement on something that they ask for has
power..... then over one billion Roman Catholics agreeing that your Pope has great power........
.... actually has considerable validity..... .which is witnessed by an Ecuadorian Charismatic Catholic
or Pentecostal woman named Angelica Zambrano if I remember correctly.
Ms. Zambrano, in an audio message that I heard many years ago stated that she had had
either a near death experience...... or something like it....... and she had been shown many things.... .one of which was Pope John Paul II wrestling with a serpent in what many Catholics might wonder if it was part of Purgatory??????
My theory is that although Pope John Paul II was amazing...... .He assisted President Ronald Reagan to bring down the Iron Curtain....... He travelled and worked tirelessly on many issues......... After he died..... he did the usual Life Review with Messiah Yeshua - Jesus.... and he regretted not doing even more!
I believe that his wrestling with a serpent..... means a lot of things... .but a serpent is a symbol of wisdom...... and for all I know this could have been the very same serpent who attempted to attack his great, great, great.... grandmother Eve.... in The Book of Adam and Eve that was preserved into our time period only in Arabic....... because in our zeal...... we Christians had burned every other copy of that book in all other languages.
Anyway..... in a sense that serpent personifies some aspects of wisdom.....
that can manifest as guilt... and by tackling that serpent......
I suspect that Pope John Paul II after his death was wrestling with his desire to have
accomplished even more for humanity............
I believe that you and I and all seven billion of us are benefiting as Pope John Paul II wrestles with Wisdom in the form of the serpent....... and a new time line is being wrestled into existence.... that I believe is better..... vastly better than any previous time line.........
I can help you out there - it doesn't.