
Active Member
Jul 16, 2023
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SCRIPTURE: I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth - (Revelation 3.8-10).

LESSON: It is worth noting that the synagogue of Satan is first a synagogue, but not of God, but of Satan. Except for sin, Satan has no originality. There are wisdom, solutions, messages, predictions, and so on that exist today that are not of God, but a perversion from Satan, which tragically, even the church has embraced (owing to the body of Christ's prevalent lack of discernment). As a result, the wicked wind of doctrine has washed away many in the body. As for the Philadelphia church - those of us who refuse to succumb to corruption, the Lord has promised to shower us with glory. This will manifest itself in various aspects of our lives - at home, work, spirituality, wisdom, problem-solving, and more. His blessings will be so apparent that others will come to us, humbled, seeking guidance on the ways of the Lord. This will be especially true during the time of testing that is set to challenge us all. Those who embrace and follow the wisdom from above are the only ones who can successfully navigate through this testing period. This wisdom is characterized by purity, peacefulness, gentleness, and a willingness to yield to others. It is also abundant in mercy and produces good deeds. This wisdom is impartial and always sincere." - Timothy 3.17.

PRAYER: Grace to obey you to the end, we pray, Lord.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2003
United States
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SCRIPTURE: I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth - (Revelation 3.8-10).

LESSON: It is worth noting that the synagogue of Satan is first a synagogue, but not of God, but of Satan. Except for sin, Satan has no originality. There are wisdom, solutions, messages, predictions, and so on that exist today that are not of God, but a perversion from Satan, which tragically, even the church has embraced (owing to the body of Christ's prevalent lack of discernment). As a result, the wicked wind of doctrine has washed away many in the body. As for the Philadelphia church - those of us who refuse to succumb to corruption, the Lord has promised to shower us with glory. This will manifest itself in various aspects of our lives - at home, work, spirituality, wisdom, problem-solving, and more. His blessings will be so apparent that others will come to us, humbled, seeking guidance on the ways of the Lord. This will be especially true during the time of testing that is set to challenge us all. Those who embrace and follow the wisdom from above are the only ones who can successfully navigate through this testing period. This wisdom is characterized by purity, peacefulness, gentleness, and a willingness to yield to others. It is also abundant in mercy and produces good deeds. This wisdom is impartial and always sincere." - Timothy 3.17.

PRAYER: Grace to obey you to the end, we pray, Lord.

I am guessing the US you refer to is those of us in the body of Christ….If that is the case …we don't have to be concerned about that.

None of Revelation is applicable to those born again of the Church of God ….All of those events happen after we have been beamed up.
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Balaam's Donkey
Aug 26, 2023
New Brunswick
Marital Status
I am guessing the US you refer to is those of us in the body of Christ….If that is the case …we don't have to be concerned about that.

None of Revelation is applicable to those born again of the Church of God ….All of those events happen after we have been beamed up.
Where is your references for an early exit... in Revelation.

And please don't say 4:1. That is the worst reference I have ever seen.

But please provide your references.
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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2003
United States
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Where is your references for an early exit... in Revelation.

And please don't say 4:1. That is the worst reference I have ever seen.

But please provide your references.

Not in Revelation .... the Church is not subject to that.
The following is a post I did for someone else ....It's long but it explains why we are not in ... or will not go through the tribulation.

Why… we are not… and will not… go through the Tribulation.

I know it’s interesting, captivating, and adventurous to sift through the prophecy and attempt to put dates on events ….and even try to parallel things going on today with the tribulation prophecy.

But for those who are trying to match current events with tribulation prophecy … it’s not going to work…. And while I understand the logic that dictates your line of thinking …..(As those prophetic events that you pursue would have been the next events in biblical succession to have taken place) … but you have not taken into consideration this current dispensation (better translated administration) of grace, which houses the mystery of the one body ….that, in essence, nullifies the rationale of sequence.

You will not find any prophecy in the OT or in the gospels regarding the mystery …. there is no mention of this (nor could there be) as it did not exist in the senses world until it was revealed to Paul by revelation of/from Jesus Christ… as noted in these scripture → {Rom 16:25&26} - {Eph 3:2-4} - {Col 1:25-27 & Col 2:2b &3}

God tells us why He kept it a mystery (secret) in 1Co 2:6-8.
6.Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: 7.But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8.Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

The angels and prophets of old also diligently searched, desiring to see what was in the gap between the grave and the glory….. but to no avail 1Pe 1:10-12.
10. Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: 11.Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 12. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.

What is the mystery

What we know now…was not available to be known prior to Paul receiving the revelation, as it (the mystery) did not exist except in the mind of God.
But We know that with God inserting the mystery in this administration of Grace it did not alter or abolish prophecy of coming events it merely detained or delayed it.

The prophesied events of the Lord’s day will take place ….but not until the culmination of this administration (dispensation) of Grace, the culmination being that of “the gathering together unto Him”, which I will get into in a subsequent thread but I want to go through a few things that delineate the grace administration with the Day of the Lord [[that term or “the Lords Day” is used to represent all the prophetic events throughout the book of Revelation not just the specific day that the Lord returns as King of Kings.]]

This administration of Grace embodies the mystery of the one body (the one new man) and everything implicated within the mystery → all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
Col 2:2 That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3. In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Those treasures in v3 include… salvation by grace, the new birth, incorruptible seed, God in Christ in you, redemption, sanctification, righteousness, & justification…. Essentially, everything that was made unto us through Jesus Christ. Established by Gods acceptance (on our behalf) of what Jesus Christ accomplished…. All of those grace filled blessings will terminate at the termination of the grace administration with the gathering together …..And THEN does the day of the Lord technically begin.

Here are some of the notable differences between Grace and The day of the Lord.

Starting with GRACE

Having grace (which has been present throughout the Old Testament is different than being in the administration (dispensation) of grace. (Eph 3:2) Which encapsulates the administration of the mystery of the one body. Which, as I stated, culminates with the return of Christ in the air for the body of Christ …ONLY. (No one prior to the day of Pentecost and no unbelievers….just those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.)

How much grace is there in Revelation ???

It is used twice …. once in the opening salutation Rev 1:4 and once in the closing verse Rev 22:21.

Compare that to the 72 times grace is referred to in the seven Church epistles of Romans through Thessalonians… 10x in Acts ….. and 34x in Timothy through Jude … all of which pertain to the administration of grace…… that comes to 116 X

But all things being equal…. I would deduct the 27x from all of the epistles where grace is used as an opening and closing salutation. That would leave us with 89 total times grace is referred to …. but if we deduct the salutations from Revelation ….there would be ~ zero ~

For reference grace is used
37 x throughout the entire OT …. and 4x in gospels.


In Christ ….. In Christ Jesus ….. In Jesus Christ ….. In Jesus ….. In Him ….. In the Lord Jesus .….. and a few other variations which are used in reference to “US” …. the born-again Christian….. members of the Body of Christ, the one new man…. and are used over 170 X throughout the epistles and Acts.

You will not find any of those lexica in the Gospels…. and to no surprise …. neither will you find them in Revelation …..they are totally proprietary to the believers of the administration of Grace. And as I mentioned in another recent post ….there will technically be no “Christians” (per se) in the tribulation times of the Lords day. The term Christian which derived from the above recognitions (in christ … etc) will not be applicable to the gentiles and Jews which will be the two categories of people in Revelation…..just as it was in the Old Testament and gospels prior to Pentecost.


Here is another marker that is interesting.

The history of the temple in the OT (Old Testament) was the place of worship which among other things was designed with the holy of holies where the ark of the covenant was kept. The temple was physical place where worship took place, where God dwelt …………… until Pentecost.

The physical structure is still there…. but according to the God breathed scriptures …God now dwells within us… we are the holy naos. We meaning … each and every member of the body of Christ.

You may have heard people refer to their physical body being the temple using reference to one of the scripture listed below ….that is not accurate.

Of the scripture listed below depicting the body as the temple they are all plural and they reference either a group of or the entire body of Christ believers of which dwells the holy naos.

Naos 1Co 3:16, 1Co 3:17, 1Co 6:19, 2Co 6:16, Eph 2:21, Act 17:24.

And we are referenced in the scripture as Gods dwelling place up until the “gathering together unto Him” (aka rapture). When you get to Revelation the temple is once again referenced as a physical structure because the body of Christ (aka Christians) are no longer present on earth.

As an aside: The "individual person" throughout the epistles is referred to as the tabernacle not the temple as seen in the following scripture.

2Co 5:1, 2Co 5:4, (skēnos)..... 2Pe 1:13, 2Pe 1:14 (skēnōma) .......Heb 8:2, Heb 9:11, (skēnē)

I’ll add a few more

*Church of God
is reference 9 times in Acts and the epistles zero X in OT & Gospels… zero X in Revelation


*One Body is referenced 14 X in the Church epistles only… zero X in Revelation.

The one body will be gone at the gathering together ………….in Revelation it will only be Jews and Gentiles.


*The mystery in the administration of grace is “the one new man” Jews and gentiles being fellow heirs and of the same body..... this mystery is referred in the church epistles 14 times ….

The mystery that is referred to in Revelation is ……..Rev 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.


The only way you can possibly make the argument that we are living in the tribulation times of Revelation or going to go through …. Is if you believe that the administration of grace which houses the mystery …Has terminated....or will terminate
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Balaam's Donkey
Aug 26, 2023
New Brunswick
Marital Status
Not in Revelation .... the Church is not subject to that.
The following is a post I did for someone else ....It's long but it explains why we are not in ... or will not go through the tribulation.

Why… we are not… and will not… go through the Tribulation.

I know it’s interesting, captivating, and adventurous to sift through the prophecy and attempt to put dates on events ….and even try to parallel things going on today with the tribulation prophecy.

But for those who are trying to match current events with tribulation prophecy … it’s not going to work…. And while I understand the logic that dictates your line of thinking …..(As those prophetic events that you pursue would have been the next events in biblical succession to have taken place) … but you have not taken into consideration this current dispensation (better translated administration) of grace, which houses the mystery of the one body ….that, in essence, nullifies the rationale of sequence.

You will not find any prophecy in the OT or in the gospels regarding the mystery …. there is no mention of this (nor could there be) as it did not exist in the senses world until it was revealed to Paul by revelation of/from Jesus Christ… as noted in these scripture → {Rom 16:25&26} - {Eph 3:2-4} - {Col 1:25-27 & Col 2:2b &3}

God tells us why He kept it a mystery (secret) in 1Co 2:6-8.

The angels and prophets of old also diligently searched, desiring to see what was in the gap between the grave and the glory….. but to no avail 1Pe 1:10-12.

What is the mystery

What we know now…was not available to be known prior to Paul receiving the revelation, as it (the mystery) did not exist except in the mind of God.
But We know that with God inserting the mystery in this administration of Grace it did not alter or abolish prophecy of coming events it merely detained or delayed it.

The prophesied events of the Lord’s day will take place ….but not until the culmination of this administration (dispensation) of Grace, the culmination being that of “the gathering together unto Him”, which I will get into in a subsequent thread but I want to go through a few things that delineate the grace administration with the Day of the Lord [[that term or “the Lords Day” is used to represent all the prophetic events throughout the book of Revelation not just the specific day that the Lord returns as King of Kings.]]

This administration of Grace embodies the mystery of the one body (the one new man) and everything implicated within the mystery → all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge

Those treasures in v3 include… salvation by grace, the new birth, incorruptible seed, God in Christ in you, redemption, sanctification, righteousness, & justification…. Essentially, everything that was made unto us through Jesus Christ. Established by Gods acceptance (on our behalf) of what Jesus Christ accomplished…. All of those grace filled blessings will terminate at the termination of the grace administration with the gathering together …..And THEN does the day of the Lord technically begin.

Here are some of the notable differences between Grace and The day of the Lord.

Starting with GRACE

Having grace (which has been present throughout the Old Testament is different than being in the administration (dispensation) of grace. (Eph 3:2) Which encapsulates the administration of the mystery of the one body. Which, as I stated, culminates with the return of Christ in the air for the body of Christ …ONLY. (No one prior to the day of Pentecost and no unbelievers….just those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.)

How much grace is there in Revelation ???

It is used twice …. once in the opening salutation Rev 1:4 and once in the closing verse Rev 22:21.

Compare that to the 72 times grace is referred to in the seven Church epistles of Romans through Thessalonians… 10x in Acts ….. and 34x in Timothy through Jude … all of which pertain to the administration of grace…… that comes to 116 X

But all things being equal…. I would deduct the 27x from all of the epistles where grace is used as an opening and closing salutation. That would leave us with 89 total times grace is referred to …. but if we deduct the salutations from Revelation ….there would be ~ zero ~

For reference grace is used
37 x throughout the entire OT …. and 4x in gospels.


In Christ ….. In Christ Jesus ….. In Jesus Christ ….. In Jesus ….. In Him ….. In the Lord Jesus .….. and a few other variations which are used in reference to “US” …. the born-again Christian….. members of the Body of Christ, the one new man…. and are used over 170 X throughout the epistles and Acts.

You will not find any of those lexica in the Gospels…. and to no surprise …. neither will you find them in Revelation …..they are totally proprietary to the believers of the administration of Grace. And as I mentioned in another recent post ….there will technically be no “Christians” (per se) in the tribulation times of the Lords day. The term Christian which derived from the above recognitions (in christ … etc) will not be applicable to the gentiles and Jews which will be the two categories of people in Revelation…..just as it was in the Old Testament and gospels prior to Pentecost.


Here is another marker that is interesting.

The history of the temple in the OT (Old Testament) was the place of worship which among other things was designed with the holy of holies where the ark of the covenant was kept. The temple was physical place where worship took place, where God dwelt …………… until Pentecost.

The physical structure is still there…. but according to the God breathed scriptures …God now dwells within us… we are the holy naos. We meaning … each and every member of the body of Christ.

You may have heard people refer to their physical body being the temple using reference to one of the scripture listed below ….that is not accurate.

Of the scripture listed below depicting the body as the temple they are all plural and they reference either a group of or the entire body of Christ believers of which dwells the holy naos.

Naos 1Co 3:16, 1Co 3:17, 1Co 6:19, 2Co 6:16, Eph 2:21, Act 17:24.

And we are referenced in the scripture as Gods dwelling place up until the “gathering together unto Him” (aka rapture). When you get to Revelation the temple is once again referenced as a physical structure because the body of Christ (aka Christians) are no longer present on earth.

As an aside: The "individual person" throughout the epistles is referred to as the tabernacle not the temple as seen in the following scripture.

2Co 5:1, 2Co 5:4, (skēnos)..... 2Pe 1:13, 2Pe 1:14 (skēnōma) .......Heb 8:2, Heb 9:11, (skēnē)

I’ll add a few more

*Church of God
is reference 9 times in Acts and the epistles zero X in OT & Gospels… zero X in Revelation


*One Body is referenced 14 X in the Church epistles only… zero X in Revelation.

The one body will be gone at the gathering together ………….in Revelation it will only be Jews and Gentiles.


*The mystery in the administration of grace is “the one new man” Jews and gentiles being fellow heirs and of the same body..... this mystery is referred in the church epistles 14 times ….

The mystery that is referred to in Revelation is ……..Rev 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.


The only way you can possibly make the argument that we are living in the tribulation times of Revelation or going to go through …. Is if you believe that the administration of grace which houses the mystery …Has terminated....or will terminate

But I disagree with the thought.
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