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The Obama Legacy Deserves To Be Destroyed


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Apr 20, 2018
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The agenda put out 24 hours a day, every day, by CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, The Washington Post and New York Times ... is undermined by one single loud-mouth who talks for less than three hours a day?
Rush Limbaugh (as you would probably agree) is NOT a mere *loud mouth*. If Christians want to be completely fair, just, and objective, Rush is one of the sanest and most perceptive conservatives in America. And because of that he has tremendous influence. Ordinary citizens listen to him because he makes sense and does not simply put a spin on things.

He debunks the Left and all its nonsense every day and people to pay close attention to Rush. He is able to analyze the news and get behind what is happening and what has happened. Here is one example:

“[T]he Obama administration not only acknowledged that the deal was not a treaty, which is obvious enough, it also admitted that it wasn’t even an executive agreement! Nor was it a signed document. Here the key paragraphs. I’m gonna read to you from the Obama State Department. “[T]he Obama administration not only acknowledged that the deal wasn’t a treaty (obvious enough), but it also admitted that it wasn’t ‘an executive agreement’ or even a ‘signed document.'” Here are the key paragraphs. I’m going to read to you from the Obama State Department.

The Iranians Never Signed Obama’s Deal!

Now should not everyone in the Mainstream Media done exactly what Limbaugh did and informed the public that this so-called *deal* was not even a deal? Just smoke and mirrors?
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a post by Alan Smithee
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Dec 25, 2003
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Especially given the fact he used them at a lower rate than any president since Cleveland. Why isn't there a breathless article ranting about how the Harrison or Wilson legacy deserves to be destroyed?

I mean, I know why. But how long do we have to pretend it isn't about that?

Sadly too many Americans are living in a post-fact world. They "know" in their gut that Obama was a dictatorial tyrant who ruled exclusively by executive order and who created the "Deep State" and thus he "has to" have issued more EOs and played more golf than any other president.

And he's a Muslim.
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Old Crusty Vet
Jan 9, 2013
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Rush Limbaugh (as you would probably agree) is NOT a mere *loud mouth*.

100% agree, he is not a loud mouth. He is something much much worse

...Rush is one of the sanest and most perceptive conservatives in America.

You are 100% correct. Rush Limbaugh is sane and he is very perceptive. In fact, I am underselling him. I want to be clear on this point and I say this with all sincerity and absolutely no hyperbole whatsoever.

Rush Limbaugh is a social and political commentary GENIUS. His ability to communicate a message, idea, and ideology to the masses is of the same level of GENIUS as Einstein's breakthroughs in physics or Beethoven's musical ability.

When historians look back at this time in our history they will see that Rush Limbaugh and those like him are responsible for every subversive thing the GOP has ever done to the Dems.

The sheer unmitigated genius of Rush Limbaugh is his ability to start with a reasonable premise and reasonable argument and slowly but surely walk you to an unreasonable argumentative position and erroneous conclusion. It is unparalleled. If the Democrats developed a cure for cancer Rush Limbaugh could convince you inside of an hour that said cure was toxic poison and oh-by-the-way the Democrats created cancer to begin with and cancer is all their fault.

What Rush has done is he had/has made "Democrats" and "Liberals" the enemy. Now don't get me wrong, Dems and Conservatives have a long history of hating each other however throughout most of our history we had external threats, i.e. USSR, China, the MIddle East, that forced the Dems and GOP to cooperate somewhat. However, with the fall of the USSR in the late 80s and our increased presence in the Middle East and even an economically decent relationship with China... The US was longing for an enemy... And what Rush did was he gave the GOP party a great enemy-- The Democrats.

But the problem as I see it is the animosity between the two parties has morphed into something that is actually dangerous to America.

but but but... aren't the Democrats just as much to blame as the Republicans?


There is a serious amount of asymmetry when it comes to which party has and is being more reasonable. It is my opinion that the Democrats are the more reasonable party at this moment in time. If I had to allocate blame right now I believe it is 80% GOP and 20% Dems. As a party, the GOP right now is in tatters laying waste to pretty much every principle it has just so they can get behind a President who (IMHO) is not fit for office. The degree of White House Insanity right now is unprecedented. The degree of "Making Excuses" for someone who demonstrates his ineptitude on a weekly (if not daily) basis is unprecedented. And this new narrative and fiction that everything happening in the Administration is "normal" is so crazy to me it is like a badly written political sitcom...
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Jul 5, 2010
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Rush Limbaugh (as you would probably agree) is NOT a mere *loud mouth*. If Christians want to be completely fair, just, and objective, Rush is one of the sanest and most perceptive conservatives in America. And because of that he has tremendous influence. Ordinary citizens listen to him because he makes sense and does not simply put a spin on things.

He debunks the Left and all its nonsense every day and people to pay close attention to Rush. He is able to analyze the news and get behind what is happening and what has happened. Here is one example:

The Iranians Never Signed Obama’s Deal!

Now should not everyone in the Mainstream Media done exactly what Limbaugh did and informed the public that this so-called *deal* was not even a deal? Just smoke and mirrors?
Shh ... don't tell anyone.

They don't want to hear that his influence stems from simple truth and common sense. They'd rather portray Rush as a monster of egregious proportions. If truth and common sense weren't a basis for his efforts he'd never have the influence he does have.

For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great
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Apr 7, 2018
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They don't want to hear that his influence stems from simple truth and common sense.

...and there for a while a good dose of oxycontin. Truth, common sense and opioids.

They'd rather portray Rush as a monster of egregious proportions.

I still remember his "caller abortions" and the sound effects. Good times.

If truth and common sense weren't a basis for his efforts he'd never have the influence he does have.

True dat.

For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

When I hear Rush speak I, too, hear the words of the Bible and the voice of God. (If God ever got around to airing a song like "I'm a Philanderer" (Which I actually found quite funny back in the day. HERE)
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a post by Alan Smithee
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Dec 25, 2003
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Yonny Costopoulis

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Jul 22, 2017
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The Obama Legacy Deserves To Be Destroyed

It’s strange that a president who had such a transformative effect on our national discourse will leave such a negligible policy legacy. But Barack Obama, whose imperial term changed the way Americans interact and in some ways paved the way for the Trump presidency, is now watching his much-celebrated and mythologized two-term legacy be systematically demolished. This, in many ways, tells us that American governance still works.
Even when implementing laws Congress could pass, Obama and his allies relied on coercing participation through mandates. But when it became inconvenient, they began arbitrarily implementing parts laws. Administrative discretion became administrative abuse.
As we now see, this kind of governance not only corrodes constitutional order but undermines stability as new presidents busy themselves overturning the executive actions and international agreements enacted by the previous administration. While most Americans aren’t sticklers for process, it seems they are content with destroying legacies built on the rickety foundation of unilateralism for political reasons.
That’s fine, too. It means that if Trump engages in similar legislative efforts through the executive office, his agenda will also be dismantled one day. That’s as it should be
Let us look at the facts:

The person who led the racist birther movement against the first black president for over 1/2 a decade....
The person who used racist, attacks against Mexicans, Muslims and others, as part of his campaign to attract the racists to support him...
The person who made racist attack a judge because of his Latino heritage...
The person who publicly spoke out in support of the KKK and Nazis after Charlottesville violence, saying some were "very nice people"
The person who has a significant part of his base made up of people who support the KKK and Nazis...
The person who has a long history of racist behavior, including not renting non-whites, and attacking central park five even after they were proven innocent...
The person who pardoned a racist sheriff...
The person who referred to African countries as "feces"hole countries...
The person who even leadership in his own party agree makes racist statements...

...now wants to do his best to erase the legacy of the first black president?

[sarcasm]How can we possibly think of what is motivating him? What a deep mystery! [/sarcsam]

I think it is very obvious why he is doing this. He has a very very long history of proving how racist he is, and how he is willing to gain support of racist element of USA by supporting the KKK and Neo-Nazis.

Not only does this allow him to attack the first black president, it will also gain much loyalty and support from a significant portion of his base.

From reputable sources:
The anti-Obama: Trump's drive to destroy his predecessor's legacy
European diplomats: Trump is a 'laughing stock', 'obsessed with Obama'

Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists applaud Donald Trump
Neo-Nazi Site Daily Stormer Praises Trump's Charlottesville Reaction
KKK leader David Duke tweets 'Thank God for Trump! That's why we Love Him!'
Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People

Trump's Attacks on Hispanics Paid Dividends at the Ballot Box
Trump Invokes Rape Again in Immigration Attacks on Mexico
Paul Ryan: Trump made "textbook definition of a racist comment" - PBS

22 million Americans support neo-Nazis, new poll indicates
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Yonny Costopoulis

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2017
Ukr. Grk. Catholic
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I think we all understand why the Right feel Obama's legacy deserves to be destroyed. We need only look at the guy that was elected as the antidote.
Please see post #71.

I stated exactly why, and supported it with documentation from reputable sources.
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Jul 5, 2010
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Let us look at the facts:

The person who led the racist birther movement against the first black president for over 1/2 a decade....
The person who used racist, attacks against Mexicans, Muslims and others, as part of his campaign to attract the racists to support him...
The person who made racist attack a judge because of his Latino heritage...
The person who publicly spoke out in support of the KKK and Nazis after Charlottesville violence, saying some were "very nice people"
The person who has a significant part of his base made up of people who support the KKK and Nazis...
The person who has a long history of racist behavior, including not renting non-whites, and attacking central park five even after they were proven innocent...
The person who pardoned a racist sheriff...
The person who referred to African countries as "feces"hole countries...
The person who even leadership in his own party agree makes racist statements...

...now wants to do his best to erase the legacy of the first black president?

[sarcasm]How can we possibly think of what is motivating him? What a deep mystery! [/sarcsam]

I think it is very obvious why he is doing this. He has a very very long history of proving how racist he is, and how he is willing to gain support of racist element of USA by supporting the KKK and Neo-Nazis.

Not only does this allow him to attack the first black president, it will also gain much loyalty and support from a significant portion of his base.

From reputable sources:
The anti-Obama: Trump's drive to destroy his predecessor's legacy
European diplomats: Trump is a 'laughing stock', 'obsessed with Obama'

Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists applaud Donald Trump
Neo-Nazi Site Daily Stormer Praises Trump's Charlottesville Reaction
KKK leader David Duke tweets 'Thank God for Trump! That's why we Love Him!'
Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People

Trump's Attacks on Hispanics Paid Dividends at the Ballot Box
Trump Invokes Rape Again in Immigration Attacks on Mexico
Paul Ryan: Trump made "textbook definition of a racist comment" - PBS

22 million Americans support neo-Nazis, new poll indicates
Based on the links, all your information comes from leftist websites prone to hyperbole and exaggeration. That's fine if it makes you happy. Judging from the tenor of your posts though, you're a little upset about things.

Personally, I regularly post from liberal websites to make my case. I'd suggest you include a few conservative sources if you really want to change hearts and minds. Just a recommendation for you. I already know full well what the liberal press says about Donald Trump. Everyone here knows, liberal, conservative, libertarian, whatever. Just so ya know, those who support Trump's actions know all this already and they also know what conservative news sources report.
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Yonny Costopoulis

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Jul 22, 2017
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Based on the links, all your information comes from leftist websites prone to hyperbole and exaggeration. That's fine if it makes you happy. Judging from the tenor of your posts though, you're a little upset about things.

Personally, I regularly post from liberal websites to make my case. I'd suggest you include a few conservative sources if you really want to change hearts and minds. Just a recommendation for you. I already know full well what the liberal press says about Donald Trump. Everyone here knows, liberal, conservative, libertarian, whatever. Just so ya know, those who support Trump's actions know all this already and they also know what conservative news sources report.
From what I have seen, you consider everything but far-ultra right "leftist".

And apparently you have no idea how I feel, because I am not upset at all. But I would be embarrassed if my fellow countrymen elected something such as this.

All my links are from reputable sources. I'm sorry you do not like the information, but it is factually true.

The reputable sources do not let Trump tell them what to say, as they do at FOX News, Gateway Pundit, etc. They do not deflect and deny, as WH Press Secretaries and many Trump supporters do. Sadly many do want to know truth.

Trump has very long history of racism, and courting racists to join his base, and of blatant support of Nazis and KKK in public speeches. It should come as no surrpise that he wants to destroy the legacy of the first black POTUS.

Personally I also believe that part of what motivates Trump to destroy legacy is that Trump knows he can never measure up to Obama in any way. Obama has good marriage, respected around the world, intelligent, and more. All the things Trump wants but can never find. Instead the only people he can find to tell him he is better are syncophants, and part of Trump knows this.
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Jul 5, 2010
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I'm sorry you do not like the information, but it is factually true.
Well, that's the thing. Unlike you, I know exactly what Trump has said ... rather than the hyperbolizd versions.

Carry on though ...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2016
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Based on the links, all your information comes from leftist websites prone to hyperbole and exaggeration. That's fine if it makes you happy. Judging from the tenor of your posts though, you're a little upset about things.

Personally, I regularly post from liberal websites to make my case. I'd suggest you include a few conservative sources if you really want to change hearts and minds. Just a recommendation for you. I already know full well what the liberal press says about Donald Trump. Everyone here knows, liberal, conservative, libertarian, whatever. Just so ya know, those who support Trump's actions know all this already and they also know what conservative news sources report.

Ah, so it’s ‘shoot the messenger time’....

Refute the facts, if you can...
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Yonny Costopoulis

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2017
Ukr. Grk. Catholic
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Well, that's the thing. Unlike you, I know exactly what Trump has said ... rather than the hyperbolizd versions.

Carry on though ...
I understand. Deflect and Deny. Trump, his Press Secretary, and many many of his supporters do almost nothing but this.

I have heard this long enough to not expect anything to be different, even as they watch this man with long history of racism, this man with a long history of supporting racists, try to destroy the legacy of an honorable man, apparently for nothing more than the color of his skin. I think this is a very sad situation, but not unexpected. This keeps significant part of Trump base happy:

22 million Americans support neo-Nazis, new poll indicates
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Yonny Costopoulis

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2017
Ukr. Grk. Catholic
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Ah, so it’s ‘shoot the messenger time’....

Refute the facts, if you can...
I'm sure Gateway Pundit and Brietbart and Sean Hannity will deny each and every thing.
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Apr 18, 2007
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Hmm ... let me think for a few milliseconds ...

... maybe because he was the previous president? Whadda ya think?
I think that given that he had the lowest rate of using EOs of any president since the 1800s that is a pretty bad excuse for singling him out for that particular offense.
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Apr 18, 2007
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Sadly too many Americans are living in a post-fact world. They "know" in their gut that Obama was a dictatorial tyrant who ruled exclusively by executive order and who created the "Deep State" and thus he "has to" have issued more EOs and played more golf than any other president.

And he's a Muslim.
Atheist communist muslim, if I remember correctly.

But of course no one reported on all the super secret EOs which didn't get recorded anywhere since anyone who knew about them were sent to FEMA death camps after having their guns taken away.
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Dec 8, 2004
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I rather have him do nothing with regards to treaties then to bypass senate responsibility altogether via executive order.
He has tried that, though, and found that it usually will not work, simply because of the never-ending stalemate that is Congress.

Given that reality, it is better to cancel a bad policy that was instituted by an executive order than to let it go on doing harm.
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Jul 5, 2010
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I understand. Deflect and Deny. Trump, his Press Secretary, and many many of his supporters do almost nothing but this.
I have heard this long enough to not expect anything to be different, even as they watch this man with long history of racism, this man with a long history of supporting racists, try to destroy the legacy of an honorable man, apparently for nothing more than the color of his skin. I think this is a very sad situation, but not unexpected. This keeps significant part of Trump base happy:

If you had been listening even a little, with even a smidgeon of objectivity, you'd have noticed that the issue was simply that Obama's policies were bad. It's that simple.

Obama's legacy - from Obamacare to the Iran deal deserve to be reversed and replaced by policies which actually benefit the nation ... and, by extension, the world.
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If you had been listening even a little, with even a smidgeon of objectivity, you'd have noticed that the issue was simply that Obama's policies were bad. It's that simple.

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