Starting today August 7th, 2024, in order to post in the Married Couples, Courting Couples, or Singles forums, you will not be allowed to post if you have your Marital status designated as private. Announcements will be made in the respective forums as well but please note that if yours is currently listed as Private, you will need to submit a ticket in the Support Area to have yours changed.
I've used jb weld but I thought with baking for 6 hrs it could possibly melt. I only used the pan once, I refuse to buy another one until I get my use out of it, lol. Maybe I will see something at the store I can use. I doubt what you and the op's suggestions would be at a grocer, lol. I will try the solder just in case it decides it will work. Getting the metal hot is the secret to getting it to stick but as you said not on aluminum maybe.
It seems to me that every conversation with Christians ultimately ends up being about hell. So in this thread, any discussion of hell is forbidden.
We can discuss anything else.
So what is everyone up to today?
Blessed Samhain to you, Zoness, and to all others who observe the day!
We've rigged a candy chute for socially-distanced delivery of trick-or-treat candy, but so far no trick-or-treaters.
Tomorrow is All Saints' Day for us, and our parish will be returning to in-person worship for the first time in 8 months. It requires a lot of caution, masks, and so on, but also it will be good to return to our sacred space.
I wish you a wonderful experience of the sacred in your own ritual this evening, Zoness.
Happy Samhain to all those who celebrate it. And happy Beltane to all those in the Southern Hemisphere. Apparently its Beltane here as it's a seasonal holiday following the wheel of the year? Please correct me if I got that wrong. (I'm in Australia).
Its Sunday for me and I'm having a lazy day binge-watching American Gods on Prime and hanging out with my dogs.
Yep you're correct; the holidays correspond to the seasons rather than the literal dates. Thanks! Have you read the original book about American Gods? Pretty good book, I haven't watched the second season of the show but I enjoyed its take on the book.
I do not really have any plans. Downloaded Infamous Second Son, and enjoying it thus far. Kind of funny though considering the game takes place in Seattle just like The Last Of Us Part 2. Guess I'm in for another rainy game, lol.
Yeah, the Blue Wave turned out not to be a thing which is exceptionally disappointing.
Biden wasn't my first choice, but I would have voted for a lima bean before voting for Trump.
Although I do not agree with his decision to exempt places of worship during this stricter lockdown the next few weeks.
Although I do not agree with his decision to exempt places of worship during this stricter lockdown the next few weeks. It's not going to kill worshippers to resort to Zoom or whatever for the next few weeks, lol.