Over and over again so-called "pro-lifers" say two things that butt against each other:
- Contraception is a form of abortion, especially the morning after pills (Plan B).
- There is no reason to have an abortion because women can use contraception.
1. I don't believe that, and I'm pro-life.
2. There is no
justifiable reason to have an abortion. Contraception availability and responsible use is just one of many reasons the abortion rate should be much, much lower than it is.
The Plan B "morning after" pill is not a true contraceptive, because it can and will destroy a fertilized egg. It therefore acts as an abortifacient as well.
I also have seen "pro-lifers" speak out against mandatory sex education, which is the only way to make sure all girls and boys learn about contraception and abstinence. Again, if you want all girls and women to avoid having unwanted pregnancies, you must support this requirement for health teachers in every public and private school.
What's with the quotes around "pro-lifers"?
I am in support of mandatory education that teaches basic biology and reproductive science. I am not in support of sex ed classes that teach children how to touch, have anal sex, or use strap-ons. I am not in support of classes that teach pre-pubescent children about transgenderism and "gender spectrums". And yes, that is what some of these classes include, and it is becoming more and more common. Such material has zero place in a classroom full of children.
Reducing abortions will not happen by making them illegal.
And you know this how?
Making something difficult to obtain or do typically means it happens less frequently. If women are aware that they can't walk into the local Planned Parenthood for an abortion every time they don't feel like using a condom or they forget to take their birth control, they will become more vigilant in doing so. Since the alternative - an illegal abortion - is an undesired route.
All that would do is make most abortions very dangerous, even life-threatening.
In some cases, perhaps.
It will not reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies.
This is just plain false. If I knew that abortion were illegal, and I absolutely did not want to have a baby, I'd be far more vigilant to avoid getting pregnant. So would any other woman with a thinking brain.
If you want the number of abortions to be nearly zero you must support everything that would effectively reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies because desperate women will seek untrained people to remove fetuses out of their bodies.
Yeah, and how's that been going for you for the past 40 years? We have more widely available, low-cost or free birth control than ever before. We have more widely spread sex ed programs in schools than ever before. Yet, somehow, we're still murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent babies every year.
So what's the problem? With all this free education and free birth control, and all the tools out there for women (and men, I might add) to avoid unwanted pregnancies, why are they still happening in such massive numbers?
Obviously, the solution is
not "more birth control and education" because that's been tested on the population for decades without the desired result. We murdered over 800,000 babies in America in 2017.
The problem is that we have removed all of the
consequences for peoples' actions. We have removed the need to have any self control. We have cushioned and coddled irresponsible behavior and said, "Oh, it's okay, just get an abortion, it's no big deal, it's a clump of cells!" These women are not given information on the risks, they aren't shown ultrasounds so they can be aware of the reality of what's happening within their own bodies, the fathers are completely cut out of the decision-making process (as well as the parents if the girl is underage). Knowing that an abortion is just a phone call away, means that exhibiting responsible, healthy self control in the form of abstaining from sex, or using birth control consistently, loses its importance. You've removed the consequences; therefore the proactivity to avoid them no longer exists.
So what do you want, fewer unwanted pregnancies or a lot of sick women occupying jail cells?
I'd like to see us stop murdering our own children. I'd like to see men and women held up to a standard of behavior that is remotely human, and not expect them to behave like animals in heat who can't control their urges. I'd like to see marriage, family, and children, cherished again, like they once were, and still should be.
Nowhere, in any of this, is "keep murdering the babies" a good answer.