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I agree with some of this and have responded to similar posts, both pro and con, for years.I always found the "God's plan" thing to be a thought blanket. Something that makes people feel better. It is very easy for someone to think to themselves, "This bad stuff happened to me because of God's plan!" instead of understanding that it happened because it just happened. Another thing I see on this forum is threads where people say, "I had a bad thought against God, I'm so going to hell!" This is why I'm not religious, because logic and religion are two concepts that are so far apart that I can't even begin to explain it. Given the rules here, what I can talk about is very limited.
Like I probably described in a few others threads, I went to a macho, alpha redpilled forum for some dating advice, and due to me being a 36-year-old virgin, I was made to feel unspeakably terrible and self-conscious. It opened my eyes to how the world really is, what the world really wants and should want, and it worried me so much that I was in this half-conscious state, that's how bad it was. The world is trapped in high school. I will probably stay alone forever because of how the world works and thinks. Then that led me to why God creates people. Why? Some people are set up to fail. I've actually seen someone reply with "If you don't believe that Christ died for our sins and X, Y and Z, you go to a lake of fire." which is quite possibly the most disgusting and infuriating thing I've ever read. So that means people raised differently are going straight to hell because... they were raised differently? Okay. Cool, what a way to go through life, just assume that 90% of people walking around on Earth are gonna suffer for eternity because they don't think a certain way. Boy, what a loving God, right?
You don't get to have this forgiving, all-loving God but oh by the way he eternally punishes people for what their beliefs are, so pick the right one. You might as say that the Empire State Building is the same thing as a spoon. I never understood how faith works. Even when I was in kindergarten, I looked forward to getting old and dying eventually because I'd be done with that Earth crap and just go to straight to heaven, hopefully, if it existed. We all have lives we didn't ask for. Over 4 billion people do not have a unique purpose in this life, especially when a lot of them are invisible people, and some who die young before any impact was made. What was God's plan then?
God does not seem to be very good at his job, and by that, I mean he seems to be nightmarishly bad at his job. He knows the future right? So he already knows who's going to heaven and hell before they're even born, meaning some people are set up to fail. God is writing strawman as actual living people. One could say, "God doesn't have a plan for some people because those people don't believe/haven't given themselves up to God yet!" Then why did God create them in the first place, even if he knows they will not be religious? Why expect someone to root for your team when you know ahead of time they won't? Also, what are the mechanics? God waits for people to "get busy", then puts a soul in a fetus at the right time? This is why atheists exist, because the logic just doesn't click together. Where do people get the God's plan mode of thought from?
Much of the problem stems from the false concept that "God is in control of everything..." I even wrote a book on the subject some 10 or 12 years ago. "The 'God is in Control of Everything' Myth"
If, in fact, "God is in control of everything," then it is unavoidable that God orchestrates, authenticates, and endorses everything that happens. He is doing everything from the orbiting of electrons in an atom to the colliding of galaxies. People can equivocate if they want. Throw words like "permission" and "allow" at you. Obfuscate and blame shift. But when it is all boiled down, if you believe God is "in control of everything," then you believe God is doing it all, complete, immediate, and personal. If you believe that "God is in control of everything," then all of creation is nothing more than the moment-by-moment externalization of the mind of God as it manifests in time and space. This theory is the product of lazy theology, lazy minds, and lazy spiritual discernment. God is not in control of everything. He never said He was, He never said He wanted to be. In fact, God created the universe as it is on purpose. He wants the universe as it is, at least for the moment. To this end, it was created in this way so He would have a family made of faith and love. I said in my book that a universe under God's omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent power could never create this family. Power cannot create it. Love and faith are creating this family, and that requires risk and sacrifice. That goes against the doctrine of immutability (theology pits the attributes of God against the nature of God). A universe under the complete control of God could not give God what He wanted. So, He created it as an "open" universe. We talk about "free will," but we must understand that we live in a "free action universe" where things are allowed to happen by default. Too much to go into here. Things are allowed to happen by "the course of nature." Everything God created was given a portion of God's sovereignty. It has the right to exist and the right to interact with everything else that was created. Things do not need permission to happen. They happen because this is a free universe, and all things are allowed by default. This idea scares theologians. I am not going to post all 400 pages of the book here. However, many of the concepts you shared are addressed in the book. To end it, God interacts with the universe as an intervener, not an orchestrator. Sometimes He intervenes, sometimes He does not. Salvation, healing, freedom from oppression, and answered prayer are all interventions against the world, the god of this world, the darkness, and the course that nature is taking against us. This changes your faith and your prayer life. You no longer accept everything that comes as "the will of God." You understand that God is not behind all the evil that is coming your way. You begin to pray against evil, sin, and darkness. You are proactive in your faith and your prayers. You resist the devil and never give in to the idea that God sicced the devil on you or gave the devil permission to destroy you. (The devil does not need permission to destroy you. He is a roaring lion who is wandering around looking for people who are not sober, not vigilant, and not resisting him - so he may devour them. He is the adversary and does not need permission to be adverse.) Let these ideas change your approach to life and God. Become proactive and go on the offense. Realize the God is on your side, and is just waiting for you to act in faith toward Him and His Word. You will become a member of that family, and begin to take control over your world as God meant. He is your Lord, King, and general. Overcome the world. Stop laying down for it and blaming God for what is happening!
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