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Teaching (no posting) The Book of Matthew


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The Coming of The Son of Man
Matt 24:29-31
(see also Mrk 13:24-27; Lke 21:25-28)

Yeshua continues, "After this time period of trouble,
‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light
and the stars will fall from heaven
and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.’ [Is 13:10; Is 34:4; Ezek 32:7; Jol 2:10; Jol 3:4; Zeph 1:15]

Then the Son of Man will appear in the clouds. Everyone on earth will see him in great power and glory. He will send out his angels with the sound of a great shofar and they will gather together his chosen from one end of the earth to the other."

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Watching for Messiah's Return
Matt 24:32-35
(see also Mrk 13:28-31; Lke 21:29-33

Yeshua now tells them a parable. "look at the fig trees. When they blossom that tells you that summer is near. It is the same with all the things I've just told you about. When you see them beginning to happen, know then that the time of my coming is near. This generation will not pass away until all these things happen. Heaven and earth will pass away but my workds will never pass away".

As soon as we see these things that Yeshua described (wars, famines, earthquakes, false prophets and false Messiah's, etc.) beginning to happen, it should be obvious to us that the end is near. These things have been happening for a very long time already, therefore, the earth has been in "birth pangs" all this time. It's even closer now than it was when Yeshua said it. (see 2 Pet 3:8)The events don't indicate how near, just that it's near.

By "this generation" it's obvious that it does not mean the generation of the people he's talking to (since he said that as lightning in the sky from the east to the west, that every eye will see him) but to the generation of people who will be experiencing the events that he is telling them about.

Everything we know regarding this earth and the heavens will pass away but His word will never pass away. If He said it, He meant it. It was forever.

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The Unknown Day and Hour
Matt 24:36-44
(see also Mrk 13:32-37, Lke 17:26-336)

But when that day will come, no one but the Father knows. In the past there have been many who said they knew the date that Messiah would return, but those dates came and went and we are all still here. Yeshua said, "No one knows but the Father what the date and time will be, therefore, no one knows but the Father when the date and time will be. :)

The bottom line is, "Be alert", and "Be ready". Go on with the things that you need to do, but be alert and be ready. Don't be caught up in arguments about scripture, politics, etc.. Yes, understanding these things and standing for what is right is important, but don't be so caught up that your focus on God is distracted and that you easily be led astray.

The Jewish festival Rosh Hashanah, has prophetic significance to the coming of Messiah and is viewed as a dress rehearsal for when Messiah returns.

  • The blowing of the shofar is prophetic of the rapture of the church where those who are part of the Bride of Mashiach, the church will experience everlasting transformation. ~Hebrew for Christians, Rosh Hashanah~

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The Faithful Servant
Matt 24:45-51
(See also Lke12:41-48)

As followers of Yeshua, we are all his servants. Some of us though have been put in positions to teach the younger servants and to properly train them up in the way they should go.

Food is a reference to "scripture" teaching, spiritual nourishment. The leaders responsible for keeping other followers faithful until Yeshua, the Master, returns.([2 Tim 2:15) They are to prepare the food correctly and to give the other servants their meals at the right times. Feeding the other servants nutricious and hearty meals will give them the strength they need in order to complete their daily duties and remain strong and faithful to the Master. Not just a bowl of spiritual corn flakes because the head servant is too lazy.

Yeshua says, "Blessed is the servant who when his Master returns is found faithful in these things. That servant will be put in charge of many of the Masters possessions".

It's a different story though for the head servants who gives up on the return of the Master. He tires and concludes the Master is taking too long to return so he's going to have a bit of "jun" while he waits. Partying and carrousing and being abusive to the servants under him. Using the Masters possessions for his own personal enjoyment.

When the Master does return that servant will be "cut in two" and will be thrown in the place where all the hypocrites are, where there will be weeping and gnasing of teeth.

It's a serious thing to be a servant leader and unfaithful and abusive toward the other servants and lead them wrongly. Let us not become weary in our God responsibilities. Let us remain faithful to Him and keep our eyes on Yeshua and his return. Yesnua is coming soon.

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The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Matt 25:1-13
(see other scriptures referencing being ready for the wedding feast: Matt 22:1-14; Lke 12:35-36; Rev 19:7-10)

I found many different thoughts on this parable. They did not disagree with each other, just gave different thoughts on it. Remember this is a parable about the end of days and the return of Messiah.
  • Olive oil can also be seen as a symbol of the Holy Spirit (or possibly of faith) in Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1–13). The five wise virgins in the wedding party had made sure they had olive oil for their lamps as they waited for the bridegroom to come. The five foolish virgins did not think ahead and had brought no oil. As the bridegroom drew near, the five foolish virgins begged the wise ones for some of their oil. But the wise virgins could not spare any. While the foolish virgins were out buying more oil, the bridegroom came, and their chance to join the wedding celebration was gone forever.

    Jesus gave the point of the parable: “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (Matthew 25:13). At the end of the age, when Jesus comes back, some will be ready for His arrival (illustrated by the wise virgins who had olive oil); others will not be ready (symbolized by the foolish virgins who had no oil). Considering the olive oil as a symbol of the Holy Spirit (or of faith), we could say that only those who have the Spirit (or faith in Christ) are truly ready for Jesus’ second coming. ~Got Questions~

  • Oil: Metaphor for righteousness or good deeds. (Ps 119:105; Prov 6:23; 13:9; Jb 18:5) ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
  • Olive Oil symbolizes knowledge of Torah, which provides spiritual illumination. Oil is also the symbol of joy, (Is 51:3)~One New Man Bible~
  • A video teaching from 119 Ministries: The Parable of the Ten Virgins.
I thought all these thoughts were good. The bottom line again is Be ready. We do not know the day or the hour when Yeshua will return. BE READY!

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The Parable of The Talents
Matt 25:14-25
(see also Lke19:11-27)

There are more than just a few different teachings out there on this parable. What we need to keep in mind is that Yeshua is "still" talking about the end times. He's not changed the teaching subject to take a break nor is he teaching abut using our giftings and abilities for God...while it's good to use our giftings and abilities for God, that's not what this parable is about. The end of the parable does not jive with such teaching.

Attached is an audible teaching of the parable from a Jewish perspective, after all Yeshua was himself Jewish and he was talking to Jews :) and it's important to understand scripture from what they would have understood Yeshua to have been saying when giving the lessons he was giving. They were not American, or Australian, or African they were Jewish and understanding scripture through Jewish eyes is extremely beneficial to understand what was being said.

In this teaching the parable, for me anyway, make much more sense with the context of the teaching: they are talking about the end times, and the last parable talked about being ready so that when Yeshua returned you are not locked out of the Kingdom of God. The parable of the talents continue on from there.

In the audi there are several interruptions, but stick with it, he does finely get to finish.

Teaching of Parable of The Talents

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Separation of the Sheep and the Goats, The Final Judgement
Matt 25:31-46

What Yeshua is describing here does not seem to be a parable but a description of what will take place at the final judgment. According to the scripture, we will be judged. Some will be put at His right hand and some will be put on His left. Those on the right hand will go to everlasting life, the one's on the left will go to everlasting punishment.

Here is the telling of the scripture in song: Keith Green, Sheep and the Goats.

Notes from varied commentaries.

  • The throne of the King of the Universe is made of the Glory of His Presnece. Jer 14:21 speaks of the Throne of Your Glory and Jewish commentary has many references to Throne of Glory. Matt 19:28 also has Throne of His Glory ~One New Man Bible~
  • Sheep ffrom the goats, represent righteous and wicked, respectively. See Ezek 34:12. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
  • The right hand here is a symbol of God's salvation, from Ps 20:7, while the left symbolizes calamity and judgement. ~One New Man Bible~
  • Right Hand, the side of righteousness justice. (Matt 20:21-23; 1 Kngs22:19; Ps 45:9; Rom 8:34) ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
  • The Greek word for clothed refers to the outer garment or prayer shawl. ~One New Man Bible~
  • Verse 40 guves the real heart of God, "To love our neighbor as ourself." ( Lev 19:18) One New Man Bible~
  • Verse 11 "into the everlasting fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels" Rev 19:20; Rev 20:10; Rev 20:15. ~Jewish New Testament Commentary~
  • Verse 46 See also Can 12:2. ~Jewish New Testament Commentary~

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The Conspiracy Grows
Matt 26:1-5
(see also Mrk 14:1-2; Lke22:1-2; Jhn 11:45-53)

This was the fourth time Yeshua had predicted his arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection (see Matt 16:21-23; 17:22-23; 20:17-19)

The ruling
kohanim (also spelled kohen, cohan, or kohan) descendents of the sons of Aaron who served as priests in the Temple in Jerusalem. The High Priest was Ciaphas. Note that Ciaphas was Roman appointed. He and the others were all plotting together to try and steal Yeshua away and kill him without anyone noticing. They did not want to do it during the festival because they thought it would cause a riot.

  • Traditionally, kohanim (the plural of a kohen) get special honors in synagogue, but also are subject to certain restrictions. Like Levites, who are descendants of the priests’ assistants and also singled out for certain honors, kohanim are descendants of the tribe of Levi. Many people with the surname Cohen, Kahn, Katz (and their various spellings) are kohanim, and many with the surname Levi or Levy are Levites.~My Jewish Learning~
  • Passover, pilgrimage festival celebrating the Israelites' exodus from Egypt and bringing tens of thousands of pilgrims to Jerusalem. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
  • Pesach ("Passover") is the festival established in Exod us 12:1-13:16 to commemorate the freeing of the Jews from Egyptian slavery and their establishment as a nation and as the people of God. The central event of the original Passover was the slaughter by each Jewish family of a lamb "without blemish or spot," whereupon God spared the firstborn sons of the Israelites but slew those of the Egyptians. When Y'chanan (John) the Immerser speaks of Yeshua as the "lamb of God" (Yn 1:29; 1 Cor 5:6-8) ~Jewish New Testament Commentary~

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eshua annointed at Bethany
Matt 26:6-13
.(see also Mrk 14:3-9; Jn 12:1-8)

When Yeshua was in Bethany he went to the house of a man known as "Simon, the leper" (not the same disease we call leprosy today). Other than this story, nothing is known of him. Obviously, Simon would not have been back in his own home and inviting people over for dinner if he were still a leper, so this was a man who was known for having "had" leprosy but now had been declared clean by the priests.Interestingly, the skin issues referred to as leprosy is most often connnected to the sin of gossip and slander, sins of the tgongue.

The book of Matthew does not identify the name of the woman who anointed the head and feet of Jesus, however the book of John does. It was Miriam (Mary), the sister of Lazarus and Martha. Martha was serving the meal and Lazarus was reclining at the table. Miriam broke open an alabaster jar of very expensiv oil (John specifically says nard) and poured it over the head of Yeshua.

Matthew says the "disciples" became indignant, however again in the book of John the instigator of the commotion was named as Judah (Judas). He complained that the oil could have been sold instead and the money given to the poor. John says Judah did not say this because he was concerned about the poor but because he, Judas, was the keeper of the money bag for Yeshua and the disciples, and he was pilfering from it.
  • Money given to the poor, rabbinic tradition mandated selling luxury items to provide for the poor (b. Ta'an 2ob). Passover was a time for giving charity (m. pasah9.10; 11.1) ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
Yeshua hushed them up though telling them to (paraphrased), "Leave her alone. She's done a mitzvah for me. You will always have the poor but you won't always have me. she did this to prepare my body for buriel". Then he added, "In memory of her, wherever the good news of the gospel is told the story of what she has done for me here today will also be told.

  • "You always have the poor".(see Deut 15:4) ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~ It was God's intent for there to never be poor among God's people.
  • "Prepared me for buriel", in the late Second Temple period, Jews annointed corpses in prreparation for burial (Jn 19:39-40) ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
Note: I changed the link I had given for nard...it was a link to a group I would never send anyone other than showing their cultish ways. Sorry for the error.
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Yeshua Betrayed and Sold for Silver
Matt 16:14-16
(see also Mrk 14:10-11; Lke22:3-6)

Yeshua has just repremanded Judas (the instigator of the commotion) and the other disciples for ridiculing Mary for breaking her jar of expensive perfune and pouring it over Yeshua's head, claiming it could have been used for the poor. I'm sure Judas resented being corrected in front of everyone. Plus, he was a thief and saw what he considered a "waste" as money he was not able to steal. Therefore, he went straight to the kohanim (priests) to discuss how he could turn Yeshua over to them.

I've heard the idea that Judas' thought he was forcing Yeshua to get on with the plan to "take over as Messiah", but due to the circumstances around performing this action I reject that idea. In Luke it says "satan entered into Judas" and he went immediately out from there (the house they were having dinner at in Bethany and where he had been repremanded for ridiculing Mary) and went to the high priests to see how to "get back" at Yeshua. He was angry and greedy and that's what gave satan the door to be able to enter in to him. He asked the priests, "What can you give me IF I gurn him over to you?" Appairently, what they offered was good to him.

The priests weighed out thirty shekels of silver...the same price paid if an ox gored a slave (Ex 21:32)

  • The silver coin most likely in circulation at this time that cold correspond to a shekel was the Athenian tetrachm (four drachmas) the rough equivalent of four denarii. A denarii was a days wages for a laborer, so the fee mentioned here is 120 days' wages. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
From that point on Judas began what his strategy would be for turning Yeshua over to the priests.

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The Seder with the Disciples
Matt 26:17-25
(see also Mrk 14:12-21; Lke22:7-14; Jn 13:21-30)

I have read so many ideas on the "timing" of this meal and whether it was a regular Passover Seder or not that my mind is swirling. I have included here several notes so that your minds too may swiril. :)

It's not to fret over though, I think the inconsistencies are more in what we've been taught meeting with what the scripture actually says plus Jewish tradition. Of course there are a lot of "blanks" in-between what scripture says and how how it all played out. Those of us who do not understand all the traditions behind the events must do some digging. We can keep things to our basic understanding or we can understand the deep meanings behind what Yeshua did by researching it out. And not from just "one" source. It's up to us.

I sorta (LOL) conclude it was not a regular Passover meal. It is my understanding that the disciples preparing such a meal before the prescribed by God date would have violated what the Father had set up. There could not have been "lamb" for dinner because the slaughtering of the lambs as well as Yeshuas "death" as the "Lamb of God" would not happen until the next day. I could be wrong thugh. If you have thoughts on that issue, please feel free to share them.

I'm intrigued by the idea given in the Jewish New Testament Commentary regarding this meal actually being a "banquet" of sorts for the finishing of a training period and book of Tanakh by a teacher and his disciples. (see below) I'd never heard this idea before and think it quite plausible.

At the meal Yeshua says that one of them there at the table was going to betray him. They all became concerned and asked, "Is it me Lord?". Then he revealed that the one dipping in the bowl with him was the one. But they did not comprehend. Yeshua looked at Judas and told him to do what he had to do. Judas quickly left (he was not in attendance at Yeshua's sharing of his body and blood). The rest of the disciples just thought that Yeshua had told him to give something to the poor. I personally think if they had understood, they wuold have attacked Judas, stopping him from what was to happen.

  • Verse 20: Reclining at any meal is a symbol of freedom from the Egyptian bondage, which is the theme of the Seder ~One New Man Bible~
  • Eat the Passover, the ritually sacrificed lamb (Ex 12:3-6) Hebrew "Seder" lit, "order", where Jews recount where Israelites' exodus from Egypt, and with their families eat special foods. (matzah, paschal lamb, bitter herbs) (Ex 12:18-27; Lev 23:4-8; Num 9:1-14; 28-17; Deut 16:1-8) The Seder ritual as we know it, however, is largely a rabbinic, postbiblical rite. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
  • The Last Supper is understood by most scholars to have been a Passover meal or Seder. Many Pesash themes are deepened, reinforced and given new levels of meaning by the events in the life of Yeshua the Messiah and by his words on this night. However, Joseph Shulam has suggested that it may have been not the Seder but a se'udat-mitzvah, the celebratory "banquet accompanying performance of a commandment" such as a wedding or b'rit-milah. Here is the background for his argument. When a rabi and his students finish studying a tractate of the Talmud, they celebrate with sw'udat-mitzvah (also called se'udat-siyum, "banquet of completion," i.e., graduation). The Fast of the Firstborn, expressing gratitude for the saving of Israael's firstborn sons from the tenth plague has been prescribed for the day before Pesach, Nisan 14, at least since Mishnaic times.When it is necessary to eat a se'udat-mitzvah, this takes precedence over a fast. With a modicum of forsight a rabbi can plan to complete a tractate on Nisan 14 and thus avoid having to fast; doing so is not construed as cheating, and in fact it has become the custom. The tradition of the Fast of the Firstborn dates at least from Mishnaic time. But, Shulam reasons, if it goes back a couple centuries more to the time of Yeshua, and if the se'udat-siyum custom applied in the first century to the completing of any course of study, then Yeshua might have arranged to have himself and his talmidim finish reading a book of the Tanakh on Nissan 14. Or, Since Yeshua knew he was to die, he may have regarded it as appropriate to complete his disciples' earthly "course of study, with a banquet. This solution would also solve the perceived conflict between Yochanan and the Synoptic Gospels over the timing of the Last Supper. However, most of the Jewish New Testament Commentary notes on the Last Supper are based on the assumption that the event was in fact a Passover Seder.~Jewish New Testament Commentary~
  • Dips his matzah in the dish. The dish may well have contained charoset and/or maror, both used in Seder services today. Charoset is a sweet paste made of fruit, nuts, spices and wine; numerous recipes are in use today in the various Jewish ethnic communities. Its function in the Seder is to recall by its appearence the mortar which the Isralite slaves made in Egypt, and it is referred to by the mid-second-century rabbis Me'ir and El'ezerbar-Tzadok in the Mishna. Maror means "bitter herbs"calling to mind the bitterness of Israelite slavery to Pharaoh; today horseradish root or lettuceis used as maror. Rabbi Hillel, in the generation before Yeshuainaugurated the custom of eating a "sandwich" consisting of a piece of the Passover lamb, together with matzah and maror, in literal fulfillment of the command.On (Hebrew 'al) matzah and maror shall they eat it" (Ex 12:8). (Today Ashkenazi Jews do not eat lamb at Passover because it cannot be slaughtered at the Temple; however, the S'faradim do.) ~Jewish New Testament Commentary~
  • Thoughts from Ted Montgomery
I am certainly not an expert on this but search the scripture for more understanding as I pray that you do too. These are just my thoughts and I welcome yours.

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The Seder
Matt 26:26-30
(see also Mrk 14:22-26; Lke22:15-20; 1 Cor 11:23-25)

Ok, so now that we've concluded what kind of seder it was..really, I'm still not sure. I'm still flip-flopping back and forth. I don't know that it matters. It was a meal and it was at the beginning of the Passover. Since the sacrifices would not be made until the next afternoon I'm pretty sure the meat was not lamb. There was wine and there was matzah.

After the meal, Yeshua took the matzah and said a blessing. It would have been this blessing or something similar :)

He broke it and passed it around to his disciples for each of them to take a piece. He told them to, "eat it, it is my body".

Then he took a cup of wine, and gave thanks.

He gave each of them wine and said, "Drink it, it is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many, for the removal of sins".
  • The use of the present tense indicates that his blood is still being poured out today. This is the third cup of the seder, taken after the meal, and called the cup of Redemption, from Ex 6:6. ~One New Man Bible~
  • The word "new" is not found in all the manuscripts of this text and may have been copied from Luke. (Lke22:20) In any case, the Messiah is here establishing the New Covenant promised to the Jewish people in Jer 31:30-33 (31-34). This New Covenant foes not revoke God's previous covenants. Rather, all five of God's major covenants - made through Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Yeshua - remain in force today. ~Jewish New Testament Commentary~ God's New Covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah through Yeshua the Messiah blesses all mankind by providing the final and permanent atonement for sin and by promising that the Holy Spirit of God will write the Torah on the heart of anyone with faith. It thus complements the earlier covenants without anulling them ( Gal 3). It was promised in the Tanakh, and the books of the New Testament elaborate on it. ~Jewish New Testament Commentary

Yeshua added, "I will not drink from this fruit of the vine again until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's Kingdom".

After singing the "Hallel" they went out to the Mount of Olives.

  • The Hallel means "praise" and is Ps 113 through 118, which are still sung toward the close of a Seder.~One New Man Bible~
  • Singing the Hallel. This translates one Greek word which means, literally, "hymning." But since this was the Seder, we can know the hymn being sung must have been one of the Hallel ("praise")Psalms recited at festivals, Ps 113-118 or 136. ~Jewish New Testament Commentary~

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Peter's Denial Foretold
Matt 26:31-35
(see also Mrk 14:27-31; Lke22:31-34; Jn 36-38)

As Yeshua and his disciples are walking to the Mount of Olives, he tells them they will all become deserters and he quotes from Zech 13:7.

Yeshua continues, "After I am raised up I will meet you in Galilee.

Peter immediately said, "Though everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you".

Yeshua tells him that before a rooster crows that Peter would deny him three times.

Now I've grown up being told that this was a reference to an actual rooster...but it may not have been.

  • This is a good question because the Mishnah (m.Bava Kamma 7:7) states that:
    אין מגדלין תרנגולים בירושלים.

    We may not raise chickens in Jerusalem.

    The reason for this is not the dung directly (dung is not actually ritually unclean). But there is a concern that the chickens may contaminate the sacrifices with the unclean creatures they might drag out of the dungheaps. (Remember, some sacrifices were eaten anywhere in Jerusalem, not just the Temple courts.)

    "[bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]'s crow" is a technical term in Jewish law: kri'at hagever (קריאת הגבר). It is a time of day prior to dawn that marks the end of night.

    The Mishnah (m.Yoma 1:8) describes how the removal of the ashes form the altar in the Temple was performed:

    בכל יום תורמין את המזבח בקריאת הגבר או סמוך לו, בין לפניו בין לאחריו.

    Every day they would remove the ashes at kri'at hagever or around that time, before or after.

    In the Gemara (b.Yoma 20b) there is a disagreement as to whether the term kri'at hagever literally means "call of the man" or "call of the rooster":

    מאי קריאת הגבר? רב אמר קרא גברא, רבי שילא אמר: קרא תרנגולא.

    What is kri'at hagever? Rav said, "Call of the man." Rabbi Shila said, "Call of the rooster."

    The Gemara continues by explaining that they are both right. In the Temple precinct, there was a Temple crier who called out to begin the service. Everywhere else, the time would be determined by an actual rooster crowing.

    גביני כרוז מהו אומר ־ עמדו כהנים לעבודתכם ולוים לדוכנכם וישראל למעמדכם, והיה קולו נשמע בשלש פרסאות. מעשה באגריפס המלך שהיה בא בדרך ושמע קולו בשלש פרסאות, וכשבא לביתו שיגר לו מתנות.

    Gabbini the Temple crier--what did he say? "Rise up, O priests, to your service, and Levites, to your platform, and Israelites to your posts!" His voice was audible for three parasangs. Once it happened that King Agrippa was going along and heard his voice from three parasangs, and when he got home he sent him gifts. ~Biblical Hermeneutics~
  • [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]-crowing ~BibleHub~
That makes much more sense to me than an actual rooster (the fowl) crowing in the temple area.

Peter vehemently denies that he will do such a thing. "I'll never deny you" he says, as well as all the other disciples.

  • Verse 32: Resurrection was not a strange idea to the people of Israel in Y'shua's day. In Jn 11:24 Martha says to Y'shuathat she know her brother will be resurrected in the resurrection on the last day, which is Judgment Day. From this we know that it was common knowledge that eventually everyone will be resurrected and that the resurrection will be for Judgment. ~One New Man Bible~

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Yeshua Prays at Gethsemene
Matt 26:36-46
(see also Mrk 14:32-42; Lke 22:39-46)

They arrive at Gethsemene.

  • Gethsemene, Heb "oil press" ("gat shemen"), near the Mount of Olives ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
Yeshua tells the disciples to sit there while he goes to another spot to pray. He takes Peter, James, and John with him a little further. He is visibly troubled, deeply grieved, overcome with grief. He says to Peter, James, and John, "stay here and keep watch with me".
  • Deeply grieved, an inner struggle, similar to those found in the Psalms. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
We might think that Peter, James, and John seeing him in the grievous condition he was in would be concerned and I'm sure they were but not enough to meet his request to stay awake and "pray with me".

Their bellies were full but the walk from where they had eaten to the garden should have invigorated them a little bit. Yeshua was on his face in grief. I'm sure they could see him and possibly even hear him, but they grew tired and fell asleep.

On his face, Yeshua prays, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me! Yet not as I will, but as You will.” In his flesh he did not want to go through what he knew he was about to go through, but his love for his father and for us overcame. He would follow the Father's plan.

Then he got up and saw that Peter, James, and John had all fallen asleep. He says to Peter, "couldn't you stay awake and pray with me for even an hour? Keep watching and praying, so that you won’t enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Have you ever wondered, "what would have been the difference if they had stayed awake and prayed with Yeshua"? Would it have given Yeshua more strength? Would they have been stronger? What might have been the differences? Nothing in the final outcome, but what about inner strength to deal with what was about to happen?

Yeshua went away to pray again. He prayed again that if the plan (to give the lost a means of escape from their sin) could not be done in another way, "Let Your will be done Father". When Yeshua went back to Peter, James, and John he again found them asleep.

He did not say anything this time but left them again and prayed a third time, the same prayer. Then when he came back to them again he awoke them saying, "still sleeping? Taking your rest? Look! It's time, the son of man is being delivered into the hands of sinners. Look, my betrayer is near."

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The Betrayal and Arrest of Yeshua
Matt 26:47-56
(see also Mrk 14:43-50; Lke22:47-53; Jn 18:3-12)

Yeshua was still speaking when Judas showed up with a crowd of soldiers and Temple leaders who were carrying clubs and swords. The sign Judas had said he would give so they would know who was to be arrested was a "kiss"
Judas greeted Yeshua with the word, "shalom" and a kiss. He greeted him as a friend would. In Hebrew it looks like this:
Read from right to left

  • (v 50) Friend, not necessarily indicating friendliness. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
Peter, just being awakened again, comes up swinging his sword and cuts off the right ear of one of the servants of the kohen. Yeshua stops him and reprimands him.
Yeshua tells him that he does not need Peter's protection, for at any time he could call down legions of angels and they would settle the matter.
  • (v 53) Legions, Roman military cohorts. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
  • (v 53) A legion at full strength was 6,826 men. ~One New Man Bible~
Yeshua knew all the scriptures that had foretold what would happen and understood that he must not intercept any of the events so as to nullify anything.
  • (v 54) Scripture
  1. Hated without a cause: Is 49:7.
  2. Rejected by the rulers: Ps 118:22.
  3. Betrayed by a friend: Ps 41:9.
  4. Sold for 30 pieces of silver: Zech 11:12.
  5. Subject to having his price given for a potter's field: Zech 11:13.
  6. Forsaken by his talmidim: Zech 13:7.
  7. Struck on the cheek: Mic 4:14.
  8. Spat on: Is 50:6.
  9. Mocked: Ps 22:8-9.
  10. Beaten: Is 50:6.
  11. Executed by crucifixion: Ps 22:17.
  12. Executed without having a bone broken: Ex 12:46; Ps 34:21.
  13. Thirsty during his execution: Ps 22:16.
  14. Given vinegar to quench that thirst: Ps 69:22.
  15. Considered a transgressor: Is 53:12.
  16. Buried with the rich when dead: Is 53:9.
  17. The one whose death would atone for the sins of mankind: Is 53:5-7, 12.
  18. Raised from the dead: Is 53:9-10; Ps 2:7; 16:10.
  19. Ascended to the right hand of God: Ps 16:11; 68:19. ~Jewish New Testament Commentary.
Yeshua looks at the crowd carrying their clubs and swords and asks, "Have you come to get me with clubs and swords? Every day I was among you and you could have taken me then, without the weapons but you come now with swords and clubs? But it was all to happen as scripture said.

His disciples fled.

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Yeshua before the Council
Matt 56:57-68
(see also Mrk 14:53-65; Lke22:54-55;63-71; Jn 18:13-14; 19-24)

Now Yeshua is in front of the Sanhedrin having a trumped up trial with lying "witnesses" Finely they get some witnesses who are able to take something he actually said but they twist what he meant by it. Yeshua kept silent. What was happening was illegal but he did not defend himself.

The Laws of the Great Sanhedrin Regarding Trials.

They mocked him, slapped him, spit on him.

  • (v 60) False witnesses, at least two witnesses were needed to pronounce a death sentence. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
  • (v 61) The temple he had spoken of was his body and the fulfillment was his resurrection. ~Jewish New TestimentCommentary~

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Peter's Denial of Yeshua
Matt 26:69-75
(see also Mrk 14:66-72; Lke22:56-62; Jn 18:15-18; 25-27)

I forgot to mention yesterday that at one point the scripture mentions the High Priest asking Yeshua if he was the Messiah, the Son of God. Yeshua respond with, "You said it, but I say", then Yeshua quoted from Ps 110:1 and Daniel 7:13. He did not need to give scripture references, they all knew what he was referencing.

Also, in the shadows we see Peter. John mentions another disciple with Peter, one who was known by the Temple Priests, however, it does not identify him. That disciple went in and talked with the guards then Peter was brought in. We see Peter warming himself at a fire and there are many of the temple servants there too.

Apparently, several of those servants were at the arrest in the garden and they recognized Peter and spoke out, "you were there". Peter denies it. "Surely you are one of his disciples". Again, Peter denies it. "You are a Galilean too, we recognize your accent, you are one of his followers". This time Peter become enraged and yells that he does not know the man. (see Matt 5:33-37) Yeshua was within view and turned and looked at Peter. Peter remembered how Yeshua had told him he would deny him three times before the [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] crowed (see note here) and then ran out and wept bitterly.

I think we need to give Peter a little bit of credit here...after all he was there. We have no idea where the others were. We can say he was a coward but really how much different might we have reacted? Peter wept bitterly. He knew he had failed the one person whom he deeply loved and trusted in. The one he understood to be the Messiah, the Son of the living God. (Matt 16:16) He'd denied even knowing him.

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Yeshua Brought Before Pilate
Matt 27:1-2
(see also Mrk 15:1; Lke23:1-2; John 18:28-32)

The ruling kohanim decided Yeshua should be put to death. They tied him up and they led him away from Caiaphas to the Praetorium to put him before Pontius Pilate, a particularly vile ruler.

  • (v 2) Pilate the governor. Pontius Pilate was prefect of Judea from 26 to 36 C.E. and therefore the judge in the trial of Yeshua. An inscription with his name on it has been found in Casarea, on the coast between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Philo and Josephus characterized him as vile, cruel and cagey; his weak character and lack of concern for truth and justice are clear from the New Testament descriptions of his behavior. ~Jewish New Testament Commentary~

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The Death of Judas
Matt 27:3-10
(see also Acts 1:18-19)

So Judas is finely come to his scenes and realizes he's made a terrible decision in betraying Yeshua. However, instead of falling on his knees in repentance to God, he tries to undo what he's done on his own abilities. I personally think he "could" have repented and God would have forgiven him. That's not what Judas did though.

Judas takes the money he was paid and tries to give it back to the priests, however, they don't want it, it's "blood money". Judas throws the money into the temple and all it tells us about Judas after that was that he went out and hanged himself.

Acts records that Judas purchased the field. How I believe it played out is that the priests could not put the "blood money" into the Temple Offerings so they discussed what to do with it among themselves and decided they would use it to purchase a field for the purpose of a burial place for the stranger and the poor. I think that since the field was the same field that Judas had hung himself, they purchaed it in Judas' name, on Judas' behalf. Mush the same as me giving my friend money to buy a soda. My friend bought the soda, but it was me who gave her the money to do so.

It does not give the details of the time period all this took place in. I think perhaps it took place over several days. They had to have heard of Judas' suicide and the leaders had to have the time to discuss what to do with the money and to find the owner of the field in order to purchase it. That's my thinking anyway. What we know for sure is that Judas was so distraught he hung himself.

  • (v 6) Korban is an offering to God. Korban is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew word, Karban, that has no meaning in Greek. ~One New Man Bible~

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Yeshua Questioned by Pilate
Matt 27:11-14
(see also Mrk 15:2-5; Lke23:3-5; Jn 18:33-38)

Yeshua is now standing before Pilate, the governor.

Pilates first question is, "Are you the King of the Jewish nation?"

  • (v 11) King of the Jews: Pilate would view a Jewish "King" as a threat to the Empire. ~The Jewish Annotated New Testament~
Yeshua answered, "the words are yours".

Pilate then asked, "Do you not hear all the things they've accused you of?" Yeshua did not answer him (Is 53:7). This amazed Pilate. Most falsely accused people would be railing about the false accusations....I know I would.

Yeshua had a mission to accomplish though. It was the Father's plan for eternal life to any who believed on Him and what He was about to do.

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