The Bible & Science on a Spherical Earth:
(Flat Earth Refuted):
The Bible:
Job 26:10 NIV says,
"He marks out the horizon on the face of the waters for a boundary between light and darkness."
Job 26:10 CEV says,
"On the surface of the ocean, God has drawn a boundary line between light and darkness."
Proverbs 8:27 NKJV says, "When He prepared the heavens, I was there, When He drew a circle on the face of the deep,"
Here it speaks of God drawing a circle on the face of the deep. From a “bird’s-eye view” of the ocean, the horizon is seen as a circle. Such an observation indicates that where light terminates, darkness begins, describing the reality of day and night on a spherical earth.
The Science:
Imagine taking a toy globe and lighting it with up with a flashlight in a dark room. You will see a circle of a shadow of darkness upon the globe or a circle of light. The line between light and darkness is the horizon line. This horizon line moves across the ocean upon the Earth. The curvature of the Earth prevents the light from reaching the other side. This would not be the case with a flat disk.
The Bible:
A Spherical Earth is further supported by Jesus in:
Luke 17:31, and Luke 17:34 that says, “In that day, he who is on the housetop, and his goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise the one who is in the field, let him not turn back...I tell you, in that night there will be two people in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left.”
This would seem to indicate the phenomenon of day on one side of the globe while darkness abides on the other.
The Science:
For the world experiences different time zones. In one part of the world, they see the sun setting while the other is in darkness. Another part of the world sees the sun rising. If the world were a flat disk, the sun would light the entire world all at once and there would be no time zones. Granted, flat earth theorists suggest that the sun is kind of like a spot light. But that doesn't really make any sense. Only a spherical Earth can allow for time zones or one part of the world experiencing the sunset while another part of the world sees the sunrise and another part of the world sees night time, etc. In fact, you can even talk and or have a video conference with people on the other side of the globe who is experiencing these different time zone differences.
The Science:
Ships and buildings appear to vanish into the horizon line the farther you move away from them. This only makes sense with a spherical Earth. A flat Earth and we would still see the bottom of ships and buildings from far away.
The Science:
Take an aircraft compass and fly on a plane going East from New York with New York being your return destination. You can do this by flying to Europe (Which is East). Then fly to India (Which is East). Then fly to Tokyo, Japan (Which is East). Then fly to California (Which is East). Then fly back to New York (Which is East). You can use the aircraft compass to check to make sure you are heading East the whole time.
The Science:
533 Astronauts have went to space and brought back pictures and video footage of the Earth showing that the Earth is indeed round or spherical. Some of these astronauts are even Christian. Jeffrey Williams had reported to a church live and talked about His Savior Jesus while he was on the international space station. He brought back photos showing that the Earth is indeed round.
Major Lack of Scientific Evidence for a Flat Earth:
No reports of any pilots or explorers having run into any end points (or drop offs) of the Earth. There should be lots of opportunities for this to happen seeing the flat Earth's edge goes in all directions (North, South, East, West, etc.). Not one of the 533 astronauts that went beyond low orbit has come out to speak about how the Earth is really flat instead of round.