Kylie, which exact part of your argument did I imply was less than cogent? Was it the part about your claim that scholar can't readily affirm that Jesus had followers/disciples?
No, I still that claim isn't correct. But I do very much appreciate you presenting your sources, or at least some of them, to identify from where you've so far in life drawn your conclusions.
No. Actually, it's not valid, and when I see atheists push this particular 'replacement' definition, I see their attempt as a form of Bulverism------but I'll allow Spock to explain it to us here below. It's a little more entertaining that way:
Then again, maybe your asserted definition of Christian faith isn't "bulverism," but I think it is, and I think the nature of Christian faith
ALWAYS has to have
at least some evidence involved, of some form or kind, even if it's of a secondary historical form. Always. There's never the case that a person believes the Gospel of Jesus Christ in complete and utter isolation apart from interpersonal considerations, especially not simply because they just "dreamed it up" as a form of wish fulfillment.
I think the problem here is a different one, conceptually, and it centers on the so-called "sufficiency" of evidence issue rather than on the actual presence of evidence. So, the real problem is one of Criteria and "who" gets to delineate for everyone else what the evaluative criteria should be by which to identify and accept evidence and as to "how" that evidence is then to be evaluated.
Right. But we're not talking about bathroom breaks in relation to the Resurrection. No, we're only talking about whether there is historical evidence for Jesus having had disciples of any kind, right?
Oh. I see what you're really wanting to drive at. Ok.
So, we're not merely wondering if, historically, Jesus had disciples.
But here's the thing: how do you know Jesus had disciples like Peter or Judas? Can you answer this question for me
before we get to the point about then asking if Jesus had disciples, like Peter and Thomas and Mary (and Paul), who [as is claimed] saw Him risen from the dead?
How do we even "KNOW" that Jesus had disciples as described in the Bible? Why would we even think that? Based on what kind of evidence that you, yourself, accept do you think biblically identified disciples of Jesus existed?