Statement of Purpose Spirit-filled / Charismatic Debate Statement of Purpose

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
United States
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Spirit-filled / Charismatic Debate Statement of Purpose

Forum Guidelines:

Members who participate in the Spirit-filled / Charismatic debate forum should show civility and mutual respect towards one another irrespective of their denominational differences. Enter into all discussions and debates demonstrating your respect and courtesy towards other members through civil dialogue. Discuss and debate specific topics from your own denominational viewpoint, and allow others to do likewise without fear of judgment and condemnation. Do not get sidetracked into debating whether or not another member's beliefs are right or wrong according to your specific background or viewpoint.

When discussing and debating some topics please be aware that your personal beliefs may at times be challenged or criticized. Don't become defensive or personally offended when your beliefs are challenged or criticized. Members themselves, however, are never to be personally flamed. Flaming is defined as an attack on another member's character, as opposed to their arguments or beliefs.

When speaking about well-known, revered, and highly regarded past or present leaders, teachers, or pastors (living or deceased) within the Charismatic faith group, please show a measure of respect. These public religious figures are respected by CF members from a wide range of Charismatic churches and movements. Please avoid using inflammatory words or phrases in reference to these public religious figures. Focus on discussing the beliefs and teachings of these leaders (e.g. whether it is biblical or not), but don't mock these leaders.

When you Disagree:

Members who participate in the Spirit-Filled / Charismatic Debate forum are expected to treat one another with courtesy and respect at all times, ESPECIALLY when you disagree with each other.
  • When you disagree, address the content of the post and not the poster.
  • When you disagree with someone's position, you should post evidence and supporting statements for your position. This policy, sometimes referred to as "X means Y because of Z", must be followed especially when posting claims that are widely considered to be controversial.
  • When you disagree and you find yourself becoming frustrated and angry, step away from the computer and give yourself time to cool down.
  • Always proofread your post before hitting the "Reply" button to make sure you have responded with courtesy and respect.

Posting Netiquette

There is no reason why conversations cannot remain civil without restricting speech. In most cases, it is not what was said but how it was said. Please peruse your posts before hitting the submit button to make sure that it conforms with CF sitewide rules and specific forum guidelines. The poster, and only the poster, is responsible for the content of their post so you are in full control of what you post.
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