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Spanish Nuns Denounce Pope Francis, Break From Catholic Church


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
United States
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From the article: Referring to the papacy, she added: "From the Throne of Peter we have been receiving contradiction, confusion and doublespeak, ambiguity, lack of clear doctrine, which is all the more necessary in stormy times, to hold the rudder more firmly. During this time the sisters, each in her own style, way and rhythm, have been contemplating a question, a doubt about the one who steers the Barque of Peter, and his closest collaborators. A doubt which, in time, became SCANDAL."

That seems absolutely true. How does one balance that with the need to accept the papacy? They obviously couldn't figure it.
I'm not certain that our understanding of the papacy is completely true, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In saying, for example, the papacy is to endure until the close of the age - does that say anything infallibly concerning what happens in the actual time of the closing of the age - the Days of the closing of the age? I find passages in Scripture that strongly, to me, suggest otherwise.

And - I don't think Bishop Sheen was/is a heretic, and his insights into the Last Days (see my post #16 above), of two "churches", one of which - the counterChurch - having the False Prophet chosen by satan from our bishops, our Judas, sounds very much allowing if not requiring the failure of the papacy in the last of the last days. Which may be upon us as we speak - a church minimizing the matters of God's Kingdom in favor of secular alliances, ecumenism and inter-religious/pagan mergings (i.e. pachamama) - the natural (ecology ideology etc.) in favor over the supernatural and eternal, as Bp Strickland sees happening.

Francis may be led to that very conclusion within his own purposes, while acting dictatorially he is advancing "synodalism"(i.e. quasi-democratic laity-weighted government with non-Catholics.
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