Alright, so you are of the position that pornography must be tolerated in society and accepted? This is your position as a Christian, that we cannot do anything to stop it and therefore would you encourage laws in society which offer protections for pornographers?
By the way, I never said it would make people holy. Do you believe we should have laws against murder or theft? What about laws which limit marriage to monogamous unions? Should we expand marriage to be allowed in the case of incest, polygamy or polyamory?
Do you believe we are obligated to follow and submit to secular law? Obviously you believe we as Christians cannot alter the nature of secular law for the things we deem as good. I would suggest pornography is objectively evil and terrible for society, terrible for women, terrible for men and that by getting rid of it we might heal the sexual sickness of our society somewhat. What is your argument for tolerating and accepting pornography? Freedom? Freedom despite all the damage and harm pornography does? I ask this question because it seems to me we have totally different views on what the purpose of the law is for. I believe it is to help regulate society and orient us towards the moral good, as Saint Paul believed. Do you believe it exists to defend the liberty of degenerates?
Because if you are willing to defend pornography in society, we have radically different concepts of what the Christian role in society is. So i can understand why you are opposed to Christianity influencing society.