so true! About the average value of the opinion of everyone else here.Not even worth the cash value of 1/20th of a cent.
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so true! About the average value of the opinion of everyone else here.Not even worth the cash value of 1/20th of a cent.
You opinions have been in contrast to provided evidence and are instead just your wild-eyed true! About the average value of the opinion of everyone else here.
Once again: don't quit your day job to become a comedian. You're not really cut out for it.
You opinions have been in contrast to provided evidence and are instead just your wild-eyed speculation.
And I'll add that the geology of Earth is in violation of GenesisI believe he is referring to macro-evolution.
Macro-evolution is a violation of Genesis 1.
But...there's zero evidence of a global flood. So we can cross that option off the play book.Sounds like more evidence of a global flood to me, now that I have more than a picture to go by. Certainly not strong evidence of being buried 208 million years.
But...there's zero evidence of a global flood. So we can cross that option off the play book.
Nope...There is absolutely no evidence of global flood. The only ones convinced are those who are ignorant of the geology of the Earth or live in denial of what the Earth is showing us. I know that's harsh to say, but from what I've seen and experienced, I believe it's totally true.Wrong. There is evidence. The question is: Is it convincing evidence. And that depends on what your presuppositions are.
There is absolutely no evidence of global flood.
Nope...There is absolutely no evidence of global flood. The only ones convinced are those who are ignorant of the geology of the Earth or live in denial of what the Earth is showing us. I know that's harsh to say, but from what I've seen and experienced, I believe it's totally true.
evidence /ĕv′ĭ-dəns/
1. A thing or set of things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.
2. Something indicative; an indication or set of indications.
3. The means by which an allegation may be proven, such as oral testimony, documents, or physical objects.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:37-39
Here’s an oral testimony from one who claims to have come into the earth in order to testify to the truth. Isn’t He a credible witness and source of evidence?
As someone who's been on a jury for a murder case, no, oral testimony is not a credible source of evidence.
Do you know the difference between oral testimony and eyewitness testimony?
Oral testimony - Oral testimony is a spoken statement made by a witness under oath during a legal proceeding, such as a trial or hearing. It is also known as oral evidence or viva voce evidence, which is Latin for "by word of mouth".
Eyewitness testimony - Eyewitness testimony is a statement given by someone who witnessed an event or crime. It can be presented orally or in writing. In court, it's a type of evidence that can be used to support or challenge a case.
Both are very fraught with errors and biases and can be often wholly incorrect and misleading. I should know. The guy accused of being an accessory to murder told a right porker, but it was oral testimony given as eyewitness testimony.
So let me get this straight.
Either we come up with forensic evidence of a global flood, or you'll deny it happened?
Aren't you denying it happened already?
Why would I need forensic evidence for a geological and meteorological event?
Or during the flood.They probably died after the Flood.
So you'll believe it?
But there is no evidence for it having occurred, geological or otherwise. So I don't need to accept it, and it isn't an aspect of Christianity that needs to be taken as literal to believe in God.
Not taking it literally is one thing.
Denying it happened is another.