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Project 2025 is NOT the Trump plan - do not get mislead

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Aug 28, 2007
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Reasonable to whom?

Since 2015 Trump has been called a liar more than 700,000 times by the Legacy media - on top of that, President Trump has been touted as a poor debater - a poor candidate - convicted felon - doesn't like to read - uneducated - all around horrible person - misogynists' - homophobe - rapist - racist - insurrectionist - serial liar - vulgar - rude.

Doesn't it make you wonder why millions upon millions of your fellow citizens, and now record number of minorities and life ling Democrats are now supporting his re-election?

IMHO - it is because of garbage like this. A demonstrable falsehood that is repeated 24/7 by the legacy media until people start to believe what they hear. The problem IMHO is that they have screamed firs so often and for so long they are loosing support and it is backfiring on them.
Youre veering into just general grievance about attitudes toward Trump. I was trying to stay focused on the relationship between project 2025 and a potential Trump admin - the topic

The best indicator is how many of the authors were embedded in the previous Trump admin.
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Jesus is the only Way
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Youre veering into just general grievance about attitudes toward Trump. I was trying to stay focused on the relationship between project 2025 and a potential Trump admin - the topic

The best indicator is how many of the authors were embedded in the previous Trump admin.
The opinions of Project 2025 and The Heritage Foundation do not necessarily represent the opinions of every one of its advisory board partners.

Trump is not listed as an advisor - does not endorse the opinions of the opinion piece and plainly states he disagrees with it. What more do you need? Unless of course someone's opinion has been influenced by the 700,000 times the media has called the man a liar.
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The opinions of Project 2025 and The Heritage Foundation do not necessarily represent the opinions of every one of its advisory board partners.
A little one sentence disclaimer is not much comfort in light of the long list of Trump people who wrote the 2025 thing.
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May 22, 2015
If you think folks on the left don't care what universities charge or what their bloated administration makes, then, frankly, you haven't been paying attention and have no idea what you're talking about. IME, the closer folks are to academia, the more angry they are about this. My wife works in higher ed and many of my colleagues and friends have been professors or adjuncts at one time or another and there's way more across-the-board loathing for university administration than I see among my private sector friends for their upper management.
Well I haven't seen that anywhere. Maybe it's just on the inside. I know a few professors and they haven't really talked about. But maybe it's different in other places.

There may be the rare liberal that demands the colleges charge less, but more often than not there is great support for the universities and more of a call for us to pay for it than there is to cut costs. It's kind of a liberal thing. If something costs too much, rather than finding ways to cut costs they just want the government (us) to pay for it.
Any charity can charge their customers an arm and a leg. The rules govern how these organizations spend their revenues, not so much how they raise the revenues.
Oh? Which ones charge their customers thousands of dollars a year for their customers to attend 9 months full time and have the backing of society telling everyone they need to attend in order to be successful in life? Maybe you can think of some.
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May 22, 2015
Nah, it's immigrants that'll be in camps: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tr...detention-camps-mass-deportations-2024-04-30/

Trump was asked whether he would build new detention camps as part of his campaign pledge to carry out the biggest deportation of migrants in the country illegally. "I would not rule out anything," Trump said...

Maybe you could edit your post above to include this as one of the 'bad things'. Assuming that you think it would be bad, of course.
So then he's not going yo put gays in camps. Just like was said.

We we know Trump is a liar so if he puts illegals in deportation camps there will probably be a gay illegal among them. So in essence he is putting them in camps.

I'm all for illegal immigrants deportation camps if they are needed and would help with the deportation process. Especially if catch a few gays illegals too. Makes it all worth it. (that's sarcasm if you didn't figure that out)
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Well I haven't seen that anywhere. Maybe it's just on the inside. I know a few professors and they haven't really talked about. But maybe it's different in other places.

There may be the rare liberal that demands the colleges charge less, but more often than not there is great support for the universities and more of a call for us to pay for it than there is to cut costs. It's kind of a liberal thing. If something costs too much, rather than finding ways to cut costs they just want the government (us) to pay for it.

There have been plenty of calls to reduce the administrative bloat plaguing universities. But that's not something you can really change legislatively. It has to be handled at the institution level.


Which ones charge their customers thousands of dollars a year for their customers to attend 9 months full time and have the backing of society telling everyone they need to attend in order to be successful in life? Maybe you can think of some.
You already mentioned hospitals. Churches don't charge admission (typically), but they do lean on folks for donations pretty heavily and it's not uncommon for regular donations to be a requirement for holding office within the church. It's also pretty common for professional associations to charge membership dues while being charities.
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Hans Blaster

E pluribus unum
Mar 11, 2017
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The sources from the Trump Campaign, RNC, and allies are just gaslighting by them. They know full well the connection between Heritage, P2025, and Trump. When Trump was elected in 2016, Heritage ran a similar transition project and was responsible for identifying a large portion of the political appointees from the transition period. Trump and Vance have both endorsed the work of Heritage, specifically on P2025. Why every extreme position taken inside the P2025 document may not align with Trump and his closest advisors, the vast majority do.
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Jesus is the only Way
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A little one sentence disclaimer is not much comfort in light of the long list of Trump people who wrote the 2025 thing.
Is he an author?
Does he sit on the advisory board?
Does he endorse the opinion piece?
Does he state he embraces the opinions?

All things you keep ignoring.
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Think tanks like Heritage serve as farm teams or bullpens for future administrations where Poli Sci majors go and do policy work while they wait for somebody on their team to get elected, so they can get a job in the administration.

I don't even say this as a critique, or to point fingers at one side. It's sort of a whole political sub-industry that just exists.
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Reasonable to whom?

Since 2015 Trump has been called a liar more than 700,000 times by the Legacy media - on top of that, President Trump has been touted as a poor debater - a poor candidate - convicted felon - doesn't like to read - uneducated - all around horrible person - misogynists' - homophobe - rapist - racist - insurrectionist - serial liar - vulgar - rude.
But much of that is true. He is a convicted felon. He is an adjudicated rapist. He has committed fraud many times and had to pay fines in court. There are court judgements that back that up.
He has lied many, many times. He is rude and vulgar.

Did he even bother to call the widow of the man that died at his rally? Nope. It is all about him.

As to the opinions of some who worked closely with him:

1. His vice president, Mike Pence: “The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution. … Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.”​
2. His second attorney general, Bill Barr: “Someone who engaged in that kind of bullying about a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self-government shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.”​
3. His first secretary of defense, James Mattis: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us.”​
4. His second secretary of defense, Mark Esper: “I think he’s unfit for office. … He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country. And then, of course, I believe he has integrity and character issues as well.”​
5. His chairman of the joint chiefs, retired Gen. Mark Milley, seemed to invoke Trump: “We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”​
6. His first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.”​

They worked with him. Face to face. He will publicly back away from Project 2025 but those who work with him now will not.
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Born-again Christian; Constitutional conservative
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1. Mike Pence gave an opinion concerning his interpretation of the constitution.
2. Bill Barr has recently stated on television a few times that he is voting for Donald Trump because Trump is a much better alternative to Biden.

As for the rest of those names listed in post #393, please find out if even one of them believes that America should be first instead of following the globalist agenda. I believe that the millions upon millions of Americans, who have voted for Donald Trump and shall continue to do so, are people who want an America first domestic and foreign policy. The millions upon millions of Americans who are going to vote for Donald Trump are sick and tired of the elitist ruling establishment class of political leaders.
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1. Mike Pence gave an opinion concerning his interpretation of the constitution.
2. Bill Barr has recently stated on television a few times that he is voting for Donald Trump because Trump is a much better alternative to Biden.

As for the rest of those names listed in post #393, please find out if even one of them believes that America should be first instead of following the globalist agenda. I believe that the millions upon millions of Americans, who have voted for Donald Trump and shall continue to do so, are people who want an America first domestic and foreign policy. The millions upon millions of Americans who are going to vote for Donald Trump are sick and tired of the elitist ruling establishment class of political leaders.
Mike Pence looked into what Trump was asking him to do and per lawyers and a previous VP, knew he could not do what Trump wanted.

So those at Jan 6th chanted "Hang Mike Pence". Wow - talk about violent rhetoric and vitriol!

Barr is will vote for him, but he was honest in giving his opinion of Trump.

The other men mentioned are respected people in their fields. I would hold up Gen. Milley as a greater American by far than Trump (who was a draft-dodger and thinks those who died for this country are suckers) could hope to be.
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Jesus is the only Way
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But much of that is true. He is a convicted felon. He is an adjudicated rapist. He has committed fraud many times and had to pay fines in court. There are court judgements that back that up.
He has lied many, many times. He is rude and vulgar.

Did he even bother to call the widow of the man that died at his rally? Nope. It is all about him.

As to the opinions of some who worked closely with him:

1. His vice president, Mike Pence: “The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution. … Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.”​
2. His second attorney general, Bill Barr: “Someone who engaged in that kind of bullying about a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self-government shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.”​
3. His first secretary of defense, James Mattis: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us.”​
4. His second secretary of defense, Mark Esper: “I think he’s unfit for office. … He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country. And then, of course, I believe he has integrity and character issues as well.”​
5. His chairman of the joint chiefs, retired Gen. Mark Milley, seemed to invoke Trump: “We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”​
6. His first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.”​

They worked with him. Face to face. He will publicly back away from Project 2025 but those who work with him now will not.
None of which proves that he is endorsing, connected to or supporting the project.

It just a regurgitation of CNN talking points

Ps did you see my request?
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None of which proves that he is endorsing, connected to or supporting the project.

It just a regurgitation of CNN talking points

Ps did you see my request?
I quoted you. It is unreasonable to post what you did and expect to not get a response.

And you were already shown a video of Trump praising the Heritage Foundation. Then the feedback came in and now he is trying to distance himself from it. But that does not mean they are not goals for his administration.
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Jesus is the only Way
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I quoted you. It is unreasonable to post what you did and expect to not get a response.

And you were already shown a video of Trump praising the Heritage Foundation. Then the feedback came in and now he is trying to distance himself from it. But that does not mean they are not goals for his administration.
The video is from two years ago.

When was Project 2025 published. Here is a hint. Not two years ago.

He already published goals of his administration. They are not Project 2025

Over have to a mighty big stretch and increase to 700,000 could have cry liar to even make the vague connection.
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Per the OP's request:


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